This just MIGHT be whats wrong with America

On Saturday, a man suffered a heart attack while eating at the Las Vegas restaurant, Fox News reports.

The man was partway through a “triple bypass burger” when he began to complain of chest pains, a waitress said. “He was having the sweats and shaking.” Restaurant owner Jon Basso called 911. In the meantime, tourists took photos of the man “as if it were some type of stunt,” Mr. Basso said. “Even with our own morbid sense of humor, we would never pull a stunt like that.”

Heart problems and obesity are a running joke at the diner, where customers who weigh more than 350 pounds eat free.

According to Fox News, a single meal at the Heart Attack Grill can easily exceed 8,000 calories, which makes KFC’s Double Down, at 540 calories, seem like a light snack.

I will defend this moran’s right to eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants…just don’t ask me to subsidize his health care. Next: Man sues Heart Attack Grill for serving unhealthy food..

  1. rider1 says:

    Don’t worry I’m sure we can find a reason to bitch about your liefstyle and how you don’t deserve healthcare either.

  2. Skippy says:

    And don’t ask me to subsidize the school system for teaching your snotty little brats.

  3. McCullough says:

    If I had kids I wouldn’t put them in the public school lockdown.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      My daddy told me you had to learn to learn in spite of the teachers.

      After that, I came to the conclusion its good to learn how to learn on your own. At home, you have to learn to learn in spite of your parents. The same issue really.

      On some reflection: the Pro in Public Education is it teaches you how to navigate an unfair authoritarian system. At home, all you learn is how to whine.

      You were home schooled?

      • McCullough says:

        No Bucky, parochial (a poor, inner-city, integrated Southern Catholic School). I’m sure you’ll have some stupid comment on that. My parents didn’t ask the taxpayers to fund, and didn’t complain about funding the local “public schools” and believe it or not, I got an excellent education. And my ass is intact.

        And it costs them all of $250.00 per year.

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

          Ahh–excellent. I was failing in public school so my parents put me into the local Jesuit School. Brother George knocked the shit right out of me. We got graded and class ranked every week. I went from bottom and got up to 4 in the year I went there.

          Too expensive for parents to send me again, but the trick worked.

          Every kiddie would do better in one system or the other, or some special mix of them all. We just don’t know which ones, when.

          And today the kiddies have that I use from time to time as a refresher. Good stuff there.

          We all do better when we help/support each other even though of course instances arise when we could benefit ourselves to the injury of everyone else, eventually, overtime then to ourselves.

          Sad how self centered and thereby destructive we are.

          Man: at root and heart, a SOCIAL animal. Think of that when you pet your dog.

  4. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I will defend this moran’s right to eat whatever he wants, whenever he wants…just don’t ask me to subsidize his health care. //// Meaning you’d rather pay more for your own healthcare while he is excluded rather than pay less for your own healthcare with him included?

    Is that what you mean Bucky?

    Slitting your own throat in order to feel superior to some other slug in some respect???

    McCullough===”we” are all in this together. === or in our own irrelevant fantasy lands, easy to divide and conquer by those who take our money and call it Freedom.

    Why you so dumb?

    • McCullough says:

      I’m not in this with anyone. Understand this…I don’t give a fuck about anyone who doesn’t give a fuck about himself.


      • Animby says:

        Hey MacBucky,
        Take it easy on the Heart Attack Grill.
        I see the irony of the story and appreciate it. But, seriously, the burger he was eating did not cause his distress. He might have great cardiac health but just gotten off an airplane. Blood clots can be so annoying when they arrive in the middle of a meal!
        My point is, the restaurant is not advocating itself as a lifestyle. They go to great pains to jokingly remind you how bad their food is for you. (“May cause mild death”?)
        The Heart Attack Grill is a theme park where you go for an event, not for lunch.
        Let’s talk about events and calories. How many Calories did you snarf down in the form of Doritos, chicken wings and beer on Super Bowl Sunday? How about last Thanksgiving?

        On the other hand, maybe I’m just speaking out of jealousy as I sit here at breakfast finishing off my egg white omelet and single slice of unbuttered whole wheat toast.

