I’m starting to think Obama’s plan to win reelection was to somehow get all these caucuses and whatevers stuffed into the beginning of the year so we’d be so fed up with seeing these jokers that we’d vote for him just so we wouldn’t have to see them again.

Romney won 39 percent of the votes of those who took part in a presidential poll at Maine caucus sites; Paul took 36 percent of the vote, while former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum captured 18 percent. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich won 6 percent.

  1. MikeB says:

    Gee, Uncle Dave. You are aware we have these the same time every four years, right?

  2. Roasted Peanuts says:

    Come on Dr. Paul! You’re almost there!

  3. Somebody_Else says:

    I miss the crazy woman from Alaska they had on last season, she was pretty funny. Pizza guy and Bachmann just weren’t as good, and now that we’re down to the tax dodge, anti-gay bigot, and a crazy-uncle gold bug…

    Wait, this isn’t a Fox reality TV show?

    • msbpodcast says:

      It might as well be, right?

      I say if you are running for office that disqualifies you from running for office.

      They’re 1%ers millionaires out to abuse the 99%ers thousandaires while shoveling what little money’s left into the pockets of the 12,400 billionaires an raking off their bit off the top.

      Parties? A choice of parties? What mother-fuckin’ choice of what mother-fuckin’ parties?

      The ones that they host on our dime late into the night in Washington?

      Give me a mother-fuckin’ break….

      There is NO DIFERENCE anymore between the United States and the most corrupt demagoguery still standing out there.


  4. moss says:

    What is looking like a trend is the numbers turning out continue to diminish.

    Last weekend what looked like the depths of Republican voters being turned-off was the caucuses in Missouri. Only 50% of registered Republicans turned out.

    Well, today it was the turn of Maine Republicans. A sensible, rock-ribbed lot if there ever was such. There are 270,000 registered Republicans in the state of Maine.

    Guess how many turned out, today, for a momentous chance to decide between the members of the traveling rightwing clown show?

    About 7,000.

  5. Dallas says:

    The Teapublican party needs something dramatic to happen. I’m getting concerned there is no viable alternative to Obama. I’d rather we elect someone decisively against a variety of sensible alternatives.
    Why is the GOP so fucking pathetic to let the religious assholes dominate their agenda? I don’t get it. They could actually win on fiscal policy alone. Why the need to pander to these right wing loons?

    • msbpodcast says:

      Because they gave up the fight when, and since, The Donald decided not to quit his evening job hosting a TV show.

      The Donald saw that he’d get better ratings than the flock of squawking dirty birdies are pulling down.

      The pandering is going on because some Repube figured than they’d do better with the united right-wing loonies than the fractious Democraps.

      He* may very well be right.

      *) You know its some guy with a vision of the future as clear as an accountant’s, (playing around all the rules and regs, but not seeing why there are rules and regs.)

    • McCullough says:

      I don’t get it either. I’m convinced most Americans are just ignorant.

      • Dallas says:

        Kidding aside, I think the Party needs FUNDING, and a therefore a need to associate themselves to ALL the social views of that source of money and support to get critical mass.

        Maybe it IS a requirement but it SEEMS to me that philsophy is obsolete.

        It’s to late for these pathetic, tainted candidiates but a THIRD party can come forward that runs on PURE fiscal policy. This is how I would address social issues/questions from the press:

        Abortion: Nobody likes abortion, neither do I. The current laws on abortion seem to strike a balance on ethics and reality.

        Gay Rights: I support rights for everyone as stipulated in the Constitution. I don’t subscribe to the loon notion of the slippery slope of humans marrying hamburgers. If you believe that, you’re a loon.

        Military: We will continue to have, fund the strongest military in the world but we can’t afford to to spend what we do now, nor do we need to.

        Priorities: (1) Getting people back to work; (2) Continue to CUT SPENDING like BOTH parties want (3) Raise revenue by RETURNING back to higher, but nominal tax increases until we get our fiscal house in order.

        Iran: No nuclear Iran as stipulated in the NPT.

        Israel: Don’t fuck with our Isreali allies nor any regional allies. (Yes, i will say fuck and let the censors bleep me out).

  6. AdmFubar says:

    vote romnry! you to can be a mit-wit! or how about the Gingrich-McCain ticket? YUM! and of course who can forget (or is that remember) Ron Paul for all the lil’ conservative space cadets! maybe the country will be santorum-ised for our protection! yeah!

