This family is a piece of work. Who does this sort of video?? Is this what family realtions have come to? Back-and-forth bickering on Facebook? Maybe this was an elaborate hoax. Let the parodies begin!

  1. Mac Guy says:

    Who the hell are you to tell him how to raise his kid?

    She disrespected her family via the laptop. The laptop has now been taken away.


    • Raising your kid is one thing. Public displays like this are another. And for all you know he doesn’t even have a kid.

      Also who shoots a computer that could be sold on Craigslist? What’s the point?

      • Mac Guy says:

        I don’t think he intended for it to be viral like this. He claims to be posting it on her wall for her friends to get the message that his daughter’s actions were disrespectful towards her family. I think he figured it would’ve stopped there.

        And what’s the point? I don’t know, probably hollow. HAR! I shoot old hard drives all the time. Wouldn’t do it with a .45, though. Too great a chance of it ricocheting.

        But to answer your question, hey, that’s sometimes the only way your kid will listen. When he was 10 years old, my uncle was given a BB gun back in the 50s by my grandfather under the agreement that he would never point it at anything living. Unfortunately, my grandfather caught him pointing it at one of the dogs, so he took that BB gun over his knee and broke it in half, just as he said he would.

        It scarred my uncle for life. He ended up getting his Master’s in Social Work and retired a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army. Oh, and he still avidly hunts. Yep, scarred him for life, all right…

        Stop being so damn soft with your kids, people. They’re kids, and they sometimes need to learn lessons the hard way.

      • msbpodcast says:

        The point is that litte [expletive, rhymes with blunt, deleted] would definitely get the message from her friends who would derive great pleasure in endlessly playing that video for her on their cellphones and we don’t even know her name…

        Its just a crappy laptop and its just gained in value.

        It has become a collector’s item, and an object lesson for some other father(s.) At least he didn’t have to wreck her car or something else which was more valuable.

        He’s got a viral video and everything to establish provenance.

      • birddog says:

        I have seen worse, a dad here where I live shot his daughters BMW to prove a point. But hey this is Louisiana nothing new.

  2. Thoren says:

    “Herp a derp, I didn’t like what you posted on the Facebook, yeee-haw!”

  3. Pocono Charlie says:

    Other than being a waste of ammunition and a (presumeably) working computer, I am all in favor.

    But only if the hard drive was backed-up with *LifeLock*… where you can get 30 days free….. yada-yada

  4. tacotrainwreck says:

    She goes to bed at 10!!!??? DEAR LORD HOW DOES SHE DO IT!?

    • Mac Guy says:

      How does she do it?

      I think the question most parents are asking is “How does HE do it?”

  5. orchidcup says:

    When I was YOUR age … blah … blah

    Too funny!

    The problem with teenagers is the parents that allow their children to have an iPhone, laptop, game console, etc. before they are grown up enough to work for it and pay for it themselves.

    If this is not a hoax, the father did the right thing but he probably should not have allowed the spoiled little pup to have all those things in the first place.

    When I was her age, I was an assistant manager at a restaurant.

  6. Godfish says:

    this guy is in so much trouble.. I hope he’s ok with the the cops coming and having a little talk with him. Discharging a firearm in the city is very NO NO.

    Enjoy you stay in federal pound him in the ass prison, and they will put child endangerment in there to. Poor guy.

    • orchidcup says:

      The cops would probably laugh their ass off. They have to deal with these shit-for-brains teenagers on a regular basis.

      The dude was shooting a laptop laying on the ground. He might get a ticket for discharging a firearm, but there was no child endangerment.

      Get real.

    • Jason Howe says:

      …what city? Looked pretty open and rural to me. Also depends on where he is. Believe it or not, there are parts of the country where it’s okay to fire a gun without getting permission from anyone (except maybe your mommy).

    • Mac Guy says:

      He’s in North Carolina (like me). As long as he is not within city limits, he may discharge a firearm without special permission from the sheriff.

