If Election Were Now, Who Would You Vote For?

  • Obama
  • Romney
  • Santorum
  • Paul
  • Gingrich
  • Other
  • No One
  • What office are we voting for?

Click HERE for results

A separate question for you is, “Who do you think will be the actual Republican running against Obama and who will his running mate be?”

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Obama which is not a guess.
    Romney, Rubio which is a guess. Money/Organization should win the day. He’s also the least worse Puke running right now. OTOH==is the world ready for an “effective” Republican Leader, whatever that may mean? Drive USA further into default and drag the rest of the world in with us? Seems to be their express goal thinking the Rich are isolated in any and all such scenarios.

    Speaking of the Rich===not all are criminals. But it only takes 1===just one rich guy, to buy a candidate or party to vote all this classwarfare, middle class killing, legislation in. Do it year and year, and you get a few stooges to push for this result under various dogmas of the day.

    How did Bush Jr do in Florida? I keep hearing he was popular and effective==but what did he do? Deficits? Cuts? Taxes???

    • Animby says:

      Rubio is adamant he will not accept the role as VP. And I doubt it would be offered. There is already argument about whether he qualifies as a natural born citizen. Though it would be fun to see O’Bama attack him on those grounds!

    • bytehead says:

      He seems to be well loved by some (not me), but Jeb! has issues. He cut spending and he cut taxes, and he tried to privatize everything he could (which is still going on, but the latest I read today says that even some of the Republicans have had enough and blocked any chance of that happening this year, despite what their leaders wanted).

      The issues are that the privatization that was supposed to save Floridians money is now costing us more than if we hadn’t privatized. His actions with the school that may have showed promise in the beginning have died on the vine. The economy for the state is in a shambles, and while the state continues to cut spending, it’s actually coming out of the local governments’ pockets, and I expect property taxes to go much higher in response, whether the voters actually get to vote on such or not.

      Considering I moved into this state at the end of his term, I thought his stated accomplishments were over stated, and very much worried that backsliding even a little would undo everything, which it has like a ton of bricks.

      Rubio will not be VP. He has his own issues hanging around him, including the evidently little known fact that his house was going into foreclosure, even AFTER he was elected to the Senate, the ridiculous pass he got for spending $60K of the party’s credit card on personal expenses (that he didn’t have to pay back, he’s broke!), and a few others that really are well known. If we had a real viable candidate for Senate in 2008, he wouldn’t be one of my senators.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Privitization===more middle class screwing wealth transfer to the already too Rich. I just saw on my news my City Fathers just approved privitization of City Parking all as a step towards development of a Sport Stadium Offering.

        The stupidity/graft never ends.

        So==Jeb is just a standard issue Puke with presentation skills?

        With Privitization: we all do know who BUYS and who PAYS right?

        Good LIEberTARD theory in practice.

        Silly Hoomans.

  2. scandihoovian says:

    I like those poll results but we all know this blog is overrun with paul bots, including myself. You aren’t counting the majority of voting bible bangers or Obama zombies (what has obama done again?).

  3. EstCstCrkPt says:

    I certify that I voted one time for “Ron Paul” 2012 on the poll that is on this post.

    Ron Paul is the only elected official who works to uphold his oath to the U.S. Constitution.

    Ron Paul is anti War, Ron Paul is Pro Marijuana Legalization, Ron Paul is pro human Rights, and civil liberties. All others are establishment scum. End the Feds!

    • Animby says:

      Sadly, Paul is also an isolationist. That loses my vote.

      • LibertyLover says:

        He’s not an isolationist. We isolate ourselves when we piss in another country’s cheerio’s.

        Blowback will be our hardest lesson over the next 50 years.

  4. Sombody says:

    This system can boot in less time than it takes to load your web page.

  5. AdmFubar says:

    it wont matter who you vote for, the corporations are still in control.

    this poll is broken at this time.. i tried to vote for no one, but it doesnt work..
    🙂 just like a real election! :))

    • msbpodcast says:

      Repubes or democraps, our politicians are equipped with the morals of gutter cats.

      If we want a representative government, we’ll have to RE-create it. (There were no parties in 1776.)

      If we want smaller government, we’ll have to take out the incentives for its growth too.

      The error of (y)our ways is that, despite the evidence of hundreds of years of history, you keep on electing self-selected, self-anointed members of the milionaires club, people who have no understanding of what the lives of the citizens of this country are like.

