WASHINGTON – Marine Corps officials said they are investigating a YouTube video that allegedly shows four servicemembers urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters.The video, posted Tuesday on YouTube , shows four men in U.S. military uniforms standing above the corpses, joking and making references to relieving themselves on the dead men. Capt. Kendra Hardesty, a spokeswoman for the Corps, said officials have not verified any details of the incident but added, “The actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps. This matter will be fully investigated and those responsible will be held accountable for their actions.”

It was unclear who shot the video, when it was filmed,or who posted it online.

You have to have mixed feelings about this. This sort of thing goes on with both sides. But the real issue overall is judgement. Are the soldiers so dumb to film and post this? I’m reminded of the LA gang-bangers who do dumb things then post the evidence of their stupidity on YouTube. But OK, this will not end well for the soldiers. And I’m also confused by the news media acting baffled about who these guys were when on the main video it says, “scout sniper team 4 with 3rd battalion 2nd marines out of camp lejeune peeing on dead talibans.” I’d think they’d be easy to isolate. Can you imagine the meetings going on right now?

  1. Milo says:

    Oh no, if this keeps up the troops will have to leave! We’ll save billions and our enemies will all start killing each other!

  2. Shocked says:

    Totally acceptable behavior.
    I approve of this video.

  3. Mr Diesel says:

    While I don’t condone pissing on them (waste of good urine) I wouldn’t be against stripping them down and layering them in apple wood smoked bacon and feeding them to their surviving Taliban buddies.

  4. Anonymous says:

    COME ON! Can’t anyone see the obvious?

    Tis better the be “pissed off” that to be “pissed on”!


    And if you believe Henry Kissinger, aren’t all soldiers just “stupid brutal men”? So why is this whole story such a shock? I’m surprised that they’re only urinating and not doing something worse like strapping bombs to those corpses and then detonating it.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    deowll has it exactly right — this was stupid but completely understandable.

    I’m surprised that JCD is ‘confused by the news media acting baffled about who these guys were when on the main video it says, “scout sniper team 4 with 3rd battalion 2nd marines out of camp lejeune peeing on dead talibans.” I’d think they’d be easy to isolate.’

    Really? Team 4, 3rd battalion, 2nd marines going #1 and you don’t think the numbers are completely made up? If that is really the unit, then the poster of the video is a real ZERO.

  6. Kent says:

    What the US needs is a good invasion to let them know how it feels to be an occupied country. You’re hardly the “angels”.

  7. #63--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    Well, Hiliary is “totally dismayed”: http://euronews.net/2012/01/12/clinton-dismayed-over-us-marine-video/

    You’d think what with her dodging bullets to fly into wherever that was that she’d have a little bit more combat empathy?

    Ha, ha. Its remains a nice little morality play==all in the context of war by booby traps and roadside bombs and snipers.

    What would any of you moralist say if AS A HYPOTHETICAL it was true that if we continued doing all the good country rebuilding we do that in addition USA became known for pissing on the dead that resistance to our occupation decreased significantly? Would pissing on the dead still be dismaying?

    The troops did violate good military discipline and espirit de corps though: they got caught. Stupidly caught filming themselves then letting the film get out. double stupid.

    totally appropriate to discipline theses troops. Make them stay longer! Ha, ha.

    • jpfitz says:

      Stay longer, why the hell are our troops in Afghanistan? Still looking for OBL…..

      Please do not tell me we are there to nation build or spread Democracy.

  8. #68--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist AND social critic says:

    Kent==my goodnesstoBetsy: thats TWO BIG ANTI-USA statements in a row. Whats got you all upset with God’s chosen country? What happened?

    I think I’m more upset about pissing on a marine than denigrating my country: people vs legal forms. But is it experience or education that makes you so sour?

    If you read, then you know in large part our country was born from revolution in part because we were indeed occupied by the Brits. No one “likes” to be occupied===thats why its down by force or bribery.

    Silly rabbit.

  9. Donald says:

    These soldiers were trained to be KILLERS; and people are shocked that they would pee on their targets?! Geez

    • jpfitz says:

      They filmed and uploaded. There is the outrage or should I say stupidity.

  10. Dallas says:

    Pedro’s getting turned on by the little marines.

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Now, maybe, the Afghanis will want to see us go.

    The only thing I could see that would comunicate our contempt and the level of frustration and stress more effectively about being stuck in that festering boil of a country is if we had beat the corpses with the soles of some slippers, (after peeing on them first.)

  12. farquar says:

    Taliban; Piss on ’em.

    I have no problem with this, too bad it got publicized is all.

  13. Ken says:

    Imagine the frustration of seeing your comrades killed by IED’s and being in this corrupt hell hole in the first place fighting an ongoing war that hasn’t been won since the beginning of time. Bring our troops home and send the offended congressmen and generals over for a taste of what it’s like. That includes McCain- he lost his spine and mind in Hanoi.

    • This is Criminal says:

      No Port-a-Potties is a war crime.
      Finally, women have been using IED’s for birth control safely for years. Lighten up pal and get a brain moran.

