Dvorak Poll: How would YOU rate Obama’s Campaign Speech…er State of the Union Address?
By McCullough Wednesday January 25, 2012
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Seriously dudes, 10 years to take out one guy?
Gotta admire the hutzpah of going off script with the other wing of the government party in announcing the death of Usama bin Goldstein. Of course old dude has been dead for years but he made such a useful sock puppet when crucial police state stuff needed to get past public opinion.
Imagine how that meeting went: [obama]”Gentlemen, my polls are in the toilet and everyone hates me….we’re going to kill bin Laden!”
[staffer] But sir, didn’t you get the memo…he’s already dead.
[obama] That’s the beauty of it! The people who know can’t call us out on it because it will implicate them in the lie, too. And I get to take credit for it! THAT’S how we do it in Chicago, bitches!”
As you pointed out to the sheeple, bin Laden has been dead probably for most of 10 years already. Bush didn’t want to leave Afghanistan, so of course he wouldn’t let this be known. Intelligence would know of his death more from the LACK of certain intercepted traffic that existed before a raid which was thought to have killed him than actually having the corpse in their hands (as we supposedly did HAR). And then the preponderance of changes occurring after his death to the flavor of intercepted communication would also corroborate his death.
Wasn’t even a campaign speech, more like a class warfare manifesto.
I agree. The poor are under siege.
I agree. Taxing the rich will make the poor even worse off in the long run. I’m impressed, many people don”t see that. They simply support simplistic, retarded liberal slogans.
Don’t forget the retarded conservative slogans. You seem to think liberals have a monopoly on stupid.
No monopoly, they’re just better at it. Experts, you might say.
Here’s a slogan of the Bush era. The wars Bush started and borrowed money to fund. Obama kills like a sniper, one bullet one kill. Like it or not, Obama’s not spending like Dubya.
Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld said. “You don’t know if it’s going to last two days or two weeks or two months. It certainly isn’t going to last two years.”
And the outcry of the R’s in the Senate about leaving Iraq too soon. The insanity, the hypocrisy, the horror.
You sir are retarded.
By your logic, the rich should pay NO taxes.
What? will start first in Double Jeopardy.
The rich should pay exactly what everyone else pays. Flat tax, no deductions.
I hate to break it to ya, we are in the middle of a class war!
Exactly! Which is why Obama has to go.
Nice try! Mr. Bush.
There is no try, only do.
If the human race is to have any chance at survival, he has to go.
“If the human race is to have any chance at survival, he has to go.”
Really? I mean, literally? If you’re truly worried about the survival of the species, I’ll come hold your hand and wait for Obama-zilla to start destroying your town.
To touch on an earlier point, I’m happy to wait for the Trickle Down that comes from giving the wealthiest tax breaks. I’m so happy to wait, I’ve been doing it since Reagan was in office… Any day now… =]
The one part I did catch was about all the natural gas here in the U.S. of A., Obama is now fine with ruining the aquifers that provide drinking water for the citizens. Blue gold may be a good futures investment. I saw all in attendance stand and cheer with that gaseous announcement.
Wasn’t Boehner scratching his balls at that point? Or punching Kerry in the face or something?
I saw that too, what happened to Kerry’s face. Looks like he got into a bar fight. I think I did see Boehner make an adjustment at one point.
How about the lighting, I swear I saw Jacob’s Ladder emanating from above Obama. Maybe the prompters, weird.
Even if you agree with the message of the speech and want the changes talked about, but don’t see anything happening directing your rage and apathy at the president is a waste of time and effort.
Last time I checked the Constitution of the United States still gives the power to raise taxes, make laws and spend money to the Congress of the United States. Until we pressure Washington to get the money out of elections so we can stop the corporations from purchasing our representatives we are all wasting our time and emotions.
House Republicans have decided that doing nothing is the way to get rid of Obama and to gain back the Senate which would put the corporations completely in charge for ever.
If you want the America to become a full fledge Corporatocracy vote Republican and bend over.
Hmmm, Chris Dodd of the MPAA makes open threats to the Democrats to stay bought and you think only Republicans are corporate stooges… You probably blindly buy Apple products too.
