Dr. Paul’s opponents are desperate to stop Americans from listening to, and subsequently electing Ron Paul. Opponents of liberty falsely present Ron Paul as “unelectable” to the American people, attempting to plant subconscious seeds doubt of “don’t listen to him, don’t vote for him in the primaries or caucuses because he’ll never win”. This strategy is failing as more Americans hear Dr. Paul speak, leading them to contribute to his campaign and vote for him. The American public understands Dr. Paul’s common sense approach and trusts him. The other candidates are clearly in the race to serve their egos and personal agendas. The “Dr. Paul is not electable” rumors are deliberately created and spread solely as a calculated attempt to confuse honest, hard-working American with falsehoods such as “Ron Paul is crazy, anti-women, anti-Israel and anti-blacks. He’s isolationist, he’ll wreck the country, he’s anti-government”. These are simple “control the masses” fear tactics to try and stop Americans from actually listening to Dr. Paul, hearing his logical and intelligent plan and deciding for themselves.

At this point I’d like to see him get nominated so I can watch him debate Obama and ask Obama what does he think he is doing by calling out American citizens for assassination by the government. Would be great entertainment!

  1. TThor says:

    Not only entertainment JCD – this is about saving the future.

  2. orchidcup says:

    I spoke with a man yesterday who expressed the opinion that Ron Paul is a force that will need to be reckoned with at the Republican Convention.

    He is a former military man that also thinks Ron Paul is the only candidate in the Republican field that addresses the issue of civil liberties and monetary policy.

    Personally, I do not agree 100% with Ron Paul on every issue, but 80% would be a fair estimate.

    Because I am descended from a signer of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, my pet peeve is the erosion of our civil liberties and the emergence of a police state.

    Monetary policy and foreign policy are secondary, but important issues as well.

    • Someone says:

      You need to work on that 20%

      • ltclarke says:

        If you agree 100% with a candidate that only keeps 5% of his promises once in office, 80% of an honest man looks fantastic to anyone.

  3. LibertyLover says:

    Wow! Outstanding! About time!

    I’ve always said that if you don’t like what the man has to say, you just don’t like anything.

    • Dallas says:

      I also agree with *most* of his ideas but he’s a bit of a whack.

      • Lou Minatti says:

        I haven’t listened to Adam C. in a while, but I’ll wager that Adam LOVES Ron Paul.

      • LibertyLover says:

        I’m not trolling here, but I am curious as to why you think he is a bit of whack?

        • Lou Minatti says:

          Imagine John C. Dvorak running for president. Imagine that his blog was filled with vile, gutter-level racism and the most insane conspiracy theories imaginable. For decades. Then imagine John trying to weasel his way out of the ensuing media storm by saying, “It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t write those things and I can’t be held responsible. It was Uncle Dave and Eideard. I have no control over my blog and had no idea what was in it. I am just simple journalist who was covering tech.” That’s Ron Paul in a NUTshell.

          • LibertyLover says:

            You should read his writings. If you had, you would know he speaks the truth.

            Do that first. Then criticize.

        • two heads says:

          Seriously? Seriously LL? Seriously?

          You can’t be serious. Seriously.

          • LibertyLover says:

            Um, yeah, I am.

            If you haven’t read his works, his writings, his speeches, then you should.

            If you still feel that way after reading them, I’ll accept your opinion. Until then, it’s just the MSM talking through you.


  4. scandihoovian says:

    Most people against this man are quoting some scripted view of insert_talkshow_host_name here. Now that the word is out though, and Bill O’Reilly and the likes aren’t spewing the only news people are sponging up, I hate to say it but there may be an enlightenment of the masses brewing. (Stupid + internet) / religion and other retarded variables = a small chance in hell to fix this country.

  5. So what says:

    This should be fun.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    The dumber they treat people, as if they could treat them with more contempt, the more intelligent people are proving themselves to be.

    The political parties in this country have always been cellar dwellers; political machines which haunt the bars and honky-tonks looking for voters, viz: people who are drunk enough not to object at their vote being tallied next to their dead neighbors.

