1. UncDon says:

    Nazis on the moon? C’mon, you’re kidding, right?

    Next you’ll be telling me China has a manned spacecraft program.

  2. orion3014 says:

    Considering the fascist state of the USG, Nazis as the good guys isn’t that big of a stretch….

  3. memesis says:

    Looks good to me! Lots of fun.

  4. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Sarah Palin kicks moon Nazi’s asses. A story only a Finnish B-Movie director could make.

    It’ll be putrid, but it’s no Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    First, nothing can EVER be worse the B-attlefield E-arth. That said, this film looks like it could give B.E. a run for its money. It comes off more like Wag the Dog, meets, Independence Day. Rather than a Mars Attacks clone. And perhaps it also has a little bit of “Commando” thrown in for flavor. Meaning that it’s unintentionally amusing, when it’s not being a wholesale slaughter fest. Actually that kind of reminds me of what The Transformer movies are. But I doubt this film has a central hero that anyone will care for. More like a cast of idiots. Likely it will have a whole bunch of people whose guts you’ll love to hate. But that won’t make it a good film. More like a cinematic enema.

    Since it appears to be about 90% CGI, it shouldn’t have cost much to make. So it will be profitable with the small crowd of bored simpletons, who’ll pay to watch anything. And probably like it, just because they paid for it. The DVD will quickly be consigned to the bargain bins.

    I noticed it comes out the Wednesday before Passover. With the space Nazi theme it’s got. They couldn’t have timed it better, to piss off those who will likely object to it the most. Kind of like how The Last Temptation of Christ was received. One wonders if this is an MPAA experiment, to see if they can make a 100% piracy-proof movie? So bad, no one will ever want to steal it. Some may even pay to publicly burn copies of it.

    • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

      Battlefield Earth was terrible, but Incredible Melting Man blows it away. Then there was one about about Martians living under the North Pole that was even worse and so bad I can’t remember the name.

  6. dannythedog says:

    John, my guess is “Iron Sky” is going for cult movie status, and not trying to be serious. I have not seen SST3, or 1 or 2, but I think they were trying to be a serious movie franchise. “Iron Sky” is most trying to follow the movies such as “Death Race” or “Evil Dead 3”.

  7. Animby says:

    IMDB lists it as a comedy. And it is being released on (well, shortly after) April 1st.

    BTW, John, SST3 was a DaVinci masterpiece compared to SST2.

    I was very pleased to meet RAH (and his wife Ginny) when I was at Fort Carson in ’64 and he still lived near Colo Springs. His novels were what got me started really reading when I was a kid.

  8. Chad says:

    This looks incredible…I cant wait to see this!

  9. WmDE says:

    Sometime in the early 80s I was working the late shift. At 2am I arrive home, make a sandwich and sit down and flip on the TV. This scene had just begun.


    I had never seen this movie.

  10. Useless Eater says:

    I’m rooting for the Nazis. They have really hot chicks.

  11. deowll says:

    Actually I just turn off my higher order mental faculties and enjoy the heck out of this utter rubbish/fantasy. ?;^)

    • LibertyLover says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like fun to turn off the higher mental faculties and go see what looks like some good special effects and warped creativity. In fact, I might actually peel off a saw buck for a ticket (rather than wait to see it online). It can’t be a whole lot worse than “Rocky Horror Picture Show” or “Dude, Where’s My Car”. Right?

  12. Animby says:

    Thanks, BillyDe. Mel Brooks was (is) a comedy genius. The Producers was one of his best.

  13. Kent says:

    If I remember correctly, this movie was a collaborative creation by volunteers on the internet. I think the people behind it did a Startrek spoof about ten years ago.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Any movie with Sarah Palin in it must be a spoof.

  15. jpfitz says:

    Udo Kier

    Mini Biography
    Udo Kier was born October 14, 1944 in Cologne, Germany, during World War II. His entrance was just as dramatic as some of his roles. On the evening of his birth Udo’s mother requested extra time with her new baby. The nurses had gathered all of the other babies and returned them to the nursery when the hospital was bombed. He and his mother were rescued from underneath the rubble. Udo didn’t know much about his father. When Udo was 18 he moved to Britian in order to learn the English language.

    Udo wants revenge.

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    Starship Trooper actually tried to be good, though misguided, so I kinda give it a pass.

    Want something worse? Every Saturday night, the made for SyFy channel movie. It’s hard to make Ed Wood’s classic, Robot Monster, look good, but they seem to be able to do it, time after time.

    • Animby says:

      UncDave: The first sci-fi movie I remember seeing was Forbidden Planet and I’ve been hooked on such movies ever since. You know the good thing about Syfy made-for-TV movies? They are so consistently bad, you never feel bad for missing one.

      • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

        Hah! Thats an excellent point. Hadn’t noticed I feel exactly the same way. That, and the assumption it will be on later.

        First Sci-Fi I remember is “Beast from 40 Thousand Fathoms.” Had nightmares for years after that.

        Saw it again a few years ago. Pure Bleeck!

        Same with most horror shows these days. The image in the mirror, the person behind the refrigerator door when it gets closed. The loud noise from nowhere still gets me but thats because it can’t be anticipated. All pretty much hokum now.

        Still not comfortable in total darkness, but thats another story.

      • SteveD13 says:

        SyFy seems to be embracing the cheese factor in their Saturday made for TV movies. They even had a contest, “Name the monster and we’ll make the movie.”
        Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you “Sharktopus!”

  17. Confuzled says:


  18. Cesar Obamacus Zero says:

    This looks like a Uwe Boll movie. Oh, Udo Kier why in another Schiza-fest?

  19. RS says:

    Come on, Nazi’s in space?

    Who could possibly have a problem with this. Reminds of the Star Trek Enterprise arc where time traveller Nazi’s have laser Stuka’s attack the starship.

  20. soundwash says:

    lol.. i never thought the iron sky project would get the funding, let alone jump from the net to the big screen.. this should be a great spoof-movie.

    And like the Powers That Were like to say:
    “The Movie is the message”



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