WASHINGTON – Marine Corps officials said they are investigating a YouTube video that allegedly shows four servicemembers urinating on the corpses of Taliban fighters.The video, posted Tuesday on YouTube , shows four men in U.S. military uniforms standing above the corpses, joking and making references to relieving themselves on the dead men. Capt. Kendra Hardesty, a spokeswoman for the Corps, said officials have not verified any details of the incident but added, “The actions portrayed are not consistent with our core values and are not indicative of the character of the Marines in our Corps. This matter will be fully investigated and those responsible will be held accountable for their actions.”

It was unclear who shot the video, when it was filmed,or who posted it online.

You have to have mixed feelings about this. This sort of thing goes on with both sides. But the real issue overall is judgement. Are the soldiers so dumb to film and post this? I’m reminded of the LA gang-bangers who do dumb things then post the evidence of their stupidity on YouTube. But OK, this will not end well for the soldiers. And I’m also confused by the news media acting baffled about who these guys were when on the main video it says, “scout sniper team 4 with 3rd battalion 2nd marines out of camp lejeune peeing on dead talibans.” I’d think they’d be easy to isolate. Can you imagine the meetings going on right now?

  1. McCullough says:

    John, in your neck of the woods, people pay top dollar for that.

  2. Cursor_ says:

    I don’t have mixed feelings about it and anyone who does is either sociopathic or just plain dead inside.

    I don’t care who does it on who’s side.

    It is disgraceful and a sign of the barbarity of humans. It only reinforces the fact that humans are animals. Disgusting animals that have no soul and no conscience when they think they can get away with things.

    When I hear or see such things I KNOW there is no such things as a soul or a god. And that all these kinds of humans deserve is to killed and their families also killed three generations up and down and three houses wide so none of their genetics survive to breed more like them.

    Brutish animals like this are put down. I don’t see any reason to treat them any different than a rabid dog. Put them down and all their litter. Destroyed from the gene pool so the rest of us can live in peace without anymore filth contaminating us.


    • I’m ok with this. They are dead FFS. I guess you would prefer that these guys were still running around blowing shit up and terrorizing people? Hell, my dog pisses on live people.

      /hard to tune this tiny violin

      • Cursor_ says:

        You dog pisses on people, a lowly animal.

        And lowly animals should be put down so they do not have their genes infect others.


    • orchidcup says:

      “When I hear or see such things I KNOW there is no such things as a soul or a god. And that all these kinds of humans deserve is to killed and their families also killed three generations up and down and three houses wide so none of their genetics survive to breed more like them.”

      Adolf Hitler also had a final solution similar to yours.

      • I would hardly call “Hitler’s solution,” final or a solution. Luckily his family established a lifeguard at that gene pool and made a pact not to carry on the family.

        • orchidcup says:

          “I would hardly call “Hitler’s solution,” final or a solution.”

          It was Hitler that called genocide “the final solution.” His terminology, not mine.

      • Cursor_ says:

        His solution was for extermination of even the ones that walk on two legs.

        I am only for the elimination of those genes that continue to spawn more animals that seem incapable of walking on two legs.


    • So what says:

      This is what it took for you to understand there is no god and no soul? You must be a slow learner or never read a history book.

      • Cursor_ says:

        No, this is one of the acts of the four legs. Primitive, barbaric mongrels. Like a garden over grown with weeds. What do we do to weeds?


  3. Animby says:

    Scandal? Why is a scandal brewing. These men deserve commendations for finding a way to honor the religious requirement to wash the bodies after death – even in a very arid environment!

    Seriously, it’s war. Moments ago the guys were trying to kill the US troops. While we’d like to think “our” guys are more decent than theirs, adrenaline is running very high. Soldiers from time immemorial have desecrated their dead enemies. Cutting off sexual organs, gouging out eyes, scalping, etc. All historically things combatants do to fallen opponents. We have an ideal of honoring a fallen opponent but, in truth, the post-adrenaline rush let down just makes you want to totally destroy your enemy. (Disclosure: I’ve been in combat. I did not mutilate or desecrate any enemy soldier’s corpse.)

    If they really want to screw the dead soldiers up, they should slip a bit of bacon into their mouths…

    • Cursor_ says:

      And so it is a good thing that in history it has become a ritual to desecrate.

      So it is still a good thing now.



  4. seetheblacksun says:

    Urine a lot of trouble for posting this.

