A Photo of the Republicans candidates for President debating in Florida.

What do the candidates need to do to prove they are most conservative? How do they stand out from the pack? Here’s some ideas:

They can make a YouTube video of them clubbing a baby seal to death.

Promise to drill of oil in San Francisco Golden Gate Park.

If a woman gets pregnant through rape she has to marry the rapist.

Your employer can tell you where to go to church.

Require women to have to get their husband’s permission to get a drivers license.

Close all public schools and colleges.

No taxes at all for the top one percent.

Criminalize birth control, solar energy, teaching science, and yoga.

Require Atheists to go to church.


  1. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    These “conservatives” sound more like FASCISTS OR TALIBAN !!! But all these “social issues” are just hot buttons to get the rest of the 99% to TOSS THEIR VOTES AWAY, while all the Repukes want is to give the 1% EVEN MORE OBSCENE TAX CUTS !!! So the choice is yours – vote for the 1%er Repukes or vote for the REST OF US trying to get the 1% to pay a more reasonable tax percentage and not the MEASLY 15% THAT ROMNEY THINKS IS ENOUGH !!!

  2. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Personally I think the next Presidential election is pretty much wrapped up. I’m thinking Obama with 52-55%. And that’s kind of pathetic considering that this has been the ugliest Presidency in memory.

    Most of Obama’s problems have little to do with ideology but more to do with being dealt a lousy hand and trying to compromise on every initiative. The first year or two I could say “he was given a revolting mess that took 30 years to create so give him some time”. Now he owns it.

    The Republicans are going to “settle” for Romney and they have nobody but themselves to blame. By trying to appeal to the new Republican base the Mittster have given Axelrod a massive blooper reel that will start 10 seconds after his convention speech.

    The really sad part is that the Republicans are going to desperately throw religion under the bus to get their voters out. God fearing people deserve more respect than that.

  3. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Dr Spearmint Fur says:
    3/2/2012 at 4:06 pm
    “The really sad part is that the Republicans are going to desperately throw religion under the bus to get their voters out. God fearing people deserve more respect than that.” /// If your flashlight can throw light far enough, under that bus you will also find the social safety net, science, education, public health and safety, jobs, international relations, women, cross border workers, visitors to the USA, civil rights, blacks, hispanics, asians, AND WORST OF ALL: the spotted owl.

    I apologize for the short list. I should have gone the other route and simply said “everything” other than old rich white men and the military/industrial complex, and maybe as a catch all==any economic interest that wants to consolidate.

    Yea, verily.


    Wake up silly Hoomans.

  4. Animby says:

    bobbo overstates: “European ethicists suggesting that after live birth abortions raise no moral questions…”

    Not going to argue your points except this one seems a bit misleading. Your comment makes it sound like this is the majority opinion in Europe. I believe their were TWO authors of that paper and it is very controversial in the European ethics community.

    Personally, I believe abortion should be legal until the fetus reaches the age of majority and after that, assisted suicide/

    • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

      Animby, always a reliable check and balance says:
      3/2/2012 at 7:51 pm

      bobbo overstates: “European ethicists suggesting that after live birth abortions raise no moral questions…”

      Not going to argue your points except this one seems a bit misleading……//// When something is ambiguous or not addressed it is not accurate to say it is misleading. It is potentially misleading only to those who take it as not ambiguous. One of the downsides of an inflexible conservative mindset to be sure. Surely that is what you are highlighting?

      You did read where I said “it will fail” as a public policy position even while its “moral” position is completely valid?

      THAT was actually the point I was making.

      You are positing a position much more extreme than mine. I believe kiddies are the property of their parents and should be subject to recycling at any time until they can run faster than their parents, then, all they have to do is keep running.

      Ha, ha. Yes, in an overcrowded world already circling towards the drain ((water shortages, crop yield decline, etc)) to argue for any policy that allows for voluntary reductions of populations is, to finish one paraprosdokian expression: counterproductive.

      Imagine my own personal disdain for someone like Sanctorectum who, while living true to his beliefs in raising handicapped kiddies, wants to force this condition onto others by restricting abortions?

      Completely and totally INSANE. But, I would in my grand mastery allow Sactorectum and ilk to raise whatever they want BUT the government should encourage the general population to rid itself of the non-productive==all on a voluntary basis>>>such as availability of first trimester testing for defects and the information about what it will take to raise such kiddies.

      There is a reality, even to what we hold most dear.

  5. NewfornatSux says:

    Clubbing baby seals should be part of the most liberal list given their support for abortion.

    • Dallas says:

      I would wager club wielding, gun toting , insecure neanderthals are republican by a wide margin.

      The only harp seal clubbing I support is this one..

  6. jpfitz says:

    The next Yoga pretzel I see splaying themselves for all to see I will shoot with my 2nd amendment right Winchester 30-30. I am THE most conservative. Hardy har har. Newt and company can eat my dust. Such foolishness all around.

  7. Green Avenger says:

    Marc Perkel is a horse’s ass and a douche bag!

    None of what you posted is true. Blatant liberal hypocrisy and bigoted stereotyping is what you are all about. I guess that is to be expected from a liberal.

    Liberals >>>> bitterly clinging to taxes and abortion.

  8. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas says:

    Green Avenger==what would YOU suggest the contesting candidates do to prove they are the most conservative candidate for the Republican Party?

    Anyone can criticize but without an alternative, you are no different than what you rail against.

    We’ll wait.

  9. scandihoovian says:



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