    • dusanmal says:

      He meant exactly what he said… I (as him) want to pay MY health insurance of MY choice and have covered what I want by it. I want to buy that insurance from any place in the US that offers me a best deal in competition with all others. Person in the article should pay his insurance of his choice from whomever he chooses. There should be no Federal Government involved anywhere in this process. I am confident that I will get most for my money that way. And yes, I have lived in a “single payer” health care system and do not wish it even on a worst enemy.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Dismal–and yet the point remains, ((you do know what a “point” is?===the subject of the discourse?)) IT WOULD BE CHEAPER FOR YOU with everyone covered under single payer.

        If you had a bad experience under a single payer system ((you lie!!!!! according to well accepted group statistics)) then design/change the Worlds Best Single Payer System for the USA society.

        See how simple it is to be relevant? Vote for your own interests?

        Not cut your own throat in the spastic orgasm of thinking you are different, more accomplished/deserving, than someone else?

        Tell me you see that Dismal. Tell me===or I’ll haunt your prostate!

        Silly Hoomans===fighting for the right to be made poor and sick.

        Surely: not the way it always has been?

        Ha, ha.

  5. deowll says:

    You can’t say they didn’t warn him. May he rest in piece.

  6. ManBearPig says:

    It was the buns that done him in… Wheat is Murder!

  7. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Video on the incident, fun just for the doctor/nurse role playing that just doesn’t stop.

    Given this is Vegas, I’m waiting for the breaking news over at the Sticky Pants Stripper Club. “Clean Up on Isle Five”

  8. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    McCullough Cogently says:
    2/15/2012 at 7:40 pm

    I’m not in this with anyone. /// You are on your own island? Thats wonderful. Few of us have such unique advantage. “We” live in america.

    Understand this…I don’t give a fuck about anyone who doesn’t give a fuck about himself. /// Yea, verily. No man disagrees with that. Thats why I posted to highlight your own interests and where they lay.

    McCullough–single payer is cheaper overall, and for each participant.

    Its for profit medicine/capitalism STEALING YOU BLIND. It only works if you think its manly to be so stupid.

    Ha, ha. And it does work.

    Now===where can I get my own island?


    • dusanmal says:

      But single payer system removes two crucial parts:
      1) Incentive to do better, more efficient, higher quality work for less. Free market and Insurance Companies competition does that. In single payer system there is NO force driving improvement. None. Just the opposite, controlled by unelected bureaucrats hungry for power incentive is to grow bureaucracy taking greater and greater share of funds for it than for actual care. (Insurance company driving for that ends up bankrupt…).
      2) Once you have single payer, there is no other option to escape to (even if you have money to pay for) if the Almighty Bureaucrat denies you coverage of whatever he finds you deserve. In capitalistic system you prevent such outcome both by choosing from whom and for how much you get insurance as well as preparing and saving for the case Insurance denies something you want. However, once Single Payer bureaucrat denies you something – that’s the end. You can’t get it for all the money in the World.
      Final Single Payer mistake made by most of its supporters in the US: none of you actually lived under such system. You are sold a bill of goods similar to Brooklyn Bridge. Utopia. Single Payer means that you’ll end up paying MORE for LESS and have no other option but be controlled like a cattle. Good for veterinary insurance, maybe – if you really don’t ca about your animals.

  9. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Would a man having a heart attack while having sex put me off having sex? NO.

    And it won’t put me off eating a fine burger either.

  10. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    YOU KNOW–a friend of mine had a heart attack two years ago. No insurance. Got excellent care thru the Emergency Room, a 10 day stay, and a $350,000 bill. He was 100 pounds overweight then, and 100 pounds overweight now.

    My hobby is baking. His hobby is sausage making.

    Ha, ha. I BELIEVE IN HEALTHCARE RATIONING. No reason the fat f*ck friend of mine should get another $350K on his next heart attack. Me neither.

    I suppose some will object?

    And thats what democracy is all about.