So you think the Citizens United, Supreme Court case became law because of Democrats and Liberals huh?
All Citizens United does is balance unions. I’d be happy to do away with both.
Well you got that wrong too. I guess you must be a Fox lemming!
Citizens United applies to corporations AND unions.
Unions can deploy “express advocacy” ads now which urge viewers to vote specifically for or against a certain candidate using their own general funds, something they couldn’t do before Citizens United.
But that must be OK.
I love the Apple bashing. I always need people like you to short them when I go long.
Thanks for making it easy for me to make money.
Your Welcome. That’s one tax I would support. We should confiscate their $90bn of cash reserve – they have plenty of sheep that keep buying their iCrap to start building it back up again. Maybe we could then use the money to pay Barry and Michelle to go away.
Make the rich pay comrade!
The rich should pay – exactly the same percentage as the poor. That would be fair.
And the 2nd amendment gives us the right to throw the lot of them out
Actually that would be the 15th amendment. Well, I guess the republicans plan to trash the education system worked.
Voting? No one’s vote actually counts anymore. Didn’t you get the memo?
Nope- use the best way the American people know how. The AR15,the best way to liberate an oppressed people from it’s corrupt government.
It’s ironic we’re in the middle of a technological insurgence of police state crackdown and they let the ban on assault rifles expire.
You mean the NEA?
I have long been dismayed by how foolish the Pukes are as amply demonstrated above: “The Rich need to pay less tax so that they can create more jobs” and so on. Patently false yet its what the party actually does==all to the unneeded benefit of the 1% and the harm to the 99% and ultimately even to the 1% itself unless you like having your home turned into a prison of security to keep the riff raff out.
How can the idiot Puke base keep voting for these clowns? Romney: “I was out of work too!” living off his interest vs Gringrinch: “I was never a lobbyist.” and “Anyone who accurately repeats what I just said is lying.” Ha, ha. Both pityful excuses for a man. Both patent LIARS!
Then, now finally, I listen to Obama and hear too much the same. “No more return to lack of enforcement and old solutions that got us into the mess to begin with.” Hmmm. What you been doing the last two years????? Obama is too right wing to be taken seriously. Another Liar–just seems more comfortable in doing it. Must come from community organizing experience—who says it wasn’t valuable, politically relevant experience??
Who wants to go high/low on how many Bank Executives go to jail in the next 4 years when Obama wins? The line is 3==but I’d be comfortable at zero as well. All talk, no show.
We need a white guy to take on the old white guy establishment. Not a black guy, not a woman. I don’t see anyone for 2016, but he will appear–white guy that is. Will there be anything to save at that time?
Stay tuned I guess.
bobbo said,
“how many Bank Executives go to jail in the next 4 years when Obama wins?”
“We need a white guy to take on the old white guy establishment.”
I do not see anyone in the fray who is willing to do what’s necessary to make right what went wrong on wall street and with the banks. Glass–Steagall Act reenactment needed. The players are all corrupted by the money from their super pacs. It would take an alien from space (forget the white guy) to make 10,ooo FBI cases like in the S&L crisis. Bobbo, I’ll bet two executives are charged with financial corruption, just two and they’ll be small fish to fry.
Today it’s anti-regulators running the show, not the justice department or the FBI. F’in Geithner will be gone soon but rest assured his successor will have the same ties to wall street and the banks. It’s a big joke at the taxpayers expense. 15 Trillion and counting.
Sometimes msbpod’s idea about picking our public servants sounds logical.
Yes, the problem remains the same (ask Led Zeppelin)…but, for God’s sake, the “field” the opposes this man (who, if we can’t manage to make out country better with him in office, we never will…let’s give up now) is made up of a guy who was thrown out of office, with fines he paid out of guilt, a guy who has absolutely no backbone, and a guy who is some kind of slurry of shit, semen, and lubrication…I mean, that’s what the interwebs tell me…
My son…a teenager…asked me why he should give a shit about “a glove”, “a slimy lizardy thingy”, and “ass juice” and I had no answer…because…know what? You can mock Obama all day but he has done more than ANY of the rest of his opposition…
Jesus, God, have we lost our minds?
