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Great show Adam and John!
USA, Israel & Iran should be collaborating on how to make thorium nuke plants work. That way, nobody gets hurt & we’ve beaten our swords into plowshares. T/F. Yea or nay.
Obviously no nation wants to build a Thorium power plant, because they can’t hide the fact that they’re also refining plutonium for weapons, if they’re not using it as fuel.
Halfro time for Amurica
Doth not Clint have enough money to buy surgery for his laryngeal polyps?
Did not Clint have enough dough to have his laryngeal polyps diagnosed in the first place?
Hath Clint not googled for the symptomatology of laryngeal polyps within the past few months?
Condi were seductiously dominatious in Roanoke
yet submissiously intromissious in Thousand Oak
Condi twiddled her titulars at Duke
& shaved her slitulars in Dubuque
Condi took off from Oahu
overflew Honolulu
copped a buzz in Rio di Janeiroo
& did a pilgrimage to Corcovadoo
Condi were fingeratiously fondle-atious
& genuflexatiously inclinatious
Hey..stop it.
Best show in a loooong time!
Good investigative work and analysis on the pipes. Commendations. Clips of the week – both were sweet!
And wonderful artwork!
I’m not buying Adam’s energy theory. Hasn’t he read Project for a New American Century? Everything that’s been going on in that part of the world was laid out in 1997 by a bunch of neocon zionist doughebags.
That’s old and done. Check the calendar.
Doesn’t appear to be.
Sounds like Adam needs to take some acting lessons from Miki.
Adam is a little behind with his looking into NG pipelines but it’s still good he’s bringing the message to the NA audience.
Pepe Escobar of Asia Times Online has been covering this topic over the past few years ( for example) as has William F Engdahl when it comes to the ever growing importance of Central Asian natural resources to the West.
The price of gas is going up, during a time with it usually goes down it price. Because the Petroleum cabal pulled an Enron, and shut down four refineries, for “maintenance” (where have we heard that one before?) . Thus making the refined product scarcer, and giving Wall Street tycoons something to speculate over.
The corporate wars make Rollerball seem more prescient than ever.
Just another Fnord.