  7. Yaknow says:

    If he was a real man, he would of scratched his nuts instead of his leg. Sheessh what passes as bein’ a man today. What a nancy boy cry baby, blabberin’ on, on YouTube. Parents these days….what of bunch of mamby pamby Jack Wagons! Nothing solves a whiney spoiled facebookin’ teener like a 10 lbs can of whoop ass, as my Pappy use to say.*

    * all pure social commentary sarcasm – in my opinion it is a hoax.

  8. Dallas says:

    He wanted to shoot his gun to show how manly he is to HIS coworkers at the bait and tackle shop. Using his young children’s Facebook chit-chat as an excuse.

    Looks like a Santorum vote.

  9. duh365 says:

    Frustrated parent + kid with entitlement and respect issues = what most parents want to do (in a situation like this) but never do.


    Don’t diss this guy just because he has a Southern drawl or carries a sidearm. He’s making a point and doing it in a public way…just the way his daughter did.

  10. nancy says:


    Keep up with the times buddy. Once upon a time there wasn’t a facebook, there wasn’t a platform where your daughter could mass blast her ungrateful pissy message. Now there is. Fortunately, the father is current with technology. I think he did exactly what should be done. He seems like a good dad and wants her to learn some important lessons in life, like responsibility.

    • What? says:

      Uh, she’s a teenager.

      She’ll learn about respect from parents that have some self control.

      Well, maybe not.

  11. Steve says:

    What a clueless egomaniac !!! It seems he’s determined to show himself , and anyone else who might be interested, that he has the upper hand in his world. “My girl disrespected me in a public forum so I shot her access to it.” The daughter is sure to be appearing on a stripper pole near daddy any day now.

  12. fw says:

    *waaaaaaaa!, disrespecting me! waaaaaaaaa!*
    Man what a bunch of, i do not know what, insecure much?

  13. Somebody_Else says:

    I grew up in Oklahoma. Kids with parents like this were usually the worst troublemakers.

  14. Miguel says:

    OK, now let’s see… Am I wrong, or he missed one shot?

    Also, hollow tip bullets??? Aren’t those banned by law?

    I’m not in the US, so I don’t know. Here we can’t carry guns…

    • So what says:

      The third show looked like a miss. No they are not banned.

      This is a fake.
      One He held the cigarette didn’t leave it in his mouth.
      Two It wasn’t lit.
      Three He could apparently read and run a camera.
      Four He used a pistol, any self respecting red neck would have used an AK or an M16.
      Five He wasn’t holding a beer.
      Six He was wearing a shirt.
      Seven Not a single hound dog to be seen.
      Eight The lawn chair was not a walmart special.
      Nine He appeared to have all his teeth.
      Ten He didn’t refer to his wife as his old lady,

    • Mac Guy says:

      No, sir, hollow point ammunition is not banned in the United States.

      You might be thinking of certain armor-piercing ammunition.

  15. bobbo, Stop me before I get to Nine says:

    I stopped watching after 2 minutes. Did the gun play override what looked the be the point of this video: bad parenting from start to finish?………Yeah, I think gun play would be another example of that.

    IT guy?

    Hah, hah. Stipper Pole for sure until she falls on her head.

    I’ve often wondered what I would ever do with a difficult child. Like Dog Whisperer, the show “Super Nanny” has been fascinating to watch. Same with “Wife Swap.” Always rewarding to see people leading a life without a clue actually learn something.

    You know how to learn something don’t you?

    • McCullough says:

      I like dawgs, they can’t use Facebook, iPods, iPads, text or Twitter.

      Kids, not so much.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

        I like dogs too. My drug brain damaged house mate has a nice chihuahua that shits in the house because the other dumb as shit house mate doesn’t want to allow the dog free access to outside as there are too many skunks and racoons out there. House mate can’t figure out how to make sure the dog goes when taken for a walk.

        I don’t blame the dog. Its all the owner in this case. Kids are more often like that but I do believe in “bad seed” scenarios. And even if not bad seeds–what about the more likely, almost unavoidable case of just not liking your own kiddie? I fear that even more.

