Read about it all here.

Found by Brother Uncle Don

  1. Criminal says:

    The blood will be invisible in the red light, perfect!

  2. Ralphie Boy says:

    It’s East Orange, NJ they’ll have to put the red light on everyone. The reason crime is at its lowest since the 60’s is because that’s when everyone left to help burn down Newark!

  3. Christopher says:

    Ok, am I missing something? I thought they said crime is now at its lowest level since 1967 but this new cameras have not been installed yet. Why do they need the cameras if crime is that low? Why not just continue on what they are doing before and not spend the money on a bunch of high tech spying equipment?

    • LibertyLover says:

      It’s a Jobs Program.

      • Christopher says:

        Wonder how many jobs this saved or created with this one.

        • msbpodcast says:

          The store clerks, the importer, the shippers and truckers all of whom contribute to importing the shit from Chiner.

          Not to mention the poor installer who has to read the instructions in EngRish and the therapist who has to deal with the anger management issues.

  4. Zybch says:

    So this relies on the person manning a camera to somehow be able to tell when a crime is ‘about’ to be committed.
    If nothing else, the staggeringly high numbers of cameras in the UK demonstrates that even WHEN and AFTER crime has been committed having a massive camera system still doesn’t do diddly squat, they still don’t help catch the majority of criminals, and they certainly don’t reduce crime numbers at all.
    This is complete big brother bullshit and WILL be abused by the lazy fat cops who will scramble to be chosen to sit on their giant spreading asses and look at video screens all day rather than actually walking the streets where they might actually make a difference and lose some ass-lard.

  5. LibertyLover says:

    I personally think if people weren’t denied their right to self-defense, these cameras wouldn’t be needed.

    • spsffan says:

      Well, Libby,

      I hear you, but I have to say Yes to the first part and no to the second.

      Yes people should not be denied their right to self-defense (what part of “shall not be infringed” is unclear?). Oh, and “bear arms” means carry them on your person. Not locked up unloaded in a safe somewhere.

      But, no, the cameras are not needed even as it stands. Crime is at its lowest level since 1967. Not just in New Jersey, bye the way. There are many factors in this, but I think we can agree that having cameras all over the place only helps the camera manufacturers.

    • Cursor_ says:

      The only problem of course with open carry of citizens is that under stress they are more likely to miss and injure others without proper and rigourous tactical training.

      And if the majority of Americans can’t even stop themselves from weaving all over the road while talking or texting on a phone, then what stops them from shooting an innocent when they forget sight shooting and go to point shooting?

      In untrained or poorly trained hands the gun user is more dangerous than the criminal.

      Or as I like to say about open carry, what if we let just any one practice medicine?


  6. John says:

    Government run red-light district=FAIL.

    Just do it like Texas–No cameras. Let everyone carry a gun and defend themselves. Gun crime is lowest in states where gun ownership is highest.

    • jpfitz says:

      Old west style gun-slinging won’t work in highly populated NJ.

      • spsffan says:

        Works okay for the cops. Oh, and works okay in Houston, Phoenix, many other urban places in other states.

        One should note, however, that in most towns in the “old west” you were supposed to check your gun in with the sheriff when you arrived. Not that gun fights in the streets didn’t happen, but there’s been more of them on film than there ever were in real life, as far as I can tell.

  7. jpfitz says:

    “More importantly, over 96% of residents living in neighborhoods formerly known for having the highest violent crime rates in the city reported feeling safe walking in their neighborhoods at night; and more than 89% of citizens surveyed during 2010 reported being satisfied with police services. In 2004, less than 20% of residents felt safe or were satisfied with police services.”

    Remember we are talking about a high crime rate area. Not a walk in the park.

    If I lived in that area you can shine any color light on me. It’s not pre-crime as in Hollywood.

  8. observer says:

    So it’s useless during the daytime? Good use of public funds.

    • jpfitz says:

      “Instantly, a pencil beam bright illumination source “paints” would be criminals and conveys a powerfully persuasive message: “Police are observing, Police are recording, and Police Are Responding”.”

      I don’t know how bright the light beams are and I’m not defending or degrading the system. I looked at the results and they’re impressive. Most hoodlums are night creatures, not all crime happens at night but the public seems to like the system.

      • observer says:

        What results did you look at? How were they impressive?

        • jpfitz says:

          Sorry I didn’t put the results with the link. Cooking dinner and DU don’t mix. The results could be biased, I’m just going on the charts provided and the news I’ve heard about NJ crime.

          • observer says:

            Are you a shill or a moron? I was talking about the new system when I said it was useless during daytime. The results you linked to refer to the old system. Did you not understand that?

    • jpfitz says:

      You’re so observant. RTFA. Video is useless at night? I suppose audio can’t be heard at night because there’s no sunlight.

      “But that’s just one flashy feature in a rash of new high-tech solutions provided to the crime-ridden city under federal grant money.”

      A 70% drop in violent crime is impressive. You are not as your nom de plume ascribes.

  9. orchidcup says:

    We need this system installed in the House and Senate.

    • jpfitz says:

      Yea, to keep an eye on all the work not being done. Haha.
      Or… to catch a page in unpage like behavior. Your choice.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Its not worth the bother.