  7. Yaknow says:

    Gotta agree with Uncle Dave. I am already sick of the GOP line up.

  8. derspankster says:

    Words utterly fail to convey how little I care about this.

  9. President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

    I’m beginning to believe it’s all being staged to keep us distracted. There have to be at least 50 million people in this country that could do a better job as POTUS than bHo yet we’re watching watching the circus of the caucuses. Hell, last time, even McCain could’ve won but he didn’t really try.

    There’s something else going on here. Might be time to stock up on tinfoil.

  10. Animby says:

    Romney who?

    Seriously, every morning I feel it is less and less important. I’m convinced Israel is going to make a major move against Iran in probably May or June. Iran will retaliate and the US will be forced to defend our ally. We’ll start off as advisers and providers of drones. By September, Iran will have done something stupid (or we will claim they did) and our Fearless Leader will be forced to war. I don’t believe any president has ever failed to be reelected while we were engaged in a war.

    A second term for O’B will likely see the destruction of the US. He’s already exercising extra-constitutional powers by edict. What will he do if doesn’t have to worry about getting elected again?

  11. jbenson2 says:

    Maine – well it is a legal state. We do have an obligation to listen to the lobstermen and lumberjacks voice their opinions.

    • moss says:

      You can throw in the dude who invented ethernet and a few of his friends.

    • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

      Their opinions are more important than inner city folks who dont even drive their own private vehicles. Talk about clueless.

  12. LibertyLover says:

    He hasn’t won it yet. There are still 100s of votes left to count and Paul is only 194 votes behind.

    One county is snowed in and hasn’t gotten their results back yet.

    If one wasn’t paying attention one would think The People actually chose Romney.

  13. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    And the real rub, delegates were not even awarded. They will be awarded at the state convention later.

    I would tell the date of the convention but it appears The Washington Post will only let me view their article one time before it requires me to give an e-mail address and sign in.

    Wonder how that old-style media adapts to the interwebittubes?

  14. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    As Maine goes, so goes New Brunswick.

  15. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Does Ron Paul have enough money and support to keep screwing with Romney’s brain up until the convention?

  16. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Like watching a cruel experiment involving baboons, laughing gas and a forklift.

    Matt Taibbi on the GOP Race

  17. Comanche says:

    Ron Paul.
    No we get magic underwear Mitt.

  18. Kent says:

    The United States is a Banana Republic…democracy there is an illusion.

  19. It’s interesting that Ron Paul does very well and is pretty much ignored by the media. We he’s sure not ignored by the people. It boils down to trust. When I look at he choice of Republican ass-monkeys, Ron Paul looks very appealing and the sole Republican candidate that can be trusted to do the right thing. The fact is, Obama will serve a second term.

    • Dallas says:

      I agree. Obama WILL serve a second term thanks to the loon Teapublican party. What a bunch of tools.

      Ron Paul’s fatal flaw was joining the religious loon trap of pinning him to government’s role in social engineering and having him suck their ass. He lost the thinking people. Very sad.

      • LibertyLover says:

        You’re wrong. The religious loons don’t want him because he doesn’t support a federal law banning abortion. He wants the states to decide on their own.

  20. Guy Falklands says:

    Which rich dingbat will YOU vote for?

    See, we DO give you a choice!

  21. msbpodcast says:

    So the consensus we seemed to have reached is that if they held an election tomorrow, we couldn’t be bothered because we’re so disillusioned with the whole process.

    Heart attack or Cancer. Who will you vote for?

    • Dallas says:

      Gotta go with heart attack. This implies an urgency to get on a better diet and exercise.

      A teapublican vote appears Cancerous which is the final Death of the middle class => class warfare that WILL be won by the poor => Venezuela.

      The biggest threat to America is the dying middle class followed by the Christian Taliban.

      • msbpodcast says:

        Class warfare WILL be won by the poor NOT!

        Who’s got all the money? The 12,400 billionaires, not the 1%ers and certainly not the 99%ers,

        The theory now goes that the poor get the modern version of trickle down, a thin yellow liquid running down their backs and between their bare ass cheeks…

        Given how things are going, its only a matter of time until the 99%ers are joined by the 1%ers.

        Class warfare has already been waged (since Nixon, since Reagan and since Shrub [aka Bush II]) and has been over for decades.