  11. It reminds me of a gambler at Los Vegas who finally was winning at the table throwing dice and realized “I’m having a heart attack”
    His son told him – you are finally up throw the dice
    Oh well we will soon will have Obamacare
    Just don’t get sick in Canada

  12. msbpodcast says:

    There’s no story here.

    Guy dig his grave with his teeth.

    Big whoop.

    I hope that the guy who gets his job next Monday, out of the hundreds that apply, is healthier, and so does the HR department, so they’re going to give the late fatso’s job to the hungriest applicant to make sure of that…

    Watch the insurance company refuse to pay out to any survivors because the meal was not malfunctioning.

    He could/should/would have used a triple bypass, but he only got the triple bypass burger instead and sure enough, it killed him.

  13. Lou says:

    Sounds like a dislodged bacon bit to me.

  14. Joe Momma says:

    The owner is a client of mine. Very odd character. Is probably pleased about the publicity.

  15. Buffet says:

    Must be a pussy if he couldn’t eat that scrawny burger!

  16. forthnutter says:

    Natural selection !!.
    One way to reduce population.
    The healthy rule the earth.

  17. YaKnow says:

    Looks like some pretty good burgers. Btw, the heart attack wasn’t due to the burger he was eating. It was probably due to the wood he got from the waitress serving him. I don’t see how the government is going tell you when and where you can’t get wood- well as long as you don’t expose it, to the public etc..

    Still that is a pretty good looking burger.

    • Cursor_ says:

      You must eat really bad food if that slop looks good.

      Over cooked poorly dressed and that looks good? You must get all your food from a gas station.


  18. Likes2LOL says:

    True story: 25 years ago, my father and I had breakfast at a truckstop where I witnessed the waitress delivering an enormous oval platter of food to a guy at the table next to us.

    “Pop,” I asked my dad, “If you had to choose between dying of a heart attack or of cancer, which would you choose?”

    He looked a little surprised at bluntness of the question, but didn’t take too long to respond. “The heart attack, I guess. Why do you ask?”

    I replied, “Take a look at the Breakfast Special #3 — it’s a 3 egg cheese omelet, comes with bacon, sausage, scrapple and ham, and includes sides of home fries, grits and toast.”

    We both laughed, we both ordered it, and 4 years later, he died of his first and only heart attack.

    I never shared that story with the rest of my family because they wouldn’t find it so funny. But I thought about it all through his funeral and smiled along with him.

    You gotta die of something, and we’d rather go quickly. Pop’s in heaven now, watching me type this and still smiling.

  19. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Homer: So you think you know better than this family, eh? Well as long as you’re in my house you’ll do what I do and believe what I believe! So butter your bacon!
    Bart: Yes father.
    Lisa: Mom, dad, my spiritual quest is over!
    Homer: Hold that thought… Bacon up that sausage, boy!
    Bart: But dad, my heart hurts!

  20. AdamCurry'sBalls says:

    What a glutenous cunt!

  21. AdamCurry'sBalls says:

    If only Michelle Fartbongo implemented her plan to save our diets and her big ass then the dude would have been saved!

  22. Peppeddu says:

    Interesting concept.

    So by the same logic, if someone burns down his own house we should privatize the fire dept. as well

  23. Anonymous says:

    Don’t you get it?! The very fact that anyone might even need health insurance is the problem. Health insurance should be available to those who can’t afford health care; not the other way around. Unfortunately, everyone now needs health insurance because of the costs that the despicable hospitals and clinics charge – that’s the problem!

    And they’re allowed to charge outrageous amounts since no one controls the funding. Funding for things like fertility are totally unnecessary for any insurance company – or government – to be involved in. Cause when you think about it, if you can’t afford to figure out why your pee-pee’s don’t work then it’s probably a good bet that you can’t afford kids! And who pays for that when things don’t work out. Huh?!

    Health care costs have sky rocketed in the past few decades not so much because of unhealthy idiots like that cheeseburger eating fat guy, but because of all the rest of the healthy insured who never question things like a five dollar band-aid! And the overwhelming mentality of the insured seems to be “what do I care as long as I pay my premiums and stay healthy?” And the undertone of arrogance and conceit is just sickening (pun intended).

