Archie Wilson [without his bible] awaiting arraignment

Bible toting Clermont County politician Archie Wilson surfaced from substance abuse treatment Tuesday to answer charges he traded prescription drugs for sex at a bed bug infested motel.

Wilson, 60, of Batavia Township, pleaded not guilty in Kenton District Court to soliciting prostitution and trafficking in a controlled substance, both misdemeanors that could send him to jail for up to 12 months.

Wilson, who is married with one son, refused to answer reporters’ questions as he left the Kenton County Justice Center…

Wilson, who was known for bringing his bible to County Commission meetings, resigned as a Clermont County commissioner earlier this month citing health concerns…

Amanda Lay!!

Wilson’s troubles began in June when a female inmate at the Clermont County jail, Amanda Lay, saw Wilson’s photo in a newspaper and asked to speak with a detective. She told investigators that Wilson, over a period of several weeks, had paid to have sex with her in Erlanger motels and that he had provided her with cocaine and pills, according to court records.

Lay…introduced authorities to second woman who claimed she also had “performed services” for Wilson in exchange for cash and prescriptions. While authorities have not released the name of the second woman, they said she told them she would “engage in shows or sexual encounters” for Wilson, whom she first met at the Venus adult dance club in Covington four years ago…

There is sort of a natural justice to Family Values right-wing politicians getting caught with their pants down – lying about sex and drugs.

  1. Zybch says:

    Why does it seem that its mostly the holier-than-thou bible thumping republicans that seem to always be caught doing the most unchristian things one can think of?
    Are the democrat sinners just more cautious or what?

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        Not really. Look at Bill Clinton’s track record. Man, he was a fun president.

        • Pays2Think says:

          It’s not about the sex it’s about the hypocrisy. The republicans bathe in it.

          • Jeff Lutz says:

            And so do the Democrats, just with other things. Who cares? There are very few who are willing to serve with honor, and unfortunately, we all get screwed. Look at the cuts coming that were proposed by the administration.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      What is the opposite of fun?

      Cause: Someone thumping a bible.
      Effect: Has to pay for sex.

      • Jeff Lutz says:

        Who cares? There are very few who are willing to serve with honor, and unfortunately, we all get screwed. Look at the cuts coming that were proposed by the administration.

  2. The Pirate says:

    The democrat sinner in this case resides in jail, singing the sins of others, since using her vagina for wealth and prosperity didn’t work out to well.

    • Ignore-gerbils-without-backbones says:


      • The Pirate says:

        Link to what?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Ha, ha.—to the Article that Leads this thread.

          Hacky Sack doesn’t have the attention span to connect your dots.

          But you did ignore his nom de flam which “if it were me” would have been the point.

          ((What is a gergil without a backbone—a Hacky Sack===and you didn’t ignore him.))

          Clever actually==if its not my own dogma forcing every issue into my rigid construct.

          YOU KNOW: if everyone had a spineless gerbil, we could all play Hacky Sack?

  3. Mac Guy says:

    Heh… Her name sounds like it’s out of a Simpsons episode. “Amanda Lay, a man to lay.” 😉

  4. Lou Minatti says:

    John, your site is turning into a Daily Kos. If that’s what you want, fine.

    • Hmeyers2 says:

      Dvorak died ages ago. His mummy haunts San Francisco and the Bay Area.

      They use a shoebox of his old tape recordings to make new content like how they added the young Jeff Bridges into Tron Legacy.

      His will and final testament transferred legal ownership of his name to a consortium to write the same outdated articles like how they market “new” Michael Jackson music.

      The terms stipulate they can use the “John C. Dvorak” name brand as an entity to post new articles that would have interested him while he was alive. But they can’t comment using his name “in person” due California’s strict disclosure laws requiring stuff like stating that the comment isn’t really from the former living individual but rather blah, blah, blah a holding company for the name.

      Likely someone with financial interest as a member of the consortium will say otherwise, but if you carefully parse their words they will avoid terms like “living” and use corporate speak like “he lives on [as a name brand like Aunt Jemima].”

  5. Lou Minatti says:

    Two simple steps to kill a once-great tech blog:

    Step 1: Replace the format with new HTML that renders the site incoherent for long-time users. Use different colored fonts and small type sizes for important links.

    Step 2: Make it an echo chamber for one political team.

    • JohnK says:

      Wow, blogs are so hard to figure out!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Step 1: Because long time users can’t learn anything, right?

      Step 2:Lets see … you’re on here, left and right wing nuts on here and nihilists like me are here too.

      Take your igurnt opinion and … depart…

    • Dallas says:

      Lou, you need to stand your ground!

      Don’t be a French pussy and defend your ground.

  6. Lou Minatti says:

    If you find all blogs difficult to figure out that’s your own problem. But many of us, including leftards and rightards, have pointed out some serious design flaws with

  7. orchidcup says:

    Republican Sex Scandals

    Democrat Sex Scandals

    No matter what time of year it is, (be it an American election or otherwise) political sex scandals span both the Democratic and Republican parties.

