The publisher of a Jewish newspaper who suggested that Israel assassinate Barack Obama in a weekly column, has apologized. Andrew Adler made the controversial statement in the Atlanta Jewish Times, a paper which serves the Jewish community in Atlanta, U.S. He claimed ordering an assassination of President Obama could be one of three ways to protect the people of Israel.

‘Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this is almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles? ‘Another way of putting “three” in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives…Jews, Christians and Arabs alike? ‘You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.’

‘I very much regret it, I wish I hadn’t made reference to it at all,’ he said to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.’ Mr Adler admitted that he had been an ‘idiot’ for writing it and said he had put his ‘pen in my mouth’, according to ABC.

The secret service has said that Adler’s comments would be followed up but would not say if a formal investigation had been launched.

I guess this guy hasn’t heard of the National Defense Authorization Act.

  1. deowll says:

    I wonder if this guy is going to end up on the no fly list as a potential domestic terrorist? Obama has had Americans killed for doing this.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Don’t you love farce?
      My fault, I fear.
      I thought that you’d want what I want –
      Sorry, my dear.
      But where are the Drones?
      There ought to be Drones.
      Quick, send in the Drones.

  2. Troublemaker says:

    Apology? I think jail time is in order, but of course this will never happen to one of “God’s chosen”. They are special.

    However, if an American Muslim paper did the same thing…

    • cripes…this sort of thing is so illegal I can assure you that even joking about it will result in problems. It’s amazing this was ever written in the first place.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    This is too easy, I’ll pass.

  4. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    In his defense, he says now that he wishes he never wrote it.

    ‘I very much regret it, I wish I hadn’t made reference to it at all,’

    To me, that is such a pathetic defense that I consider it totally worthless. The assassination of President Obama could somehow, someway correct all the dangers facing Israel? Hamas and Hezbollah ,Syria and Iran, these dangers would all fade away by killing the elected leader of Israel’s biggest, most powerful supporter. And what about the blowback if the operation was compromised? Would Joe Biden call for some major policy change? It warps my mind.

    I truly question this fellow’s sanity just like I question the sanity of members of Aryan Nation.

  5. ECA says:

    Are we cutting off the MONEY we send them every year??


  6. Kiwini says:

    Another disaster averted by a realization of reality: after all, who would condone installing an idiot like Joe “Bigmouth” Biden into the White House for the remainder of The Anointed One’s first term?.

  7. sargasso_c says:

    On the day Gifford announces her retirement.

  8. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    How would assassinating Pres Obama “protect Israel?” You mean as part of a false flag operation and Iran gets blamed? What???

    I didn’t see any advocacy for such a move either==just listing it as a possibility. Just like it would be on a long list of how to get an extra day off from work? …… Ha, ha==I wonder how far down the list that option is on any good puke’s list? Might surprise us all?

    I read a while back that Obama has received more death threats by multiples than any other President. Just look at the hate directed his way by “responsible” leaders of the Puke party and those running in the puke primary. Its another reason Obama does play the “angry black man” card.

    • McCullough says:

      Obama has criticized Israel. You aren’t allowed to do that. It’s a PC thing…

    • PMitchell says:

      I pray every day for this Presidents safety, God forbid he be assassinated and become a martyr and lifted up to the likes of John F Kennedy just keep him alive and let him be a miserable failure like Carter and slink off into History

  9. Nobody says:

    Number of death threats received could be a useful metric of a president’s performance.

  10. Animby - Just Phoning It In says:

    There are Jews in Atlanta??? Who knew?

    • Jim G says:

      “Oy, y’all”

    • Tom says:

      They are ‘everywhere’. Amazing how they are considering a total global population of only 13 million, and that’s counting the secular atheists that still call themselves Jews.

  11. Zybch says:

    Just imagine the reaction if a muslim newspaper editor said this kind of thing. He’d never see anything but the inside of a cell for the rest of his life and his paper closed down and everyone who worked for it arrested.

  12. Bocephus says:

    RP wants to cut all finacial aid to Israel…how long do you think he would last.

  13. Zybch says:

    RP wants to cut all GOVERNMENT aid, not aid provided by private citizens who think giving billions to israel will somehow help them get into heaven where they will probably have to work as butlers and sewage workers.

  14. orchidcup says:

    Israel has a long history of assassinations or “targeted killings.”

    Apparently they have no moral aversion to the concept:

    List of Israeli assassinations

    ‘Think about it. If I have thought of this Tom Clancy-type scenario, don’t you think that this is almost unfathomable idea has been discussed in Israel’s most inner circles?

    ‘Another way of putting “three” in perspective goes something like this: How far would you go to save a nation comprised of seven million lives…Jews, Christians and Arabs alike?

    ‘You have got to believe, like I do, that all options are on the table.’

    Mr Adler was presenting a hypothetical situation from the perspective of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s potentially disastrous conflicts with the Arab world.

