LOS ANGELES (CBS) — When you head down to the beach for a little fun this summer, county officials want you to leave the pigskin at home.
The Board of Supervisors this week agreed to raise fines to up to $1,000 for anyone who throws a football or a Frisbee on any beach in Los Angeles County.
In passing the 37-page ordinance on Tuesday, officials sought to outline responsibilities for law enforcement and other public agencies while also providing clarification on beach-goer activities that could potentially disrupt or even injure the public. The updated rules now prohibit “any person to cast, toss, throw, kick or roll” any object other than a beach ball or volleyball “upon or over any beach” between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
Exceptions allow for ball-throwing in predesignated areas, when a person obtains a permit, or playing water polo “in or over the Pacific Ocean”.
However, during the winter off-season, the new rules will be relaxed.
Officials warned that any activities that could potentially harm “any person or property on or near the beach” should not be allowed during the peak summer season.
Beaches are over extremely crowded, I don’t need to be eating footballs or Frisbees, or being run over by some inconsiderate asshole chasing one.
I’m fine with this, completely FINE.
Yes, this happens to me EVERY TIME I GO TO THE BEACH. And stop playing the Beach Boys there too.
A 37-page ordinance that regulates the behavior of people and law enforcement on any county beach?
37 pages???
Who has time to sit around and dream up this nonsense?
Never mind.
The 3 Democrats and 2 Republicans that make-up the LA Board of Supervisors.
I played football on the beach until Old Man Jenkings took my football.
You just can’t legislate good behaviour. Not.
It’s the sandcastles that really need building permits.
You laugh, but they did outlaw digging a hole in excess of 18 inches as part of the same ordinance.
It was a nervous laugh..like gallows humour.
I’ll tell you what the problem is. People have too much freedom.
That’s it. Too much freedom. People running around doing whatever they please. It is a blight on society.
Everyone should sit in their little beach chair facing the ocean and quietly watch the waves roll in. I do not understand people that want to impose their uninhibited fun and frolicking on other people that are there to enjoy the quiet solitude of the beach. People should learn to respect the rights of everyone else.
Exactly, I sit in my beach chair toes in sand donning dark glasses looking at the bikini clad women. Stop horsing around and trowing your footballs and whatnot, I’m on a mission. And gkeep off my lawn.
why do you still live in USA
Because it’s better than living in that crap-stain of a country you live in…
I live in Sweden,so,hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
why do you still live in USA
Nice hot sandy beaches in Sweden?
Nope, rocky coastline thousands of bays and inlets and the most gorgeous women, blonde haired, blue eyed, slim, healthy, unhibited …
They get a long winter and, like Canadians, they are only too glad to throw off all of their clothes at the first warm ray of sunshine to peek through a cloud.
Go back to your overcrowded beaches where some muffin-top idiot is going to kick kitty-litter in the otherwise tasteless grease-‘n-gristle sandwiches you actually bought from a roach-coach wagon across the road.
I know your from Jersey msbpod, that explains your vision of American beaches. The beaches I visit are some of the best beaches in the world. Long Island excluding Jones beach (too crowded) has some of the best beaches, even the north shore with the rocks are beautiful and clean.
Because we didn’t create ABBA. For that alone you should be ashamed of Sweden.
“All employers (as of 2004) are required to provide free massage.”
I don’t know but Sweden Looks kinda sweet. Except for the Climate and taxes. Even with ABBA.
They pass these ordinances because of liability i$$ue$. One too many a-holes smashed into some brittle old lady whilst chasing a frisbee, another law$uit filed & that’s the end of that.
You can’t roll anything? This is outrageous.
Civil society requires an intelligent and informed populace.
Having been there myself on several occasions, I can attest to the crying need for Californians to become intelligent and informed.
They’re all fucking selfish, self-absorbed, egoistical, egotistical, me..me…me… whiners.
Valley girls aren’t from Montana, they’re from the car infested urban and suburban wastelands of California.
Not sure where you were going with that…
I can see a need to make a scarce, public resource (like a beach) more ‘hospitable’ but this is a weird law. ☠
I think your “You can’t roll anything?” joke sailed over msb’s head.
Good one, BTW.
Yup. 🙂
Tough crowd
They’re just laying down the ground rules for lawsuits. After all there is one lawyer for every 265 Americans.
Where are the grammar Nazis? As the worst speller, I really shouldn’t be encouraged so.
Y’all are going to the wrong beaches. I can’t stand those super crowded ones where this might actually make sense.
On the East Coast go to the Outer Banks, NC and on the West Coast go to Torrey Pines, CA. In Hawaii go to Kauai.
Yep, Outer Banks, at least 150 miles of pristine beaches where you may not see another living soul.
‘Course, there’s always Jones Beach in NY *shivers*.
Jones beach, the horror, the horror.
“permit=tax” Ain’t that truth. Ol’ Cali is hurtin’ so bad that the next thing is paying a city meter for using a public restroom. Doh! I just give them an idea!
No rolling, huh? That’s a pretty harsh tactic for keeping the wheelchair-bound off our beaches. I thought they had it bad enough with the sand.
Didn’t you hear about the Kennedy who died playing football? OK, so it was football while skiing or something like that, but this is close enough.
Really, given that the state already mandates seat belt use, I don’t see what there is to object about here.
YOU KNOW: when I was a kiddie, you could hike/camp in the State and National Parks just by doing it. I’m not totally 100% completely sure as that is what I continue to do today, but I’m getting this feeling that you are supposed to have permits now to do that? I’m still hiking/camping in the most remote areas to avoid my fellow man.
Ah crap. I just talked myself into checking with the rangers next time before I go. After all, individual freedoms are a declining sum game: the more people we are, the less freedoms each individual can have all the while our gub’ment takes them away to protect us from real and exaggerated threats.