    From Political Johns to lowly adulterers, the two are pretty even in terms of sex scandals since 1976.

    Democrats have edged ahead in recent years though!

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    At least this time it’s with a woman of consentual age.

    • YaKnow says:

      hallelujah for that!

    • msbpodcast says:

      Yeah, I know. Incredible isn’t it?

      But he saved his tawdry reputation by at least having sex in a bedbug infested location.

      Still, its not a patch on the president of L’Ordre Moral who died of a heart attack while having unprotected sex with an under-age, black, male prostitute. (La Cage Aux Folles)

    • So what says:

      Hey at least this time ITS a woman.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Where does the Tea Party come into this? WTF?

    Sure. The Republican party has an overabundance of lecherous bible thumping hypocrites. Then again, so do the Democrats. But I fail to see where the Tea Party is involved.

    Just because this jerk is a Republican and possibly even considers himself to side with the Tea Party movement does not make him a typical member. Cause if you think that way then you might also start saying that all Democrats are murderous communists just like Charles Manson!

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s the matter Eideard, don’t YOU pay enough taxes? Or is it just that you don’t think the rest of us do? What the hell does the Tea party have to do with this a-hole, Archie Wilson? Do you think you might want to reconsider the headline? Do you think mentioning the Tea Party in your headline was being impartial? If you do then you might want to think again!

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      I believe Manson was a card carrying GOP. Him and Reagan were like ‘that’ in the ol’ days. Him and Chuck Heston shot at the same rifle range. He’s a life long NRA member in good standing.

  10. YaKnow says:

    Look the guy has issues, just because he turn to religion for help with those issues isn’t hypocrisy, or moral/political crucifixion. The guy probably felt living the Christian model would help him control his issue. Clearly it didn’t work. But, isn’t that the reason people turn to Christianity for salvation. I am just glad he was with a woman of consentual age, who consented. That he wasn’t some kind of sexual pervert preying on the innocent.

    It would be a problem if this was Santorum or Romney. Newt has already torn his morality up-especially for heading the posse on Bill Clinton’s side action. The issue isn’t your common man politically faltering, as demonstrated by this guy. It is when elected politicians do, being hypocrites, and lairs which defines the word politician for 99.99% of them on both sides of the aisle.

    • Anonymous says:

      “…I am just glad he was with a woman of consentual age, who consented. That he wasn’t some kind of sexual pervert preying on the innocent.

      You might want to think about just why that woman consented. After all, he wasn’t exactly “preying on the innocent” (prey as in hunt), he was preying on the helpless and vulnerable. It’s even worse when you consider his position of power.

      It’s not a whole lot different that a king making some destitute peasant suck his male member for a piece of gold. I’m sure the king thought he was helping. This guy is no different.

      • YaKnow says:

        I was trying to be sensitive. A prostitute may be some be defined as a victim. But so can some johns. This is in terms of say being sexually abused as kids. Both have drug habits, etc. that is what I was delicately saying. He wasn’t preying on children, wasn’t a rapist, etc. He was illegally in his state paying for sex. And the women selling it was a female adult consenting to do so in exchange for money or drugs. Plain and simple. Both parties are victims.

      • The Monster's Lawyer says:

        I don’t believe he was using his political position to influence the situation. I bet it was barely mentioned during negotiations. The topic of which was probably whether the oxy was script or not and what was his Dr. connection.

  11. mike@home says:

    Goodbye Dvorak. this useless cheapshot of an article was the last straw. I won’t be watching any videos with you in them, and I won’t be back here after I delete my bookmark. You allowed your website morons to drive your traffic away to presumably create an echo chamber for the cretinous Obumhole lovers. Goodbye and good riddance.

  12. AdmFubar says:

    aahhhh another bible humper… (yes humper)

    so no rock n roll was involved in this??? hhhmm

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Seems to me only political types get upset over perceived political content.

    All I see is an argument for making prostitution legal.

    Society has better things for cops to do. We can all make our own lists. I’ll start with: arresting smarty pants who attend political meetings with message tee shirts.

    You may have your own favorites.

    • Animby says:

      Bobbo: Let’s parse.
      No, wait. Let’s not. I’d only prove you right this time.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Well Thank You Animby===its your Democratic Roots showing thru your balding spots (sic). I won’t rephrase to unmix my metaphors.

        Contra==the lack of mental health services for the needy, various identified here, also comes screaming thru.

        I suppose my contributions would be more valuable if I did wait to post? but where is the jizz in that?

  14. Sam Old Stuff says:

    Don’t you think readers get tired of this daily (hourly?) Dem/Rep “who’s worse” diatribe?

    Why must “Uncensored” have to include irrelevant and purposely biased news items?

    Comments alway turn into giant, lowbrow pissing contests that entertain no one but the fire starters.

  15. LotsaLuck says:

    Am wondering:

    1)The motel was ‘bed bug infested’. So what does that have to do with anything? What color was the wallpaper? Did the plumbing work acceptably?

    2)I’m assuming that, in fairness, Eideard will next post a story about one (of the many) Occupy folks who have broken the law.

