
  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I don’t mind a stupid post like this every once in a while but shouldn’t it be “co-posted” with something not quite so idiotic (eg-Montana Sup Ct upholding restrictions on Corporate Political Spending, or the War talk against Iran) ==or something equally as stupid but more relevant (eg-Rick Sanctorectum thinking women working outside the home is not Christian, or Pukes wanting to require transvaginal ultrasounds while claiming they want government off our “backs”)?

    Pretty thin gruel in a world rich with important conflicts?

    I just reviewed all the threads displayed. Not a bad list.

    Never mind.

    • Animby says:

      I rather enjoy the silly posts, Bobbo. Comedic relief. At least until the yahoos, so predictably, crap on the fun and start to make a political circus out of it.

  2. the dude says:

    OK, here’s what we’ve got: the RAND Corporation — in conjunction with the saucer people — under the supervision of the reverse vampires — are forcing our parents to go to bed early in a fiendish plot to eliminate the meal of dinner.

    We’re through the looking glass, here, people…

  3. WhoKnows says:

    She would fit right in on No Agenda! About as believable as some of the stuff Curry and Dvorak come up with.

  4. steve says:

    efin’ stupid belongs on C2C night show with noory-maybe linda moulton howe is in his head-stupid news-i’m going back to naked news!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why is it the closer you get to the equator the crazier people seem to get? Is it the heat? or WHAT?!

    Not that Canada, Minnesota, Michigan or any of those mid-west areas have a shortage of mentally challenged people or anything. And they do have crazy people too. But it’s hardly like the more southern populated areas. Midwestern people are usually just pissed off when driven to extremes by other dip shits. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re crazy – just a little unable to maintain self control at times.

    But when it comes to bat shit crazy, it seems to me that the closer you get to the equator the crazier people get. And that religious idiot narrating this video is no exception.

    Get out a map! Just look at the latitude of the southern U.S. Now follow that latitude around the world and you’ll hit nearly every tormented area we keep having problems with. Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Northern India, Nepal, Myanmar (Burma), and even Vietnam all fall roughly within the same latitude as TEXAS, MISSISSIPPI, ALABAMA, GEORGIA and even FLORIDA!!! What is it with these baked people? Why do the sane people even listen to them? That is, unless it’s for a little entertainment. (Cause nothing’s more funny than watching a monkey try to split an atom – or a christian trying to explain science.)

  6. Rabble Rouser says:

    In case nobody noticed, they turned Speaker Boner orange, turned Bitch McConnell into Yertle the Turtle, and Turned Dick Cheney into a human! I have proof! (well at least as much as was posed by that stupid video)

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    “♫ Paranoia strikes deep ♫ …”

  8. So it’s actually the Reptilian controlling Obama’s body that needs a teleprompter while speaking in public. That finally explains it, because Reptilians have always had a reputation for poor memorization skills with long speeches.

    All hail the Reptilian King for the decision to attack OBL’s compound!


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