1. Professor Johnnycakes says:

    His shirt says, “Opie and Anthony” and he doesn’t actually cuss. ->McCullough<– I think you've been Pwned.

  2. McCullough says:

    It’s OBVIOUSLY faked. But it’s still funny.

  3. Professor Johnnycakes says:


  4. pwuk says:

    Dooks of Hazzard 2 ?

  5. dannythedog says:

    I really don’t think it is fake. There are some dumb-asses out there, and folks, these two are them. The party man, for driving without a proper license plate, and the police, who should have just pulled the keys from the tractor and made him walk the rest of the way.

  6. UncDon says:

    Mower Man: “I know my rights!”

    Officer: “I don’t care!”

    Clearly, a false arrest. The mower was under the speed limit, and therefore not a hazard to anyone.

    And the officer’s facial hair was obviously Photoshopped.

  7. Zybch says:

    dannythedog says: “I really don’t think it is fake”

    Really? What about the reverb on the “pull over”. You have to have a lot of nice, hard surfaces for the sound to bounce off to get that effect, and trees/grass sure won’t do it.
    Its as fake as compassionate conservatism.

    • SoundGuy says:

      Cop is yelling at the guy through the passenger window, plenty of surfaces inside the police car to bounce off of…

      But you’ve probably only seen the inside of a police car from the back-seat.

      • Zybch says:

        Ever tried yelling inside a car? You simply DON’T get any audio effects like the one heard in the video (too many soft surfaces which act like baffles in an anechoic chamber). In fact you would hear fewer audio effects inside the car. You certainly wouldn’t experience the delay (echo/reverb) in such a confined space as the audio effect results from the sound bouncing back to the listener off the reflective surface so you hear it twice (or more), once from its original source and again from the bounce a measurable time later.
        I don’t think I’ve ever been in a cop car; not that I shouldn’t have been on more than one occasion.

        • Zybch says:

          Oh, one last thing. What the hell is with people using “off of”? Its just plain freaking stupid.
          Almost as stupid as “I *could* care less”.

  8. Lou says:

    And he was going to vote for Rick Perry.

  9. Bullhogeley says:

    A cop’s favorite words: Stop resisting!
    A dumbass’ favorite words when involved with law enforcement: I know my rights!

  10. Elex says:

    Stupid, stupid – by why the police brutality? The guy was an idiot but no need for the police to behave like a neanderthal!

  11. The DON says:

    I wanna be invited to his party 🙂

  12. Well, there are more than a few issues. Why did the cop apparently turn the car around to face the tractor after pulling in front and stopping. What changed?

    What was the point?

    That said. Who was the guy harming out in the middle of nowhere on a back road?

    Why was the cop even patrolling such a spot?

    • McCullough says:

      “Well, there are more than a few issues. Why did the cop apparently turn the car around to face the tractor after pulling in front and stopping. What changed?”

      The camera was needed to record the joke…it was fake John. You’ve been P’wned.

  13. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    I admire this display of American ingenuity.

  14. AdmFubar says:

    it’s the get-er done beer run!

  15. jpfitz says:

    “Ah dang it. I know my rights. I got a hundred feet extension cord holding it together.”

    It’s an O&A commercial.

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    ‘B’ double ‘e’ double ‘r’ ‘u’ ‘n’, BeerRun!


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