  16. Animby says:

    Yes, Eideard. There are Republicans involved in sex scandals.

    Thank god the Democrats never fuck up. Well, except for Anthony’s Weiner.
    Oh, and Al Gore’s massages.
    Oooops, almost forgot about Kennedy’s 18 year old mistresses.
    And, of course, there was Monica but after that we hardly heard a word from the Clintons.
    Eliot Spitzer was a good Dem. No problems there … wait…
    John Edwards was as pure as the smog driven snow.
    Barney Frank? Better not get started there.
    Gary Hart? Very Clintonesque.
    Like Mary Jo, I’d swear Teddy wasn’t drunk…

    Yeah, Dems are much more moral than Repubs.

    • The Monster's Lawyer says:

      Which of the aforementioned was standing on the Evangelical/Christian morals platform?

      • Al says:

        Correct, Frank is no bible thumper, he’s just a big old pedobear.

        • The Monster's Lawyer says:

          If BF is a pedo then he should be arrested. Do you have proof of this? If so, you better speak up.

    • Dallas says:

      Yeah, Dems are much more moral than Repubs.

      Finally, we can agree on something!

  17. Pastor Phuzz says:

    I don’t understand how this keeps happening. After all, it clearly states in Fred 7:11, “Lo, and verily, they went down into Jerozapatoth and slew the hepostatizers, and the Lord said unto them, ‘Ye shall hummina mumble-blorg, amen.'”

    When you base your life upon sound logic like this, everything you do should be perfectly reasonable, shouldn’t it?

  18. msbpodcast says:

    My opinion of politicians has only been further confirmed by this tawdry exercise.

    He probably felt dirty down to his inner core from being with these scum bags and was doing this in an effort to see just how low he could sink as a human being.

    Wait until he gets to sit on an arms committee and tries to justify killing and maiming people with high explosives.

  19. Uncle Patso says:

    Link to original story is broken. Try this one:

    I always found it ironic that the old argument against allowing women in positions of power and influence was that they would act “under the influence of raging hormones.”

    Reminds me of the old joke — Which would you prefer: a male boss or a female one?

    Female… while her hormones turn her into a bitch 3 or 4 days every month, a male boss is a bastard all the time.

  20. orchidcup says:

    Hypocrisy in the Bible:

    “Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?”– (l Corinthians 11:14)

    Jesus is always depicted in art portraits as having long hair. I guess Paul considered him to be the one exception.

    “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak”– (1 Corinthians 14:34)

    Women are not only allowed to speak in church, they are also ordained as ministers in many denominations.

    “The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God”–(Deuteronomy 22:5)

    Women that wear pants or business suits are surely an abomination to God, according to the Holy Scriptures. The same is true of Scotsmen that wear skirts.

    Aside from all of that, what is a Christian anyway?

    There are more than 3,000 denominations worldwide that identify themselves as Christian, yet they all believe in different versions of the Bible, they pick and choose which verses in the Bible apply to their unique “doctrine,” and they are politically liberal, moderate, or conservative even within their individual congregations.

    When someone identifies themselves as “Christian,” it could mean anything at all, or nothing at all.

    More often than not, when I see someone toting a Bible, I prepare to deal with someone that is batshit insane.

    But I try not to judge them;

    “Judge not, that ye be not judged” –(Matthew 7:1) and “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged, condemn not and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven” –(Luke 6:37)

    Besides, the Bible says we are not to oppose evil:

    “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on the right cheek, turn to him the other also”– (Matthew 5:39)

    We might just as well abolish law enforcement.

    • /T. says:

      “The same is true of Scotsmen that wear skirts.”

      Why is it called a kilt?

      ‘Cause if you call it a skirt, you’ll be kilt!

      If you find yourself in an Edinburough pub, please be careful.


      • orchidcup says:

        If it looks like a skirt, it is a skirt.

        My mother married a Scotsman and moved to Edinburgh to live with him.

        The marriage lasted four months, and she was on the phone begging me to pay for a plane ticket back to the States.

        I gather the weather in Scotland is very depressing, and the Scots are sexist pigs.

  21. orchidcup says:

    Is that Jesus in disguise that is blurred out in the background of the photo of Archie Wilson?

    There is more to this than what meets the eye …

  22. So what says:

    Hey this ones cuter when what Falwell was caught with.

  23. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    POLITICS======back and forth.
    MORALITY=====back and forth.
    RELIGION======back and forth.
    HYPOCRISY====back and forth.

    No one mentions they are all males.

    That might be relevant to something or another? Like: why this isn’t a tech blog?

  24. John E. Quantum says:

    We need a picture of one of these guys like the old days where the photographers bust into a seedy motel, the man covers his Johnson with his Fedora and the topless woman reaches for her blouse while trying in vain with her other arm to cover her breasts. Immorality was so much fun then.

  25. deowll says:

    Some people just can’t walk the walk. Comes from hanging out with progressives. ?*^)

  26. Dallas says:

    Considering how many bible thumpers are actually caught, it’s fair to speculate that a high percentage (I’m talking high double digit) of these loons are doing the same.


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