Where are these tanks going? These were seen on Jan. 20 2012 in Watsonville, CA. Who says America doesn’t manufacture anything anymore!

Found by Joshua Dale

  1. user7 says:

    How much does each one of those tanks cost the taxpayers? Not that we shouldn’t have them, I’m just trying to figure out how much the cargo on that train is worth.

  2. Dallas says:

    I’m mostly astonished how a locomotive can pull this amount of load. A tank is like 50-60tons each!

    • dusanmal says:

      Very little actual power is needed for towing, particularly if you do not have any acceleration limits. Add to that equation rails easing the job… Old tech’.

      • BigBoyBC says:

        Pulling the load is the easy part, stopping on the other hand, now that’s the tricky bit.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      The trick is “breaking the inertia” i.e. just getting the ball rolling. That’s how the “man pulling the railroad car with his teeth” trick was done.

  3. tcc3 says:

    Couldn’t these be coming back, instead of going out?

    • UNKN says:

      I’d hope by now they would have painted all the vehicles over in the desert brown camo, not OD.

  4. ResidentPedant says:

    Pretty sure these are Bradley Fighting Vehicles, not tanks.

    Resident Pedant

    • dusanmal says:

      Resident Pedant – this is one train out of many. There were tanks in transport to CA as well. Even official numbers of each type and purpose of military training event.

  5. dusanmal says:

    “Where are these tanks going?” official word is military exercise in CA. Conspiracy theory is preparation for expected domestic clashes. Deep conspiracy theory is that the Government is working with likes of Occupy to create widespread disturbance (a’la Oakland) so that that same Government can “take care of it” and in the process “take care” of us all according to their controlling plan. Timing in conjunction with Oakland re-Occupying is ominous, but still a theory without a proof.

  6. LibertyLover says:

    Where are these tanks going?

    They are headed to the American Empire’s Frontier to spread democracy by ensuring those friendly to the U.S. are elected.

  7. scandihoovian says:

    If this many move during the day I wonder what it looks like at 4am when everyone’s asleep.

  8. Movie props… obviously!

  9. donlvnv says:

    I believe the tanks are going to Barstow for tank Training. The army has been training there for years.

  10. Binkey says:

    Just repainted from desert camo to woodland colors for deployment to guess where?

  11. Asenna says:

    now thousands of people across the globe have waited for the same train to go by!

  12. ABO says:

    I wish they were going to Oakland.

  13. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Not a completely irrelevant tangent: “Chrysler built B-29’s engines that bombed Japan, Mitsubishi built Zeros that tried to shoot them down. Both companies now build cars in a joint plant call Diamond Star.” ///

    …..and some other gems/useless facts found here: http://pmbc.com/fact.html

  14. justice gustine says:

    Gang crime in Watsonville getting out of control?

    It’s bad, but not as bas as other places..

  15. ± says:

    They may not have been cast here. I don’t think we can build an entire tank completely with domestic parts anymore.

  16. The DON says:

    Police forces’ new equipement for crowd control?

  17. orchidcup says:

    There were a lot of tanks, but I saw a few armored personnel carriers on the train.

    I am curious to know where they are going.

  18. orchidcup says:

    I found this posting on a discussion forum that was dated October 25, 2009:

    It is being reported that at least 1 thousand tanks (exact number unknown) have appeared lining BOTH Sides of 10 miles of I-15 East of Barstow CA approximately 2 hours ago (8PM MT)

    Apparently this kind of thing has occurred in the past.

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      Is that on I-15 or its shoulder? The weight and number of tanks would have left damage to the surface of the highway.

  19. KMFIX says:

    Couldn’t this be cleaned and repainted stuff that’s been returned from Iraq and now being moved to a storage location?

    • CrankyGeeksFan says:

      There are stories about a lot of equipment being left behind for the Iraqi forces, or about there being a bounty of new equipment for the National Guard and Reserves as in Florida. Who knows for sure?

  20. UNKN says:

    Sorry folks that’s my last ebay auction I won, nothing to see here.

  21. Elf says:

    They’re off to invade Santa Cruz.

  22. jescott418 says:

    Coming back from over seas I imagine. Going to a storage facility for safe keeping or auction.

  23. Richard says:

    First, they’re not tanks. They are Bradley fighting vehicles, also known as troop carriers. Second, there is lots of big military bases in California. In fact there is one just south of Watsonville. Third, we are currently fighting a war in Afghanistan, even though we didn’t declare it.

    This is like Adam Currey saying, “Why are there helicopters flying over LA??” Well, they are probably flying off the Amphibous Assault ships going into port in San Diego, and going to the Marine Corps base at 29-palms.

    Nothing to see here folks. Move along.

    • orchidcup says:

      I prefer to fantasize that the government is preparing to suppress the Occupy protests and declare martial law and arrest all the homeless and poor people and place them in FEMA concentration camps before they are exterminated and buried in mass graves.

      How is that for a scary conspiracy scenario?

      • Evolouie says:

        “exterminated and buried in mass graves”

        Why waste it, “Soylent Green It”

  24. Brian says:


  25. Anonymous says:

    I say there are no American manufactures! I SAY IT! (Well, almost, since we do still make tons of fertilizer – and “widgets.”)

    FYI: Those “tanks” were coming back from Iraq since Obama has ordered the military to withdraw from that area. Most of that equipment was foreign made too (albeit by American companies). Some or perhaps even all of it may have been “assembled” in America, but you can be sure nearly none of it was “made” here.

    Our military leaders really only had 2 decisions: leave their equipment in Iraq or move it somewhere else. I’m glad to see our leaders made the better decision at least as far as a small part of the military’s mechanized armor is concerned. I’d hate to see America have to go back under possible false reports that old discarded equipment like U.S. “tanks” were being used in hostilities against Iran. (OK, maybe that’s a bad example.)

    Still, it’s not like they couldn’t have parked it in Kuwait, Qatar, Israel or even South Korea and saved a little gas moving it. They’re likely going to need some of it in those areas before too long anyway.

    • jpfitz says:

      “I say there are no American manufactures! I SAY IT! (Well, almost, since we do still make tons of fertilizer – and “widgets.”)”

      The manufacturing of DoD weapons is still done by small and large job shops in industrial parks all over the country. Skilled machinists and CNC programmers are in demand.

  26. scandihoovian says:

    These are being sold/shipped to Mexican cartels, right? I’m sure none of them have VINs so they’re already good to go for ‘tracking’ purposes!

  27. AnuInsight says:

    Gearing up for a showdown in the Middle East? Possibly Iran? This also could be from the recent announcement that the military will be “downsizing”…

  28. Richard says:

    If you consult the “Book of Knowledge.”

    Since entering service with the U.S. Army in 1981, a total of 6,724 Bradleys (4,641 M2s and 2,083 M3s) have been produced. The total cost of the program is $5,664,100,000, and the average unit costs $3,166,000.

  29. pben says:

    I lived in Junction City, KS back in the 80’s and they shipped the armor from Ft. Riley to the National Training Center near Barstow, California every three or for years by train. So it is probably armor being shipped to the NTC for training the troops.


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