  14. e4ze says:

    This is just propaganda to back up the idea that there is actually an enemy we are supposedly fighting over there.

    Seems to have worked quite well ey @farquar

  15. Traaxx says:

    We send soliders to be shot at, from ambush, to be blown up and to in general be keep on the constant edge from a population that really doesn’t want us there? We’re only there to further the Globalist agenda and to usher in the Dark Ages.

    Let’s end the farce for Globalism and turn over Afghan and Iraq to Iran, let Europe become a muslim conquest and Globalism can be completed under an Imam. It’ll just be different powerbrokers and poverty for the rest of us.

    What hypocrite really expects a solider to not take being shot a personnel. I’d be a lot more brutal than these solider under the circumstances.



  16. Looks like they need more “terrorists attacks” so they can continue to beat up on stone age farmers. Murdering humans is sick but then playing with the dead bodies moves into insanity land.

  17. retroman81 says:

    Thank You America for bringing peace to us
    P.S. I hope Obama wins election and you all die of hunger

  18. One Day says:

    I can’t wait until we get back to letting our actions speak louder than our words, and when we stop accepting the excuses we agree with and ridiculing the ones we don’t agree with.

    Wouldn’t it be awesome if we just walked taller than the rest of the crowd, instead of having to fall back to the “What They Do Is Worse” line of reasoning to excuse the things we wouldn’t do if our family was watching?

  19. cloewe says:

    Bad stuff happens in war. If your American the only thing you should do is support the Marines involved. Most people truly believe killing is like the movies, its tough. The result of it being so difficult is you lose parts of your humanity. Not an excuse but just how it is.
    Where was all the news play when the Taliban tortures or kills non-combatants? We should hate our enemy until we win, doesn’t make who or what.


  20. Comanche says:

    Let Iran be the Middle East police force. Pull out, and pump oil out of Montana. Time to sit back and watch the fire works and laugh.
    No, we have to be retarded and get involved.
    Did you learn nothing from he fall of the USSR?
    Ron Paul 2012!

  21. Glenn E. says:

    It really doesn’t surprise me that Marines might do this. From what has been reported of hazing during training, over the years. And the level of quality in recruitment has also slipped a lot. The bogus slogan that the Marines wants “A Few Good Men”. Yea, as few good men as possible. The rest are apparently far from good. Many of them are gang members from the streets. And the US military doesn’t care. Just as long as it fills quotas. So it can maintain its yearly budget request, with Congress. “We have X many warm bodies on the payroll. Give us X hundreds of billions of dollars. Please.” Besides, you wouldn’t want to send too many “good men” into these war zones, to get killed. So send as many of the street trash recruits that you can. That’s got to be the US military’s strategy. The so-called “Dirty Dozen” story, was a myth. But films like that, don’t get made unless the Pentagon sees some benefit to it. Like using it to recruit some of the worst of the worst. Yeah, if that psycho that Telly Savalas portrayed, can get somewhere in a war. Then, who’s gonna care about soldiers that pee on dead bodies? The only screw up, the brass probably sees, is that they gave them cameras to record it.

    Unless it’s not a mistake after all. But just part of the “exit strategy” plan. Lately, the US only seems to leave a country, when they hate us enough to demand we go. That way the US can leave, without appearing weak. And leave behind a potential enemy, to battle with in the future. The US doesn’t nation build, and leave them smiling, any more. It’s “train them, give them guns, and leave them hating us.” So we’ll be back there another day.

  22. deowll says:

    Some one posted that we went to war with Afghanistan in an undeclared war to export democracy and foster economic ties.

    That is about the most ignorant statement I’ve read in years. Maybe decades. We went to war because they supported and protected the people that blew up the Twin Towers and killed ~3000 Americans.

    That was by any measure an act of war and declarations are a moot point because a state of war already existed and they started it.

    • orchidcup says:

      The people that attacked us on 9/11 were mostly Saudi Arabian nationality.

      • deowll says:

        Correct. Saudi’s fought in the war against the Soviet’s in Afghanistan and paid for much of the weaponry used. It may have even had Saudi government support. Why not? The Taliban had American government support during the war.

        The Saudi government didn’t allow al-Qaeda to operate openly in Saudi Arabia which is why the base cap was in Afghanistan. Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden spent his life fighting in Afghanistan then hiding in Pakistan because he couldn’t go home.

        Judging by his residence he didn’t have access to much money during his later years either.

  23. las artes says:

    Todd’s unit’s commander, Captain Church ( Gary Busey ) insists on testing the “new” soldiers’ abilities against his own. But Todd, the unit’s best soldier, is no match for Caine 607 ( Jason Scott Lee ). In the final trial, a fight between Caine and three “old” soldiers, two of Todd’s comrades are killed, though Todd manages to gouge out one of Caine’s eyes before he is defeated. Todd seemingly dies when he falls from a great height; but the body of a dead soldier cushions his fall, and he is simply knocked unconscious. Mekum orders their bodies dumped like garbage, and the remaining “old” soldiers are demoted to menial support roles.


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