Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the Super Bowl and more indicators.
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  1. LtSiver says:

    I think this is the first image that doesn’t show some form of disaster in it….

    • msbpodcast says:

      Have you seen what’s happened to the BDI?

      The shipment of durable and consumer goods is down 90% across the planet

      Nobody is buying fuck nothing from anybody else…

      That’s a surer indication of a crash that’s happening right before our eyes than anything else.

      Lets hope that the situation is a self correcting aberration, or Wal*Mart has hit the wall, the economy has hit the bottom and the world is in for very interesting times indeed.

      • observer says:

        BDI has dropped because shippers have overbuilt. It’s supply/demand in shipping, not because people aren’t buying goods. Interestingly DRYS, EGLE, and SEA are all up since Jan 1.

        • ECA says:

          I would think that BDI is showing that the SELLERS are cutting costs, by NOT ordering product.. NOT the consumer.

          Sellers are re-evaluating what CRAP to sell the consumer..or to Actually sell good products.(never happen)

          Also, the sellers have ENOUGH product already in the USA. They are trying to cut back, drop prices and sell WHAT they have. they have to much STOCK on hand.

          We have been living with 90% of the USA not being TECH savey.. And now the age of those from the 60’s is coming up, and those People know MORE about tech. we are getting PICKY about what we buy. And also those that purchased in recent PAST, are getting SMARTER…
          I dont need a computer IN MY DRYER
          I DONT need a computer in my STOVE
          My refrigerator died because the radiator wasnt Big enough/in the WRONG location…

          To many complaints for NEW ITEMS that fail in 5-10 years. Lower income people want items that LAST…buy it once and its still working in 20 years.
          Buying once, buying Twice, buying it AGAIN, isnt saving me money. TECH have proven that you can make things SHORT LIVED/break on demand.(you should look up laptop batteries and the connectors)

      • Not quite true. The roller coaster series seldom showed a disaster.It just showed cool coasters.

      • Glenn E. says:

        Goods sellers have probably shipped in bulk, to domestic warehouses, in order to beat the increasing cost of fuel. So they’ve got a lot of inventory to sell down, before their next wave of shipping. I once worked at a US steel plant, who made more steel than they filled orders for, during the time when fuel was cheapest. So they kept the surplus sitting outside, getting a film of rust, through the winter months. Until the following year, when their regular customers would order more steel. And the plant would pretend like it cost them as much to make, when it was colder, what they had made when it was in warmer months. And somehow, the government missed taxing this inventory they had out on their back lots. Probably some lie and loophole. Put anyway, the plant often laid people off in the late winter, or early spring. When they should have been employing us to make that steel on time. So there are all kinds of sneaky tricks in big business. Just ask Mitt Romney, should he become our next sneaky tricks, US president. Silly voters, Trix are for the rich.

        • deowll says:

          I take it you don’t have a Roth or 401, income deferred annuity, nothing? Doesn’t take a lot to get one started. Their soft drink money would do it for most people.

    • illuminated2012 says:

      Everything always looks fine just before an economic train wreck. LOL!

  2. ECA says:

    Lt, most times it a roller coaster.

    along with jobs gained ( I say this each year) is all the temp jobs from xmas will end by end of February..

    There is always a small boom this time of year, as the numbers were gained 2-3 months past. NOW you have the store inventory clerks.

  3. ECA says:

    Logitech, is falling.
    They got to BIG for themselves..

    KEYTRONIC made the lifetime KB..
    BUT keytronic isnt in the KB business..its a SIDE business.
    Go look at their corp first..

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Just because I can’t find a better place on DU to post this thought, here it is.

    In a recent interview about the plot line of his new movie, Moneyball. Brad Pitt said, “Why do we do what we do? Just because we’ve been doing it for so long, does that make it right?” Like, why do we have Daylight Saving’s Time? Can anyone tell me? It’s a pain in the ass.”

    And I got thinking about this. Yeah, I’ve heard all the reasons why we do it. But do they even apply anymore? I mean we’re starting to use those energy saving light bulbs, a lot. And we’re learning to drive energy efficient electric cars. And working and shopping more at home, online. So do we REALLY need to keep our lives off balance twice a year, with this clock adjusting nonsense? Just how much energy is REALLY being saved here? And is enough to make this twice yearly disruption, worth it?

    During WW2, they made DST continuous for a whole year, not switching it back, to REALLY save on energy. That seems to be what we ought to do. Have it whatever time saves the most energy, during the longest part of the year. And not worry about that shorter period anymore. DST starts in March now, when days are becoming longer anyway. So what are we saving, exactly?

    We needed (and used) more energy during the darker, shorter days of winter, to light things up. Especially those wasteful Christmas lights, and to keep shopping malls open from 6am to midnight. Even if we did this clock trick to save energy in the winter, we’ve screwed that up with all the extra lighting and shopping hours. Savings nullified.

    But the DST savings is supposed to be from Spring to Fall. When it’s already getting brighter and warmer. So except for cooling off during the really hot days, with AC use (which isn’t time dependent anyway). Moving the clock around to take advantage of an earlier sunrise, or later sunset, REALLY isn’t doing that much savings. Tell those morons who keep the big cities all lit up at night, with office buildings lights on all hours, that even though they can afford it, it’s still very wasteful, and causes light pollution. Just who do they think their attracting to the cities, Martians?

    People flying in jets might get a thrill seeing the city all lit up to the sky. But would tourism REALLY suffer, if they didn’t see New York or Boston, that well lit up? I think they’d still come, for the food and entertainment. Even if they couldn’t see the tops and sides of big building shimmering at night. Besides there are cheaper alternative lighting, than burning the office lights and roof top floods. Stick some WiFI controlled LED devices on those windows, in one corner. And use a system to run thru patterns at night. So the Martian won’t see it. Tough. Check out this view of how energy wasteful the cities are on earth, at night.

    Why are we shinning this much light, upward? Can’t we better shade the night sky, and direct the lights more downward, where it’s needed? THIS would save far more energy keeping down the lighting bills, than shifting working hours in the spring.
    I think world governments and scientists, just like to play God, by dictating these time changes. Making us all dance to their whims twice a year. Read this item and the comments, about why Arizona doesn’t observe DST. And why the US probably doesn’t need to anymore. Hawaii also doesn’t observe DST either. And gets along just fine. Of course they have no close neighbors on the clock to bug them.

    BTW, I find it better to check your batteries at the start of every season, than waiting for the DST or Standard Time dates. Because modern batteries can easily leak in a few months time. So it’s better to catch them leaking, after only a few weeks or a month, than after eleven months!. Thanks battery makers, for making your products leak faster. Was there a confab meeting for that? I’ve got two steel cased AA Energizer cells, that haven’t leaked in 30 years, in my tool box (and still work too!). And I’ve had plenty of paper wrapped cells that leaked inside my good flashlights, hardly ever used. The latest advancement, is the batteries swell up and get stuck inside things. I wish they’d design them to play a little “change me right now!” tune, when they go bad.

    You gotta love that Brad Pitt, right? He’s a modern day national treasure.

  5. Ryan says:

    Someone mentioned Coinstar should say out of the DVD business during the show. Coin Star owns Redbox which I think most people love.


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