        But the point: most kiddies don’t actually shit on the dining room rug. Thats a good thing.

  16. McCullough says:

    Facebook must be stopped!

    Facebook ‘defriend’ murders rattle tiny US town!

  17. HUGSaLOT says:

    sure it’s ugly and tasteless.. but perhaps you shouldn’t be wasting our time with this irrelevant bullshit to us on this site either?

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    Sheesh. Teenagers are supposed to be whiny and full of drama.

  19. Zane says:

    Thats stupid to blow up his daughter’s laptop he going to have to have pay for it or buy his daughter a new one

  20. kerpow says:

    If you’re dissing this guy and you don’t have kids just STFU. He said what he’d do if she pulled her crap again and he followed through. Sure it may have been extreme but I can tell you from first hand experience that idle threats are poison to parenting. Whatever the cost of the laptop was the lesson she learned is priceless.

  21. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

    kerpow==that wasn’t the point. YES–once you promise your kiddie something, you gotta follow thru. The issue here is what do you promise them?

    Any better way to handle a pissy teen on facebook than shooting her (( “her”)) laptop?

    I’m impressed by Angel’s comment: Sheesh. Teenagers are supposed to be whiny and full of drama. /// Not true, but “good” parenting does need to know how to react to it. I thought the show “RoseAnne” often did a good job of that but I recall my parents never used sophisticated sarcasm to correct my behavior. I do remember the threat of punishment and the very rare need to use it.

    I was a good kiddie, as I expect most kiddies raised with love are. I think my mommie loved me, and Dad didn’t give a shit. Mom was right, but I think I’m male. I can fight against it—or shoot the laptop.

    Know what I mean?

  22. jim g says:

    Ah so THAT’S how you get “bullet” font

  23. Dan says:

    Where is his trailer….sorry mobile home.

  24. Wrigsted the Dane says:

    The guy is an absolute psycho who should be locked up before he injuries someone with that gun!

    • Sherri says:

      I agree, but I do love the fact that he incriminated himself to the world and only proved just how controlling and abusive he really is.

  25. JohnnyBGoode says:

    I’d be pissed to. But shooting the laptop I paid for? Nope. Posting a response to my daughter on Facebook? Nope.

    They need to work in communication skills.

  26. sargasso_c says:

    Social media meets Texas.

  27. Darth says:

    He wants $130 for the software he installed on a laptop he shot? He should have to prove that the software works properly 🙂

    People like this with guns seems like a really really bad idea…

  28. deowll says:

    I take it we missed a lot of the good stuff in that letter because he wouldn’t repeat what was actually said in the manner it was said. He’s divorced but the ex-wife and the wife all agreed.

    Despite what happened to the laptop I doubt if this guy has ever laid a hand on the kid. The worst he suggested for being cursed out in public was no computer and grounding.

    And for the person that thought this guy was trailer trash. They don’t have professional cleaners come in and clean up as a job perk. This guy has big bucks but he comes from dirt poor with high IQ unless this was all fake and he doesn’t want his kid to be a worthless obnoxious lazy slob with a bad attitude like a lot of rich kids are.

    I’d say his princess is foolish with a bad attitude and he isn’t happy.

    Note the line where he admitted that little brother does wake her up at six if she doesn’t lock the door. That was a good addition if faked because it suggests that this is real.

  29. dooley says:

    Gazelle it, fool!

  30. nilum says:

    Typical ultra-right-wing parenting:

    -Treat your kid like shit.

    -Inevitable teenage angst ensues.

    -Escalate the situation further with unreasonable punishments.

    -Push her out of your life entirely.

    -Wonder why your child never visits when you’re old and feeble.

    -Die alone and miserable.

    At least it has a happy ending.

    • What? says:

      FTW… he is going to have no love and respect when his butt needs wiping, and can’t do it himself.

      But, he’ll have that beloved 45 automatic, and maybe some money he hoarded!! Yay for planning for all but 5 seconds.


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