1. DrWally says:

    I am getting a bit weary of guys like this painter claiming Obama’s somehow trampling the constitution. Yeah I know it is a Repub talking point and all, but can one of these guys please identify just what — exactly — Obama has done that is so unconstitutional? Something serious that somehow escaped the explicit attention of Congressional conservatives AND Fox news? Wouldn’t they be howling if there was an action you could hold up side by side with the Constitution and say “Look here! It says you can’t do this!”. I haven’t heard anything. Now I personally am appalled by Obama’s continuation of the Patriot Act, but it wasn’t his to begin with. I don’t want a blanket condemnation of the last 30 years of government, just specifically what Obama has done — on his own, not what Congress has done.

    All you folks seem so sure he had done this, it ought to be trivial to come up with some examples. Can someone with their undies in a twist over this give me some concrete example, or is it just noisy propaganda and character assassination?

  2. Rick says:

    Dear Dr. Wally – one more time for the slower people in the room.

    Obama signed the NDAA, here I’ll spell it out for you.. (National Defense Authorization Act)allowing the military to arrest and detain you without benefit of a lawyer or a trial. You can be detained for the rest of you motherfucking life on mere suspicion. He not only signed it but insisted that the wording be changed to include US Citizens.

    I’m sure you will find some bullshit excuse for this as well. Until then…heres the proof.


    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

      Rick==you beat me to it but I think Dr Wally’s complaint remains more valid than not. And Obama taught the Constitution AT FREAKING HARVARD!!

      Law Review? Ha, ha.

      I can see signing a bill with an unconstitutional provision as it was part of Military Funding and who knows what else==but rather than say simply that he wouldn’t enforce that provision, he should have said that he would have that provision contested in Court==if Holder could do anything except suck balls.

      But its all “Our Highest Priority is to Make Obama a one Term President” Republican BS and the idiots that vote that way.

      Downward spiral. Stoopid Hoomans.

  3. Rick says:

    “I can see signing a bill with an unconstitutional provision as it was part of Military Funding and who knows what else==but rather than say simply that he wouldn’t enforce that provision, he should have said that he would have that provision contested in Court==if Holder could do anything except suck balls.”

    Again – He not only signed it but insisted that the wording be changed to include indefinite arrest and detention of US Citizens. Does that sound like he said he wouldn’t enforce the provision…he insisted on it. It’s the Patriot act on steroids.

    He is also responsible for the execution of US Citizens without benefit of trial.

    Thats enough for me.

    • Derek says:

      Exactamundo… But remember… They only care about about that sort of thing when it’s the other side in the white house. If it’s their guy, they honestly could give a rat’s ass. It was the dipshit repubs who defended Bush’s patriot act. Baby steps to destroying the constitution.

      If you defend a president for signing anything that takes away your protections and privacy, you are a worthless human being.

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and junior Art Critic says:

      Rick–I do remember that bit of chicanery being reported, but I heard what I posted as well. On balance==I think my revision was spin by some flunky.

      The Harvard Law Professor is not supporting the Constitution. That is plain and simple.

      thanks for correcting me.

  4. Glenn E. says:

    The Republican’s have been running Congress, like Microsoft programmed Windows. “Windows ain’t done till Lotus won’t run”. Only it’s “Congress ain’t done, till Obama’s term is.” They’ve just disapproved everything he’s proposed, simply out of hand. Whether they’ve read it or not. They just reject it all, and invent reasons to tell to the public, other than why they’re too juvenile to do their jobs. But imagine, that while they were so busy opposing anything Obama asked for. This very same Congress was seriously considering two bills that would help destroy the way the internet works, in order to save the projected (imagined) profits of the entertainment industry. Basically taking from the poorer, to give to the richer. Because what might have been slightly better for the rich monopolists of media, would very likely have been devastating to smaller online businesses. But then when has Congress ever cared what’s bad for the little guy, whenever the big fat guy cries foul?

    Well apparently, only because it’s an election year, Congress backed off on the SOPA and PIPA bills. But you can probably bet they’ll return, when political careers aren’t so immediately endangered. And just because a Republican might be in the While House, next time. Doesn’t mean anything useful will get done. Congress can always adjust itself to be more Democrat (some Reps could retire). And thus disagree with everything that President wants. Same effect. Nothing gets done. Conveniently. Accept, of course, when it come to keeping the rich from paying any taxes. Then THAT, they’re all on board for voting for. And you can bet Romney would approve of it.

    But I still believe Obama will get a second term. Because the Republicans are ready yet, to take over a wrecked US economy. Until the Democrats have somewhat recovered it more. And taken all the blame for why the Republicans have held it back. Then in four and 3/4 more years, the Republicans will be happy to have a man in the White House, to take credit for a recovered economy. And begin again to wreck it, for ruinous profits. It’s how they milk the life out of the middle class. Let it recover and rebuild, just enough. And then pull the rug out from under it again. And claim it was just a tragic mistake of another deregulation experiment. They’ll need another Alan Greenspan to screw things up for them again, in their favor.

  5. aartimus says:

    The whole premise of this video is total BS. The size of the federal government has barely budged since the early 1950s. This is nothing but a myth being pushed by the right wingers so that they can get more tax cuts for their wealthy big business buddies.


  6. Scott M. says:

    From painter to propagandist.

    Frighten the ignorant – because that has always worked when you don’t have truth behind you.

    Lie for the Greater Goal – it’s all about getting the power and keeping it.

    And because this is America, I support his right to do so.

  7. NewfornatSux says:

    Liberals are always talking about how Republicans are violating the Constitution, but they simply are eager to scrap the whole thing, because they find it too restrictive. Obama in recent comments said the founders made it too hard to do what he wanted. Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Egyptians they shouldn’t look to the US Constitution as an example today.


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