      That fits in with Einstein‘s definition of insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

      Lets examine how the situation has really devolved since the founding of this country.

      We’ve become a government
      • OF the thousandaires (the 99%, that would be me and thee,)
      • BY the millionaires (the 1%, that would be the extremely insular privileged overlords and bosses,)
      • FOR the billionaires (the 12,400 individuals identified by the IRS as the people who count (though they don’t really count as they hire some thousandaires to run machines to do that.)

      How is this different than the political situation that led to the founding of the United States?

      It ISN’T really.

      One system had privilege being a condition of one’s birth.

      The situation in the United States is the (cess)pool of nobles has expanded to people that the corporations like and are willing to fund.

      The first thing we do is change from an <bELECTED to a SELECTED form of government.

      Pick names at random out an eligible citizen pool and they’re stuck with doing the job for one, and only one, four year term.

      There could/should/would be no such thing as a career in politics. (The only thing worse than getting stuck with somebody who didn’t want the job is getting stuck with some idiot who did, figuring it was going to lift him a few rungs up the social/economic ladder.)

      And don’t give me that bullshit about average citizens don’t know enough about politics.

      Average citizens know right from wrong and are likely to at least read a bill before they sign and pass it on.

      Average citizens know enough to be suspicious and not so venial and blinded by the lure of undeserved re-election.

      Eligibility requirements are:
      • were you born here or are you a naturalized citizen?
      • are you a permanent resident in a village, town or city within our borders?
      • are you above the age of 25?
      • are you healthy enough? (you don’t suffer from any clinical health issue(s) or mental impairment(s) which would prevent you from fulfilling your duties?)
      • have you NEVER served on the government before?
      • have you NEVER been found guilty of a violent crime?
      • have you NEVER been found to be clinically insane?

      Answer yes to all of these questions, you’re eligible for selection.

      Don’t want to be bothered?

      Go live elsewhere!

      That would get rid of all PACs, K Street lobbyists, a lot of graft, waste and expense that WE’RE all paying for.

      • So what says:

        Why over 25? why not 18?
        What clinical conditions or medical impairment would preclude you from serving?
        Does City, Village, State, or County government or board count?
        How violent? What about self defense or misdemeanors?
        Guess that last one leaves you out.

  6. Phydeau says:

    It’s depressing that Obama is the least bad of all these choices.

    • Frustrated Beyond Belief says:

      No, what’s depressing is you thinking that Obama is the best choice out of all of the candidates.

      Wow… just wow.

      Not to mention, most of your assertions about Paul are unfounded and false. He’s commented on every one of the points you touched on during his debates and his answers are not even close to what you stated they are.

      • LibertyLover says:

        He gets his information from the MSM.

        What do you expect from a member of the mob?

      • Phydeau says:

        Uh, guys?


        “Eliminate the ineffective EPA. Polluters should answer directly to property owners in court for the damages they create – not to Washington.”

        Like I said… get your army of lawyers ready when Exxon dumps its toxic waste in your state, city, town, back yard. Surely you have an army of lawyers to battle Exxon’s army of lawyers, right? Doesn’t everyone?

        Whatta buncha maroons. Come back to reality, Libertarians.

        • Al says:

          So you would rather have a Constitutional Traitor as your President?

          Come back to reality asshole, your POS President should be impeached for his crimes.

          Then jailed in Gitmo.

          • Phydeau says:

            lol Al, you have obviously mistaken me for someone who likes Obama. And you want to talk Constitutional Traitor, your boy Dubya is on the hook too. The depressing thing about Obama is that in most of the important ways, his actions are the same as what a Republican would do. What Dubya did. But even with his Constitutional violations (killing American citizens without trial for one) he’s still better than the Wacko Republicans running now.

  7. ± says:

    Since this blog is overrun by sheeple (people who vote R or D), it would be difficult to believe someone’s surprise at the results.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    Animby says:
    “… There is already argument about whether he [Marco Rubio] qualifies as a natural born citizen.”

    Hmmm, I had not heard that. Wikipedia says he was born in Miami, Florida in 1971 after his parents emigrated from Cuba in 1956. Seems pretty straightforward to me. What’s the argument against? That his parents weren’t naturalized as citizens until 1975?

    • Phydeau says:

      No prob, we all know that far-fetched rationales to “prove” someone isn’t an American citizen only apply to Democrats, not Republicans.

