There’s an agenda behind those cookies the Girl Scouts sell, one bent on promoting communism, lesbianism and subverting “traditional American family values,” according to an Indiana lawmaker. That’s the reason Rep. Bob Morris, a Republican representing Fort Wayne, insists he won’t go along with a resolution meant to honor the Girls Scouts on the organization’s 100th anniversary…

“After talking to some well-informed constituents, I did a small amount of Web-based research, and what I found is disturbing,” Morris wrote Saturday to Republican House colleagues in a letter obtained by the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette.

Morris alleged that the Girl Scouts of America and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts “have entered into a close strategic affiliation with Planned Parenthood,” which he claimed is trying to “sexualiz(e) young girls through the Girl Scouts.”

Even worse, he wrote, only three of the 50 role models promoted by the Girl Scouts have even “a briefly-mentioned religious background.” “All the rest are feminists, lesbians, or Communists,” he wrote.

As proof, Morris notes that the “radically pro-abortion” Michelle Obama is honorary president of Girl Scouts of America, which “should give each of us reason to pause before our individual or collective endorsement of the organization.”

After learning all this, he wrote, he pulled his two daughters out of the Girl Scouts and instead put them in American Heritage Girls Little Flowers, a parent-run group best described as a center for recovering Girl Scouts.

It’s always heartwarming to view consistency in the ideology of our politicians. Even if it’s consistent dementia.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    “American Heritage Girls Little Flowers” —- Huh? BWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. I just wet my pants.

    YOU KNOW: 320 Million good folks in the USA, its not surprising there are nut cases like this. But how they gain social support sufficient to gain political office is a growing in my review of our early 21st Century politics.

    Makes me yearn for the smoke filled rooms of vested interests. A hair ball here and there but not a party completely captured by the inmates of a bad dream.

    I don’t want to live forever, but I am curious how this all plays out. Short term==the teaparty?–3 years? Longer Term==global warming denial–30 years? Longest term==human/large mamal survival on earth–300 years?

    Is 3 a magical number or what?

    My 8-ball says “Depends.”

    • deowll says:

      You need to go back and do your homework. The Earth hasn’t warmed over the last ~15 years. The science is actually in on that no matter how some people like to prevaricate about it. Yes the adjacent 48 states have had a mild winter but but that was local. Eurasia and Canada weren’t so lucky. For right now the oceans appear to be cooling according to NASA’s best data. What happens next isn’t our call.

      In a little less than 50 years Europe is going to be Islamic based on current demographic trends and the US is heading the same way.

  2. Animby says:

    Very good, Eideard. Have you ever thought about scouring the internet to find the same stupid things being done by democrats? Start at the top with Michelle taking her sixteenth vacation in three years. Democrats = Imperialists. You could work your way down to tweeting Wiener’s wiener.

    There are idiots everywhere. You hardly have to look.

    • conservative mirror says:

      Self characterization?

    • Jet Mech says:

      Michelle Obama might be going for W Bush’s record of 976 days of vacation or retreat, but then she wasn’t even elected.

    • tcc3 says:

      Michelle doesn’t actually hold any office, despite being the most insulted and criticized First Lady in US history.

      When she has spoken out or gotten involved in causes she believes in, shes gotten nothing but grief.

      I guess she should take off her shoes and get back in the kitchen.

      And how does vacationing even *imply* imperialism?

      Dude, put TeaDud’s manifesto down and get back to your patients. =)

      • Animby says:

        It’s a sort of let them eat cake, attitude. one definition 5. the spirit, character, authority, etc, of an emperor

        • msbpodcast says:

          Except that she doesn’t want you to eat cake.

          Processed foods aren’t healthy for you.

          (Didn’t you ever watch Sesame Street?)

        • tcc3 says:

          Sorry, Animby. When you said “imperialism” i thought “the policy of extending the rule or authority of an empire or nation over foreign countries, or of acquiring and holding colonies and dependencies.”

          I jumped to the wrong definition.

          I don’t agree with your assessment, but I understand it now.

      • BigBoyBC says:

        I think Nancy Reagan and Hillary Clinton would disagree tcc3…

        • tcc3 says:

          I know they got a lot of criticism in their day, but it seemed like it was mostly ideological or political attacks. I don’t remember the personal insults or vitriol that have been heaped upon Michelle these last few years.

          Maybe I’m mistaken.

          • BigBoyBC says:

            You are…

          • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

            She thought America was a mean country until her hubby the Messiah was elected. Since his election was actually one of the most embarrassing moments in human history, she deserves everything said about her, including that she’s a Wookie with breath like a duck fart.