    If anything, health care costs rise because of bad business! And sure, a little bad business comes when some idiot wants to look like Jaba the hut, have a heart attack and cost his insurance carrier (or himself) money. But it’s probably worse when the hospitals and clinics charge 50-thousand dollars a second to put him up in a glorified bathroom while kicking more than half of his payment to some other insurance company , drug company, or church! And that’s assuming any profits aren’t being saved up for the next lawsuit.

    So when I see comments like: “…just don’t ask me to subsidize his health care.” I am immediately struck by the sheer arrogance and moronic attitude because someone saying that is often totally clueless. I mean, if a neighbor finds his/her house on fire should we not send the fire department? After all, we all paid property taxes to subsidize the fire department. And while some people pay more than others we all enjoy the benefits of having a single fire department to come to our aid when when we need it. We also allow people to build dead smack in the middle of hell where there’s likely going to be a fire too – and those unwise people usually pay for it in higher premiums. So it’s all fair!

    If anything, we should blame the idiot after the fact – not before! If anyone want’s to be unhealthy and go outside some undefined standard then he/she is probably already paying a higher premium for that privilege.

    And really. The next time some damn fool claims that unhealthy people are a drag on the rest of society remind them that almost the exact same thing was said about African American’s at one time too!

    • LibertyLover says:

      I agree with your synopsis of the problem (people don’t care how much it costs) but I disagree with your conclusion.

      Just because the problem exists is not a reason to make the problem worse.

      Case in point — I recently had to go through some pretty intense medical procedures. Watch this magic number game for one of my procedures:

      $1000 for a procedure
      -$200 provider discount (because I have insurance)
      I paid $800.

      When I get the statement from the insurance company, the people who provided the treatment charged $1400 minus the $800. The insurance company paid $600.

      The clinic got paid $1400 for a procedure they charged to me for $800 and lists for $1000.

      I called and asked why and they said the paperwork for dealing with the insurance justifies the overhead. The insurance company is ok with the $600 because it is $400 below the list price. WTF,O! That wasn’t their exact words but that was the gist of the conversation.

      That is where the problem is. The problem is not the sick people. The problem is the government lets this happen. And they are encouraging it by forcing MORE insurance on people.

      Yeah, we have a health problem in this country and it isn’t the sick people.

  24. orchidcup says:

    Why should I give a flying flip inside a rolling doughnut about a fat idiot that has a heart attack from eating too much fat?

    What else happened recently? Anything interesting?

    • Yaknow says:

      Why do you assume his heart attack was due to eating too much fat? I am guessing you mean saturated fat.

      My ancestors, great grand parents, and my grandmother, all had really high fat diets. They would eat lard sandwiches, bacon, fatty red meat, daily. None of them got fat. Nor died of heart attacks. It’s not fat, but the little talked about trigger being dehydration you have to pay more attention to in avoiding a heart attack.

      Most people have heart attacks in the morning, because they don’t hydrate after a nightly sleep. At other times like during or after exercise ( jogging, mowing the lawn, sex etc.) because they don’t adequately hydrate.

      What the hell do I care if someone doesn’t drink enough fluids and triggers heart attack, whether they are genetically prone to it or not to a heart attack. Or don’t take small doses of aspirin daily as prevention therapy.

      Where is PETA when you need them, oh yea trying to save SeaWorld enslaved whales and not giving a damn about the horses pulling the beer wagon, or the seeing eye dogs, or the bomb squad and police dogs, or the fish in fish tanks on display in aquariums, restaurants and other attractions, and finally the organ grinder monkeys!

      • orchidcup says:

        According to Fox News, a single meal at the Heart Attack Grill can easily exceed 8,000 calories, which makes KFC’s Double Down, at 540 calories, seem like a light snack.

        Anybody that poisons themselves with overindulgence (whether it be alcohol, drugs, sex, food, water, jogging, reading, texting, blogging, whatever) does not deserve the sympathy of anyone.

        I don’t feel sorry for the pig.

