
  1. JAK says:

    This lady sounds like she would fit right into the Republican primaries as another strong candidate.

  2. Phydeau says:

    The fact that the nutcase woman narrating the video has a southern accent is an unfortunate perpetuation of stereotypes. Why do southerners always seem to be wackos?

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      They have their own brand of whacky down there.

      • ugly, constipated, and mean says:

        You are under the impression that Indiana is a southern state?

        My aunt and uncle lived in Indiana for many years, commuting to Chicago daily. Is Chicago a southern state as well?

        • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

          Doh! Jet leggy brain fart.

          Thanks for keeping me honest.

          • McCullough says:

            Most people can’t tell a southern accent from a country accent.

            As for the Reptilians, I doubt they would claim him either.

  3. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Hey, it’s the Virginian Mary!

  4. tacotrainwreck says:

    “This is our tax dollars at work”


  5. observer says:

    Is that “crazy Colleen” talking?

  6. Dallas says:

    These bible thumpers are an entertaining bunch.

    We usually greet each other while I’m at a conference in San Francisco. They tell me a lake of fire is in my destiny and I ak them what the dress code is. Har..

    • Pmitchell says:

      So Dallas where did she ever talk about being a christian? she said pray but not to who but as usual your lefty psychosis immediately brings in Christianity she may worship zenu you don’t know but you still accuse

      this is why your irrelevant and always will be

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      I worked at a convenience store between high school and college in NC. Many a Southern Baptist would talk the talk of evil liquor on Sunday, but would get insulted when I asked why did they buy that twelve pack of beer Friday.

  7. Cursor_ says:

    I also see bunnies in clouds at times.

    Does that mean God is a rabbit?

    Might explain the be fruitful and multiply command.


  8. jpfitz says:

    The year 2012 will be one hell of a ride. All the kooks will float to the surface and stink up the internet. Even scarier will be the build-up of FUD to attack Iran.

  9. BigBoyBC says:

    Yeah, but which Obama?

  10. spsffan says:

    Sure, sure. If you believe in a Big Daddy in the sky, virgin births, people rising from the dead, sprouting wings or forked tails, and all the rest of the crap, why wouldn’t you believe this?

    Face it, the planet is inhabited mostly by idiots.

    • deowll says:

      Very old saying not in the Bible. “Everyone is crazy but thee and me and sometimes I wonder about thee.”

  11. Tony B... says:

    “To get back to the warning that I received. You may take it with however many grains of salt that you wish. That the brown acid that is circulating around us isn’t too good. It is suggested that you stay away from that. Of course it’s your own trip. So be my guest, but please be advised that there is a warning on that one, ok?” Woodstock 1969

  12. WmDE says:

    Hey doesn’t that look like….Dick Cheney?

  13. AdmFubar says:

    if you believe in god, you will believe in anything!
    arent cults fun?

  14. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Those Rick Santorum campaign workers are some funny mo-fos!

  15. deowll says:

    I theory I should be angry and upset by what some of you are saying but it’s too much like some foul mouthed brat that needs their mouth washed out with soap and water. Nothing adult about it.

  16. Kent says:

    This explains a lot actually. lol!

  17. The DON says:

    I always said he was a reptile…

  18. sargasso_c says:

    We have a new candidate for next United States Ambassador to The Court of St James.

  19. This should be on coast to coast no doubt – alien ufo type stuff art bell
    Is it real or is it Memorex
    You be the judge
    No slobs here

  20. Buzz Mega says:

    Proof beyond a doubt.

  21. howard beale says:

    wow you’d think those aliens would at least send John Edwards hair stylist over to cover that up

    Hey why isn’t Rush Limbaugh falling all over himself giving Obama accolades for getting those great-clips $12 haircuts?

  22. Greg says:

    How do you spell Moron?

  23. David says:

    Holy crap…Obama must just being watching this stuff and the GOP in general and laughing his ass off. What a bunch of idiots! How do you spell Moron? GOP. Not one of their mainstream candidates believe in evolution, despite ALL science to the contrary. Much of the evangelical base believes the Earth is about 7,000 years old, despite ALL science to the contrary. They day they use their ‘faith’ and have their magical invisible god or aliens , not my “fake” science to put a satellite in orbit around one of Saturn’s moons, or create the next iPod, I’ll change my opinion…but not holding my breath.

  24. Animby says:

    Leave to the people on this blog to make a political statement out of a woman with her head u her ass. She told as much when she said she and the other woman are into “analyzations.”

    Of course, our minds are wired to see faces. That’s why we see the face on Mars and Jesus on toast and reptilians in O’Bama’s haircut. (Though Mars and Jesus were easier to recognize…)

  25. ramuno says:


    Muslim Fascist Reptilians!

  26. Fartbongo says:

    PROOF that Caesar Obama (that looooong-legged Mack Daddy) is two faced! HAR!

  27. Peppeddu says:

    I ain’t no Obama fan but …

    Get a life, would you?, it’s a beautiful day outside.


  28. Dominick says:

    Why don’t people just say “Yes, I am a racist”?!

  29. msbpodcast says:

    I think its sad to go through life that afraid of everything and everyone all the time.

    These people(?) go through life looking for certainty and when they find out that science offers up as many questions as it answers, they fail to see that the foundations of science are extremely strong, but not dogmatically held.

    To them they want to know that the sun will rise on the east tomorrow and that’s all they want to know.

    Never mind the fact that the sun doesn’t rise per se but its our planet that spins causing an illusion of sunrise, but only to someone on the surface.

    You just dont see much when your head’s buried up your ass…


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