            Nothing I just said is “mean” – just simple observations and statements of fact.

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Taking a vacation while over a Federal holiday, just outrageous. Taking a vacation while those hard-working members of Congress are toiling away, working their fingers to the bone… Oh, wait. The House took the entire week off for the President’s Day holiday? Of the 37 non-holiday work days since Jan 1, 2012, the House has been session only 17? And 10 of those days are only half days schedules, i.e. nothing before 3 PM to start the work week or after Noon to end the work week?

      Yes, the absolute gall of M. Obama to take a vacation with her children. Why living in D.C., where would she ever learn such behavior?

  3. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    How did his letter to fellow Republican members get leaked? Could it be one (or more) of his fellow Indiana Republicans thought his letter showed him to be the utter nutjob they suspected, but lacked the hard proof until now? Surely a LITTLE research on the web would not steer someone wrong? Everyone knows nothing can be published on the web without the most rigorous vetting, so it must be true.

  4. moebeans says:

    Bet he has more than just a little Santorum dripping off of him

  5. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Animby–my, my. You are losing your leveling sense of humor?

    The linked article has several links that are fun to run down. Evidently, more truth to the issue than I suspected. Initially, I thought it might be another idiot Politico reading the Onion as real. Apparently not though:

    “A Girl Scouts of America training program last year used the Planned Parenthood sex education pamphlet “Happy, Healthy, and Hot.” The pamphlet instructs young girls not to think of sex as “just about vaginal or anal intercourse.” “There is no right or wrong way to have sex. Just have fun, explore and be yourself!” it states.”

    Ha, ha. I don’t recall my Mom teaching any of her girl scouts anything but camping skills. Always complaining the parents never volunteered, hardly would even pick their kids up from the meetins, using Mom as a babysitter. She did it for my two sisters.

    I guess the Pukes won’t be happy until these baby breeder incubaters are out of uniforms and wearing sheets?

    My boy scout experience was likewise totally free of politics and religion. All we did was tie knots and start fires, go camping.

    What we lose when “everything” is political==from both directions.

  6. Nixon's the One true god says:

    Egregious analysis is still the rule of the American day, I guess. My scout troop met in a Catholic church – which is why I quit after my family quit that church over stupid rules about contraception.

    What this article validates is Nixon’s southern strategy in its broadest application. They took in all the nutballs, bigots, misogynists, fundies and child-fondlers who recoiled in horror from Democrats accepting non-whites and peaceniks.

    Now, they have a right to redirect the party they bankroll. The people who are screwed are traditional American conservatives who have no representation anymore.

  7. NewfornatSux says:

    Bobbo, where is your politics from two directions? You have the left seeking to teach other things, and the right objecting to it.

    • Stillson Wrench says:

      I think you’ve got your left and right mixed up. It’s OK, it happens. Remember:

      “Lefty loosey, righty tighty.”

  8. NewfornatSux says:

    Obama is the one out to destroy family values. He is insisting that the Church abandon its teachings to bow to his values. And his environmental agenda is multiple examples of him pushing his morals on families. Moral light bulbs, moral energy, moral cars in the garage.

    “I don’t believe climate change is an issue just to bring up during campaigns,” said candidate Barack Obama during the 2007 campaign. “I believe it is one of the greatest moral challenges of our generation.”

    • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

      It is a moral issue; the morals of greed vs. the morals of the greater good. We can disagree about what greed is, or what the greater good is, but not that they are issues of morality. They are.

      And I still haven’t seen where Obama said that everyone will be forced to use birth control, only that it be made available. (It’s dirt cheap, as medical costs go.) If the organization (church, klan hall, nazi, etc) group has been righteously zealous in only letting in the right members/employees, it’s a moot point anyway, because nobody will be USING their birth control coverage.

      What have I missed?

      • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

        No, you didn’t miss a thing. They’re full of shit on this, because they really don’t have a lot of game into this election cycle. Which is surprising, considering how weak Obama was coming into 2012.

      • deowll says:

        I have a good medical plan. It doesn’t cover birth control. Why the bleep should it?

        Sex is a life style choice. Having kids is a life style choice.

        Part of my grip is that if you hire someone you have to hand over a couple of thousand to the government for health care etc. or buy what the Fed. Gov. says so avoiding hiring people at all costs is the norm. The old minimum wage entry level jobs of bygone years are being automated or left undone.

        Providing some sort of limited coverage if you couldn’t afford more is going the same way because some jerk who knows jack about almost anything says you _must_ buy a luxury product or do without help.