    • Animby says:

      Disclaiming the position before explaining it. I understand the argument is the Constitution says “natural-born citizens” but does not specifically define this term. “Birthers” have arrived at their own definition based on writings from the Founders (please do not ask me to quote them) saying that it means born on US soil OF US citizens. Rubio was born in ’71 but his parents did not attain citizenship until ’75. Ergo, he is not a “natural-born” citizen.

      Again, don’t shoot the messenger.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Excellent exposition there Animby. Also a very nice word play there. Cogent.

        I don’t know, but I assume there has been litigation on the issue that makes the issue completely settled?

        Most dogma is built on ignorance. The constitution says something ambiguous ((actually EVERYTHING the constitution says is ambiguous)) so the Sup Ct explains it in detail. If you don’t like the explanation, then pretend it doesn’t exist and go back and argue “The Constitution says…..”

        Its a fools argument: what the Constitution says. Its only the beginning of an argument, not the middle, and not the end.

  9. t0llyb0ng says:

    I wish Bush III had stood his ground against the Catholics.  Doesn’t birth control reduce the abortion rate?  Why shouldn’t the Catholic powers­that­be be forced to do the right thing when they’re too dense to know what that is?

    I’m not a fan of Mr. O’Bama.  He’s even more gawd­awfuler than Bush the Younger was—­something I would not have thought possible.  Still, it would have been fun to watch the GOP opposition throw away the distaff vote with their oily, self­righteous pronouncements.

  10. t0llyb0ng says:

    Looks like my soft hyphens have been turned off. Bye-bye, my dearest little soft hyphens.

  11. MartinJJ says:

    Romney as he is the one supported most by the corporate lame stream media. He also fits the globalist banksters profile best (read: most corrupt).

    Without any doubt Ron Paul should be the next president because he is the only realistic candidate. However I doubt he will make it with all the multinationals working against him. But his viewpoints haven woken up many already from their tv coma, his ideas may well be the inspiration for the next big revolution.

    • Phydeau says:

      So you’re in favor of abolishing the SEC, the EPA, OSHA, FDA, USDA, and all those other government regulatory agencies and trusting the big corporations to do what’s right? That’s Ron Paul’s platform.

      • scandihoovian says:

        What about DHS, the biggest, newest, bloat, our country cannot afford. How’d you miss that one? Maybe we are in favor of eliminating government waste. You have a problem with a balanced budget and reasonable taxes? Now that’s lunacy.

      • Frustrated Beyond Belief says:

        Where has Dr. Paul said he wanted to abolish ALL of those agencies? Please, provide a link.

        I’ll wait…

      • Al says:

        So you’re in favor of the Death of the Bill of Rights? Indefinite detention, no right to trial. Hitler style?

    • bytehead says:

      Do you really think that a 76 year old man is going to last a full term as President? Let alone the other issues I have with the man. Starting with the fact that any candidate I would support has to actually believe in science, which in Dr. Paul’s case should be there, but it seems that in the GOP, only Huntsman actually believed in science.

      • MartinJJ says:


        I said he probably won’t be the chosen one as all the multinationals and media are working against him. He may be 76, but most of us probably won’t ride a bike 25 miles a day with him. I am sure he will survice another 4 years.

        Not sure why science is the most imporatant to you. I figure if the countries bookkeeping would be in order, the science projects would get a boost also again. Given the 16 trillion debt, that however may take a while. First creating even more debt to start new science projects probably won’t work, as it ends up with the taxpayers also.

        I am actually more afraid they would kill him. Just like the CIA killed JFK as he was against all the banksters madness also.

  12. ABO says:

    The fact that Ron Paul gets the most hits in this poll shows who is reading this blog. Nothing more.

    • MartinJJ says:

      Ofcourse. The rest is still watching football and fake government propaganda tv. They will probably vote for a nice smiling Romney without even looking any further.

  13. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I didn’t see Betty White on the list.

    Betty 2012

  14. orchidcup says:

    There are at least 738 people that view this blog?

  15. Cursor_ says:

    Ah once again a web poll and once again I see the Ronulans switching IPs to vote more than once for him. Always the same.

    And I KNOW it is that way because his results in the real world are far worse than online. If the Ronulans cannot be honest about their boy, just think the kind of honesty coming from the guy.