  15. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    This is just a reminder that many of those who claim to believe and know their God best don’t have the slightest bit of trust in him for their protection or that all things will work out for good.

    Taking matter into their own hands is a well-worn path.

    • What? says:

      Gary for the win!

      This editor finally did something to extract his head from deep inside the victum’s brainwashing that he has subjected himself, and his readers, to. He has had to consider the consequences of that brainwashing, and renounce it for what it is: a bunch of nonsense. He has taken the first step to enlightenment.

  16. Somebody says:


    And yet they find the term “Israel Firsters” SOOOOO offensive.

  17. Jim G says:

    What did I say? Millions of Amerikans think- “Obama’s the next best thing since sliced bread, He’s the Black Jesus”, And there you go..the Jews want to kill him ,too.

  18. Somebody_Else says:

    We have to protect Israel’s right to oppress other people, otherwise they might be oppressed.

  19. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

    Let’s consider the term: “crap thinking” you know–such as set forth above. Mostly crap, very little thinking:

    Somebody Else: “We have to protect Israel’s right to oppress other people”==pure crap. Written I suppose to stake out the most idiotic and hypocritically response possible.

    Jim G==wants to make up the notion of Obama as Black Jesus. What kind of f*cktard would do that? Is he more anti Obama or more anti Jebus? We can’t tell because CRAP is like that.

    Somebody introduces the term “Israel Firsters.” I’ve not heard that term but in context it has substances if only as a target for Somebody Else to demonstrate why the concept is paramount for any people/nation state. What people don’t think their own country should come first over those who would invade and take over? No one. Well Done Somebody–its only too bad your comment was made knowing it would be criticized thereby establishing the CRAP THINKING that is the highest mark your critics can achieve.

    Gary==you change the conversational context to one reflecting the Greek God system of Religious Crap Thinking? What you say is fair enough, but still Crap Thinking as there are no Gods, not those of today, nor those of yesteryear. And you entice the copy and paste acolytes like Orchicups to follow what you laid down only as a false trail. Crap Religions all got started that way.

    I’ll end my own little diatribe with Alfie. Always best to stop before Alfie so as not to encourage his rantings but it is so typically Alfie. When he is most relevant he is denigrating his own religion that is so central to his life and in point of fact while he may see the humor of it, I don’t think he really gets the full skinning that he has accomplished. But then, who here is 100% convinced Alfie is not just a very controlled and long running punk?

    Should I really go shopping for groceries when its raining? I’m a dry heat kind of guy.

    • Jim G says:

      Should have looked for the “Sarcasam Font” when I was typing earlier. There are some people who think Obamy’s really great, and must be Jesus himself. I’m not one of those folks

      • bobbo, words have a meaning and a context and often ultimately affect actions says:

        Thanks Jim G==sarcasm hardly ever works in short written materials shared with strangers. Yep (sarc/off) would have made your post less crap. Still remaining though is your premise that a significant number of folks think of Obama as Jesus? Thats a reference I have not noticed. Are you trapped in some small rural community in the South? or North? Member of an end of days Church? How has this allusion come to your attention?

        The meme on Obama is fairly stated to be that he was a “change candidate” and would correct most of the ills plaguing our government for the past few decades, and sadly, it turns out he is too much status quo.

        Now, the fact that those who are retarded along religious lines may think of Obama’s sameness as especially evil somehow, along the lines of the bigoted hypocritical charge that he is a Black Jebus, certainly doesn’t mean that there is a public meme to that belief system.

        I reject the notion that anyone that is half white and half black is “black.” White blood is so precious that even a 1/16th part of it makes someone white.

        Hopefully, I have provided enough context, that the sarcasm is clear without the font?

        Or not.

        But to your point

        • Jim G says:

          People think that Obama’s the greatest thing since sliced bread, that he’s the greatest thing since Jesus , he must be the Black Jesus. I dont think he’s all that great. What is the difficulty?

    • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

      Bobbo, someday you’ll be kicking yourself for underappreciating my genius 😉

      • Post #4- bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

        Yes, I agree you have that potential, to be fully realized when we walk with the gods. Course, when it comes to the Greek panoply, it really was an issue of “contesting” with the gods. Do you agree they are still with us today but under the thumb of the One and Only Jealous and Revengeful God? Waiting their time for Satan to establish dominion in this part of the Universe. So much more human this group of gods is. Took the idiot christains that foundation to create a god they couldn’t relate to or understand: perfect for charlatans to step in and provide those middle man services.

        • Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

          For awhile, those other gods were under the thumb of the vengeful one, but one day he ate them in a fit of rage, jealous that they occupied the minds of the Greeks and Romans too greatly. Plus, seasoned with a little garlic and butter, the gods were delicious but not too filling.

    • Somebody says:

      “Well Done Somebody–its only too bad your comment was made knowing it would be criticized thereby establishing the CRAP THINKING that is the highest mark your critics can achieve.”

      Don’t derogate yourself so.

      That’s my job.

