“I have come to the conclusion that this is no viable path forward for me in this 2012 campaign,” said Perry at a news conference in North Charleston, South Carolina this morning. “Therefore I am suspending my campaign and endorsing Newt Gingrich for president of the United States.”

Good riddance.

  1. orchidcup says:

    Wonderful. Now he will be coming home to make life miserable for us Texans.

    • blatherer says:

      Texas is strong and will survive the asshole.

    • smith says:

      So your life must have been pretty miserable for the last 10 years then. If that’s the case I suspect Perry wasn’t the problem.

  2. Dallas says:

    I was wrong about rallying around the Mormon.

    Looks like Teapublicans are rallying around the Noob Gingrich – the pot smoking, draft-dodging adulterer instead. I thought they despised Bill Clinton for that?

    • spsffan says:

      No, Dallas. They despised Bill Clinton because he was a Democrat and had a wife who didn’t know her place.

    • PMitchell says:

      No to both of you morons

      we disliked President Clinton BECAUSE HE COMMITTED PERJURY AND LIED . The fact that he committed adultery was not good but you batshit dumb ass liberals cant ever get it through your thick heads it was the perjury that was the reason he was impeached,not adultery

      • Phydeau says:

        You wingnuts hated Clinton blindly and irrationally before he even took office.

        For the record.

      • moss says:

        So, erm, you support impeaching all the Republikans in Congress who perjure themselves?

        Although, Congressional rules allow perjury.

        • Thomas says:

          While Congress allows, if not outright encourages lying, by both parties, that is a far different thing than lying to the grand jury while under oath. Members of Congress take no oath to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. It is yet another level of wrong when it is the President of the United States perjuring himself before the grand jury.

          • Phydeau says:

            Spare us your transparent BS, Thomas. There were many of you, people who hated Clinton so much they’d grasp at any rationale to get rid of him. You ignored lies and corruption far worse in Republicans. It just galls you that you couldn’t kick him out, doesn’t it? Good. 🙂

  3. #4--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND long time member of the Junior Justice League says:

    I can’t believe the crapfest taking place right now over who won Iowa by x votes one way or the other. Iowa in a virtual push on votes could not be more irrelevant in any rational selection process, and to be fair, I don’t think in the actual “political” process it does===rather its only in the media that such fish wrap is generated.

    Should tell the Puke Voting Base alot…..Oh….wait===the pukes by and large DO disrespect the lame stream media. Hmmmmm. Know what that means? Ha, ha. Yes–the liberdrools/general public/independents need to understand this much better than the media seems to represent we do.

    Rick Perrry?===same thing. Just how excruicatingly OBVIOUS does nonsense have to get before the Media simply acts appropriately to the issues being addressed?

    Its all a sham from start to finish. What they should do write checks to the Business Council for No Taxes and the writer of the biggest check wins the Puke Nomination. Still thinking about how that could work for the general election.

  4. Mac Guy says:

    I’m a Republican, and I’m greatly relieved that Perry’s thrown in the towel.

    He’s fucking nuts.

  5. Sgt. Rock says:

    Well, that still leaves the rest of them. Where is Anton Chigurh when we need him?

  6. ABO says:

    I guess if a candidate is not Obama, you liberals will find something nasty to say about him, right?

    • orchidcup says:

      Is there a liberal in the room? Shoot him!!

    • Phydeau says:

      Hey, I’m a liberal, and I have plenty of nasty things to say about Obama the Republican. Starting wars without Congressional approval, killing American citizens without trial, hiring Wall Street insiders to run his administration, refusing to prosecute Wall Street criminals, refusing to prosecute Dubya administration criminals, the list goes on.

      The official Republicans are more of the same, except they are more scary on the social issues.

    • Dallas says:

      I’m with Jesus in wanting a president that did not cheat on his wife. Why do Teapublicans go against Jesus?

      • mal says:

        Didn’t jesus cheat his wife himself? I mean putting her up with a kid, without even having the decency to allow her the joy of being fscked?

        • msbpodcast says:

          That’s Joseph, the cuckold.

          I’m a recovering catholic and we were expected to swallow that bilge back when I was young.

          • LibertyLover says:

            I told some Catholics once that Joseph must have been the first monk. When they asked why I said that I said because he stayed married to a woman all his life and never had sex. They said that God influenced him. And then I threw their previous comments on self-will back at them.

            They just stared at me with a look of “he obviously didn’t drink enough kool aid.”

            Seriously. If she had sex after the immaculate conception (like Horus), it does take away fom the miracle and doesn’t ruin the message.

            But there’s no talking bad of the Virgin Mary to Catholics.

          • LibertyLover says:

            DOESN’T take away . . .

    • blatherer says:

      I can’t even articulate what I think of Obama, he’s so dispicable. I don’t think the language would be acceptable in any forum.