  5. Mustardtits says:

    These fine (perfectly well adjusted) Marines will soon be walking the streets of America amongst your children so you will have ample time to thank them for their service and protecting us from………………………………………

  6. Buzz Mega says:

    Maybe they saw buddies hurt. Maybe they were just pissed off.

  7. #10--bobbo, everything is real=not mystical at all says:

    I am also conflicted about this video–until I realize I’m not conflicted at all===I just recognize two very different contexts in which to view it.

    ONE–the combat marine trained to kill the enemy and under who knows what stress prior to what was filmed. In this context, hard to get one’s panties in a twist when the very mission is to kill live human beings but then get all dainty about a whiz on a dead body? Give me a break.

    but then there is

    TWO–the war that is being engaged in by our side verses their guys. Will this video encourage a greater uprising, more agressive/fanatical fighting? If so==then I’d think the squad commander should take corrective action. The fun of urinating on the enemy isn’t worth one more dead marine than otherwise. But is that what necessarily will happen? How about if the terrorists get demoralized because their dead comrades were pissed on? How do these competing outcomes balance out? I don’t know. Does anyone know “with certainty?”

    I’ve read more than one account that the British suppressed the Muslim in earlier conflicts by burying the Muslim dead with pig carcasses. The Muslims don’t mind killing and dying but draw a line at consorting with pigs. Could anything so stupid and invalid be true? Ha, ha. We are talking Muslims here.

    Maybe the best outcome would be to break these marines in rank and tell them to use pig urine in the future and then publish the videos as far and wide as possible?

    Cursor==while I admire your eloquence on the subject, you have your head up your ass. War. Yes—WAR!!! Its what matters while you are alive that matters and how you die==not what happens after you are dead. Silly hooman.

    Silly Hoomans All.

  8. Today I learned that Marines have small pee-pees.

  9. Royal Jonsun says:

    this is war.

    there has never been a war without atrocities or desecration.

    as far as i can tell, most folks in their ignorance are ok with this sort of stuff as long it’s not happening to the family dog, cause thats when peta gets pissed off.

    and if you think this is bad, believe me, you don’t want to get into it with peta…just ask the japanese.

    • McCullough says:

      This is war!

      ha, never declared nor ratified, always assumed.


    • Peppeddu says:

      Do yourself a favor, read the Geneva Convention, Protocol I, Article 51, Part 2

      Besides, do you really think that peeing on dead citizens we export democracy and foster future economic ties? (that’s why we went to war – an undeclared “war” btw)

  10. orchidcup says:

    “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” — Thomas Paine

    Another point to consider is the fact that publishing this kind of video will likely result in harsh treatment of American prisoners of war as retaliation for this act. War is not civilized, but asking for revenge from your enemy is likely to be accommodated.

    OTOH, maybe this is intentional military psyops to fan the flames of war and heighten the conflict.

  11. denacron says:

    In the name of the Father… the Son.. and the Holy Ghost ahhhhhhmen!

    “Baptismal service” compliments of scout sniper team 4.

  12. jpfitz says:

    Let us piss off the occupied further. This is not war, that was propaganda at it’s worst. Nation building dick by dick.

  13. deowll says:

    Stupid but this sort of thing happens in combat units. I recall one WW II vet who said he and his buddies made rings out of the bones of a Kamikaze who crashed on their ship. Looking back he noted it was barbaric but then so was shoveling the remains of his friends off the deck of the ship the kamikaze struck. This was a fight to the death with no quarter being given or accepted by the Japanese.

    We have sent our troops to another land to fight people who applauded the murdering of 3,000 Americans. They are in a fight to the death with an opponent who follows no rules of war other than anything goes. The Taliban does not follow the Geneva Convention rules of war. They are God’s Holy warriors smiting the infidel and anything the do is sanctioned by God.

    While this act was stupid because of the propaganda value, anyone who wastes time going on about what happens to the corpse of someone who wanted to murder them and their friends is suffering from dementia.

    They deserve to be dropped down in Taliban space and the Taliban allowed to “educate” them. Unfortunately while this would remove the bleep from between their ears it is extremely doubtful that they would actually live long enough to benefit from their newly acquired grasp of reality.

    To the guys in the picture. I’m thankful you are the ones who will get to go home to your families rather than the ones dead on the ground.

    That some of the posters at this site don’t understand except perhaps in the most glib and superficial way that the people you killed were trying to kill you is sad and that your actions are in many ways a natural result of the kinds of stress your are under but I’m afraid those are the kind of ignoramuses that live in the United States today.