  20. Dallas says:

    The Jew Teabagger needs to be prosecuted. Speaking of which (witch), was Palin ever charged for promoting the assisnination of an elected official?

    • IKnewIt!! says:

      Wow Dullass, you’re not only a hate-filled bigot, you’re an Anti-Semite and a sexist too… Why am I not surprised?

      • Dallas says:

        I’m not and I’ve never heard of you.

        Grow a pair of balls and stop hiding behind the alias of the day.

        • IKnewIt!! says:

          You ARE because YOUR words PROVE IT!

          Who am I, you say… Well I’m not a BIGOT, ANTI-SEMITE and a SEXIST like YOU!!!


    • farmits says:

      yep, enforce the LAW and burn the asshole btard.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      Well that loathsome.

  21. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    “Domestic Terrorism” or what ???

  22. msbpodcast says:

    I’d like to put both parties here into cold storage, (real cold, and dark, and quiet, and deep,) and make all of the politicians have to find real jobs.

    And I’d like to tell everybody else to fuck off.

  23. spsffan says:

    Well, as long time readers here may recall, I’ve long suggested the neutron bombing of the entire Middle East, from roughly Pakistan to the Mediterranean, plus the North African coast to about Libya. Sure, you will kill a few thousand good people, but look at the benefits! You rid the world of millions of idiots that the rest of the world would be happy to dispatch and who happen to be in control of major petroleum reserves and shipping lanes.

    The reduction in world population alone makes it tempting!

    Not that I advocate the practice. I’m a pacifist. But if you’re going to kill people anyway, make it worthwhile.

    As for the guy in Atlanta? He might just mysteriously disappear one night. It happens. Perhaps he will meet Jimmy Hoffa!

    • bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

      Well, in context you really should be posting not that you advocate such actions but merely that such actions are one of the alternatives should we really want to make the world a better place.

      An Alternative, not a Mandate.

      Good for what ails ya.

  24. the dude says:

    Lucky for him it wasn’t an Arabic publication. The writer would be in Gitmo or buried at sea by now.

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Back to talk of Obama’s assassination, even if it were “on the table” in unofficial Israeli discussion as the publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times suggests it might be, if such an event ever came to pass (a good Biblical phrase), I’d put my money on an evangelical Christian as being the most likely assassin. Even if we ignore the remnants of the patriotic Christian brotherhood of white supremacists that once flourished in our own South, there are other threat vectors that could be the source of trouble. Just as one example, there’s a well-known TV evangelist named Jack Van Impe who, over the course of several months in 2009, made great efforts to tie Obama to Biblical prophecies of the Anti-Christ. Here’s just one example of his work…

    As you can see, truth isn’t Van Impe’s forte, but scaremongering certainly is. And he’s addressing an audience of people who are easily frightened and readily angered — evangelical Christians.

  26. Bocephus says:

    Wait a minute, aren’t we the only country allowed to dispatch of other countries leaders?

    I thought so. Carry on.

  27. Cursor_ says:

    As always the Zionist view is as distasteful as the Islamist.

    Neither of these purely political, secular radicals represent real Jews or Muslims.


  28. Bob says:

    The fact that the Jackass party ( Greatest Political Party Symbol Ever, also most appropriate ) made a movie about the Assasination of George Bush seems to have slipped everyone’s mind. Why wouldn’t something like this come up when Papa Jackass ( No. 1 Jackass in America ) remember Haiti’s Papa Doc the twobit Dicktator ) kicked Israel to the curb because he is an Idiot and a Fool!
    Read this article about george soro’s, he is being interviewed about the ocuppy scumbags that he is and has been funding, soro’s says that they are going to turn violent, which will if they do it right create an event that will give Papa Jackass a reason to Declare Martial Law thus giving him the power to suspend the Elections and become our very own TWO-BIT DICKTATOR. HOW ABOUT THEM APPLE’S!!!

  29. Somebody says:

    If I knew any “people of Israel” and wanted to protect them, I’d do my damnedest to convince them to get the hell out before the Shiite hits the fan in Iran. My guess is, you’ve got a few weeks.

    As for whacking Obama, states are states and what goes around comes around. It’s not personal, it’s just business.

  30. Glenn E. says:

    So domestic supporters of Israel are all about the money (Foreign Aid). Threaten to cut it off or substantially reduce it, and legislative heads might roll. LITERALLY. I think the US ought to take this threat more seriously. It’s political extortion, at best. And all out lethal terrorism, at worst. Does US Homeland Security only react to Arab based terrorist threats? And giving the Israelis the “benefit of a doubt”, when they call for killing US leaders? The Feds play harder ball, with DVD pirates. Taking down sites and raiding plants. But I doubt they’ll be bothering the guys at the Atlanta Jewish Time, simple for proposing a Presidential hitjob. How damn backward are the Fed’s priorities? Counterfeit DVD or Jeans, and they come after you big time. Call for a political murder, and all is forgiven. SICK!!


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