The future is bright.

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Culture Critic says:

    They make the argument they need good jobs kinda hard to make don’t they!

    Ha, ha. Still–individual responses mean nothing. Measure the group. We still need cannon fodder and breeders to cull the few good ones.

  2. Zybch says:

    Boy I hate the young!

  3. Gary In Gilroy says:

    Kill me now.

    • MartinJJ says:

      Oh noes! You won’t have that pleasure. They will only do it real slow with vaccinations, DNA altering GMO food, poisening your drinking water with fluoride and other fun stuff like that.

  4. Skippy says:

    Wow, I’m Canadian and I know more about US politics and geography than these idiots.

    • howard beale says:

      Canada’ thats a state never mind

      getting all these questions right would not be much of an accomplishment lets hope it took a lot of editing to get this group of gifted kids

  5. memesis says:

    What a bunch of F#@$@!* Idiots.

  6. Grandpa says:

    My Son says Marijuana is a herb but I’ll bet he can’t answer the questions either.

  7. MartinJJ says:

    They do these questions on RT(.com) also, only with random adults on the street. Usually with the same results.

    If you still wonder why they want eugenics.

  8. Peppeddu says:

    Sure, like we were any different when we were at that age.

    It’s their time to goof off and enjoy life, let it be.

    • Old School says:

      Sorry, perhaps you rode the short bus?

    • fpp2002 says:

      The ones I knew in high school who were that stupid haven’t amounted to much in the 20 years since I graduated.

      • Peppeddu says:

        It’s the same old argument that the old generation makes about the new generation.

        You parents (or grandparents) didn’t tell you “when I was your age blah blah blah” and you smiled, and went out doing your own goofy things anyway?

        Their brain isn’t fully develped yet and that’s why they are in school in the first place.
        In time things will fall into place.

  9. deowll says:

    The problem is you can set the curriculum but if they only want to remember it long enough to pass your stupid test….you get what you saw.

    I have no doubt that they are very well informed about the things which are important to them.

    Of course a lot of people who voted for Joe Biden don’t know he’s the vice President or anything about him. Considering the fact that Joe is only a heart beat away from being President I’m sure that makes it easier for them to sleep at nights.

  10. PistolPete says:

    In their defense history is accumulative, so you end up having to remember more and more.

    There’s so much to know these days, not being able to regurgitate trivia is not a measure of intelligence.

    With that said, not being able to name the two countries that border your own is troubling…unless they are part of the generation that sees the world without borders.

  11. Animby says:

    Uhmmm. Does “THE United States of America” begin with a U? And, quite honestly, thinking there are 51 stars doesn’t seem too bad when our own president visited all 57 states…

    These sorts of interviews always annoy me. You know they talked to ten times as many as they show in the final edit. And even then, you tend to see the same faces show up over and over.

    They’d probably do much better if you let them select answers from a list. After all, that’s the way kids are taught these days. No exposition, just multiple choice.

  12. What? says:

    Like the average guy at Goldman knows more? I think not.

    We are ruled.

  13. orion3014 says:

    these brain donors should all be sterilized, lest they foul the gene pool….

  14. KMFIX says:

    This is why the rich will always rule.

  15. sargasso_c says:


  16. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Talk to the parents. They’re standing around the water cooler talking about how Snooki got a UTI from butt sex.

    The next time your wireless internet huks a loogie you’ll be asking the local teenager to fix it for you. And you’ll be boring the shit out of him while he does it.

  17. msbpodcast says:

    Holy fuck are these kids pig ignorant cretinous creatures

    I’m at a loss to come up with a reason why they should ever think that they deserve to live in this country.

    This ain’t Trivial Pursuit, its the most basic information to knowing your position and place in the world.

    But then I shouldn’t complain, I once fucked a girl*, until I found out she didn’t even know what the pyramids were. (How can you live in this planet without ever learning that the Egyptians build these amazing structures!)

    The level of ignorance defies gravity…

    *) We were both in high-school, don’t get all moral on me…

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      How were her pyramids? If you know what I mean…

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Wait a minute, you fucked a girl?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      And you stopped fucking her when you found out she didn’t know what the pyramids were? Why were you talking about pyramids then?

    • Animby says:

      Props, man. I gotta say, when I was in high school, if a girl wanted to f**k me, I wouldn’t have cared if she knew what a BOOK was let alone pyramids…

  18. Cursor_ says:

    In the time that I have been alive I pieced together a simply snapshot of humanity.

    Those that were smart as children, remained so.
    Those not so much, remained not so much.
    Those aggressive, remained as such.
    Those timid, same.
    Those who acted elite, remain elite.
    Those who were arrogant, same.

    In essense people don’t change much. Only a very few handful change. And when they do it is so striking that it influences the world for the good or the very bad.

    But the next time you see or hear someone being moronic, rude, arrogant or just plain mean spirited. Just remember that they were like that as a child too. And all those brick thrown at the homeless teens and twenty somethings peeing on corpses, just remind yourself that they will be just as cruel at 75.


  19. Kent says:

    I’m a Canadian and I’m pretty sure I got them all, except I think he’s wrong about the bordering countries. You could include Russia in that.