        Yeah I know most of you think all companies are rolling in dough and have more money than they know what to do with like GM, GE, Apple, etc. The local business people I know aren’t rolling in surplus funds.

        Well I think we all know how Apple managed to deal with Fed Gov. rules. They outsource their manufacturing. They have absolutely no manufacturing inside the US.

    • Cursor_ says:

      “Moral light bulbs, moral energy, moral cars in the garage.”

      You are descendant of one the fuckers that belly-ached
      when the government stopped you from installing gas lights back in the day huh?

      Look if you want to go back to terra cotta lamps and books on clay tablets please join a society of Babylonian re-enacters.

      The rest of us what to have technology that doesn’t cause us to waste good money on electric companies or bake cupcakes next to a light bulb.

      21st Century, come join us, we have a better life.


  9. Bill Occam says:

    RE “how they gain social support sufficient to gain political office”…..

    Americans watch television constantly. Consequently, a large number of them believe that car tires squeal on dirt like they do on pavement; that rocket engines and explosions produce noise in the vacuum of space; that shotgun pellets hurl people backwards through the air; and that automobiles explode in massive balls of fire when driven off cliffs. They believe in magic bullets, vampires, ghosts, walking mummies and flying saucers. They believe that nine-foot-tall apemen with glowing red eyes are strolling around the woods outside Portland and Seattle. They believe that Earth is regularly visited by little grey men with atrophied limbs and huge black eyes. They believe that basketball players should be paid more than science teachers. They believe that representative democracy can magically coexist with lobbying and corporate personhood. They believe that both obesity and diabetes can be held at bay by washing down your jelly donut with a diet soda.

    The vast majority of Americans are — quite literally — crazier than a shithouse rat. And every four years they get together and decide which one of themselves will be placed in control of half the nuclear weapons on Earth.


    That about cover it for you?

    • orchidcup says:

      The vast majority of Americans are — quite literally — crazier than a shithouse rat. And every four years they get together and decide which one of themselves will be placed in control of half the nuclear weapons on Earth.


      That about cover it for you?

      We are not as crazy as those Muslims over there that pray 5 times a day and wear a funny-looking thing on their head and blow up people so they can get a higher rank and more virgins to play with in the afterlife.

      Why can’t everybody be normal like us?

      • Cap'nKangaroo says:

        Certainly, like those Irish Catholics who wear a funny necklace, do some weird hand motions when entering a church, partake in somebody’s figurative flesh and blood, and then blow up a bunch of people.

    • B. Dog says:

      Yo, at least we believe in something.

    • spsffan says:

      That about covers it. Thanks!

  10. Jeremiah G says:

    Global warming is a moral issue. We’re all here on one planet. If we trash it, it’s gone. You call that hippy dippy liberal nonsense, I call it hard fact.

    • deowll says:

      Now that is the interesting point. It is a moral and religious issue but the real science got thrown away.

      The increase in CO2 levels can’t be demonstrated to have actually done much climate wise. They could grow barley in Greenland when the vikings first settled the place. Try doing that now. It has been warmer within historic times.

      We have had normal climate fluctuations for the few hundred years or so that thermometers have been around and that’s about it plus we have been coming out of the little ice age. That’s about all there is to it.

      I’d say the best evidence is that we are now heading into a fairly long term modest cooling trend but things like a major volcanic eruption are a minor shift in solar output can completely rewrite that.

  11. god says:

    He has the sort of leer one might associate with a part-time axe murderer.

    Aren’t they usually Republicans?

  12. Animby says:

    bobbo, says: “Animby–my, my. You are losing your leveling sense of humor?”

    I’m sorry. Is that a statement or a question?

    I don’t think I’m losing my good humor. I just object to the constant ridicule of republicans as if the demos and indies and greens and leotards and every other group doesn’t pull something stupid on a regular basis.

    I do remember the out-roar after the GSA started referring to Planned Parenthood in their manual. Geez. When I was a boy scout the only thing even close to sex ed was being told not to worry about nocturnal emissions! (That’s a “wet dream,” Alfie.) In fact, I do admit that I thought some of the advice on the PP website was inappropriate for pre-teen and even young teen girls.

    Or, maybe I’m just old-fashioned. I didn’t get to lose my virginity until I got a driver’s license! Birth control? Who cared? If she got pregnant, she just dropped out of school. Ahhh, the good old days…

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    NewfornatSux says:
    2/22/2012 at 8:12 am

    Bobbo, where is your politics from two directions? You have the left seeking to teach other things, and the right objecting to it. /// Nothing comes to mind? Guess I’ll have to parse myself. I hate it when that happens!!

