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Geez, this has only been out there for days now. It is amusing though.
Why is Amabo harshing my buzz?
Love the Chewbacca dog.
Sorry, I was just commenting that this was already old news before McCullough found it. Being a dog lover, I actually like the video. (Makes my dogs go nuts.)
In that case, the sun is over the yardarm. Bartender, a beer for my friend Amabo.
Now I am reminded of why I never watch football.
Football is the reason HDTV was invented.
Sundays are pretty useless after football is over and summer isn’t here yet.
They’d done better doing the Brady Bunch theme. More recognizable, than the SW evil empire theme. And they’d only need nine dogs, in the familiar 3×3 shot. No need for a dog in a wig.
AKA Mike Brady’s late series hair style.
So, um, exactly which side of the force was VW supposed to be on? I don’t seem to recall that part and how the heck is this supposed to sell cars?
Okay I think I’ve figured it out. You’re supposed to be drunk when you watch this and I’m still sober.
Here’s what I have against the Superbowl. And any other football game called a “bowl”. It’s got NOTHING to do with BOWLING!! It’s because a few stadiums it’s played in is bowl shaped? That’s lame. Well so is the Hollywood Bowl. And that’s got nothing to do with having concerts there. They don’t call any event there is a “Bowl”. “The Beach Boys Bowl”? “The Jefferson Starship Bowl?” NO!
Why the hell can’t the NFL get its own term for playing football, other than “Bowl”? Baseball has the “World Series”. Which is a little ambiguous, but nobody else uses it, so I guess it’s ok. Tennis and Golf share the title “US Open”. I don’t know why. Maybe something to do with the games being “open” to individual players, not teams.
So with all the money the NFL makes from ticket sales, and Tv spots. Why can’t it come up with its own special final game title? I think it’s because football is basically thought as entertainment for morons, who can’t handle an unfamiliar title. So rather than risk fan confusion. They’re sticking with “Super-Bowl”. That way they’ve got part of Superman, and part of Bowling. As though, if Superman went bowling, the results would be a SuperBowl game. Which again, has nothing to do with Football. But I’m guessing the lowbrows who created this game, couldn’t think of anything better to call it. So is the Superbowl always played in “bowl” shaped stadiums?
Well the Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan is a “field” not a “bowl”.
The Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia is a “dome” not a “bowl”.
Memorial Coliseum in Los Angeles, again not a “bowl”. The Rose and Orange Bowl, are the only bowls the Superbowl has ever been held in. The vast majority are just stadiums, and a couple are domes. And I’m sure they’re all chosen, based on capacity, rather than their shape. So I’m not buying the “bowl” argument.
Until the name of the game reflects what it actually is. I’m having nothing to do with the Superbowl. They’d stole the lime light, that should have been major league bowling’s. The “Superbowl” ought to be the best damn game of bowling, played all year. But now, that will never happen. Thanks to the NFL.
Because of its high viewership, commercial airtime during the Super Bowl broadcast is the most expensive of the year because the viewing count of the Super Bowl is an average of 100,000,000 people every year. Due to the high cost of investing in advertising on the Super Bowl, companies regularly develop their most expensive advertisements for this broadcast. As a result, watching and discussing the broadcast’s commercials has become a significant aspect of the event. In addition, many popular singers and musicians have performed during the event’s pre-game and halftime ceremonies because of the exposure.
The population of the U.S. is slightly over 300 million.
Only 1/3 of the population will be distracted with football and advertising nonsense.
I am a member of the 2/3 majority that will have better things to do than watch football.
Finally, I am a member of a majority!
I saw this a few days ago elsewhere. Listened. Didn’t really “hear” the Starwars theme. Gave up. Just did it again. As my mother, the first place winner in several violin playing competitions told me: “You can’t carry a tune in a bucket.” Seems she heard that as a child and passed it along to me. To her, as a rebuke, to me with a smile and a pat on the shoulder.
I enjoy playing all sports. Can’t stand watching any sport.
Liberals vs Conservatives. I wonder if due to their intelligence differences they watch sports any differently?
As a liberal, I say yes. Stupid dumb ass conservatives will say there is no difference, sports are watched by both. And that is true: as a liberal, if I ever watch a sport, it is to note the skill, technique, planning, sacrifice plays, pysch outs, hints for my own development and so forth. I note my contrarian knuckle draggers watch to see who wins, or more importantly, who looses.
Yes, like everything else in life, we are all the same yet different at the same time: we all watch sports, we all watch sports for different reasons. We all make of it what we will.
Yea, verily.
I like dogs.
Perfect counterpoint. Play the violin much?
I hope the game is better than that Ad.
This is totally moronic! How can a GERMAN car company have a super bowl ad that features dogs and there is not a single GERMAN SHEPARD in the bunch. DURCHFALLEN!!!
No Dobermans either.
Awkward cat sleeping positions.
I love dogs. I like seeing dogs in amusing commercials. This is not an amusing commercial. It, was, in fact, stupid, pointless, and totally unconnected to the product.
The barking did not sound much like anything except a bunch of dogs barking.
What a fucking waste of my time.
I love dogs too, but this is really stupid. What is the message from this advertisment?