Three beheadings in two different states and they happened here in the United States, not Mexico. Former DEA supervisor Phil Jordan says all three beheadings have cartel written all over them. They happened in Arizona and Oklahoma in the past year.

A murder mystery is now unraveling on a stretch of North Reservation Road in Tucson, Ariz. County workers found a headless man lying on the side of the road Jan. 6. The man’s hands and feet were reportedly missing, too.
“It would lead me to believe the message wanted to be sent. This is one of the ways they do it in Mexico, Colombia and other places,” says Jordan. Jordan says the cartels are getting bolder in carrying out their beheadings across the border. He says we only used to see these crimes in Mexico.

“They don’t have any borders,” says Jordan.

More than 600 miles from the border, a 19-year-old human trafficking victim was found beheaded in Oklahoma. Carina Saunders was stuffed into a bag and left in a grocery store parking lot. “People know if they get on the wrong side of the fence, they’ll be dealt with,” says Jordan. The police chief in the area says two men running the trafficking ring killed Saunders to send a message to the other victims. Jordan says the cartels’ calling card is all over this case. Trafficking and smuggling are their top moneymakers. Revenge is the price of doing business.

“Definitely a cartel hit,” says Jordan.

Stop the War on Drugs, and you stop the DEA from providing guns to the Cartels…Vote for Ron Paul, decriminalize drugs…and these guys go away, hopefully assholes like Eric Holder go away as well.

  1. Zybch says:

    Is it really necessary to have that particular photo?
    NOT what I want to see when I come to the site!

    • Aw, lighten up! Just imagine them as bobble heads in the back window.

    • McCullough says:

      Why? Does it SCARE YOU? Good.

    • ± says:

      troll or mewling simpering liberal, can’t figure out which

      • jpfitz says:

        Imagine if one of those where a loved one of yours. Are you that desensitized. Only Libs or trolls have prefrontal cortices? I think not.

        Now I expect you may attack or label me for being too sensitive. But when I opened DU on my 50 inch plasma and the image popped on screen I was shocked, my senses were not prepared for a gruesome photo on DU.

      • Zybch says:

        Well for one, its a great way to drive people away from DU who are visiting for the first time.
        Second, it shows great disrespect to not only the victims, but also to their families who may have had absolutely nothing to do with the activities of the deceased.
        Thirdly, its just in very bad taste. Its no wonder DU is censored in more than a few places, and bullshit like this doesn’t help.
        Finally, its simply not needed. Now I understand you Americans are a bunch of petty, blood thirsty warmongers, but that doesn’t mean the rest of the world is, or wants to be.

      • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

        Oh come on. It’s usually the right who whines about this shit. The left is usually whining about lack of fair trade hemp in the classrooms.

    • UncDon says:

      Seriously, those heads don’t look really dead. Might they be only sleeping?

    • James B says:

      Agreed that a warning or something would be nice. The option not to see that would be mature.

    • Cursor_ says:

      Again another instance of two legs walking on all fours.

      And if you think legalising pot will solve the problem you are lying to yourself.

      The cartels deal in everything from coke to heroin. And you can get cheap heroin now because of them. Cheaper than pot. And more addictive.

      Pot will become legal and the drugs will still flow. Fighting the war does no good if there is a demand.

      We either have to develop more drugs that remove the endorphin rush and thus the craving or we have education the young and let the old druggies die off.

      That means educating the kids against nicotine, caffeine and alcohol as well.


    • Lou Minatti says:

      Agreed. This is death pron that belongs on Ogrish, not Dvorak.

  2. e? says:

    Impossible. The border is fully secure, so there simply isn’t any possible way that that kind of scum could have infiltrated the United States.

    • e? says:

      BTW, you forgot the DEA laundering the drug money.

      But between that and the gun running and the zero border security and providing cartels with intelligence and never managing any serious arrests from any of of their “law enforcement programs gone wrong”, it’s not like the US government is actually in the business of providing logistical support to drug cartels. No sir. That would be a conspiracy theory.

  3. dusanmal says:

    And where do these guys go? Where they make their money? Where is the money?… Trivial example from relatively recent news: Hamas and Hezbollah funding themselves from US sources by dealing in (very legal) cigarettes. Funding themselves in very similar monetary proportion to an average drug cartel. Just on cigarette tax evasion. Where is the will to steal and cheat – there will be stealing and cheating. Where is the will to chop heads for drug money – there will be the same for some other profitable crime.
    So, wake up. The only way to get rid of brutal criminals is to be brutal back. Exactly the opposite of legalization – you are caught with any illegal drugs -> you die after short and efficient streamlined legal process. No second chances. No minimums. No excuses. No waste of resources on jail system. Practical functional example: Singapore.