    I said: “What we lose when “everything” is political==from both directions.” /// Thank goodness its early in the day at the beginning of the week, otherwise I’d be 2/3rds thru a 6 pack by now but as the blog gods would have it, I do remember what I was thinking of: From the “left” we have the Planned Parenthood pamphlet borrowed by the Girl Scouts promoting what can only be thought of as promiscuous sex and while I’m all for young ladies getting their slut on- – – maybe not in the Girl Scouts? Thats what sleep overs are for. THEN from the right we have our subject Doofus Bob Morris making a political issue out of what sounds like a pro forma resolution, IOW–just spreading dissension. While I know nothing, I think there is more to why he is doing this such as support for that other scout organization probably preaching/praying to their charges all the time and the pamphlet use struck me as maybe a rare occurence that most scout troops don’t do?

    Anyway, I see a Right Wing over reaction to what the Left Wing should have left alone. Poor old Girl Scouts “♫ ..Just want to have fun…” and the adults on both sides are making political points. Thats not what childhood should be all about.

  14. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Animby says:
    2/22/2012 at 9:58 am

    bobbo, says: “Animby–my, my. You are losing your leveling sense of humor?”

    I’m sorry. Is that a statement or a question? /// Fair Call. I started it as a question and thought I shouldn’t be wishy washy that way, so made a declarative sentence but I automatically added the ? from habit. Habits–you know those things you can form without consciously deciding to do so?

    I don’t think I’m losing my good humor. I just object to the constant ridicule of republicans as if the demos and indies and greens and leotards and every other group doesn’t pull something stupid on a regular basis. //// “I just object…..” is the very definition of losing your good humor. Judgment too. I have observed you forming this habit. Knee jerk partisan whenever you do it. Just make sure its a choice and not a lazy habit?

    I do remember the out-roar after the GSA started referring to Planned Parenthood in their manual. Geez. When I was a boy scout the only thing even close to sex ed was being told not to worry about nocturnal emissions! (That’s a “wet dream,” Alfie.) In fact, I do admit that I thought some of the advice on the PP website was inappropriate for pre-teen and even young teen girls. /// Wow–so the connection is closer than I thought? I have to admit I haven’t followed the development of Girl Scouting theory as closely as you have. Thats why I admire you Animby–very well read.

    Or, maybe I’m just old-fashioned. I didn’t get to lose my virginity until I got a driver’s license! Birth control? Who cared? If she got pregnant, she just dropped out of school. Ahhh, the good old days… /// I was scared to death of that. Then STD’s. Its always something. I didn’t get laid myself until I learned to keep my mouth shut. “Do you love me?”===”We hardly know each other, I like you a lot though.” // Ha, ha. Even my psychiatrist laughed at me. I know everything is sexual, but should they be pigs about it? I thought they were professionals?

    • Animby says:

      STDs? Poop. I’m so damned old, I remember when when herpes was an exotic disease and AIDS was an appetite suppressant!

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Does anyone actually take this guy seriously, when the only source specified by name in his letter is World Net Daily?

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      Not even the Republican Indiana House Speaker, Brian Bosma, takes Rep. Morris seriously.

      “Morris’ comments were the butt of jokes inside the House on Tuesday, with Bosma spending much of the day handing out Thin Mints to lawmakers. He joked that Morris’ comments led him to buy hundreds of cases of the famous Girl Scout cookies.

      “I purchased 278 cases of Girl Scout cookies in the last four hours,” said a clearly sarcastic Bosma, who closed Tuesday’s session by asking the former Girl Scouts in the chamber to stand up.”

  16. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    This letter went viral because it was so gob smacking stupid. Another moron who got elected. He’ll be easy pickings next election.

  17. Dallas says:

    Republicans continue their assault on women, women in combat, and declaring that “..birth is not a woman’s issue”.

    Now, they are attacking innocent girl scouts and their cookies.

    I hope the sheeple are taking note of this attack by the Teapublican party on our female population.

  18. ECA says:

    I have to say something here…

    be nice, give, everyone is FAIR, the good die young,……..
    And the world ISNT THAT WAY..not any more.
    KEEP/TRAIN the people like it was 400 years ago.
    Dont contest, Dont understand, DONT THINK..
    be a nice DOMESTICATED COW, SHEEP, PIG, DOG, CAT…be the Genny pig..
    BE content and dont question..