    Eventually, this begins to backfire as the excesses of the rich, the 1%ers, become too blatant and glaring.

    I expect the electorate to actually start reading something more detailed that the label on their beer bottle, specially when they can’t even afford to buy any more beer.

    This year, look for biographies of the founding fathers to come off the public library shelves (What? If Joe Sixpack is too broke to afford beer, he certainly can’t afford to buy the books from Amazon…)

    If I was part of the political apparatchik … I’d worry.

  7. Dallas says:

    Ron Paul is a bit on the loon side of things but after Huntsman, he’s the next most rational of the Teapublicans.

    I doubt he will make it past Carolina as he has not quite gone through the gauntlet of scrutiny given to the others. Furthermore, the sheeple might SAY they want the type of government dismantling he proposes but actually VOTING for it is entirely a different matter.

    Kinda like fat free potato chips. The sheeple SAY they want fat-free chips but end up buying the fat, greasy ones.

    • Animby says:

      Fat free chips cause anal leakage. Much like many of Paul’s (and O’Bama’s) policies.

  8. Groundwatergeologist says:

    We have unprecedented government and private debt. With the collaspe of the housing segment of the economy – we are seeing deflation for the first time in 80 years (for the same dollar amount you can buy more house now than last year, and more again next year etc) – even though vasts amounts of $ were printed over the last three years. It is game over for the status quo. Deleveraging economics is the new reality. Ron Paul can and will win in November 2012 because Americans understand we must end the wars, and face or deleveraging problem head on. Party on be excellent Ron!!!

  9. notatall says:

    JCD: I’m surprised that you and Adam weren’t all over this one on NA:


    Helps explain one of the many reasons why limbuagh and hannity have had such a hard on to slime Ron Paul, since he’s the only thing standing between 0romney and the nomination.

    • Someone says:

      Yes, I remember Clear Channel.

      They are the ones who fired Charles Goyette because he wouldn’t help them sell the war in Iraq.

      Then they brought in that whore, Sean Hannity, who I must admit has done pretty well for himself financially.

      Pretty profitable, selling out the people of the US.

  10. sargasso_c says:

    Is it me or are republican candidates names and haircuts getting sillier over the ages?

  11. Jim G says:

    Hey ! You never ever vote FOR a candidate. You vote AGAINST the other candidates. Or not at all….

    • orchidcup says:

      There is a lot of truth to that statement.

      The people are disgruntled and fed up with the status quo, whether liberal or conservative or somewhere in-between.

      Ron Paul is perceived as an outsider to the establishment, and he has an anti-war (or pro-diplomacy) stance in foreign policy.

      The GOP fears his ideology because the war machine will lose prominence and profits in a struggling economy.

      The people want change. Real, substantial change. Radical change.

      How about getting back to the principles embodied in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? That is a radical idea. A revolutionary idea.

  12. orion3014 says:

    The Sheeple need to realize this is the last election, if we are even lucky enough to get that far…RP is not the end all be all, rather he is a 1st step in the right direction, he may well be the last- best-hope……

    • orchidcup says:

      I am not convinced we are faced with a last election.

      I know there are many people that foresee an apocalypse and collapse of civilization, but I do not subscribe to the paranoid views of Alex Jones and others who see conspiracies behind every symbol and malevolent forces behind every organization or event.

      The world is a crazy place without adding paranoid delusions into the mix.

      People are inherently self-centered and selfish while circumstances are good, but humanity tends to be more altruistic when circumstances are bad.

      I am hoping that Ron Paul’s candidacy will at least bring a third point of view to the table.

      If he wins the Presidency, which I doubt will occur, I will not be disappointed.

      However, Presidents can only accomplish so much in a republican democracy. The people themselves will need to innovate and create solutions to our problems.

      Simply being aware is a 1st step in the right direction.

      • Someone says:

        It’s not so much what the President can do at this point but what he can refrain from doing that will make all the difference.

        Just putting our BTK foreign and domestic policies on hold for four years would be major.

        And something you will only get with Ron Paul.