  14. orchidcup says:

    There was never a good war, or a bad peace. — Benjamin Franklin

  15. Does someone not remember the Taliban attacked the USA
    The road to political correctness is the way to hell
    These stupid liberals – they should go to their granolabelt Yoga or reflexology class and leave us all alone
    Let the Taliban cut their heads off or place the women in burkas

    • jpfitz says:

      I am not the grammar police but maybe the period key stopped working on your keyboard. Or is that a haiku of some sort?

    • orchidcup says:

      “Does someone not remember the Taliban attacked the USA”

      I don’t remember the Taliban attacking the USA.

      When did the Taliban attack the USA?

    • McCullough says:

      Taliban? I thought it was Saudis, or Iraqis or was it those pesky Iranians?

      Ah, whatever…glass parking lot. Jus sayin….

      Be cheaper to just fucking PAY for the oil. Fuck.

      • jpfitz says:

        You sure it wasn’t Gaddafi? Or… was it Saddam.

        Red oil free in the gulf.

      • Animby says:

        Not to forget, we supported the Talib fighters in their war against the Russians…

    • B. Dog says:

      The Taliban is sorta like the old American Puritans, from what I can figure.

      I figure the American military did the 9/10 attacks. Remember how on 9/10 the Donald Rumsfeld announced that auditors had found 2.3 trillion dollars missing from military funds? The next day the auditors at the Pentagon got blown up and their backup data at the World Trade Center got blown up. Coincidence? I think not.

  16. allthenewsthatfitsweprint says:

    They have been s***ing on us for years.

  17. Lou says:

    Should be on Liveleak, not Youtube.

  18. birddog says:

    Maybe pouring bacon grease on them would have been better.

  19. Zybch says:

    I guess I’d rather my corpse gets pissed on after I’m dead than my throat getting cut in front of a camera and the video being spread by islamic douchebags as proof of how fucking wonderful they are.

  20. NewFormatSux says:

    If it was a live Taliban, they would be eligible for NEA grants.

  21. #38--bobbo, everything is real=not mystical at all says:

    Here’s another link that worked 5 mins ago:


    In the scroll, you can also see a 5 yo girl sing “I’m sexy and I know it” along with an Afghan rape victim forced to marry her rapist.

    Anything you can think of, or have nightmares about, is now on film and immediately accessible.

  22. Likes2LOL says:

    Yet another Weinergate…

  23. Ranger007 says:

    You know, 10 minutes before this, all those poor misguided Marines were trying to do was read them their rights!

    Bring our soldiers home – now.

  24. Alex says:

    I do not have “mixed” feelings about this. I find this utterly repulsive.

  25. Mustafa says:

    Chalk one up for U.S. Diplomacy

  26. Hmeyers2 says:

    I think all the dead Taliban should be peed on.

    It is good for you, good for me and good for the world community.

    Besides, with overpopulation issues there just aren’t many places to pee these days. A problem both you and I know is only going to get worse.

    So many people in every which direction. I consider it courteous that they peed on dead people instead of the other directions, which in this case, would have been other living people.

    So let’s hear it for common courtesy! Just when you thought courtesy was a thing of the past, this refreshing story comes to light … I feel better already.

  27. #51--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Almost related: link goes to story about another Iranian Nuclear Scientist being assassinated in the streets of Tehran. “Inhumanity towards man” or a whole lot better to surgically strike the 10-15 people that make a difference or be more civilized, let Iran get the Bomb, set if off, invade and occupy at the cost of millions of lives and Trillions of dollars?

    Its nice when morality and pocket book issues come together so seamlessly. You gotta admire those Israeli’s.


  28. Gazbo says:

    One of the big problems with war is that you need warriors to fight them. Marines are aggressive – that’s why they’re good. Aggression leads to other issues – like this.
    My guess is that aggressive warriors have always peed on their dead enemies, there just hasn’t been you tube before.
    There is now.

    • ± says:

      Exactly. I don’t see how this is a problem either except (obviously) for simpering, mewling liberals.

  29. Kent says:

    I gotta pee, where’s there a dead marine?

  30. soulbrotha says:

    yes, i guess it is ok the have your head cut off with a dull knife. these dead freaks have done terrible things to all types of people. im sure gettin peed on would have been a better option than rapping and murdering of girls and women and true torture of innocent peope. so when your in need of help, try and get the taliban instead of the marines. see how you get treated


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