Baghdad Betty to Cruise Ship Passengers: Nothing to See Here, Go Wait in Your Cabin
By McCullough Friday January 20, 2012

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Kinda reminds me of the idiot who told people to back to their offices upstairs at the World Trade Center. And the people who did all died. Wonder if they ever caught that guy.
If I remember rightly, he worked for some trading company and died along with them.
Almost instant Karma.
Little bit unfair. Unlike Baghdad Bob (one of my most favorite personalities in History!) this lady is just a spokesperson translating what she was told to day by the Captain–and I assume everyone knew that at the time.
When did the Captain know his ship was in trouble so that the risk of staying on board exceeded the risks inherent in evacuating the vessel?
We don’t know and won’t for some time. Did see one report questioning, AGAIN, the design of the boat as it was supposed to remain afloat with the given damage. Another Titanic. Or maybe the tilt was only because it was grounded and it would have floated if it had the depth?
The special on Discovery Channel will be interesting. Regarding this tilt: its what killed several of the passengers. When the only exit route is now on the ceiling and you are 70 years old—its curtains.
Which is why you muster everyone topside just in case. Yes matey, thems be nautical terms for the landlubbers here.
The Captain claimed he ran it aground on purpose. Not sure if that was smart considering that he knocked a very large hole in the bottom with large rocks showing.
The ship didn’t seem to be in much danger of sinking though until the rescuers started blowing holes in it.
Actually, given how much this ship seemed to want to turn over, it turned out to be a very smart move. If the ship had rolled, the death toll would be in the thousands.
Of course, nobody wants to hear that. So when this Moldovan girl suggested it, the media have subsequently gone on to discredit her by suggesting she’s the Captains secret lover… despite the previous story that she’s related to one of the officers and was invited up by that person.
Later Baghdad Betty told people there was a hole in the boat but it sounded like “whore” and people just ignored it.
I have nothing to say, just want to see my icon.
I don’t have anything to say either, except that your icon is cooler than mine, and some people here have actual images. How cool is that?
The Captain was a brave and competent man and should be commended. According to a report on The Daily Show, he never left his post but tripped and fell into a lifeboat where he became trapped.
This was a very precarious situation. If that boat had capsized and he would have been thrown into the dark Mediterranean waters where, since he’d recently had a nice dinner, he might have gotten a severe cramp!
I blame it all on the person who told the captain to have a nice trip.
I see this as an example of awaits us all! Remember those famous words? “It’s the economy stupid!”
Seems anytime things go wrong that the powerful people in charge just want to slither away once the secret gets out that they weren’t doing their job to begin with. And just like that ship, our powerful leaders are also telling the masses to just go back to what they were doing and that it’s just a minor mishap.
Ahh yes. Luckily, she had her Mae West life vest on.
The wording here could maybe be improved, but I couldn’t figure out how:
Q: What’s the difference between the Costa Concordia and a goat?
A: The ship’s captain would go down on a goat.
PM–its very close as one does not go down on a ship, one goes down WITH a ship. You are right that going down with a goat doesn’t just quite fit so you did the best possible.
The very similar mechanics avoids that prepositional stumble: “Whats the difference between a Buick and Joan Rivers? If you had to you could eat a Buick. Personally, I kinda like both, but thats the joke.
I’m glad this is an all male blog, well, at least mostly male.
When the Discovery Channel or the History Channel finally DO run a special on this, it will almost certainly involve Hitler, UFO’s and/or Nostradamus.
Until then, I suppose NBC will just blame the Republicans.
Actually the captain got lucky that only 15 or so people died.
The ship’s rudder was pointing at the sea and that’s a sign that after the collision he tried to go back again in high water, but the engine failure and the wind helped in pushing the ship toward the beach.
But to say that he’s the only one to blame is an understatement.
He used to “take a bow” (that’s how they call these daredevil shoreline sailing in Italian) every single time he went to that island.
Everyone knew, no-one said anything before.
And that’s not the only place where they do that kind of stuff. In Venice you got 70 meters high (230 feet) ships that “take a bow” a few meters from the city so that the turists can take good pictures without getting off the ship.
The highest building in Venice in 30 meters (100 feet) high.