    • Cursor_ says:

      He is a step in the wrong direction.

      Like a step back towards 1770 direction.


  13. Tom says:

    I think that need to up JCD’s medication again…

    • orchidcup says:

      You need to write a complete sentence if you intend to criticize JCD’s medical regimen.

      Whatever drug cocktail JCD is having, I will have a double.

  14. McCullough says:

    Even if he doesn’t win, a strict constitutionalist with an almost spotless record (no flipping) and zero skeletons rattling around in a closet, against a flip flopping fascist traitor of a President in a debate.

    Yeah, it really doesn’t get much better. Maybe we can rescue the Bill of Rights. It could be our last chance. I won’t use the word hope.

    Here’s a new meme, DICTRAITOR!

    • Cursor_ says:

      He is not a strict constitutionalist.

      Any man that is for ceding power to the states over the Federal Government is a separatist.

      He stands against The Republic.


  15. jescott418 says:

    I think Ron Paul can do one thing for the GOP. Keep them honest to their core. I think the Liberals forget that Obama barely won and it was no walk away. That was running on a solid platform.
    I think for the most part people are tired of Congress and Government. So I think Ron Paul who was once thought of being too extreme is doing quite well for that title. To me that says a lot of people are ready to go more to the right and except many of Ron Paul’s platform. I think it certainly has enlightened many in the US about Government.

  16. jpfitz says:

    Huff Po likes Ron Paul. No big jump there.

    Watch Stossel tell O’Reilly Ron Paul is right about almost everything.


    • orchidcup says:

      O’Reilly is a knee-jerk idiot that reminds me of Archie Bunker.

      How did this knucklehead get on television in the first place? Never mind. I will Google the question.

      I thought Limbaugh was a blowhard until I ran across O’Reilly.

      I am reminded once again why I never watch television.

  17. Lou Minatti says:

    Is this the same Ron Paul who reaped millions writing paranoid and extraordinarily racist newsletters, yet still bills US taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars every year for luxurious First Class airline travel?

  18. Lou Minatti says:

    I mean, you have to admit that it’s odd and even downright difficult for Ronulans to explain how their hero who hates government waste can then turn around and bill us taxpayers for the dozens of First Class airline tickets he purchases every year. It must be a neocon zionist plot. Or maybe it was the “fleet-footed negroes” (Ron’s words) who forced Ron to whip out that credit card.

    (Don’t question Ron. If you do you must hate liberty!)

    • seetheblacksun says:

      Feel better after that?

    • jpfitz says:

      All you can blame, or trow at Paul is airline tickets?

      “Congressman Ron Paul has continued to run his Congressional office in a frugal manner, and was able to return more than $100,000 from his allotted office budget to the Treasury this year, an increase over the $90,000 returned last year. ”


      • Lou Minatti says:

        What part of “Ron Paul loots taxpayers to pay for dozens of first class tickets every year” don’t you understand, JP?

        • jpfitz says:

          Show me a Representative giving back money to taxpayers. Then we’ll get to the airlines.

        • orchidcup says:

          What part of “who gives a flying flip inside a rolling donut” do you not understand?

          • jpfitz says:

            Click on Lou’s link. I’ll admit Lou’s prediction section is enjoyable.

    • orchidcup says:

      You don’t think negroes are fleet-footed? Are you a racist?

      Don’t you remember Bob Hayes, of the Dallas Cowboys?

    • LibertyLover says:

      If all you have to gripe about the man is 1.7% of his yearly budget (which incidentally he refunds up to 25% of each year back to the Treasury) and 30 year old mailers which he has disavowed, numerous times, in public, on the record, then methinks your standards may be a wee bit too high.

      Personally, I have no problem with our elected reps flying first class if they can stay within their budget. It’s easier to concentrate on their job if they don’t have screaming kids sitting next to them.

      Don’t question Ron. If you do you must hate liberty!

      • LibertyLover says:

        *!#$%&#$%( Danged bold tags . . .

      • Lou Minatti says:

        “Don’t question Ron. If you do you must hate liberty!”

