This family is a piece of work. Who does this sort of video?? Is this what family realtions have come to? Back-and-forth bickering on Facebook? Maybe this was an elaborate hoax. Let the parodies begin!
Pissed-off Dad Blows Up in Public Over Daughter’s Facebook Rant
By John C Dvorak Friday February 10, 2012
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No judgement from me as to whether or not this was justified or he is a psychopath.
Teenagers are a curse wrought on parents as punishment for every bad thing they ever did or thought about doing.
Teenage girls are difficult even when they are model children. Their drama can become toxic.
Chihuahuas are the breed most frequently dropped off anonymously at animals shelters
A couple of years ago I would have agreed with many people here that this was the result of bad parenting, an over reaction, blah blah blah.
Now, I have a snotty 15 year old who does similar crap. Now, am I the perfect parent? Nope. But, 4 other decent kids and this one is a snot? 80% chance that his mother and I have done a decent job.
Good on ya fellow frustrated parent! You are my new hero!
Wow! There have been many times that I’ve wanted to do that myself by I can’t afford to destroy stuff like that. I think he made his point and hopefully his daughter learned her lesson.
Dude, using all CAPS makes you look, well, not very smart. Maybe your kids were trying to help give to a clue, but you resisted, and they (being kids) grew frustrated and turned. Something to think about.
So 15 year old acts like a 15 year old, and father responds like 15 year old. Talk about a WATB —
Humiliate kid on the tubes: man, I can’t wait to do that to my kids
BTW where is his Wild Turkey or Bud to go with his Marlboro, perty hat, and pistola?
I firmly believe that she received an appropriate response. With many children taking advantage of technology for their own selfish purposes, they don’t fully understand that delicate balance of ’cause and affect’. As a stepfather of a child who has also become anti-social, internalizes information in order to twist the actual truth of the sequence of events, I believe children need a stark warning about consequences. Letting children, and people for that matter, get away with whatever they do online to libel, defame, or seek unwarranted sympathy is a disgusting way to pull on people’s heartstrings. I hate seeing appeals for pity and a failure to share the truth in what events lead up to the consequence one may have suffered. The old adage — it takes two to tango (tangle) — rings very true when people are open minded as to what happened. Some comments I noticed above were that this father didn’t appear to be violent against his own daughter — he just expressed his feelings, and believe it or not — parents have feelings too and there is no reason for children to expect the world (please understand when I use the word – children, I infer the mass populace for the most part, but children in their delicate stages). Reading studies online about the psychological development of children, our current rate of progression is asserting a deep seated form of narcissism that hasn’t been seen before. I look to the future, I look to the current state of young employees who show pure apathy when assisting you, as in — we the customer need to make their lives so much easier. Our workforce will suffer if children grow up expecting to get what they want, when they want it, and for whyever they want it, which, indubitably is an unrealistic expectation. So, kudos to the father for actually giving a shit about his daughter’s future and not being a pansy-parent…
You don’t remember being a teen, do you?
The guy shoots a laptop he probably paid for and will no doubt have to end up buying another one to replace it. What a dumb parent who allowed his daughter long ago to much leeway and now does not know how to deal with her. She sounds like a spoiled brat and the Dad sounds like a idiot blaming everyone but himself for the monster he helped create.
“College”?? who are you kidding, there will be no college
Some surprisingly good parenting comments on this here. Thanks for some positive in the shitstorm of negativity that we get splattered with daily.
By posting a message on Facebook about his disappointment in his daughters actions, hasn’t he put himself on the level of a 15 year old? I’m not a parent myself but I hope that if I ever become one I will be able to be the adult in these types of situations and do my best to keep family business in the family. A 15 year old is still a child. Now not only will she be punished at home but also by her peers who now have an inside look at her life at home. She will be judged by her fathers reactions and most likely made fun of for them.
Who in the world spends $130 on SOFTWARE????
If this ain’t a hoax, this father just showed how immature he actually is himself also. He has no clue about being a good parent. First he gives her all the expensive gadgets and then complains she won’t work for it. Next he tells how much he had to do as a teen, like that would motivate her. He’s obviously not aware that the majority of teens just think parents suck. Period. It’s a phase in growing up. Normally these matters are discussed and resolved at the dinnertable or so. Her showing her frustration on facebook implies that not happening in this household either. Blame the dude for that. Stealing her password and using it (public) isn’t really smart either and also shows a lot of disrespect for her. As an ‘IT-guy’ probably working for companies, it also makes you wonder what he does with others private information. Sysadmins usually get fired over this kind of crap. Using a gun to set an example doesn’t really have much to do with good parenting either. He probably only started another facebook flamewar now.
I bet his daughter is buying bullets also now 🙂