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Executive Producers: Sir Guy Boazy, Zohir Elhamri
Associate Executive Producer: Mark Thyrring
Art By: Payna372art

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Sites to consider: No Agenda Nation, No Agenda Films, No Agenda Records

  1. Dallas says:

    A Free pony? Don’t get Pedro excited and have him dump his donkey.

  2. BigBoyBC says:

    It’s interesting that Adam’s computer problems are always somebody else’s fault, never his.. Adam needs to man-up, grow a pair and realize that the real problem with his computer configuration, like 90% of most computer problems, lies between the keyboard and the chair…

  3. Axl says:

    No attack this album art but the previous stylish and ironic art work is really missed; Nick the Rat, Paul T…. I can’t evan find their names credited in the collection. Many of those were simply genius and sadly no credit given.
    What happens to the art guys, they get tire for not being credited, valued? Seems that stay on for a a few months and then depart, for never to come back again. Strange.

  4. ECA says:

    Changing the DMCA

    These are ALL COMING..

  5. ECA says:

    Today, we’re hearing that the head of NetCoalition, who many people expected to represent the wider tech and internet industry’s significant concerns about SOPA has been denied a seat at the hearings. This is the same group that has been requesting a seat at the negotiating table all along, and has been denied by the MPAA and its supporters. Basically, the decks are being stacked so far in favor of SOPA, that next week’s hearing will be a total joke. We’re even hearing rumors that it will now be 4 representatives in favor of SOPA, and no one who will represent the wider concerns of the internet industry that’s about to be regulated. Instead, the committee is looking for someone who will only raise some specific narrow concerns about the bill.


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