        Yes, that is pretty much the Ronulan line.

        • orchidcup says:

          That’s funny. I have not heard that.

          I am guessing you don’t like Ron Paul very much.

          I have a solution for your problem.

          Don’t vote for him.

        • LibertyLover says:

          Actually, I thought your sarcastic use of it was a really nice line. I think I’ll coop it 🙂

  19. Jambe says:


    Much as I like Ron Paul, that issue in particular makes me averse to him. I don’t like the idea of basing our economic system of exchange on a substance whose production can’t be meaningfully predicted and which can be yanked out of the dirt pretty much anywhere on the planet.

    Our President has too much power as-is, so I like that Paul is against the Patriot Act and runaway presidential autonomy generally… he may even be the best option out there. I still don’t like him very much. His batshit insane gold policy and “deregulation ho!” attitude towards the economy just… annoy me.




    • orchidcup says:

      Nobody said you have to vote for Ron Paul.

    • jpfitz says:

      You don’t take a side, you get a tingle on the back of your neck when something makes sense. jk.

      The gold thing is one of RP’s explanation of what has happened to the Dollar due to the Federal Reserve meddling without transparency. Hence the devaluing of the dollar.

  20. So what says:

    Does being a member of congress for 21 years count as being a career politician?

    • orchidcup says:

      That would depend on your definition of “career politician.”

      You could say his career as a doctor was uninterrupted by his career as a congressman, or you could say his career as a congressman was interrupted by his career as a doctor.

      Or you could say he has had two careers.

      Which way would you like to spin it?

      • LibertyLover says:

        Actually, he continued to practice medicine even when in Congress. As he should.

        If you are a full-time politician, you usually spend more time justifying your position then you should . . .

  21. alt173 says:

    “At this point I’d like to see him get nominated so I can watch him debate Obama…”

    Indeed, if the MSM wants to add some REAL spice to its “Presidential X-Factor” Reality Show, a rhetorical punch-up between Ron & Barry would really set the ratings on fire…

    Of course, as most people who understand Paul’s positions & who have heard him speak will realize, Barry will be the big-time underdog in that match-up. I can only imagine the mud that the Obama camp would have to sling in order to try and stay standing; then again, we’re already used to BS being flung at Paul (*cough*NEWSLETTERS!!!*cough*).

    • jpfitz says:

      Now that would be television I would watch. “Presidential X-Factor”. And it has to be a live X-Factor. No prerecorded production.

      • orchidcup says:

        I will assume The X Factor is a television production that is targeting a demographic that is the lowest common denominator of intelligence in a particular age group.

        I doubt such a group of viewers would comprehend anything that Ron Paul says.

      • Animby says:

        Not so much X-Factor as Fear Factor…

    • Rick says:

      The irony will be that Ron Paul will have to school a Constitutional Attorney on the Constitution.
      Apparently Obama was asleep in law school.

  22. Animby says:

    Who will agree, a vote for Ron Paul is a vote for O’Bama? He’s got some great ideas. And, as McCullough stated. he may be our last chance to regain the Bill of Rights. Still, he’s got a couple of major drawbacks.

    One is he’s 76 years old! And looks it. Is this nation ready to throw away a young handsome pres for an old man? In a debate, he’d ask the tough questions but O’B would have the right lies. I’m afraid the debates would come down to Nixon vs Kennedy. People who heard the debate thought Nixon won. People who watched the debate thought Kennedy was the winner. Never underestimate the American preference for good-looking politicians.

    Second is that Paul is so right leaning he is essentially advocating an isolationist America. Even some of the domestic policies he advocates border on looney town. So, either the Repubs do NOT win the Senate and you have four (more) years of a do nothing Congress and a pres who (like O’B) rules by edict. OR, Repubs DO end up in control of both Houses and America is pulled back to the 19th century.

    I like Ron Paul but I fear him. I don’t like O’B but I fear him. The real question is who should we fear most?

    • ABO says:

      I guess you like the idea of a Chancellor Obama. Hope and Change. Seig Heil!