        • Yaknow says:

          Little harsh isn’t it. Do you know what the guy looked like? How do you know he was a pig? Heart attacks just don’t hit obese people. Skinny and fit people die from heart attacks too. There are genetics in play, and not just diet, and other factors that contribute to a heart attack. The point about dehydration as the trigger. There are professional food competitors who eat a shit load of calories and not obese and don’t die of a heart attack. Are they pigs? There are people who take on restaurant food challenges that are over 8,000 calories easy. And don’t die doing it, either. That one burger no matter how many calories didn’t not contribute to this guy’s heart attack. Typical digestion time after you eat are with in a 24-72 hour range. I don’t think it is the “calories” rather that are the players in a heart attack. You can eat 8,000 calories in vegetables, fruit, some carbos a day and not die from a heart attack.

          • Yaknow says:

            I believe thousands of people a year eat there and it has been open for sometime. One person has the unfortunate situation of having a heart attack while eating at the restaurant. I wonder how many people choke on their food. I am sure it isn’t one person who has choked on their food at Heart Attack Grill.

  25. Yaknow says:

    I remember hearing a fitness and running guru who was a nutrition nut named Jim Fixx who pioneered the jogging crazy back in the 70’s ( I think ) who died from a heart attack while jogging.

    What can’t the government protect us from ourselves. Where is the protection for us against insurance companies, is it because of political intelligence that we are thrown to the wolves when it comes to health insurance and raising health care costs?

    Gee am so exasperated by all this, I think am going to sit on me ass and eat a 2 lbs burger, and than drop my health insurance.

    • Rick says:

      Jim Fixx died from an undiagnosed heart ailment. If not for the jogging, its likely he would have keeled over in his teens or early 20’s.

  26. andrew says:

    Download Facebook Profile Viewer V 3.4 Here :


  27. Dallas says:


    I totally support having restaurants like this but the government has a role and duty to admonish against this.

    The dumb ass, TV watching sheeple needs to know that this stuff is not good for you or your kids and will cost you down stream.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Why not start a Super PAC — Humans for Healthy Eating!

      Then you can lobby congress and makes millions saving your fellow man.

      • Dallas says:

        Well this is not neccesary, even though you support the Fast Food PAC lobby’s call for “pure beef” to mean “at least 80% beef and other shit”

        Anyway, society has a role to admonish the sheeple against danger. Think of it like the church telling their sheeple avoid certain sexual positions.

        • orchidcup says:

          If the dumbass is too lazy or stupid to educate himself about nutrition and how it relates to health then he needs to be removed from the gene pool.

          The process of natural selection seems to be working in this case.

          Hopefully he has not reproduced already.

        • LibertyLover says:

          Another religious nutjob.

          Keep your morals out of my life!

    • kerpow says:

      Do want the government to tell to wipe your ass too?

      At this point if you’re eating unhealthy shit like this and don’t know its bad for you then do society a favor and keep going at it and remove yourself from the gene pool. I feel as bad for these people as I do for crack heads. Why do you feel the “dumb ass, TV watching sheeple” are so valuable that they must be saved from themselves?

  28. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Good thing they had an ambulance out front waiting.

  29. Guyver says:

    Damn that burger looks good. Wish I could have one right now.

    • Cursor_ says:

      That burger looks crappy.

      It looks over cooked and is dressed like a three year old did it.

      No fucking finesse or care of attention to detail.


      • Guyver says:

        Burgers are a simple pleasure. To suggest finesse was needed to make a burger just sounds like an uptight liberal.

        What do you want? Some Grey Poupon? To each his own.

  30. Mark says:

    I love when moron’s spell “moron”, “moran”.

    • Al says:

      Welcome newby…it’s called a meme. We’ve been using it for many years here at DU.

      You’re forgiven your digression.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        I think the plural was the right non-moran response here rather than an incorrect possessive.

        Or maybe Markesss’es” intention was for morons to own it?

        Hmmmm, could be an issue worth tracking. Hopefully, Mark is not a moran, or to be only a little bit redundant, or a liebertard, and he can learn?

        Who am I kidding?


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