Here is the latest conversation I had with money manager Andrew Horowitz…. new insights for anyone who invests in anything. We discuss the earnings season and muni bonds.
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  1. Somebody says:

    Your choice of photos disturbs me.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Yep, the economy’s a real train wreck…

    It became a consumer economy from a manufacturing economy back after the second world war.

    The boomers consumed with great abandon. One of the consequences is the destruction of the manufacturing base.

    It became cheaper to produce things off-shore and in the 80s US-Canada Free Trade showed the accountants how it should be done.

    Then came NAFTA.

    Then came out-sourcing.

    Then came off-shoring.

    Then came the 90s, the Oughts, that was followed by the “great recession” and that where we are now.

    Its not going to change until the accountants are shown the door and it becomes cheaper to sell things made in the USA than outside the USA by shiny new tariffs and protectionist measures.

    Until that happens, you’re still sliding down the razor blade of life using your balls for brakes.

  3. Morton Simpleton says:

    Some may see a Train wreck. I see a Wrecked train..

  4. mate says:

    © 2008 Copyright Dvorak News Blog
    thing have moved on since then…
    It’s time to learn WordPress John 🙂

  5. Publius says:

    Dvorak has a massive short position for months

    Dvorak shows car wrecks and train wrecks on every DHU


  6. Publius says:

    Hey hey now

    This spells consistency

    Get your mind out of the gutter John

  7. Observer says:

    Hey JCD, you were asking if PC sales were actually declining or if sales are still increasing while the rate is declining. Here is a link to some numbers for US 4th quarter sales estimates. The upshot is PC sales are declining while Apple sales are growing.


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