    • DrWally says:

      You can win a bar bet with that. Off the coast of Alaska the US has Little Bear Island and the Russians have Big Bear Island. The territorial waters touch, so there is no international water in between so there is a border between the US and Russia. So in fact THREE countries share a border with the US.

      On a side note, to understand some of the Russian paranoia, try counting the countries sharing a border with Russia. It’s like 16.

      • DrWally says:

        Ok, it is the Diomede Islands. From Wikipedia: The islands are separated by an international border, which is approximately 2 km (1 mi) from each island.
        During winter, an ice bridge usually spans the distance between these two islands; therefore it is possible to walk from the United States to Russia.

  20. jim g says:

    Ah yes, the product of decades of liberalized socialized education! But I bet they can do “conflict resolution within a peer group” or any of that other crap really well. Or maybe not.
    Hey, I bet these kids really really believe in that change Obama promised. Just wait, one day this great nation is going to be just like one of those other third-world countries that Liberals love so much.

  21. Yaknow says:

    What is funny is everyone hating on the video, gullible aren’t we? First rule of the internet is what? Just because it is on the net doesn’t make it true.

    Questions relavant to their world where not asked. Should they be able to spit out trivial facts, that is archaic as Jeopardy. Test them on abilities that matter and relevant to their world , i.e. how to problem solve, how to use a computer to research information.

    Go ask a nerd: If you want facts on politics go ask one of the political clubs. Better yet, use your smart phone and go to Wikipedia.

    Knowledge at your finger tips: If you want facts on capitals of cities (which is an archaic rote memory exercise necessary in the 1900s, and not allot of encyclopedias or computers around then) use your smart phone go to Wikipedia. Isn’t that what it is there for?

    World has changed: In the 1900’s high school kids would be geniuses. Most adults didn’t make it though high school. Which is equivalent into today’s currency the 7th grade at best. These kids know more by the time they where in the 7th grade know as much as their parents did in high school, grandparents in college and great grand parents in their life time.

    The deck is stacked: it takes one egotistical kid who is socially pissy with his peers armed with a list of questions and answers he got off the net, and a camera, to mock his fellow students on Youtube. All because he has some anti-social bent against his peers. That is the kid you worry about.

  22. Dallas says:

    No fair! This was at Sheeple Sr High School and no Asians or Indians were polled.

  23. Lynn says:

    I didn’t bother to look at the video or read the comments, but I just got back to my office from teaching a class of college freshman, not one of whom knew (or admitted to knowing) who Karl Marx is.

  24. Benjamin says:

    I could answer all those questions. These are not obscure questions and bits of trivia. These are common questions about our place in the world. If you can’t name your congressman, senators, and who the President and Vice President are, you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. If you can’t name the countries that border your own, then you shouldn’t be given a passport.

    However, what country starts with a U was a trick question. I just named a U country. I admit that the USA was not the first U country that popped into my mind. I lot of countries start with the word United.

    However, everyone should be able to name the two countries that border us: Canada and Mexico. You can’t count Russia because there is an ocean between Russia and Sarah Palin’s house in the Aleutians. If you could, you might as well add Cuba to the list.

    • DrWally says:

      Wrong actually. Off the coast of Alaska the US has Little Diomede Island and the Russians have Big Diomede Island.
      From Wikipedia: The islands are separated by an international border, which is approximately 2 km (1 mi) from each island. During winter, an ice bridge usually spans the distance between these two islands; therefore it is possible to walk from the United States to Russia.

      So in fact THREE countries share a actual border with the US.

  25. Pays2Think says:

    I think an equally relevant question would be how many of these students parents could answer the same questions. My guess, not much difference.

    Maybe we should start seeding the sitcoms with facts about the world and geography.

    The other culprit is the news or the sad excuse for what we call news in the United States. If you really want to know what’s going on in the world you have to go to the BBC site. How sad is that.

  26. President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

    That is so damn depressing I don’t think I’ll even comment on it. The growth of ignorance will result in more morons voting Democrat and thus doing active harm to all of us.

    • Pumba says:

      Morons, as you say, are not just a Democrat thing. There are certainly enough morons on the Republican side as well… just look at Congress!

  27. President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

    Forgot to mentions, they should all come here and post since this comment system is configured for retards.

    • I see. So I guess you think Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Mitt and Newt are rocket surgeons? Are you aware we’ve had 10 presidents that never had a college degree? You sound like a real fucktard yourself.

      • President Amabo (& my wife Chewbacca) (threaded comment systems are for retards) says:

        No they’re not. However, they’ve never said the dumbest thing ever uttered: “tax the rich”.

  28. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and Culture Critic says:

    Amobo==amusing you think it is the Dumbos that have ruined/are destroying our country. Makes me wonder how you know the commenting system is all fubar?

    Who told you?

    As true a remarkable 95% of the time: Thank you Dr Wally. Always instructive.

  29. Dajestar says:

    You guys are doomed…..

  30. Hmeyers2 says:

    Humans are functional.

    Sure some of those kids might not know the capital of Washington, but I bet they could kick your butt in things that interest them.


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