Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the current picks and more indicators.
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  1. kiwini says:

    Suhweeet!…no more green goose shit on the sidewalks for at least a week!.

  2. observer says:

    Looks like JCD in the center flanked by family, and Horowitz brought his dog.

  3. observer says:

    Texas tebowing.

  4. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Duck, Duck, Goose.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Geese, huh? My first thought was “What the hell — penguins?”

  6. Dallas says:

    Too soon, guys. Bald Eagles are just now making a comeback

  7. John E. Quantum says:

    A good goose gun works at -20 and can take down most everything out to at least 100 yards. Back in my grandfathers day there were a few people hunting with 4 gauge shotguns that probably could have taken out a small flock with one shot.

    What is the bag limit for drones these days?

  8. deowll says:

    Are they over their bag limit?

    I take it the economy is staggering on. Nothing is solid. More wild swings should be expected.

  9. Phoebe says:

    OH how sweet, but every woman wants something from her Man 😀

  10. T'ina says:

    Was this the gift for their womans? Well, sweet 😉


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