…would they still do them?
Found by Brother Uncle Don
By Uncle Dave Monday February 13, 2012
…would they still do them?
Found by Brother Uncle Don
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As dangerous as that thing is to the neck and spinal cord with an increasing risk with age==I wish they would. Add weights when they double down?
YOU KNOW: some of the crap they throw out is sooooo stoopid, it concerns me who they think they are appealing to.
Sanctorectum: “Liberals are Unamerican with their disrespect for religious freedom and trying to divide this country.” ===worth about a 10 pound weight?
Truly Clueless.
Christian Taliban. He’s clearly indicated he wants religion invading everything. That worked so well during the Dark Ages, why not bring them back?
Sanctorectum: “Liberals are Unamerican with their disrespect for religious freedom and trying to divide this country.”
I have often wondered why idiots like him do not know that many Liberals go to church and worship God.
What a dingbat.
Yea, verily===but its no different than Gringrinch saying he never lobbied, or Cain saying 9-9-9 would work, or Romney saying anything.
Or Obama saying he thinks he can work with the Republicans?
…………No, I’m wrong. Sanctorectum is ignoring 3000 years of history, across time/culture/religions/and forms of government.
doesn’t understand that “Freeeeeedom” means other people doing what you don’t approve of. Sad to attack the very basis of the thing that you use to define yourself.
And not have a clue.
bobbo said,
“Freeeeeedom” means other people doing what you don’t approve of. Sad to attack the very basis of the thing that you use to define yourself.”
Santorfreedom style.
“Sanctorectum” is touring as some holier than thou troupe smearing 200 odd years of work facilitated by the US of A. Back to the days where “coloreds” and “Gays” will have “THEIR” own toilets and water fountains. The douchebag disgusts me. Only homophobes and bigots follow and vote for this religious loon.
That was my first thought — damage to the neck. But is it any worse than dancing?
The main problem is that doesn’t look any fun.
A Hula Hoop for the head.
I wonder why this was not more popular.
Doing it while hanging upside down from a tree branch looked especially family fun.
How about if we make ’em wear exploding vests?
If they object to anything, let ’em put something serious on the line.
Otherwise its just grandstanding and can be ignored…
@bobbo – Maybe it was invented by a chiropractor looking to drum up business?
Chiropractors are too stupid to think of such a thing. Second time for this: once had a Chiro meet with me to tout the benefits of his specialty. Such a smart educated guy, I let my guard down and confided in him that I did believe they offered a valid service but that they hurt their credibility when claiming adjustment could cure cancer. He looked at me and earnestly said, and I’ll never forget this: “That is so true. We can’t cure all forms of cancer.”
I was dumbstruck, as if hit in the head with a pole axe. Tried to keep a poker face—think I pulled it off but I was shattered on the inside.
Dad always told me someone always graduates at the bottom of the class.
Oh—in the worst wiki entry I have yet seen, someone imagines the makers of this got sued: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swing_Wing_%28toy%29
Of course, 60 or so years ago, Chiropractors had about as much luck curing most cancers as regular doctors did. They probably still do for lung and pancreatic cancers.
Mainstream medicine has of course progressed exponentially since then for most cancers, but still don’t do so well with back pain.
Neither one should go around with the cock-sure attitude they do.
My step-father went to chiropractors for YEARS and spent goodness knows how many thousands of dollars.
On road trips, he booked them all along the way.
Then he went to a physical therapist who actually cured him in a few sessions. (and I should say, daily exercises for basically forever. But they were free!)
I remember seeing these ads but I don’t recall ever seeing a kid playing with one.
As for politicians wearing them? Who would know? What with their heads buried in the asses of lobbyists…
A political colonoscopy?
I thought politicians wore suits and ties when they did stupid things. Or maybe that was just shoes.
Well, after many, many hours of practice they would get one loop correct and declare that only superior people (such as themselves) can do it so that proves they are the best choice for the position.
Better yet, why do we elect stupid politicians?
What other kind is there?
They’re all self-appointed, self-anointed, greedy bullies.
Yup, it’s the biggest ring of reach-around debt known to man. The only thing that precedes the favors is the reality of them not happening in our economic decline.
The only thing worse than a self-anointed greedy bully is a bunch of uninformed emotional (religious) fools who keep voting for the a-holes.
Logic would dictate, because we elect stupid politicians shouldn’t we (the voters) be wearing a dunce cap “Swing Wing” and a sign on our back that says “kick me”?
Several Arizona state Republican makers are backing Senate Bill 1467, sponsored by state senator Lori Klein, that punishes public educators (including Professors) who use language the Federal Communications Commission regulations bands on TV and radio broadcasts. Those seven dirty words as famed by George Carlin.
Who elected Klein and her communist and dictator co-horts? To those voters, Swings Wings for all!
So that’s what that thing is. My wife started wearing one every time we have sex. She says it helps her…
It’s ok with me for now because she hasn’t asked me to wear one yet.
Wow! What an idea. I should have gotten one for my Scottish wife. Any movement would have been an improvement…
Here’s a proposal.
Be it enacted that any candidate for public office in the USA must take at least two of the following tests: standard IQ test, SAT, ACT, GRE. All tests must be taken within one year prior to the election date. Candidates may take any test more than once. All test results must be released to the public no later than 1 week after the results are released to the candidate, and no later than two months before the election.
A novel idea sir, but I think IQ tests, Moral and Ethics tests, SATs and the rest need not only apply to politicians…sure, but more overly to the voters. In this country they restrict you by age, and not by intelligence.
Samuel Jackson over the weekend extolled that he voted for Obama for the sole reason Obama was black. He didn’t vote for Obama’s politics, only because Obama was black. The intellectual genius that Jackson is justified his reasoning by saying that is how everyone elects a president. Of course, Jackson’s illumination was a means of shucking the blame for his poor decision making of voting for Obama in the first place. My God, should Jackson be allowed to vote?
