1. Pam says:

    Why comment? Obviously Photoshopped

    • Stokes says:

      No it’s not Photoshopped. I heard it on a local radio station out of Michigan, it is out side 3 different schools. Another shot of the sign.

      • Animby says:

        So, one picture can be photoshopped but TWO? Well, that’s proof.

        By the way, if you’ve got some extra money, there’s this bridge in Brooklyn we should talk about…

        • Stokes says:

          Nice TI quot……. But I’m going off the facts that people was calling into a local morning show saying that they drive by it every day…. I could go take a picture for you if you want but then I’m sure it would make OMG THREE photoshoped pics.

  2. LtSiver says:

    The picture is of White Lake Middle School on Bogie Lake Road, in Michigan. The time sign is photoshopped – There’s only 2 times listed on the real sign, one in the morning (when buses drop kids off) and one in the afternoon (when buses pick kids up). Only elementary schools have 3 times listed, as the kindergarten kids get off around lunchtime.

  3. tcc3 says:

    Most places get away with the simpler “When children are present” or have the flashing light on a timer.

  4. jpfitz says:

    Funny sign.
    Just slow the hell down near schools. The kiddies need a safe walk home. If not expect a ticket from the patrolman/woman hiding in the blind spot.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I noticed that the sign at the bottom says “School Days Only.” But isn’t that a bit vague? I mean, if you don’t have kids then how do you know what the school days are? Around here is seems like the kids are off every other Monday/Tuesday with the occasional Thursday/Friday thrown in just for good (illiterate) measure. And if it’s a religious school then don’t the Jews have classes on Saturday while all the Jesus junkies have it on Sunday?

    Seems to me that a lot of over thinking was done. The solution would seem to be quite simple: punish the idiots who break the law! It’s not too hard to see a speed limit sign especially if it’s flashing.

    Then again, we could just have a sign that says: No Driving on Wednesday.

  6. Brian Peppers says:

    As soon as I saw the sign I thought immediately of my time in Michigan, and low and behold……

  7. MartinJJ says:

    They forgot to mention what the schooldays are. To be able to prevent a ticket, I now require those will be mentioned also. Another suggestion is to put a Stop sign just a little in front of this sign, so everyone takes the time to read it carefully. It’s not good looking at your watch while driving either. Especially in a school zone, right?

    These kind of signs appear when there is a lack of education…

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Can you say Speed Trap? Because in one case there’s just a five minutes grace period to drive faster. Bet that one’s the money maker.

  9. Useless Eater says:

    I can’t remember the last time I saw a kid walking to/from school (although I don’t usually drive near schools around those times). All the kids either take the bus or get chauffeured (something my parents did about two times total for me, back in the old days – I had it so rough). I once got stopped by a cop because I was speeding (the road was posted way too low) near a school. I didn’t see a kid anywhere. School zones are ridiculous these days.


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