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Executive Producers: Shawn Potts, Frank DiZoglio
Associate Executive Producers: Sir Dirk, Joseph Lake, Sir Dean Bertram, Sir Bean, James vo Achen, Matt Harley, Frank Ajzensztat, John Naegele, John Harrison, Sir Greg Birch, Patrick Brennan, Sid Icognito, James Cherf, Kevin Liang
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  1. Kent says:

    Hey Adam, you don’t want to get Pertussis (whopping cough). I got it when I was 43, its pretty damn awful. I was also immunized as a child, it wears off in ten years, as does actually having it. I happily get immunized every ten years, and did so three years ago.

  2. t0llyb0ng says:

    If they don’t put the pipey underground it will be a total waste of money.  Will be an ongoing game for “the terrorists” to poke a hole into, drones or no drones.

    They could use the NYC subway building method, modified for sandy conditions, relatively cheaply.  Excavate a massive trench, erect the steel, pour the concrete, bury the tunnel.  Move on to the next section.  “Lather, rinse, repeat” as needed.  Use the drones to patrol the series of trenches while they’re under construction.  Once it’s done, drones won’t be needed to monitor the entire length of the pipeline, only its maintenance access points.

    But go ahead, do it your way.

  3. deowll says:

    The drones can fly around and report/terminate anyone approaching an oil field.

    The easiest way to protect a pipe line is to bury it 20 or thirty feet down then level the surface. Unless you know exactly where it’s at attacking it is going to be hard to do. If you know where it’s at you will need to dig a deep hole which effort is going to be easily noted by a drone unless they park a van or truck loaded with HE on top of the thing get into another vehicle and leave fast or die when it goes up.

    Even then with the blast being on the surface and free to expand in every direction except down you might need a seriously large amount of HE like a tanker truck loaded with Ammonia and kerosine. Some dude herding sheep hauling around an AK-47 would not be a threat.

    Now let’s see, would a couple of tracer rounds, into a container of ammonia and kerosine, being hauled to the pipe line, cause the container to go up or not? The Myth Busters demonstrated the fuel wouldn’t by itself but with the ammonia in it?

    I actually have all the ingredients need to run this test. I suppose someone would take it amiss if I filled up a container with kerosine and ammonia then shot it and it went boom. Best to finish spreading the ammonia in the garden.

    There are people that like Santorium. I know a few.

    So the WH can be used to define the word corruption? That much is obvious from many of the “green deals” that were obvious boondoggles they threw money at, etc.

    Take care and may God bless and keep you.

  4. t0llyb0ng says:

    Is it not treasonous to sell our oil out from under us by exporting it rather than keeping it at home?  Demand here has fallen, yet the price rises because profits are better for the oil companies when they sell it away to foreign countries.  For-profit oil is looking like for-profit “healthcare.”  For-profit enterprise cannot be allowed to operate in healthcare™ because money is more important than the public interest.  Big oil will have to be nationalized or—at the very least—regulated much more heavily.  Otherwise brazen amorality rules the day.

    Why don’t they build a refinery in North Dakota where the honey-like oil is being pumped out so prodigiously?  Old refineries down south are being closed because they’re supposedly inefficient & unprofitable.  We don’t need a bonehead pipeline from Canada.  We need to process the oil we have in North Dakota where the wellheads are.  Its central location could feed an efficient distribution network.

    These are two ways the oil industry is “manufacturing” scarcity to keep the price up—& the public be screwed.

  5. ECA says:

    Can we do a cost analysis…
    On the price of a NICE washer/dryer with and withOUT a computer?
    HOW about a stove??

    Im sorry, but I cant see HOW a timer unit in a Microwave(computerized) SHOULD/COULD cost $100+.
    Just cause some idiot made it look PRETTY..and has a button for POPCORN.

    I think its a nice thing, when a DRYER can tell by the humidity inside, that your clothes, are dry.. BUT NOT at the cost of a $100-200 Computer. it can be done with a small Humidity control test and a OFF switch.

    I was explaining to a friend how my Wall unit Heat works with NO ELECTRICITY…and he asked. “wheres the battery?”

    Another point:
    Why are kids STUPID..? very easy..
    YOU CANT AFFORD THE INSURANCE or the MEDICAL, to take your kid out and show them HOW to do stuff. and Neither cant the SCHOOL.. BASIC FIGURE to goto the hospital to get something FIXED, start at $1000 and count up fast.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    If this new pipeline is for Canadian oil sand. Does the US actually have a refinery in the Gulf, that processes that? I never heard of one. And doubt they’ll be building any new ones. So where’s the oil sand going to get refined, if not in the US. China? Bet we won’t be hearing about shipping this stuff, overseas, until the pipeline gets built and pumping. So…. so much for the GOP ads that claim it will increase US gas supplies.

  7. Glenn E. says:

    Correction. Apparently there are a few Texas refineries that will be happy to retool to process oil sand. But the nearby human population, will suffer even more that with regular crude oil processing.

    This still doesn’t answer the question. whether the US will export any of the refined product? Because it’s owned by Royal Dutch Oil. Not a US oil giant.


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