What will they think of next!

  1. bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but still just a puny self centered hooman says:

    When I was younger, I thought being embarrassed about being/going bald was pretty silly. Then I started getting a “Widow’s Peak” that looked like it was going to the Bald Bolder with mullet sidedecking and I thought: Wow, that is something to avoid! Then the process stabilized so that with a bit of length and a conditioner still looks like I have hair, so now I’m back to thinking its silly to be concerned about loss of hair.

    Yes, thats just how hooman I am. Hypocrite all the way through, and on top. Why can’t I lose hair off my butt cheeks?

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      I’m guessing your wife likes to fluff your butt? Just speculating. It explains the constant hair growth.

      • Jack The Ripper says:

        You honestly think BoBo is married? Have you ever read any of BoBo’s replies or noticed that he’s almost always first, usually with replies that only an institutionalized person might say? Do you think a (normal) married person would devote as much time to commenting on a blog?!

        Come on! Implying that BoBo the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist but still just a puny self centered hooman is married is a bit much. Don’t you think?

        • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist and lover of all things Techno says:

          Ha, ha. Good one. What would be the odds?

        • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

          True. He may be asexual. Mitosis or something.

        • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

          And I woke up this morning, looked at wifey, and wondered how Dvorak was doing today. Looks rather dead. What could we all do to prop it up? Energize it? Reverse the polarity on the warp engines?

          But Jack–I’m curious==what replies have I made that indicate I’m not married? Or do you mean that I hate women?//or don’t understand them as if that were somehow inconsistent with being married?

          Ha, ha. Yes, wedded bliss.

          If I were a day trader with five active screens, how much time would it take to keep a review going to break the tension given I don’t type check but just keep rolling?

          Know what I mean?

          • President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

            Wanna fix Dvorak? We can start by fixing the comment system.

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

            Pres Amabo==that issue appears to be past us. Not even a New Years Resolution to fix past errors has made it to JCD’s brain. so we are all stuck with this morass of unaccessible non-linear, non-indexed, non-noticede hodgepodge.

            Sad, since all you have to do ((as I understand it)) is just check a few boxes on a drop down menu.

            Evidently, JCD doesn’t follow any of the threads close enough to experience how painful and irrelevant and finally time wasting it is.

            Looks good I suppose from 6 feet away.

            WHY NOT: a sidebar of the last 10 comments made with a direct link?

            Hey–its better than booze, books, music and psychedelics all in my own cardboard box.

          • President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

            Your are correct. A WordPress blog is pretty damned easy to configure. You’re also right about John. If you also read his posts on pcmag.com, he seems to have pretty much checked out.

          • President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

            PS. We rarely agree but couldn’t be in more sync on the comments change. How the hell are you supposed to follow a conversation in this fucking mess?

          • bobbo, we think with words, and flower with ideas. says:

            You can’t “follow” a conversation you can only HUNT for it if you have any interest at all—and here you and I and anyone else that had the interest are finally in a linear non-nested format because even the nesting construction is fubarred ALL TO THE EFFECT that this blog discourages any conversation more than 4 responses deep.

            quite appropriate for the MTV age but oldsters like JCD and the hirsute challenged (how coincidental could this be?==almost a sign from heaven?) commenting herein should prefer something more demanding?

            Or not.

    • Rob Leather says:

      “so that with a bit of length and a conditioner still looks like I have hair” – Have you any idea how sad that sounds?

      Dude… you’re going bald. SO WHAT! Get over it!

      If everybody just stopped pretending they weren’t loosing their hair and just got on with things the “stigma” would go away and eventually nobody would give a crap.

      In the office next to me are five guys. One has shaved ALL his hair off. One has very short hair and is bald on top and another has short hair and going bald.

      NOBODY GIVES A CRAP these days.

  2. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Affordable hair regeneration will be on the markets in the next 5 years. It’s the easiest thing to do. Ligament, tendons and skin will follow. More difficult structures like muscle and organs after that.

  3. UncDon says:

    What about eyebrows? Can I get ’em bushy?

    • Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

      If my hair grew like my eyebrows, I’d have grow an afro.

  4. dadeo says:

    Haven’t women and theater groups done this for years?


  5. Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

    If you are bald on top, just keep your hair cut to 1/2″. It’sasy to maintain, I cut my own hair in 5 min at the sink with electric clippers, and I can wash my whole head when I wash my face if I so desire. Having gray hair helps hide the baldness too.

    • msbpodcast says:

      <sigh&gh; I keep waiting for my hair to gray but the old genes must have skipped my generation. (My father had white hair by the time he was 30 and so did his father.)

      Instead, I am getting sparser (I look like I’ve got a bar code tattoo running front to back 🙂 )

      I trim my mustache and beard with some dog trimmers (its a leftover from an old business venture,) but otherwise I don’t do anything but wash and tie it in a ponytail.

      • jpfitz says:

        Hey msbpod, it’s the distinguished gene that passed you by. We all get the old gene. I was salt and pepper by thirty. Still have most of my hair, (fingers crossed), although the ears and nose hairs are catching up.

  6. Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

    “It’s easy to maintain”. Did I mention I’m also half blind?

  7. orchidcup says:

    I am certain a rented wig would look just as phony as a wig you would purchase.

    I fail to see the advantage.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Its cheaper.

      If you are the kind of British loonie who thinks he’s fooling anybody, it’ll at least be cheap to go around of an evening looking like he’s stapled a dead hedgehog to his pate or that he’s wearing a piece of his Golden Retriever (man’s best friend after all.)

      His girlfriends probably come with an inner tube patch kit.

  8. pwuk says:

    You can rent Guinea pigs now? Sounds ideal for a Web business rent-a-rug.com

  9. orchidcup says:

    This makes as much sense as renting condoms.

    Would you want to wear a wig that was probably worn by somebody else?

    I don’t mind renting a tuxedo, but I would draw the line at renting underwear or wigs.

  10. I wonder if they have anything for the ladies who regret shaving off the Brazilian?

  11. Art Fern says:

    What will they think of next? How about…


  12. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    The ad reminds me of Morrie’s Wig Shop from Goodfellas:

  13. WmDE says:

    Help Wanted – Applicants must be fleet of foot, agile and able to defend themselves. Dental plan available. Apply:

    Ambassador Service Ltd.
    Repossession Department

  14. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Hairpieces are just a different type of hat, and as such it would be polite to tip them when passing a lady on the street, and they should be removed while the National Anthem is played.

  15. Rob Leather says:

    Face it. This advert is from an era when a full head of hair was associated with full on macho bullshit.

    Nobody gives a crap these days, which is exactly how it should be.

    • e? says:

      Why would you say that it doesn’t matter? Not feeling as virile as you used to? 😉

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    The ad keeps repeating “permanent”, what the f$ does that mean?

  17. AdmFubar says:

    wow what a sad state of affairs here…

    that ad reminded me of this bit of nostalgia


  18. President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

    If you can manscape to make your junk look bigger, what’s wrong with shaving your head to make your brain look bigger?

  19. Dugger says:

    The fellow in the ad reminds me of the trololollol guy.


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