It does look just like a toilet. Turds and all.
Your mention of camping in parks brought back a memory of hanging out on Mount Royal in Montreal back in the late 70’s. About ten of us had driven up from the Adirondacks and decided we’d just throw down some sleeping bags and wake early to see the city. We awoke to a beautiful day and the sound of two Mounties on their horses who asked us politely where we were from and that we had to get up and that camping is not permitted. Very nice times. I wonder how that would go down today.
Probably 20 Mounties with bullet proof vests and assault rifles surrounding you and hauling you to Canada’s version of Gitmo, is my guess.
It’s a declining sum game isn’t because more people, it is because Ol’ Cali didn’t listen to Gray Davis. They kicked his ass out of office when he wanted to raise car registration fees to stop Cali from sliding down hill. The people of Cali so pissed by Davis replaced him with an upgrade “feel good” actor. Who let Cali slide to the financial disaster it is in now. Now you have a recycled Gov. playing Gov. Ol’ Cali sum game is a sum game alright, it’s the lack of the sum of money. The lack of state funds and the multitude of crisis since the 70’s is due to poor government decisions, mismanagement and voter denial. Loss of freedom is due to a poor government, and voters living in La-La land, creating a state on the verge of collapse. You made your bed now sleep in it. Or move out of state to Colorado.
Next they will be banning surfing because someone might get hurt.
You will need a permit to do that soon. Damn, I gave them another state revenue idea!
that municipal laws were supposed to be created by a FORUM of the people.. NOT a couple of rich idiots that dont have to WORK their buts off to make a living.
A forum= a REASONABLE amount of people that represent the Area/concerns of those in THAT AREA…
So, technically, you aren’t throwing a football “upon or over any beach” if you both are standing in the water.
Also, can you walk with your balls hanging over the beach or do you have to carry them. It might look a little odd, but I guess if all the other guys are doing it….
If there’s enough people to play football on the beach, there’s too many people for anything but sunbathing and building sand castles.
Actually IN the water, as opposed to the beach (sand) is another thing. Of course the last 5 or 6 times I’ve actually been in the water at the LA beaches, a knife of some sort or another washed up in the surf. So, I stopped going. I really don’t like laying in the sun enough to trek through the sand to do it.
But, like others have said, the law is all about liability. There’s lots of inconsiderate tards (aka people who play or even like football) at the beach who would just as soon throw the damned thing at your eye as to their mates. Feh!
Officials warned that any activities that could potentially harm “any person or property on or near the beach” should not be allowed during the peak summer season.
Could swimming be banned next?
BTW, when pissing in the ocean becomes outlawed, only outlaws will piss in the ocean.
These are the same dimwits who tried to pass ordinances to ban free toys with a Happy Meal, because it promotes obesity. But if I want to go out and play in an actual physical activity, that’s no good either? Nutjobs, all of them.
“Officials warned that any activities that could potentially harm “any person or property on or near the beach” should not be allowed during the peak summer season.”
Walking! Walking can kill someone! One little bump and whoops, someone fell over and hit their head.
Everyone must now get down on all fours, and emit a little “woof!” at least once every 60 seconds as a warning to others that you are moving.
Woof? I think you meant baaa.
Next, I suppose there will be fines for not wearing approved footwear (shoes) or for not wearing clothing that covers at least 90-percent of the body. After all, when people make the “wrong choice” by not wearing shoes then they’re likely to burn their feet on the hot sand. And when they get sun burned they’re likely going to seek help from the lifeguards. And that, in turn, will cause unnecessary expense on the health care system (since some/most of these people are not likely to have health insurance).
Sounds to me like L.A. may have a few too many liberals (not that they were ever short handed or anything).
Do wheelchairs roll?
But.. Think of the children! Now that they’re safe from hurting themselves the parents can relax and drink booze until they puke and then wash the foul taste of puke with even more booze!
Personally, I’d rather see the thousand buck fines for people who puke on the beach.
If you think this is bad, check out the Port of Los Angeles Clean Truck Program. In the name of cleaning the air, it attempted to bar all independent truckers from access to the port while charging all sorts of new fees on trucks and on sea containers. Then the fees would be used by a select group of local trucking companies to upgrade their trucks. These local companies would then essentially be the only ones able to enter the port, and only with company drivers, who would then be unionized by the Teamsters. These companies and the unions would then, no doubt, be very gracious in their “support” to the brave Mayor and the other politicians who saw the light of cleaner air.
This “circle of support” by the Teamsters and clean-air activists is headed to the ports of Newark, Elizabeth, and Baltimore.
This “circle of support” by the Teamsters and clean-air activists is headed to the ports of Newark, Elizabeth, and Baltimore.
One word: Mafia.
It might be more correct to say organized crime since the dons are pretty much out of business but in general I agree with you.
The police state isn’t coming, it’s already here.
Last step in the process you will need a permit to actually go to the beach. And guess what, you won’t get it.
Shut up, slaves!
The CDC has just declared secondhand smoke unsafe at any level. It is recommending that smoking in vehicles be outlawed, since someone else might ride in the car or perhaps a future purchaser.
What does the CDC say about car exhaust fumes?
Personally, I’d like to see all politicians forced into caged death matches, preferably with weapons capable of inducing horrifying wounds (chainsaw, flamethrower, etc.) — but only if truly sensible rules were introduced (e.g., the winner is fed to crocodiles).
If nothing else, it might induce me to start watching television again.
When are people going to begin to understand that liberalism is NOT the liberalism of the past. It has been bastardized into progressivism, which is FAR from liberalism. Progressives believe that you are too stupid to think for yourself, and the government needs to restrict/control your actions.