We blame politicians but we don’t blame ourselves in wanting to be woo’d, swoon’d, by them. We love drinking the kool-aid of politicians, our thirst never ends. And boy do we love to whine and complain about politicians, WE ELECTED – not yelling just emphasizing. When we are to blame.
We should not allow anyone to vote that will not vote the way we would vote.
That way, everyone will vote for the same politician and that politician will be elected for all the good reasons and not for any of the bad reasons.
In other countries, this system of voting is called a dictatorship.
Sheeple voting not good. Allot stupid politicians are elected because of it Sheeple voting, because people hear, what they want to hear. They want the entertainment value and experience from politicians, too many voters are fans – see Samuel Jackson’s reasons for voting for Obama. Many vote for their personal agendas. Very few vote with their intelligence. If we don’t vote with our intelligence and elect politicians who will not do dumb things – see Senate Bill 1467, sponsored by state senator Lori Klein, see last president pounding in the last nail in the coffin – then we end up in a dictatorship. No I am not for Gingrich, Paul, Santorum, Romney, or Obama. I am praying for a miracle.
In 2008, Cynthia McKinney ran for president on the Green Party ticket. She is black.
So, did Samuel Jackson flip a coin, or what?
Maybe some of these politicians had one of these when they were kids….. which explains alot of their stupidity. Obviously brain-damaged in some way
You should try being a politician sometime.
Your head is jerked in so many directions at the same time that brain damage is assured and you end up with the mental acuity of a football player.
It is not easy representing a lot of different people with differing viewpoints on any subject or issue.
“What If We Made Politicians Wear This When They Do Stupid Things… …would they still do them?”
“Stupid is as stupid does.”
The House Republicans just approved the payroll tax cuts in a dramatic reversal of assholeness.
They may remove the swing wing for 30 days!
har! it makes you walk like ronald reagan!
So what says:
2/13/2012 at 5:55 pm
Booboo your reading way to much importance into your posts, /// Ahh, then I need to spend more time thinking before I post? Will that reduce my output??? I am the WalMart of discount Reminder of what should be Obvious Discontentments.
and you assume the same of mine. /// I don’t assume anything except taking things at face value unless some other intent/history is clear.
It was very simple. The chiropractic art is bullshit designed to liberate the foolish from their money. /// No. Like every dogma–it does have its valid application. Wait until medical science says you need pain pills for your back and the orthopedist says he can’t do anything for you, and the physical therapist is booked until March. And you are cured by a Chiropracter in 5 visits. Did you have cancer?—No. Maybe you should read my post again for the importance that it does express. Rinse, lather, repeat until you understand dogma. Might even help your sex life.
The only spinal adjustment you appear to need is pulling your head out of your ass. /// Well, who among us would not benefit from that?
I suspect it would take more than a “Dr” to accomplish that. /// Are you thinking crowbar newtons or the need for hydraulic power?
Pearls before swine===and all you get is more swine.
Sh*t, cr*p, muthaf*cker, and “poop.”
Pearls before swine===and all you get is more SQUEELS.
Bobbo: “Chiropractors are too stupid to think of such a thing.” I stand mouth agape at your comment, sir. They are a group of people who have years of education in which they learn to diagnose, visualize (on x-ray) and treat a condition (subluxation) that no other medical professional can even find. Then they went out and figured out how to get most insurance programs to pay for the correction of this problem. I’d say that’s pretty smart!
Truth: I do occasionally refer patients to a chiropractor. A good massage can do a lot toward curing many ailments and massage therapy is often not covered. Of course, you run the risk your patient may come back to you with a bag full of new vitamins and supplements of dubious benefit.
Oh, and kudos to the person (chiropractor or not) who invented their treatment table. Just like a magician needs lights and mirrors to make his tricks work, that table makes it seem the chiropractor is actually doing something! Misdirection, indeed.
You do realise they would have to wear them all the time.
Small observation. Most Americans will vote for the one that lies to them the most rather than the one that tells them the truth.
I still prefer Thom Hartmann’s suggestion that politicians wear logos of their donors like NASCAR drivers do.
Simple two-step plan for saving America:
1. Put all politicians, bureaucrats, beancounters, lawyers and “celebrities” on barges 300 miles off both coasts.
2. Sink the barges.
What do you call the sinking of a huge barge full of politicians, lawyers and celebutantes?
A good start…
hey now
Bobbo: “you’ve mocked others several times they are using a Word a Day Calendar. ” I believe I have done that exactly once. Please retract your libelous comment!
Actually, I was in the mall just a couple of days ago trying to find one of those calendars hoping to augment my Thai skills. Sadly, no luck.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a stroke (except of luck) although I’ve debated whether the third marriage might have been the result of one. But I have always been miserable at remembering phone numbers and addresses. Even my own. When someone asks me for my phone number, I just whip out a card. Remember dozens of meds and their effects, dosage schedules, side effects and interactions? No trouble. My lady friend’s phone number? Thank god for smart phones…
Animby–you’ll get that apology when my calendar reveals a word that means keeping a stroke victim happy with meaningless chatter. I can’t be adamant about it but I recall you did it the first time maybe 6 months ago. Are you remembering that incident or the one in the past week? This could be a highly diagnostic event or just the sesquipedalianistic farrago of a gasconading poltroon. I did not think to keep it in mind, its just my passion for words that kept the connection. If you love Obama, it would be akin to posting a picture of him in Mau Mau costume. Or in your case, a pile of money on fire?
SwingWing – A treatment for hyperactivity in children.
Now you know why so many americans are totally braindead. The damage is irreversible. It must have been another CIA project.