    But what am I saying, he doesn’t stand a chance of wining anything outside of cyberspace. So it really doesn’t matter.


  16. Dallas says:

    After careful consideration, I’ll vote for Obama. Each of the Puke candidates have at least one fatal flaw (most have three).

    Again, Mitt Romney is the pick of the litter. They just need to put better lipstick on him and he’s good to go.

    • orchidcup says:

      The corporate aristocracy picked Mitt Romney as ‘The Chosen One’ for the Republican nomination early on, but the religious aristocracy is very nervous about a Mormon taking the helm, so there is definitely a deep schism on the Republican side of the equation, with Rick Santorum as the darling of the evangelical right.

      A usual, the voter will be left with the choice of a shit sandwich or a turd salad for President.

      • Dallas says:

        Agreed. You bring up a good point which is what dish will the GENERAL population prefer over the Obama booger pizza?

        The shit sandwich or the turd salad ?

  17. birddog says:

    We are doomed, but give it a little time it will sort itself out just have plenty of food and ammo.

    • orchidcup says:

      … And keep plenty of silver coins on hand for barter and stock up on batteries and firewood and water purification tablets.

      If society collapses to the point that all these things will actually be needed for survival, I think I would rather shoot myself.

      But you go ahead and plan on surviving in a post-apocalyptic world where the smell of rotting flesh permeates the atmosphere and disease runs rampant in the water supply.

      • birddog says:

        I live in Louisiana you must not watch swamp people nothing will change here we are already on the bottom.

  18. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    What did we have before all these useless and corrupt government agencies?>>>>>>free market capitalism known as “The Jungle.” Sinclair Lewis.

    But as pointed out, you simply are part of the problem if you think these agencies need to be abolished rather than reformed to perform their stated functions. A revolution will be needed to get that done. Sad, that means things have to get even worse than they are now before they will get better.

    Silly Hoomans. Your grand kiddies will not understand.

  19. deowll says:

    The results are fine with me. Paul seems to have good economic sense. Obama on the other hand has no sense and is completely irresponsible.

    I’d vote for an elderly one eyed sow sleeping in a hog wallow if that’s what it take to get Obama out of office. I’ll even contribute to her campaign.

  20. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    Anyone else find it hilarious that the Newt is dead last, with only 35 out of some 1500 votes as I post this? “Other” and “What office?” are out polling him, for goodness sake.

    • Gildersleeve says:

      I noticed that too, but can’t say this is actually noteworthy, given the types who post here. Those votes can only be noted as being the most cynical of the lot.

  21. AdamCurry'sBalls says:

    I hope Ceasar Obama wins to carry on the crony capitalism. My defense stocks have soared!

  22. ECA says:

    Can we FIRE them all..Then fire all the LONG TERM JOBS IN WASHINGTON GOV…

    Then can we decide? PLEASE….

    • smartalix says:

      Everybody hates everybody else’s congresscritters. It’s like opinions and *ssholes. Most of the people screaming loudly about how much they hate congress will vote their incumbents back in.

      • Phydeau says:

        I agree smartalix… we re-elect our own congressman for bringing home the bacon for us, and hate everyone else’s congressman for bringing home the bacon for them.

        Makes me wonder if Democracy even works in the long run. 🙁

  23. ECA says:

    Can we curtail their wages BACK to when they only got an allowance?? When it was a Prestige job..

    THEN can we see who is running..

  24. Guyver says:

    Anybody but Obama.

    • Phydeau says:

      Wow that took a lot of thinking, eh? So you want a far-rightwing Republican instead of the more middle of the road Republican.

      • Guyver says:

        Who said I wanted a far-right wing Republican?

        • Phydeau says:

          When the current crop of Republicans consider Ronald Reagan’s policies too liberal, I’d say they’re far-right wing.

          • Phydeau says:

            Thanks for the word salad, Guyver. Nice copy/paste from some right-wing website. Too incoherent to respond to, sorry.

        • Guyver says:


  25. tnp says:

    That’s a lot of votes for a guy that doesn’t believe in evolution.

  26. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    The Guyver says: “The ONLY basic definition that one could apply for all Libertarians is that it is the philosophy of pursuing that which gives you greatest pleasure / happiness so long as you are not infringing upon someone else’s pursuit of the same.” /// If I read this correctly, it means that Libertarians have nothing to say about government or how to govern? They are completely self involved?

    Well stated.


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