This morning, Lloyd Blankfein, the head of one of the most prestigious investment firms in America released a video on YouTube for the Human Rights Campaign. Supporting equal rights for same-sex marriage.

Unlike many of his peers he’s not taken any bonuses in recent times – in fact, he cut his pay. And he’s the head of a Wall Street investment firm that non-students of American history may not realize was founded as a response to bigotry. Back when Wall Street firms wouldn’t hire Jews.

So, kudos to you, Lloyd. I don’t own any shares of Goldman Sachs – or any investment bank for that matter. But, as an ordinary American who thinks our Constitution and Bill of Rights mandate equal opportunity – welcome aboard!

  1. Hmeyers2 says:

    > “Exactly how does a lousy 3% of the population get so much political coddling?”

    Because 3% of us are effective as a shark.

    > When the other 96% (minus the rich 1%) simply get ignored?

    Because you jackasses spend your time watching American Idol, arguing in forums over stupid shit or get tricked into believing the Tea Party is “grassroots” (it wasn’t. Google for Glenn Beck and his pals).

    The lower 96% get suckered because even right now I could start talking about some polarizing issue and you lower simians would willingly go right along with wherever I decided to take it.

    It’s call a lack of focus, easily be distracted or whatever other phrase floats your boat.

    This kind of statement might piss you off, but the media does it to you every day. And you willingly go along.

    Hence you do not matter because you do not have your own free will.


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