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Executive Producers: William Che, Nathan Rubio
Associate Executive Producers: Thomas Wyler
Art By: Thijs Brouwers

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  1. deowll says:

    Rupert Murdock who owns Fox has threatened to stop supporting Obama for his lack of support of sopa. This means that the only media that may not be controlled by Dems is some of talk radio and some of the podcasters. At the top the real power players are a bloody small group. Might be 300 or less. Maybe another 1000 or so are in a position to have _some_ impact.

    Most of the people I used to think were power players are very much staff.

    That does tie into something they started on then moved on.

  2. deowll says:

    Every country will have a walled off internet. You are most likely John. Even the people that post here would be largely oblivious.

    • deowll says:

      My bad. You are most likely right John.

      • What? says:

        I’m generally against globallization.

        However, without an Internet without boarders we are doomed not to make progress as quickly as our interconnected neighbors. Sharing information, opinions, knowledge, etc. makes us better faster.

        A moat about these things drives down our potential, and enables our competitors to take an advantage we don’t have.

        It as if we read “The Art Of War” and decided to do the opposite of everything it suggests.

        • What? says:

          In school, Manderin and Hindi should be required from the first grade on.

          I feel disconnected from a lot of information because I can’t interact in those languages.

  3. B. Dog says:

    That was some nice product placement that Adam did on his Behringer mixer. The audio quality was very poor on this show. The “donating is loving” slogan may be eliminating donations from some straight males in the audience.

  4. Yep it's true says:

    Since Christmas I have stopped listening to this POS and it has made my life so much better! No more getting angry at how incredibly stupid Adam Curry is and how he bitches around John like he’s his master. I will not return to listening to this ever again.
    Sorry, it sucks.

  5. observer says:

    The show has slipped a bit, IMHO. John’s analysis of the role of the media in the primaries was spot on, but most of the rest of the show was sub-par. The MegaUpload stuff and White House Insider stuff was pure drivel, again IMHO.


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