      • Animby says:

        Christ! You’ve obviously never read any of my posts before! Probably the worst thing that can happen is for O’B to win a second term. I was merely pointing out, above, that I believe RP can not be elected and explained a couple of reasons why. What’s really sad is there is no one on the Repub side I prefer to RP.

    • orchidcup says:

      One is he’s 76 years old! And looks it. Is this nation ready to throw away a young handsome pres for an old man?

      Age discrimination is something that I fight every day. I do not understand why older people are considered “washed up” when they are in fact more knowledgeable and experienced than younger people.

      Second is that Paul is so right leaning he is essentially advocating an isolationist America.

      Ron Paul is advocating a foreign policy that makes sense. — we should stay out of the affairs of sovereign nations.

      This nation can no longer afford to pay for military bases all around the globe. We need to learn how to take care of our own country before we take care of other countries. Etc. etc.

    • LibertyLover says:

      Second is that Paul is so right leaning he is essentially advocating an isolationist America

      Isolationism is the complete pulling back of everything. He is just wanting to bring the military home.

      We isolate ourselves when we are not longer friends with other countries, but rulers, through blackmail such as economic sanctions and threats of invasion.

      He is advocating a pro-diplomacy stance, culture exchanges, and trade. That is not isolationism.

      The GOP is going to have to come to terms with him. If they ignore him, they are isolating his base, of which a non-trivial number will not vote for a GOP candidate other than him. The GOP is between a rock and a hard case. And the media knows it which is why they keep spouting the loony comments.

    • jpfitz says:

      “I’m afraid the debates would come down to Nixon vs Kennedy. People who heard the debate thought Nixon won. People who watched the debate thought Kennedy was the winner. Never underestimate the American preference for good-looking politicians.”

      “The medium is the message”. Shallow Americans do vote on who they “like” irrespective of policy. Sucks for us so I’ll gander that it’ll be Ken doll vs the incumbent.

      Marshall Mcluhan


  23. Glenn E. says:

    The mainstream news service won’t even call Ron Paul “doctor”. Probably out of fear that his superior education (to most of the other candidates) might unduly influence the public’s mind to vote for him. And yet, you can bet if Romney or Perry or Newt were doctorates of anything (like butt kissing), they’d be so addresses. Instead, we hear Governor Romney, or Governor Perry, etc. By rights, Ron ought to be called Congressman Doctor Ron Paul. But instead they’re more likely to call him the Crazy Congressman. Not even “Crazy Ronny”, because that might remind us too much of Ronald Reagan.

  24. Glenn E. says:

    Here’s an interesting clip.


    And this was the guy who would have been the President, if the voters were so turned off by his running mate, Sarah Palin. What a way to shoot your candidacy in the foot, eh? McCain is clearly a puppet, whose strings often get a bit tangled. And he’s still in Congress, even though he’s easily befuddled during speeches. How does he do, making bills into laws? That should be everyone’s concern. Is there a point when you’re too old to do the damn job? Apparently the GOP doesn’t think so. Nor some of these southern states, who’ve had representatives die while in office. Because they couldn’t think of anyone to replace their aging fossils. Good thing Santa Claus isn’t Republican, cause he’d be a Senator of Alaska, forever.

    • Animby says:

      Santa is Alaskan???

      You realize he hires “elves” not “nomes”,,,

    • e? says:

      Is there a point when you’re too old to do the damn job?

      Robert Byrd proved the answer is no.

  25. Hmeyers2 says:

    McCain was a nincompoop and won Republican primaries with whopping 30% votes in winner-take-all states.

    He sucked.

  26. Cgp says:

    The big question is whether he will run as an independent.
    We all know he ain’t going to get the nomination, and he has stated he will not run indep so not to make the same mistake of splitting your sides votes.

    But if he can be convinced that he was robbed, and knows he will get a lot of democrat votes, he should go for it.

    He knows the establishment will continue as is with who ever is in other than him. This is his last chance. Let’s hope he was a pair.

  27. Cursor_ says:

    Wow people are sheep.

    All those that are for Paul are the mirror duplicates that fell for the hopenosis of Obama.