      We know they’re all crooks, thieves and lawyers.

      Just look at C-Span and you’ll catch them all at some point of other, grandstanding, bullshitting and engaging in pissing contests.

  10. Dallas says:

    This might make sense in severe crime areas and only on a temporary basis.

    Surveillance is a continuation of a trend that started years ago and will only get more sophisticated. It’s a delicate balance of what the sheeple are willing to give up freedom-wise, what is effective and what is practical to implement.

    Happy to see that the liberal and civilized ACLU is taking a look at this to help make that balanced judgement.

  11. GogglesNTeeth says:

    When did Gordon from Sesame street become a cop for Pre-Crime??

  12. bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

    Common sense tells me cameras “should” work, but I can’t find any link that says they do. Anybody know why not?

    I’m in mind of dna testing and I suppose we could have articles saying “DNA doesn’t work” when in fact what doesn’t work is no funding to actually run the tests on the DNA. 1000’s of dna samples at crime scenes all stored away keeping the innocent in jail and the guilty on the streets. DNA testing works, but you got to use it.

    I have read stories of cameras being used to track down perpetrators in certain crimes but I guess the fact of that is over hyped, and/or I’m thinking more of CSI Hollywood shows more than reality?

    Almost on point is this funny: guy calls 911 and says “Please send a cop over here so I can get into a fight”–and they do, and the guy is in jail with charges pending. At least when the criminals call and ask for pre-crime services, the cops are able to respond? – – – but why not at least send along a psych eval / social worker for the services that are ACTUALLY needed? Criminalize poverty, criminalize homelessness/joblessness, criminalize need for mental health===can you spot the trend?

    And thats why I reacted to Gabby Gifford. She has total healthcare and gets full pay on the job during a year of incapacity. Wouldn’t rankle if most other people had the same access to such benefits. But we only pay their salaries. Big reductions looming large as tax cutting philosophy adopted by both parties and NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE to avoid the growing and next financial meltdown. Its like the voting public WANTS to cut their own throats. I just don’t get it.

  13. Rob says:

    They should be using laser light to zap the criminals

    • msbpodcast says:

      FUCK NO!!!

      I walk with cane and it would take for-fuckin’-ever to get out of visual.

      Do you know how cops entertain themselves?

      This would be worse than a taser because they could always blame some hacker for taking control of the system.

      • jpfitz says:

        Msbpod, Jersey is your turf. What is your opinion on this Cordero guy? Has he helped East Orange or just sucked on the Federal tit.

  14. Mextli: ABO says:

    Still nothing but half-ass measures. Where are the Drones? Barry has consistently demonstrated their worth. Times running out Barry you only have so long left to use them.

    And the biased ACLU has never made a judgment in it’s life. It just reacts and flies to the brightest television light.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Uh, the ACLU would have no fucking business rendering judgement on anything.

      Why else did they decide to represent a bunch of neo-nazis that wanted to hold a parade in bum-fuck Arkansas or the like [ ]

      The ACLU is about civil liberties, not about who’se popular.

      • Mextli: ABO says:

        From your link, “……the organization also lobbies for policies that have been established by its board of directors”
        Just because the ACLU says something is a civil liberty does not make it so.

  15. hwo says:


  16. Animby - Just Phoning It In says:

    And with the installation of these lights, no black man in East Orange will ever again be able to hail a cab! I foresee discrimination and profiling charges coming up.

    Bobbo: “Common sense tells me cameras “should” work, but I can’t find any link that says they do. Anybody know why not?”

    If you searched, then you undoubtedly found several studies that prove they do NOT work. In general, observing a crime does not equal preventing a crime or even solving a crime. Identification of the perpetrators is often impossible – why do you think hoodies and sunglasses are so popular in London?

    What a boon for cops. They do not have to stop eating donuts in order to do their job.

    I’m thinking in areas of high prostitution rates, they should use different colors of lights. Eg a red light “bathing” the hooker could be a sign that s/he is suspected of being HIV+ while hookers who are only suspected of having herpes or TB could be bathed in a yellow light. Green lights would be reserved for those with more easily cured diseases such as syph or the clap.

    • Mr Diesel says:

      Green lights would be reserved for hooker frequented by the politicians.

    • jpfitz says:

      I would go out on a limb and say the residents of East Orange are mostly African American.

  17. observer says:

    This system is security theater, like the TSA.

  18. Peppeddu says:

    So now they are informing the criminals of when they can commit a crime.

    – Light comes on, stay put.
    – Light doesn’t come on, police is asleep at the monitor, go ahead.

    That’s smart!

  19. Hmeyers2 says:

    The red light is a cop-out. Should be a pivoting taser.

    Why don’t they just enact a curfew in those super high-crime cities? 70% of the people in those cities out after 10PM are riffraff, and 20% are liquor stores and bars where those 70% go at night.

    In a super high crime city, the decent people don’t dare go out after dark.

    Just have Obamer declare cities with 12% or higher crime rates as emergency zones and start using curfews.

  20. ECA says:

    Public places, I dont mind..

    But a solution to these, s called a PAINT BALL gun.

  21. orion3014 says:

    an armed society is a polite society….
    Robert H. Heinlein


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