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That is interesting and hilarious.
Ron Paul 88%? Really?
Perry -1%? Not that I disagree with the result, but it should be rather difficult to achieve a negative number.
I think it means he’d lose twice.
Or it could be his I.Q.
I lol’d, but I think it means the poll was rigged!
Probably just more of CNN campaigning for O’Bama.
88 is a klan codeword
It used to be rallying cry of Neo Nazis, too. ‘H’ is the eighth letter of the alphabet, so 88 was ‘HH’ or ‘Heil Hitler’. Supposedly, followers were to rise up in that year and overthrow America.
It’s easy for Ronulans to spam polls, particularly at open primaries. The reality is Ron Paul is Barack Obama’s wet dream. A Ron Paul nomination would translate into an 80-20 win for Barack Obama come November. That may be generous… Paul has the paranoid white male black helicopter crowd sewn up, which leaves everyone else voting for Obama. Make it 85-15 win for Obama.
Today’s Ron Paul codewords: neocon, zionist, if you don’t love Ron Paul you must hate freedom and liberty.
Actually I think Ron Paul would get at least 35 to 40 percent of the popular vote even with the media running a none stop propaganda campaign for Obama.
There are way to many people that want Obama out of office for a host of reasons. Any one who has looked at how the economy can be expected to fair under Obama or wants us to stop beating the war drums none stop, or is concerned about the US turning into a police state is going to find Ron Paul much more attractive than Obama.
While many Repubs don’t like some of his libertarian policies or don’t think he is as pro-Israel as they want him to be they understand that Paul can be pragmatic when he has to be. Obama on the other hand has proven to be two faced or incompetent on a lot of issue.
You want him for 4 more years growing the national dept at about a trillion every two years? What happens when our national credit score hits junk bond. Oh we just print more money with nothing to back it but then the countries we do business with expect to get paid with something they can spend so that means we are going to have to stop importing energy and the day after that happens all bleep is going to break out.
The national guard, the department of homeland security, and the army, navy, and marines are all going to have plenty to do if they can get the fuel to get to the locations the insurrections are occurring.
Of course the problems with SS and medicare will be taken care off because the seniors won’t be able to get their meds and will die.
Of course food deliveries to the malls in the major urban areas will also crash so…Things are going to get very seriously ugly.
You should go back to the NewsMax forums, oh and clean up that trail of slime on your way back.
Irrelevant–all those welfare people in the big cities will keep Obama in irregardless of who the Repubs run.
Here is my prediction: small rural communities that dont have too many people on welfare: 2 to 1 Republican
Big cities: 2 to 1 Democrat. That’s what happened here in Missouri. You write this down someplace.
Obama is the “Welfare President”
This is well illustrated on any national map of election results. The mail Dimocrat strategy for getting elected is to buy votes.
Correction: The main Dimocrat strategy for getting elected is to buy votes.
to buy votes with tax money.
Then Congress writes the tax code with holes in it for their clients that buy exemptions.
If you are poor you don’t care who pays the bills because you don’t pay Fed taxes.
Doesn’t matter if I agree with you or not… as soon as I see “irregardless”, I have to completely dismiss the post. I tend to ignore grammar and spelling errors online, but that’s one I just can’t get past.
… with you on that — people who use the word mostly know better, but use it anyway, which makes it even worse
Listen up grammar nazi, the comma should be within the quotes. And WTF is …? So while pointing out someone that may be a fucktard, try not being one yourself.
what’s really sad is that they are more intrested in the grammar than in the point of the statement itself.
The poll numbers don’t matter any more so stop looking at them.
Romney is the least ugly pick of the litter and the Teapublican sheeple better start sucking his ass pretty darn soon. Huntsman was actually the smartest puppy in the litter and you just lost him.
Now you’re left with Mormon or the Taliban (Santorium) and we all know Santorium cannot win the popular vote.
Since when did Dvorak start attracting the redneck crowd?
I too have noticed a spattering of attack dogs belonging to redneck type thinking. This seems to have begun with the format change here on DU.
I am glad to see that Dr. Ron Paul is the one Obama fears the most.
I’m voting for Ron Paul because he will stop wars and occupations and bring home the troops, and stop government meddling.
Hopefully he will downsize the government and give us all a tax break. He has never raise our already ridiculous taxes.
You forgot “and a pony”.
I have worked for someone running for office before,I think all
politicians are full of crap and out for themselves.
I do not see this attitude in Mr Ron Paul.
Ask Al Gore if votes matter.Connections,money and corruption are what get people into office.If votes do matter?Stop voting for people who are worried that there hair is out of place in the mirror.
CNN are a bunch pips without the cool back up moves.
I predict that 2 days after Obama wins re-election , you’ll hear this in the news:
“Investigation underway into President Obama’s ties with ex-governor Rod Blagojevich’s attempted sale of the President’s former Senate seat.” This will escalate into a full-blown impeachment process . And this is all you’ll hear on the nitely news for months on end.
The GOP would rather lose the election than allow Ron Paul to win. After all its not which party that wins, its getting the bankers to win. Romney and Obama are both VERY banker friendly.
You forgot the hawks who need to sell more weapons.
Interesting how the true reality is leaking out at an ever-faster rate these days..
-perhaps, the Wizard’s nose has now grown so long that he can no longer reach all the levers of the machine?
While I’d love to see Paul run against obama just for the campaign debates alone (his teleprompter would either catch fire or just sit there with an hourglass spinning in perpetuity)’d be even better to see him elected just so I could watch several million demo & republic heads all exploding at once.
-The problem still would remain.
Unless somehow, we can fire the entire 535 (534?) plus the executive cabinet and try them all for treason, (retroactive for at least 50yrs, -if not 100 while we’re at it) -getting Paul into office would make little difference with our government being at it’s all-time historical peak of corruption since it’s inception. -he would be just as powerless as every other president the last
century or so has been..
Of course, in a run up to that, we would first have to hunt down with extreme prejudice, the major bloodline families and their bankster/corp lackies that currently run our government (and the planet) and have them all tried for crimes against humanity.
..and we’ll throw in the vatican and it’s creepy clan for good measure.. (you know, “The Powers That Were“)
-It would be kinda pointless to reboot our government without first exposing, purging and cutting the strings of the puppet masters that have controlled it for the past century or so.
Oddly, the hardest part of all this would be on waking up the all the numb masses that are still asleep. i’m sure a very large portion would remain entrenched in denial even after being shown beyond a shadow of doubt, the true history of events, of humanity, -and all the actors in the game that have deceived them. -maybe show them the screenplay as well.
-For some, learning that almost everything they were taught and believed in has been a superbly manufactured fiction, will be a very hard pill to swallow. I’m sure most would just rather refill their script for Blue Pills than face the true Reality.
Either way.. it will be interesting to observe the next Act.
The programme that features the Diebold electronic devices where an insider can change the tallying spreadsheet numbers, and the tester company put in a disclaimer that they did not test for security, this all points to deliberate ballot stuffing.
The establishment will put in who they want, damn all the sheople.