1. Da Bushman says:

    Proud mom shows off the giant rat she bagged for dinner.

  2. Joe says:

    Panic room for hillbillies.

  3. Tighty Whitey says:

    Possum….it’s what’s for dinner.

  4. dustin says:

    …before the hound became a rug

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    What a pretty pink gun! I sincerely hope the safety is on, otherwise the baby is about to perforate the ceiling.

    • Animby says:

      Uncle Paddy: Let me remind you of a basic training mantra: “This is my weapon – this is my gun…” As for me, at my age my gun really isn’t what you’d call pink. And never referred to as “pretty.” Gorgeous, sometimes. Awesome, frequently.

  6. Fido says:

    “Please call 911. Even I know this is sick.”

  7. Mike K says:

    They named the hurricane Barack Obama? I don’t know whether to grab my guns or hide in the bathtub.

  8. WmDE says:

    What not to do during home invasion. Acrylic bath tubs don’t provide the protection of the old cast iron tubs of the past. The large capacity magazine is nice.

  9. msbpodcast says:

    How convenient. The three bitches are already in a basin to catch the blood.

  10. LM says:

    Yup, I’m a typical paranoid American. THE GOVERNMENT/BOOGEYMAN IS COMING TO GET ME!

  11. deowll says:

    A good place not to do a home invasion.

    That is one weird look dog.

  12. m0les says:

    Four cute things in a hot-tub.

  13. Traaxx says:

    Peace through superior Hot Babes Pink Fire Power.

  14. Not Sure says:

    Help me! I am being held hostage by these batshit crazy people.

  15. Yakoff says:

    what a country!

  16. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Look at the baby I bagged.

  17. Badger says:

    You can never be too prepared for a tornado.

  18. EdZepp says:

    Due to a water shortage,we have to wash the baby and our
    pet ant-eater at the same time and if you have a problem
    with it,I have a gun and I know how to paint it pink!

  19. castors says:

    hey son! that’s your dad. is he handsome?

  20. CBinMV says:

    What is that?? A giant opossum?? Did she bag it with her Malibu Bardie carbine??

  21. Rob Leather says:

    Hope the safety is on, or that baby’s about to blow several holes in the ceiling.

  22. Buzz Mega says:

    “Just add water.”


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