    Ron Paul would be a terrible president. He will either stymie the process of government by vetoing everything or by asking for things the congress would never grant.

    If you think we are an an impass now? Elect Paul for a full stop.

    He is lying to you. Just like Obama lied. They all do. That is their job. To lie to you so they can be elected and maintain the status quo.

    Stop being so gullible and think for yourselves. I know that means turning off your TV and putting down your precious alcohol for awhile.


    • orchidcup says:

      So who will you be voting for?

      I am guessing you have an appropriate candidate in mind…

      • Cursor_ says:

        Same as last election. A write in for no cofidence.

        I cannot vote for any of the evil that come from a corrupt system.

        To vote for the lesser evil or not the other guy is to play in their system that changes nothing but faces and names. The plutocrats remain in control no matter who wins.

        Only a new constitution will enact real change. And anyone that thinks their vote will count this time after voting for over 50 years abd getting the same thing is either insane or stupid.


    • spsffan says:

      Thanks Cursor. I don’t often agree with you, but you got this mostly right.

      Except, that I don’t think Paul is lying so that he can get elected to maintain the status quo. I think he is fooling himself (and followers) into thinking that he, as president, can actually change things.

      If and only if he were to be elected simultaneously with a congress (at least a House majority) willing to support his goals would he make any progress. Otherwise, you will have what we have now. A president who, in order to be able to say he accomplished something, went along with a health care plan that nobody likes and that has stymied his chances of doing much of anything else.

      But, not to worry. The “people” won’t elect Ron Paul.

      It would be nice if they would at least listen to him though.

      • Cursor_ says:

        He is doing what they all do.

        He says that earmarks are bad and only adds to the deficit, then gets them for his district and states that congress should spend the money.

        He says he is against foreign aggression and then supports the measure to attach Afghanistan and then whine he doesn’t like how it is being handled. Then further that by his desire for letters of marque and reprisal. He is still an aggressor, just a covert one like Reagan and Nixon.

        He says we should have no foreign entanglements, but to satisfy his desire for hard currency and to remove the fiat system he will allow foreign banks to trade their currency for the US use. We tried that in the 1800s and that failed.

        He wants to be president of The Union and yet wants to cede power to the states.

        He is just bad all around and so many unsound ideas. But people whom do not know history well or government think he is great. Just goes to show how bad education can make it easy for people selling snake oil.

        Obama in 2008 now Paul in 2012.


        • LibertyLover says:

          These are all sound bites from the Main Stream Media.

          Do some actual research behind them.

          Otherwise, you’re just another tool of the establishment.

    • cgp says:

      He is the only anti-establishment candidate anywhere.

      The establishment is the problem. Sorry other peoples money is about to run out, and monetary inflation is not good. We already tax far too much. What you want 90 per cent levels!!!

      RP is the only president that will drastically cut spending, without too much human misery. For those who go for the other GOP spending cut strategy, that will indeed be inhuman.

      • Cursor_ says:

        How can he be anti-establishment when he wants to be the leader of the establishment?

        That is like saying I am against the selling of meat and you are a butcher.

        It is so sad that people cannot even see how ignorant they are being.


        • Cgp says:

          You don’t know about the fascist corporate control of all recent POTUS’s?

          RP is the only independent one who will resist and do some necessary house cleaning.

          Who knows what could arise?

          End of the corporate personality?
          Nationalization of the already taxpayer backed banks?
          Glass-stegal as was the original version intact?
          Execution of traitor banksters just like China?
          Global closure of bases, slashing the military budget along with shutdown of associated logistics business.
          Actual destruction of dope crops, mass spraying in afghan and Columbia. Columbia being the one country that should be occupied for mexico’s and usa’s national security.

          Ending the global unbalance of trade by refusing any more debt ceiling increases.

          Killing the monster that is high finance and bringing back the real true American sense of industry, with real physical economy accounting.

          Bringing back the morality of American employment.

          If USA elects Romney who is a hedge fund corporate raider job destoyer, historians are going to scratch their heads on that one.