Yes, the problem remains the same…because big business and bullshit like “Newt Gangrene” (my son misheard it) have been in charge too long…
…as an aside, if you are named “Newton” (the father of the first kind of Physics) going by “Newt” is like Zowie Bowie changing his name…you just don’t do that…if David Bowie names you Zowie…you keep that…wish I could change my name to Zowie.
Yes, you have lost your mind.
You can’t blame Rick for being upset. The state of affairs is insane. The men running against Obama only want to beat Obama. That’s their F’in slogan. It’s lunacy.
Back in the day politicians spoke of the free world and getting Americans back to work. Today’s rhetoric of hate spewed from the republicans towards the President and the promise of war is something new and Un-American, and leaves a bad taste unless you’ve been brainwashed by the neoconservatives and Murdoch.
The only “polite” man at the x-factor debates is Ron Paul. Never a mock at the President from his podium, only truthful anti-war pro-American speech.
Obama is a smooth talker, but as Dennis Miller said,
“I’d rather see him selling Shamwows on late night TV.”
So Obama wants to massively expand fracking, even though it could and probably will contaminate numerous aquifers? But wait, wasn’t his reason for blocking the Canadian oil pipeline because a leak might contaminate the aquifer in Nebraska? I’m so confused…..
So is Obama.
A discussion group of the uninformed who believe pundits instead of priests. Not an improvement.
Let’s try one question: anyone here know the number of lawsuits over fracking vs the number of gas or oil wells developed thusly?
Hint: less than the number of birther lawsuits. But, you’re in with the right crowd.
What stuck out in my mind was his reference to bailing out GM with a subsidy (yay) but saying it was not fair that foreign nations were doing the same (boo).
Bigger.. more… rinse and repeat.
I loathed Bush. A well justified loathing I feel. Without Bush-the-bumbler we probably would not have ended up with the Obumbler we now have. Of course its a bigger mess than just the president, but damn! Two terrible slimes in a row.
Dallas? How many times did you vote? Even dedicated Democrats are not calling this miserable speech “inspiring”.
The best part about it was the stand-up comedy. Lies drip from that man’s lips like rain from gutterless eaves.
Odd to see traditionally liberal media reporting errors and contradictions in his speech.
The weirdest thing, to me, is how little time he spent on killing bin Laden. Sure, he mentioned it but almost in passing. I also loved the way he bragged about getting the troops out of Iraq … right on Bush’s schedule. Oh, wait. He left out that last part.
Also surprising how many conservative ideals he espoused. Worried about re-election much?
Personally, I have no trouble with the idea of changing horses in the middle of a stream. I just wish there was a decent horse to change to.
Only saw some of it as I’m traveling on biz but voted once.
It was exhilarating what I heard. While rehearsing his speech he was actually killing kidnapping pirates! Freakn amazing.
Anyway, what I’m most proud of was the jobs progress and the bit about GM. Wow. American jobs saved and back to being #1.
Embracing the outgoing congresswoman shot in the head by a Teabagger lunatic was also touching.
I need to see the rest but did you feel the rush like I did?
Fanboy much?
The only thing he’s done right so far is he’s killing more foreigners with drones than Bush did. Not enough, but at least more.
BTW: I haven’t heard any of them talk about anything important. No one has talked about getting more 4x4s on the road, increasing urban sprawl and eliminating mass transit. But we certainly hear about irrelevant and trivial crap like gay marriage.
The human race deserves to die considering our current path.
Your constant blathering about 4x4s just illustrates our need to invest in American infrastructure, like roads.
Exactly, stop all handouts and use the money to build infrastructure.
Just as “political only” is the opposition party’s televised “rebuttal”. This started in the 1960s, with Republicans rebutting an LBJ address. But the rebuttals were sporatic, not being done every year. Mostly during election years. Not until the Reagan years, did it become an annual thing, without fail, by both parties. Often using prerecorded “rebuttals”, when they had little idea what was going to be said by the president. So obviously, it’s a political tool. If they don’t even need to prepare what they’re going to say, in response to a speech they’ve yet to hear. Early on, these rebuttals were usually live, and spontaneous. But rarely now.
