1. Buzz Mega says:

    How exiting.

    Not a misspelling.

  2. jmsiowa says:

    I’d say very campy. i’ll get it at redbox.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Sorry, you’ll have to download it.

      It is not going to red box. (That distribution method is so twentieth century. 🙂 )

      • CrankyGeeksFan says:

        … and just downloading is so first-decade-of-the-twenty-first century.

        On the Iron Sky website, there is a page where one can request a showing of the film. A theatrical exhibition will apparently show if enough requests come from a given area. Iron Sky involves the crowdsourcing of ideas and the crowdfunding of money to support the film.

  3. Jason Howe says:

    Worse? Possibly. But in the best Bad Sci-Fi sort of way. I’ve been tracking this production for a couple years. I seriously can’t wait. Space Nazis? What’s not to love?

  4. jmsiowa says:

    Also the new president looks like she is type cast to look like Pallin.

  5. BigBoyBC says:

    I’m wondering which is worse, this movie or the possibility that JCD actually watched Starship Troopers 3…

  6. Thoren says:

    Looks better than about 95% of the sci-fi crap Hollywood squeezes out of its bum every year.

  7. Sterling says:

    Looks like fun, but I doubt I’m going to watch it at the movies.

    Maybe when it’s on cable.

    BTW, why is they Nazis? Is it because Hitler’s opening on the Munich Olympics is out in the solar system?

  8. Lowkey says:

    Does no one understand the concept of spoof?

  9. boringfileclerk says:

    The difference between Starship Troopers 3 and this is that ST3 actually took itself seriously. Iron Sky has to be a joke. At worse it will be the next Snakes on a Plane.

  10. skunkman62 says:

    looks good to me. btw, Highlander 2 is the worst movie EVAR!

  11. Rick says:

    What? No NAZI zombies?

  12. Zybch says:

    Looks hilarious. I can’t wait to see it.
    Anything with Udo Kier in it is on my must watch list.

  13. President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

    Cool. That’s gonna be right up there with Plan 9 but not as bad as The Incredible Melting Man.

  14. Phydeau says:

    Could be bad, could be great bad.

    There was a Starship Troopers 2???

  15. Richard says:

    So Adam Curry has been pimping this movie all this time!

  16. Clifffton says:

    Why pick on ST3? ST2 was much worse……….
    ST3 was directed by the guy that frickken wrote Robocop.

  17. Irv says:

    I’m a big Heinlein fan back from my youth, but this
    just looks more fun and interesting. Heil Hollywood.

    • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

      Even the 1st Starship Troopers had little to do with Heinlein’s novel.

  18. Bob says:

    Space Nazi’s? Well you got to give them credit for originality if nothing else. This sounds like a made for tv, SiFi… oops, I mean SyFy channel movie.

  19. Ken says:

    At least it’s not battlefield earth

  20. chase barber says:

    I didn’t think it was possible for a movie to be worse than Starship Troopers 3.

    A lifelong Heinlein fan.

  21. Peppeddu says:

    So corny I may actually go see it

  22. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

    This looks like a classic to me–better than “Mars Attacks.”

    Better Title: “Nazis from the Dark Side of the Moon.” /// “Space Nazis” ===I guess its a toss up.

    Didn’t catch SST3–but I’m guessing someone is mismatching genres? Space is only the setting. The movie is about something else===unless it is just that old screen saver. Boy===THAT is a boring movie after a few hours.

    • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

      Mars attacks was great but what about Spaced Invaders? Watched that with a friend and it was so fun, we rewound and watched it again.

      One of the greatest lines ever: “They’re not evil – just stupid…”

  23. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    A few days ago, there was the posting of the Russian expedition to Lake Vostok – and the possibility of an encounter with a secret Nazi base. One “rumor” that developed over the years was that Operation Highjump, a real U.S. military exercise in the mid to late 1940s in Antarctica, was a mission to destroy the “secret base” and its “secret UFO technology”.

    The wreckamovie web site features a video game in development entitled “Iron Sky Operation Highjump The Real Cold War”.

  24. The website states it’s a dark comedy. Nazis are the best villains, no
    matter how many get wasted you never feel bad.

    And I love the official movie poster. The SS on Julia Dietze uniform
    must mean super-sexy.
    And check out the battle of the bulge in Chris Kirby’s space suit!

  25. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

    Science Fiction–close to real science right? Close enough??

    New Scientist has a throw away short article on whether or not the Universe is “benevolent, malevolent or indifferent?”

    I submitted the following:

    “Dan said it well enough, but I will phrase it in a different way:

    Whatever is beneficial for one person almost by definition will be detrimental to someone else. You get your book published and that new job? Good for you. Someone else didn’t.

    To say the universe can be benevolent for all, “Its not a zero sum game” is to play games with what benevolent means.

    Of course the universe has no soul, no conscience, no care or concern for fish in the sea, microbes, or the fungus called man. What are we in the universal scope of things? Over time?

    Ha, ha. Notwithstanding what should be obvious to all, YES–its better to have a positive point of view. It is also true that if you don’t try, you won’t succeed.

    But thats an entirely different issue.

    Silly Hoomans.”


    and it was not posted. Something rather admirable/different about DU–even more true given the small bit of editorial control they do choose to exercise.

    I salute you guys. And everyone willing to disagree with me.

    Tender Mercies.

  26. AdmFubar says:

    what was the story about the nazis doing high energy experiments, the found the lab some bits and pieces left there but none of the personal, ever….

  27. illuminated2012 says:

    Did you notice the 9:11 time stamp when the saucers started attacking…now let’s connect some dots…911…nazis…
    Is this a subliminal message telling us that nazis(operation paperclip) were behind 911 false flag? I don’t know. What do you think?

  28. jim g says:

    This movie depicts what will happen if Obama gets reelected

  29. Breetai says:

    Ummm… Space Nazis?!

    This is a big budget version of Spaceballs

  30. Dave Koss says:

    I’m so upset about this movie. Years ago, it was being shot as a serious, indie film with a really awesome plot. For years, I kept checking in to see how the progress was going. The trailer made it look like it was going to be incredible. Now it’s a goofy, Mars Attacks looking movie. Sad.


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