    • Rick says:

      First we fix the presidency, then we elect a congress that will work with Ron Paul.

    • Mike says:

      I am thinking for myself and have done a lot of research. That said research allows me to tell you that Ron Paul is the best man for the job.

  28. Rabble Rouser says:

    If the man with two first names were elected, and his ideas came to fruition, this would be a different country. The US would be ruled by corporations who dirtied our air and water, made out food and drugs unsafe, owned all of the Commons, while WE THE PEOPLE had to pay for everything, even breathable air!
    On the other hand, people of color would get their own water fountains.

    Ron Paul. A good reason never to trust anyone with two first names!

    • LibertyLover says:

      You should read his works on these subjects. You couldn’t be farther from the truth.

      Please do yourself and your family a favor and do a little research before you propagate these kinds of lies.

      • Cursor_ says:

        I did my homework on him.

        No thanks I don’t drink the refreshments handed out by madmen.


        • LibertyLover says:

          Which books did you read?

          • Cursor_ says:

            I read his platform. That was enough for me.

            Hard currency based on precious metals? No thanks we did that and it failed.

            Covert aggression against our enemies. Can you say Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

            Ceding power to the states, weakening the federal government?
            Separatist talk, counter to The Union.

            No thanks. No kool-aid for me from Obama or Paul.


          • LibertyLover says:

            If reading his platform is considered “research” then no wonder you are confused.

            Please, do yourself and your family a favor and dig a little deeper. Yes, everything on the surface may be appear to be loony because it goes against the last 100 years of politic that we’ve been indoctrinated to all of our lives. But once you understand the underlying reasoning, nobody can fail to grasp the concepts and how it is our only path forward.

            If every other politician running is promoting the same thing, and that thing is nothing more than more of the same, and those same politicians are denigrating Dr. Paul, then perhaps that should be something to consider, too. Surely you don’t think he is the worse than Obama or Romney or any of the others.

    • orchidcup says:

      Ron Paul. A good reason never to trust anyone with two first names!

      So it is the name that is important?

      Let’s eliminate all the candidates with weird names …

      Toss out Mitt Romney … done.

      Toss out Newt Gingrich … done

      Toss out Rick Santorum … done

      Toss out Rick Perry … (two first names) … done

      Toss out Barack Obama … done

      Now I am wondering where we will find a candidate with an appropriate name ….

      John Smith. That’s it. We must elect John Smith.

      • #94--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

        Orchi–next time you spy low hanging fruit, avoid them like Loser’s Balls. You’ll find both are jokes.

        • orchidcup says:

          When I first heard the name Ron Paul, I thought he might be a Pope of the Catholic Church.

          • #1--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

            He’s been around a long time. I probably thought “Rue Paul”, but you are close enough given both believe in patently offensive dogma.

  29. #91--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    Rabble Rouser==well said, raising a totally valid concern. Contested on faith by Liberty Loser of course. Double consonant names for both of you? Isn’t that similar to Ayn Rand characters?- – – Oh, sorry, no. That was another comic book series penned by Stan Lee. Same depth, different issues.

    No, you see Rouser==Losers in this world believe that WITH laws on the books being violated by Corporations polluting the air and water and food and everything else in the name of profit would if left totally unregulated conform to the morality of those who wish for a clean environment. See–corporations just want a free markeplace so they can voluntarily work in the public good rather than be forced to do so and be made slaves to the public will. See how that works. Very noble those corporations are–if we would just show them more respect, they would return that investment like a gold chip stock. Its our own fault really for passing laws.

    This is why losers are losers through and through: can’t tell shit from shinola.

    • Rabble Rouser says:

      Anyone who really believes that corporations would do the Public good voluntarily, over their sacred profits, I would sell a bridge to, for quite a reasonable price. A very large bridge.

      As far as the double consonant name, I was BORN with one, so get off of it!

  30. EdZepp says:

    I think in this day and age four years is too long a term,it should be two.If whoever does a good job turns some things around,let him run eight times.Put up or get out.Love that sign on his desk,I vote for truth.


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