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Executive Producers: Anonymous, Sir Melancon, Sir Paul Schneider, Sir Austin Voss, Scott, Robert Slaght
Associate Executive Producers: Sam Leung, Robert Rinehart, Bryan Smith, Sir Lawrence Roik, Robert Burgess, Kent O’Rourke, Anonymous, Wayne Harvey, Fishguy, Sir David C Pugh, Joshua Poulson
Art By: dmacdonald
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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. What? says:

    The Super Bowl is all about worshipping the penis, as the trophy clearly shows.

  2. deowll says:

    Look, if you were Obama wouldn’t you want to be good at something? Almost everything he’s touched has come out smelling like a sewer. He does appear to be good at singing and this is much cheaper than almost everything else he does. Nobody got killed and the effect on the national debt had to negligible.

  3. Somebody_Else says:

    [violation of posting guidelines — ]

    • Johan says:

      I was going to write something well thougt-out and intelligent, but I’ll settle for a big ‘Fuck you to you, sir”.

      • orchidcup says:

        The editors are the dictators of this domain.

        You may denigrate and insult anyone but the editors.

        Now you know what it is like to live in Syria or Libya.

      • Somebody_Else says:

        Why thank you.

        Just being honest about how I feel. I enjoyed the show when it started, then Adam went off the deep end. Now I can’t tell if they’re trying to be funny or just cashing in on a particular subset of the population.

  4. Evan says:

    Hey ‘Somebody_Else’,

    Ask yourself, would a person who is happy with the way their life is going go online to pick on people?

    No way. It’s embarrassingly transparent for you. Cheer up though, your life can improve if you choose to make the proper changes.

  5. SomeDudeInPA says:

    I have unsubscribed to the show. Adam is clearly borderline insane with some of the shit he says, which could be fine if John would just call him out on it. John, do you really agree with Adam as much as it appears?
    You guys have shown be a different way to approach the media, but your analysis just plain sucks and never has any facts to back it up. You guys think global warming is a crock of shit? Maybe you should enlighten your audience to the facts that support your view.Or can’t you?

    • Johan says:

      So what if you think they’re wrong about a lot of things? You could still enjoy the show. I do think they get a lot of things right, but I don’t agree with all of it.

    • We document everything. Read the show notes sometime. This complaint is not very specific.Unless you are just a warmist with an agenda.

      • Publius says:


        Definition source coming up #1 from Google:

        To be defined as a global warmist, a person must have ALL of the following traits:

        1) An absolute belief that humans are primarily or even completely responsible for causing a mass climate change which will raise the average temperature of the planet.

        2) Will not entertain the idea that it is possible that natural phenomena may cause climate change, regardless of any evidence.

        3) Believes it is a good thing to throw billions upon billions of dollars at an idea that may or may not work to stop climate change, “just in case.”

        4) Believes that natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes are an indirect result of humankind’s actions to cause climate change.

        5) Shouts down, puts down, and insults anyone whose beliefs run contrary to their own, rather than having intelligent discourse. A zealot for their cause.

        John, did ya jump the gun “asking” if he was a warmist with an agenda, and perhaps the shark too?

    • Transisto says:

      The lower temperature in europe due to global warming was predicted years ago by some scientists.

      Gulf stream direction change or some shit.

      I’m getting real tired of this guy’s arrogance / ignorance.

      And BTW, Bitcoin uses has been growing constantly.
      I think they haven’t yet understood what it actually is.

    • orchidcup says:

      One man’s insanity is another man’s gruel.

      Crackpot is a counterpoint to Buzzkill.

      If the show does not entertain or inform you, then by all means you should unsubscribe and be entertained elsewhere. Fox News might be a good fit for you.

  6. JohnnyBGoode says:

    It’s plain to see who the wards of the state in here are. JCD: keep up the good work with your partner Adam.

  7. t0llyb0ng says:

    Isn’t it supposed to be spelled B-e-d-o-u-i-n?  Is there some inside humor going on there?  Have only started to listen to this edition.  May not make it to the end.

    I wish they would turn the gain down on their microphones.  There is a grating “edge” to the high end of their signals.  Particularly bad when Adam gets wound up & talks loud.

    A lot of other things to like about the show though–­if you can hang on.

    • Adam controls the compression and the sound. It’s “his” distinctive sound. A lot of audio guys do this. My sound on the shows I produce — aka DH Unplugged — is quite different. NPR has a sound too. Mexican radio also has a distinctive sound. Adam runs through some very wacky gear. One thing has not been manufactured for decades.

      • t0llyb0ng says:

        “Adam controls the compression and the sound.”  Thanks, John, that’s the answer right there.

        The signal being  recorded gets too big & high­frequency fuzz results.  T or F?  Not sure what compression has to do with it.  A “distinctive sound” with distortion in it ain’t much to be proud of.

        Sorry, I’ve just been a DOUCHEBAG.

      • orchidcup says:

        No matter what you do or say, there will always be critics that will find something negative to say about your endeavors.

        Consider the tech columns and criticisms of John C. Dvorak, for example.

        Let the critics produce their own podcast and see how well they do.

  8. Transisto says:

    Starting at 2:20 : I do understand “the dark web” may not be the best term for it, still, it is fairly accurate.

    You were so far off in saying Bitcoin is dead, It’s uses haven’t stopped growing. It’s been estimated there is about 60k$ worth of drugs that get sold on The Silk Road market. Last time I checked there was ~40 firearms available for purchase.

    What they meant by anonymising software was TOR !!!, the website is not accessible with a regular browser.

    Listen at 2:20:30

    John C : “Bitcoin is out of business”
    Get a clue !, Bitcoin has NEVER been anywhere close to being defined as a business.

    Bitcoin were never expected to stay at 35$ let alone 20$, ,,, Unless you think it was normal to cover the cost of a 300$ GPU mining on it for less than a month.

    At 6$, profitability is at ~350% the electricity cost.

  9. Transisto says:

    Edit : “Show Notes here.” = 379

  10. Publius says:

    Excellent show again. Kudos to John and Adam.

    I may make some challenging or snarky comments on this blog from time to time; however please take these with a grain of salt. I’m just rough-talking John D for a little fun.

    Keep up the good work you two, and please don’t go away any time soon. I’m sending the No Agenda show another token of my appreciation in the near future (not a bitcoin token however; preferably something much more debased, like the USD).

  11. Publius says:

    @John and Adam:

    You need to use a so-called Process Control Chart to know with any confidence whether the variation in donations from show to show is due to assignable causes, or is just random noise.

    I don’t have access to your dollar totals on a per show basis. Find someone who understands statistical process control to help you maintain and interpret the variation in donations. Your sanity if not your actual executive decisions can benefit. Your show would probably not benefit by mistakenly making changes based on reading tea leaves and crystal balls. Use some measurement and math for your own sake.

    Wheeler’s book Understanding Statistical Process Control is a nice place for industry practitioners to actually begin learning and using the work of Deming and Shewhart. Many, many companies have actually trained their entire employee base by now in “Six Sigma” or “TQM” which are related (but not identical) to unadorned (without the dogma) statistical process control. Deming was the guy who went to Japan after WWII to help them rebuild industry. Shewhart was the guy at AT&T who originated the math behind it for the phone company.

    • A ridiculous amount of stats are constantly run on the show. But because the show is so long and the content varies widely you can not develop a 1:1 correlation between donations and the content of the show itself using this strategy. A good survey of the listeners would be more useful. But the last time we did that we also found a broad-based listenership with varied demographics. Thus we just do what we do and hope people help us.


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