    • msbpodcast says:

      Ya got somewhere else that’s a shining beacon of liberty?

      Singapore has a long record of beating the crap out of people with long heavy bamboo sticks for spitting in the street.

      Oh they have crime, but the criminal system operates a lot swifter and simpler when you don’t have jails.

      The cops, and the military, are bought off until some politician get a bug up his ass and then low-level criminal are sacrificed on the altar of (can I write this without laughing? No.) Justice!

    • honeyman says:

      In think what you refer to as a solution is called a ‘cycle of brutality’. Do you truly believe that the majority of people caught with illegal drugs are brutal criminals?

      When do you think you might re-join reality?

  4. McCullough says:

    Caught with Marijuana… death penalty, really? I’m betting you smoked marijuana at one time or another…if not you maybe your wife, kid, grandkid?

    Yeah, you wake up.

  5. Joe says:

    The one on the very left could use a haircut.

  6. Dallas says:

    Humans are greedy, selfish animals. It’s just a matter of degree.

  7. What? says:

    Thank God the DEA, Customs, Homeland Security, Boarder Patrol, Coast Guard, FBI, Local and State Police, President Obama, BATF, and my neighbors’ yapping dogs are protecting me from these monsters.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    Since nobody’s said it yet, the spanish scrawled in white (soap?) on the windshield translates to:

    last letter (an obvious reference to the Zetas)
    captures and
    executes murderers
    [I can’t hardly ask the guys’ heads to roll out of the way…]

    And on the hood is scrawled:


  9. deowll says:

    We have spent billions to support armies all over the place and we let these guys walk across the border. These people are terrorist.

    I do agree that if we decriminalize drugs we turn off the money to to these bleeps. As to the cigarettes I’m afraid that as attractive as sin taxes on cigarettes/booze/etc. are if they get to high the drug runners are back in business.

  10. Yaknow says:

    Well for gods sake no politician is going to fix the problem. We have a long history of organized crime here. Today, in some places you drive down the wrong street and your killed with a barrage of automatic weapon fire. You have very organized crime syndicate operating here in the US, and that includes terrorists. When New Orleans and other Louisiana cities were hit by Katrina, crime was what was the law of the day. People killing, raping, smuggling; stuffing dead bodies with drugs, robbing, thieving at leisure before the military was order in, and people bitched about the cost of stopping the crime sprees. We have a huge crime problem in this country, clearly indicated by the photo. It will continue until stopping crime turns a profit.

  11. NICKtheRAT says:

    I can fap to this

  12. Lowkey says:

    Oh yeah lets elect the guy who believes that condoms don’t protect people against AIDS. That lesbian, feminist Wiccans rule the USA.

  13. EdZepp says:

    People that say they don’t want to see this stuff on this site
    are the reason why we can’t see what really happened in Dallas,what really happened on 911…etc because us small minded
    common folk can’t handle the truth or someone had there hand
    on the trigger and they don’t want to pay for there actions.
    check the name of the site Uncensored.
    Go burn some books.

    • jpfitz says:

      Dvorak News Blog is the site your on. No more Dvorak Uncensored. Would have been more appropriate if the pic was smaller and had an embiggen button.

      McCullough is just trying to shock the readers awake.

  14. sargasso_c says:

    Amateurs! You want a head? Ha! I can get you a head. Give me three hours.

  15. jpfitz says:

    Joe Pesci is gonna be looking for four more heads.

  16. #39--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    Rather naive to think electing Ron Paul would bring a change to our drug laws==even if he actually wanted to. He could prioritize law enforcement activities making drug enforcement the lowest priority. We have the drug laws we have because of Congress and their pandering/securing votes by appealing to “value voters.”

    Do you think drugs are going to be legalized by the same Congress that passes Indefinite Military Detention over the negative recommendations of the Defense Industry?

    Ha, ha===thats so dumb, you must be smokin dope.

  17. #40--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    Forgot the Social Critic part: As to the photo, its totally consistent with American Values to caption/protect the public with NSFW if the subject is sexual in any way, even the most healthy reasonable and commendable. But violence? To Paraphase that great psychopath: “Americans love violence.”

    Once on notice of the issue, our dear editors will make their informed choice.