    IF the world were FAIR, NICE, UNCORRUPT…it would be nice.

  19. tnp says:

    Another member of the christian taliban identifies himself.

    How long will it be before we start fighting them here.

  20. Yaknow says:

    Those crazy bastard Republicans, just keep popping up everywhere. The way the Republicans are going with this anti-female thing and other wtf ideas, ya’d think they are secretly on some kind of weird type of secret pro-male homosexual world domination thing. You might ask, well what about their anti-gay marriage campaign? They are against that because gay marriage is really what heterosexual and those log cabin liberal homosexuals do – in their eye that is. If these Republicans have it their way the country would be, anti-female, lesbians included, one big 15th century Italian bath house.

    • Yaknow says:

      you don’t think so, look at how many Republicans who where caught with their pants down in homosexual relationships or activities, in the last 10 years. There is a slough of them.

  21. sargasso_c says:

    Girl Guide rehab?

  22. McCullough says:

    Anybody notice how GS Cookies sucked this year? So what’s up with that?

    • ECA says:

      they could make them by HAND and make them better, and make more money doing it.

  23. AdmFubar says:

    we need to treat religion as it really is, a mental illness.

  24. James in the truck says:

    I wonder if anyone has told Mr. Morris, that if you go too far west that you will fall off the edge of the world! HA HA

  25. Yaknow says:

    I am going out to buy a shit-load of girl scout cookies. And enjoy every single one of those evil subverting “traditional American family values,”communist lesbians cookies. Evil is so delicious…and fattening.

    • Benjamin says:

      I want some Girl Scout cookies. I wish I could buy them on the Internet. Where are they?

      • Benjamin says:

        All right, I found out the girl scouts are having a booth less than a quarter mile from me. It will be open Saturday and I will get my yearly supply of thin mints and shout outs. Shout outs are my favorite Girl Scout cookie.

        Communism, lesbianism and subversion of “traditional American family values” is a small price to pay for the availability of thin mints and shout outs.

  26. allthenewsthatfitsweprint says:

    Am I the only one who thinks scouting is kind of pre-military training?

  27. eighthnote says:

    I totally support this agenda – I’ve already bought my first batch of cookies, and I may go in for a second round! Eat that you religious fuckwits!

  28. Gildersleeve says:

    Anything to get in the news. Sheesh if you don’t like the cookies don’t buy them. But this won’t help your chances running for Prez down the road.

  29. msbpodcast says:

    My wife even bought some of that choco-colored swathed coconut-like crap in support of the GGs.

    I tried one, and couldn’t even finish it. (She assured me it tastes as good [bad] as last years’.)

    There has to be a fix in somewhere because I can’t see GGs into S&M or B&D or radical lesbianism.

    Look into Rep. Bob Morris, a Republican and a grinning baboon, having close ties with the company that produces that execrable comestible.

    That is what I suspect is really at fault.

  30. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Alfie, apparently no longer up to date with his own failing religion says:
    2/23/2012 at 3:19 am

    Hey bobbo, is this a conspiracy to sell more cookies? Inquiring minds want to know. /// Doesn’t look like it. More a member of the American Taliban trying to make a name for himself. And/Or–another too typical example of Religious Thumpers not being comfortable outside of their own “♫ Small Circle of Friends.”

    And, as suspected, the Little Flowers group is just another way to turn our blessed little kiddies into the automatons Religion is always striving for:

    Their website:

    Of note:

    “We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old/New Testament) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God.” (please go to the website and read it in its entirety though). As Catholics we view “authoritative Word of God” to be defined differently than Protestants. Many Protestants will tell you that it is the only way to know God’s will in our lives – this is a false teaching and is called “sola scriptura” and can be disproved with scripture! As Catholics we will say that the Bible is “athoritative” in it’s own right but there is also Sacred Tradition!

    I would ask if I could observe several meetings, especially of older girls (if possible) to get a better feel of where this specific troop or group will be going with the program.

    Otherwise, approach your Priest to see if you can start your own Am. Heritage Girls troop at your Parish where you can incorporate Catholic beliefs more fully into the troop and troop activities. Or better yet, look into “Little Flowers” or “Challenge Club”. Both are exclusively Catholic group centered clubs.

    That, and go live in a cave.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      The penultimate and preceding paragraphs above are copy and paste from a google search comment I found. I should have attributed it, but I c&c so rarely, I failed to do it.

      Comment from Brenda here:

      Discipline in process should lead to discipline in appreciation in an ever expanding but weakening field of related and consequential endeavors.


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