If pressies would actually deliver a STATE of the Union report instead of stump speeches, then we would not need rebuttals from the opposition. Every year I try to listen to the SOTU address and each time I swear it will the last time. But, like a new year resolution, I backslide.
Pedro? You spelled “idiot” correctly. Must be a tailwind increasing your IQ today.
As a lib, much farther left than center of right Oboma, his main saving grace is that “he says” he is willing to be forced to do the right things==but only if ENOUGH people force him to do it. Real Pukes on the other hand will fall on their swords rather than do right by the public/99% NOT their 1% corporate Masters.
I guess that is a big enough difference to vote on, but where is the change we all want?
So easily led astray by lies and red herrings, values, and impossibilities. I wouldn’t say death to the hooman race was an appropriate outcome for our silliness–even though close to it seems cocked and loaded.
Who could predict two financial meltdowns within 20 years for exactly the same reasons?
Yes, I’m entirely convinced by you that greedy sellouts will willingly take the fall for people who aren’t themselves.
This video should have a laugh track instead of the sinister music!
Obama knows how to tax, spend, and make promises. Problem is we are running out of money and there is going to be hell to pay.
He doesn’t have a clue about how to balance a budget, encourage private sector business development or get his lard headed buddies out of the way so something good can happen.
I no longer care what he says. I’ve seen his works and they are horrifying to people who think in terms of cause and effect.
Like it or not, Obama is going to get re-elected.
Nice photo, Sis. Good reason to cut back on the prunes and bran cereal.
If that pic doesn’t make you religious, nothing will.
Yup, Obama will get re-elected. It’s mind boggling how the Republicans have taken the baton of ineptitude away from the Democrats so quickly. This whole thing will make McCain-Palin train wreck of 2008 look good.
Maybe it will turn out even worse than the Dukakis-Bentsen cringe festival.
Liberals: perpetually dragging down the standard of discourse just that little bit extra.
I quit listening to Obama about a year ago.
He isn’t interested in governing the country at all, so he’ll just pull out some of the usual yada, yada and bore you to death.
Then he’ll go back to throwing fancy parties at the White House.
I expect Obama to be re-elected.
Republicans haven’t made it quite clear what the difference between a Republican and a Democrat is these days and I don’t claim to know either.
Sure Republicans might say things like “lower taxes”, “less government and lower spending”, “freedom”, “fix immigration”:
But when do they actually do this in practice? I can’t name a time in the last 13-14 years.
Obama might be the best president you can have. He isn’t very interested in doing anything and that might be the greatest thing you can have: a government that isn’t very interested in governing.
And we should have learned that a long time ago.
“That government is best which governs least”
Henry David Thoreau
“Sure Republicans might say things like “lower taxes”, “less government and lower spending”, “freedom”, “fix immigration”
Phony RINO’S just do not count. It’s the reason they hate RP.
Romney: Did his own health care plan in Massachusetts.
Gingrich: Cheated on wife just like Clinton.
I do understand that Romney did his deal as a governor of a state and “all rights not granted to federal government are reserved for the States”.
I also understand that the Clinton fiasco was about lying under oath in a deposition, not the fact he did extra-marital stuff.
Still, the common man isn’t going to “get it”. And sophisticated people aren’t swing voters. It’s the average uneducated Joe whose opinion can be manipulated, smart people are set in their ways.
The Repulicans have no shot barring some sort of extraordinary malaise event like some sort of unforeseen major jobs loss or market collapse. And that won’t likely happen.
So the Republicans have no chance at all.
Well I thing Noob Gingrich does have a chance at winning. I agree he’s a typical lying, cheating on wife, arrogant mofo but he has a few things going his way.
First, he’s white.
Second, he’s an angry republican which the sheeple want because they too are angry!
Finally, his party (which kicked his ass out a while ago for lying and unethical behavior) has decided its best to suck his ass now because the Mormon has no fucking chance against the negro.