        The poor have most decisively lost.

        It just needed a Shrub (Bush II) to wake us up and smell the fetid, festering cadaver. (The schmuck retard with the Alfred E Newman ears and the vocabulary of Li’l Abner was such a fuck up that he couldn’t avoid the collapse of the financial system for a few more months until he’d safely got out of office.)

        Now he’s left the nigger in charge to sweep the floor, turn off the lights and lock up the door on his way out the door.

        The sign on America front door is switching from “Immigrants Welcome” to “Foreclosed due to Bankruptcy.

        • another says:

          The reality is that if tomorrow ALL of the money of the top 1% was suddenly put in the treasury, It would make NO DIFFERENCE because our debt is so high.

          Keep on drinkin that kool-aide.

          • smartalix says:


            You are being disingenuous. First, this mess was 20 years in the making, and nothing can clean it up immediately.

            Second, you could take EVERY PENNY we spend on entitelments in a year and it wouldn’t put a dent in the debt, either. I guess by your “logic” we shouldn’t do anything!

          • Rick says:

            The problem is not that the top 0.1% have the wealth, but that the same 0.1% dictate spending policy, which just happens to be massive deficit spending.

            The spending is the problem, the national debt is the problem, and the 0.1% are responsible for this problem.

      • Rick says:

        The Republican ideal is similar to that of North Korea. A wealthy ruling oligarchy, no middle class to speak of, and a destitute powerless poor that is controlled by powerful media and a police state.

        Ah, paradise, and don’t forget to lay flowers before Dear Leader’s victory statue.

        That is in our future if we let the GOP win.

  22. orchidcup says:

    No matter who wins, bend over, here it comes.

  23. Anonymous says:

    I said it before and I’ll say it again: Only Republicans will figure out how to loose an otherwise winning campaign. All Obama has to do is sit back and watch the “change” happen.

    And if you think America’s problems are all about politics, think again. All our politics do is mirror our collective values. Only problem is, corporate America is holding the mirror. And as long as we value total bullshit then that’s what we get – total bullshit!

    Once Romney gets the nomination, whether he legitimately wins it or buys it, all Obama has to do is point out how evil and out of touch Romney is. And he’s right! But then again, so is Obama!!!

  24. Hmeyers2 says:

    The problem isn’t the candidates, per se.

    Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc all got elected because they were pretty clear on what they would and wouldn’t do if elected.

    John Kerry, Bob Dole, McCain were all rather unclear on exactly what they would do if elected.

    I couldn’t tell you the first thing any of them Ron Paul would do, and if Ron Paul were 50 instead of 80 he could be a viable candidate. But he’s not. So he isn’t.

    To beat an incumbent, one must communicate what they would do, why it would be better, etc. It is not enough for the incumbent to be arguably somewhat unpopular.

    John Kerry tried the “I don’t have a plan” method for trying to beat an incumbent and it didn’t work.

    Note: When Reagan beat Carter when the economy was really bad in 1980, he only won 51% to 49%.

    Beating an incumbent President is very tough to do because everyone does at least know what to expect from them.

    • NewfornatSux says:

      Actually Reagan won 51-41, with Republican John Anderson taking 7.

      • Hmeyers2 says:

        That is unusual then … the last 2 defeated incumbent presidents had a 3rd party candidate in the fold and Jimmy Carter’s was a Republican.

      • Rick says:

        Anderson was great, his speeches were fiery and quite refreshing from the dreck you heard from democrats and republicans. Unfortunately the winner take all system we have for the electoral college meant that Anderson would have no chance. I was amazed he even won a state. 3rd parties just can’t gain traction due to the way we elect our leaders.

    • Rick says:

      Funny you would mention Kerry’s “I don’t have a plan” campaign. John Stewart of the Daily Show gave a 2 minute loop of Kerry’s speeches with him saying “I have a plan” at every one.
      Seems the Republican disinformation machine is great at what it does.

  25. Hmeyers2 says:

    Oh yeah. Research fail on my part then.

  26. Rick says:

    Maine is contested. Apparently the guy who ran the vote tallying is a Romney supporter, made sure that the Ron Paul votes would never make it to the final tally, thus handing Romney his victory.

    You could get more accurate vote counting in a central american dictatorship. The GOP is pathetic, but with such powerful money behind Romney, I’m sure the unmarked envelopes of money to unnamed local officials has done its job.


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