  18. retroman81 says:

    just legalize drugs and non of this horrific stuff is gonna happen

  19. retroman81 says:

    and photo is really necessary cause people can see how severe this problem is
    just hearing about it means nothing without pics or video

  20. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Well, this is the only way that pedro would get head.

  21. TThor says:

    T is the Prohibition Era all over again. Anybody reading history in government, Holder included? They will be eaten alive if they don’t back off and allow mild drugs like alcohol and grass to be produced and freely distributed. The people abusing get the stuff anyway, and exorbitant cost – that end up in the Mexican cartel pockets. The policy is extremely naive, cost a ton of money to uphold and puts millions in prison. This is all so immensely stupid!

  22. Tom says:

    You could have put that photo on after clicking ‘continue reading’, with a warning of NSFW and very graphic. ugh

  23. Buckit says:

    Last time I visit this site during lunch

  24. #58--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    I’d link to another severed head found near the Hollywood Sign in LA, recently put there as there are no animal bites on it, “but” no indication yet this head severing was drug related. I certainly don’t want to get on any band wagon giving drug dealers a bad name.

  25. Dallas says:

    Time to change the picture! Replace it with an equally disturbing head but somewhat functioning head, say Rush Limbaugh?

  26. skunkman62 says:

    i really didnt need to see that picture.

  27. George says:

    Has any ever done a serious study on what effect the war on drugs has done on the rate of usage of illegal drugs? What are the benefits of the religious-like zeal of keeping recreational drugs illegal? It seems drugs are quite easy to obtain now, so how much worse can it be?

    Drug wars, foreign wars, and giving out welfare and benefits to corporations and people who won’t work are luxuries for countries who are awash in extra money. They aren’t necessities when the government is borrowing 40% of the money it is spending.

    • orchidcup says:

      Has any ever done a serious study on what effect the war on drugs has done on the rate of usage of illegal drugs?

      Here is an interesting article on that subject:

      Top 10 Unhealthy Side Effects of the War on Drugs

      What are the benefits of the religious-like zeal of keeping recreational drugs illegal?

      Alcohol is a recreational drug that is legal, but controlled.

      Consult your American History textbook to learn about the results of Prohibition.

      It seems drugs are quite easy to obtain now, so how much worse can it be?

      Good question. Do you have a reasonable answer?

      • scandihoovian says:

        There’s too much money to ever decriminalize drugs when you have a growing and very profitable, privatized judicial system. Good luck! (still voting RP though.)

  28. t0llyb0ng says:

    It’s not about “wanting” to see a picture.  It’s reality in your face.  Uncensored things aren’t always pretty.  Guy on the left looks like he had a bad day.

    Genuine ugliness will come to the “homeland” when our wonderful politicians finally implode the economy & utilities no longer function.  Here we were scared of nukes when all along it was US we needed to be worried about.

    Oh, & bloodthirsty is one word.

  29. t0llyb0ng says:

    bandwagon is one word
    no hyphen in rejoin

    & ain’t the war on drugs swell?

    We’re winning it!  We’re almost there!  All we need to do is tighten down the screws some more.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Stop the War on Drugs, and you stop the DEA from providing guns to the Cartels…Vote for Ron Paul, decriminalize drugs…and these guys go away, hopefully assholes like Eric Holder go away as well.

    I too don’t like Eric Holder. But I’m not sure I agree with the logic here. Because, once a criminal – ALWAYS A CRIMINAL! (Hasn’t Eric himself taught you that?)

    You really need to understand that “decriminalization” is not necessarily legalization. All you do by decriminalizing something is wind up stuffing the lower courts with more cases since you essentially just move felony cases over to misdemeanors. Either way, the current drug trade is still going to be “illegal.”

    And as long as there is a demand for an illegal product “decriminalizing” possession, transportation, sale or even consumption doesn’t necessarily mean that any of the criminals are going to go away either. In fact, decriminalization may actually result in an increase in criminal numbers. Because once criminals realize they will never do any real jail time or pay heavy penalties (like they do now) for breaking drug laws more and more of them may decide to try and work the market.

    The only answer is to totally legalize drugs and move it to a safer setting where it can be regulated, controlled and possibly even taxed! Decriminalization is not the answer. Out and out legalization is necessary in order to take the bread (money) out of the mouths of criminal gangs and cartels.

    And quite frankly, if you want to stop the border wars then all you really need to do there is start shooting! (What parts of “invasion” or “war” don’t you understand?!)


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