“Then he’ll go back to throwing fancy parties at the White House.”
Apparently the Emperor’s wife was dressed for a post address party. According to an AP article I read, she was clothed in a $2,500 frock! (“What, this old thing?”)
You know, I don’t mind that Warren Buffet is filthy rich. Or Bill Gates or even George Soros. But, when the O’Bamas flash their wealth it kind of pisses me off. Probably because they have done absolutely nothing to EARN the money
You sir, are a poltroon. One can trace every penny of Obama’s money to an book he wrote or a job he had. To impugn the President with such baseless drivel is pathetic and frankly, unAmerican. You are like that stupid cow of a governor who thinks that pointing into the President’s face in anger is a sign of respect for the office.
You mean the books that were written FOR him? And what job? Couple years as a senator? You’re not supposed to get rich until your second term…
You really think that a-hole earned his money? Really?
Every real American should be shoving their finger in his face. He needs to stop lecturing and shut the hell up and listen to hear what his job is – which is serving US!
I had to look up poltroon. From the vulgar latin? Ha, ha. Coward seems sufficient but I assume its from the anglo side of the channel? Always good to have two words for the same concept incase one gets in a car wreck?
Is Animby being a poltroon/coward? I don’t see it. Some other bad word, but not a poltroon.
Maybe a form of sarcasm or pretending to be a fool? Animnby===THIS is when you need to post as your alter ego. Commenting on ladies dresses–how–how–how very droll of you.
Ha, ha.
BTW, Obama is about the most unAmerican person I’ve ever seen (based on his stated views). Opposing him is patriotic.
Lol. If Mrs Obama’s wardrobe is worth a mention it says a lot about how freakn scared the Teapublicans party is that the current litter of candidates really stinks.
Yup, put the wife of the POTUS in a frock from Sears while she’s on the world stage. It’s as stupid as the complaints about Cindy McCain or Nancy Reagan’s wardrobes.
Only losers complain about that kind of shit.
They’re all psychopaths, it’s apparently a job requirement.
you can do this with EVERY SOTU speech.
Don’t forget Michelle Obama has breath like a Duck Fart.
bobbo, “Is Animby being a poltroon/coward”
It was obvious that DumbAlix is using a word-of-the-day calendar since from his usage, it was clear he did not understand the meaning of poltroon. In his next post he will try to work in “jobation” but will think it has to do with O’Bama’s employment program.
Or, maybe he was right. I am writing under a pseudonym (Alix? That means fake name), after all. But, Bobbo, you are very correct in your assertion, there are many derogatory descriptives that could be effectively – and accurately – applied to me. Poltroon is iffy, at best.
You wish you were me.
You are an intellectual coward and bully, I doubt you could even maintain composure in my presence. What a poltroon.
I’M a bully? Let’s see the history here: I made a comment about our Dear Leader and you followed that by attacking me.
Yes, you’re right. I wish I were you but only long enough to end my miserable , moronic existence.
Thanks for the laugh.
I think the main reason why republicans hate Obama so much is because he is a republican himself.
Just not white enough for them. Maybe if he was more white like Bush was, they would like him more.
Oh Alf you are such a FOX/Rush parrot!
From now on just copy and paste this FOX/Rush mantra and skip trying to come up with your own paraphrasing.
“Obama’s is a foreign, race-baiting Marxist who keeps making America weaker undermines all it’s allies like Israel and is determined to destroy the American way of life, he’s pro-poverty” and his politics are un-American, everything he says is a lie and everything he does is and always will be wrong.”
The Left and Right both think he is a tool, sorry but he is just governing from the center as a most US Presidents wind up doing. Lucky us, in these no win situations Obama has gotten it right about 80% of the time that’s what a B- ? better than we have seen in the White House in a long time.
Obama is one of the best Republican Presidents we have had. I was in the young Republicans club in high school and in collage till the right wing nuts took it over. So a party or person that understands the idea that supporting the middle-class is the most most important job , that helping the poorest get there is second and the rich can help themselves so what the government job should be. I hate the new republican idea of welfare for the rich its so messed up.