    • Cursor_ says:

      If the candidate running against Obama was a Lincoln or a Eisenhower style republican I would not.

      But as there are none like that I can’t say anything good about them, nor Obama.


      • Phydeau says:

        An Eisenhower Republican wouldn’t be bad. But with money being so important nowadays, both D’s and R’s have to suck up to the big money boys, and there’s not much difference between the parties any more except stuff the big money boys don’t care about, like gay marriage.

        • LibertyLover says:

          You need to sit down right now before you read this.

          I agree with you.

          • Phydeau says:

            lol well at least we agree on the problem, if not the solution. 🙂

      • smith says:

        I’m not sure we need a second president that started a civil war and is responsible for the death of over 200,000 citizens. One was enough.

  7. HUGSaLOT says:

    \o/ yay!
    one douche bag down. Many more left though.

  8. Phydeau says:

    Regarding Perry… as the joke goes in Texas, if you took all the idiots out of the Legislature, it wouldn’t be a representative body! *rimshot*

    Texas has one of its idiots back now, representing that crucial segment of the population. 🙂

    • msbpodcast says:

      If you took all the rich 1%er scumbags out of the Legislature more like it.

      They’re terrified of having to represent the 99%ers.

  9. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    He was dead in the water when Alfie jumped on his bandwagon.

  10. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    In other news, Santorum won Iowa by 34 votes. Maybe. Kind of. Or Romney came second. Sort of.

    Either way it was decisive.

  11. Phydeau says:

    From the article:

    Texas Governor Rick Perry, who suspended his campaign Thursday, endorsed Gingrich and spoke of forgiveness and redemption.

    Yeah, right… forgiveness and redemption for thrice-married Republican adulterers, impeachment for Democratic adulterers still married to their first wife.

  12. Howard Beale says:

    So the rodeo clown steps down.

    After everyone got such a good look at him could PArry even win the TX Gov race in 2014?

  13. JohnnyBGoode says:

    Good riddance indeed. More space for Ron Paul.

  14. blatherer says:

    Mr. Perry,

    STFU and just go, do not stop, just go until you hit ocean and drown.


  15. Jim G says:

    nd 30 min after Perry announces he’s dropping at and supportin Gingrich, ABC new runs THIS hatchet piece:


    Can there be even the slightest remotest doubt that the main stream media is in the tank with the Democrats?

    • Phydeau says:

      Uh, dude, it’s the Republican primary and they’re going at it with long knives. Especially in South Carolina. The Democrats are just enjoying the show.

    • Howard Beale says:

      “Can there be even the slightest remotest doubt that the main stream media is in the tank with the Democrats?”

      Not related at all ‘main stream news will run WHATEVER it things people will watch.

      If this story were about Michelle Obama saying the same sort of things about the President it would be getting 24/7 coverage from all the major networks.

      ok MSNBC and FOX clearly have a narrative sorry but the rest are just trying to get ratings

      My handle “Beale” is from the movie Network watch it.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      I double dog dare you to bend over in the shower with Newt behind you.

  16. NewFormatSux says:

    Now he can go back to making more jobs that Obama can take credit for. Actually the government doesn’t make jobs, but Perry makes his state attractive place for others to create jobs.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Yup, like you sure got a lot of lawns to mow…

      My brother-in-law lost his business, in Houston, years ago and it took until last year for him to find a job that pays almost half of what he earned as a graphic artist.

      Thank [insert deity here] that my sister was able to find a job in Dallas and had (almost) been paying the bills until he got the new job.

      If you want shit jobs with shit pay Texas has got a lot of those.

      If you want something better, you better have a good wife.

      If you both lose your jobs, you’re so fucked.

    • Dallas says:

      …Actually the government doesn’t make jobs,

      That’s what Perry said. Three pointer for being a good sheeple and spreading the pearls of wisdom.

      Technically, the government makes LOTS of jobs. In fact the biggest government jobs program is the military.

  17. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    It’s a topsy-turvy world when the “family values” Christians begin rallying around Newt Gingrich. The apocalypse must be drawing near, but I predict that the end of the world won’t be caused by nuclear holocaust as many have predicted. Instead, the end will come when all our heads simultaneously explode from so much cognitive dissonance.

  18. Glenn E. says:

    Well it’s sure an indication of racism, to me anyway, when the religious right will resort to supporting a multiple divorcee like Newt, as their best hope to defeat the maritally and religiously faithful Obama. What’s Gingrich’s latest claim to a faith? I didn’t know he had one, until recently.

    And BTW, the press sure manage to keep that Gun Flaunting Idiot pose of Perry, quiet for this long. Yet they were quick enough to dredge up some old “racist” article that Ron Paul allegedly endorsed. But never did.


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