For those who don’t have cable or live outside the country and are wondering what inspired artistry American television has been up to the last few years, you need look no farther than Toddlers and Tiaras. Child beauty pageants are the kind of BS that that murdered JonBenĂ©t Ramsey was involved in.
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as i’ve said b4, no one gives a shit unless it’s a blood kin….
My wife grew up (in the South) on the beauty pageant circuit, first as a child then as a teen. She actually gained a lot from it through dance scholarships and the like. Her pageants were primarily based on talent, athletic, music, dance, etc. Then she inherited a pageant business from her mother, that’s when I met her. She dragged me to one of the competitions about 25 years ago.
It probably wasn’t as creepy then, but it fucking creeped me out. The mothers were absolutely worse than any football Dad I have ever witnessed, and my wife hated dealing with them. Basically I said it was them or me. She sold the business soon after.
I still love to make fun of her whenever I see this god-awful show. And she still looks great at 56.
cant watch this…
I went to TLC, and its NOT GOOD.
That was one fat six y.o.
What they do force a funnel into her neck and shove corn down it?
That’s probably going to save that kid’s life, becoming a right ugly porker.
Then it’ll be what ends that kid’s life, what with juvenile diabetes, obesity that makes her looked like a Kielbasa sausage shaped like a human being and various organ failures due to fatty congestion.
it was like a combination of ghetto, jive,valley girl speak, and southern drawl..
i wouldn’t be surprised to find her parents are tebowing before every pageant.
Kiddie pageant are not that pleasing especially looking at the kids trying to do what their moms are saying. đ
So her mom “the coupon queen” is teaching herâŠlife is about winning every contests even if it takes making a complete ass out of yourself to the point were the people watching you are disgusted. She should do well in this century I see the next Sarah Palin in the making
See the similarity with this story and the previous one?
Both are about lousy parenting.
What the hell is happening to the brains of the kiddies watching such junk? TLC, Discovery, A&E, Bravo and the History channel were good networks in the 1990’s. What happened and who watches that crap now! I am disgusted by that clip.
Uncle Dave, please refrain from posting garbage that you find disturbing on the networks that our young (not mine) have access to. It’s mind junk food turning brains into mush, and a serious problem. You forgot to mention Mob Boss Wives, hell in a hand basket I tell you.
To answer your question. Is There A Sicker or Worse Show On TV?
I’ll stir some shit by answering your question. FOX cable “news”.
The damage done by Fox to this nation is so divisive and subversive families can’t have rational discussions anymore because they heard it on FOX news, so it must be true.
You are BLIND my friend.
Why do you continue to drink the Kool-Aid of the bleeding heart, fiscally irresponsible, money-grows-on-trees, worry-about-it-tomorrow, all-about-me, we’re entitled, haul-my-wagon, anything goes, what-me-worry, ready-shoot-aim… segment of American society?
FOX news is an effective antidote when taken responsibly and combined with a healthy diet and good oral hygiene. All are welcome.
Get a grip, man!!
I can tell by your reply you’re already drunk on the kool-aid of the neoconservatives. Keep sucking on the titties of Karl Rove and Murdoch, yum yum. Sucker.
By the by do you actually produce anything tangible, or just play with numbers and money that’s not yours?
It would be worthless and futile to discuss quotidian issues with a “mind” deluded by FOX.
Talk about playing “with numbers and money that’s not yours”…
That is the ESSENCE of the conservative fight against big government spending and giveaways. With the help of FOX, the worst offenders, regardless of party, are being ratted out.
Do you really hate FOX, or are you just in a blind love affair with MSNBC?
I read, and what is spouted as fact by FOX is propaganda of epic proportion. The tele in my house is for web and film.
I am aware of the boob tube and the mind numbing crap programming.
No affairs with any networks. Love affair, har. No hate either, those are your words.
To give you an example of how sly FOX is.
jpfitz said on 1/11/2012 at 10:53 pm:
“To give you an example of how sly FOX is …”
Media Matters? Are you kidding You’re the “pot calling the kettle black”!
Media Matters is “dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media”.
How about correcting liberal misinformation??
I’m done stirring. Case closed.
The only thing I have watched on TV that is more disturbing would be the Republican debates.
It looks like pretty-boy Romney is the Chosen One.
Some relaxation
It is said that the average American or Canadian watches over 40 hours – that is hours of TV a week
The mentality is amazing
Its been dumbed down to the lowest possible level ever
Its all there to sell ads on TV
This is just one more example of the pablum we are fed on Television in 2012
Some relaxation
Can’t stand to look at one second of that show.
Why has American TV started such a spirited Race to the Bottom? It all seems aimed at Poor Any Color Trash any more. So often these days I turn on the TV and run across something foul, that would have to be 20 times better to be merely disgusting — only to change the channel and find similar junk on half the stations. Suddenly all the former non-fiction channels have been taken over by overweight guys with beards. What the heck is going on?
I have a much longer rant, but it’s late. Maybe tomorrow.
With those genetics the kid doesn’t have a chance.
I’ve always had the suspicion that there were two target audiences:
1) parents and children involved in the pageants
2) child molesters and closet pervs
Why risk jail for kiddie p0rn when this gets pumped straight into the house by cable or dish. I once heard an interview with a convicted child molester who claimed what fueled his fantasies was the child models in clothing sections of mail-order and department-store catalogs.
WHAT??? All us active bloggers/posters/computer nerds aren’t attracted to shows about little kiddies? Yea!!!—GO TEAM!
I just knew there was some redeeming value to each and every one of us.
Along those lines, as disgusting as these shows are (by report as I’ve never watched more than enough to make sure it was what I feared before surfing on) they aren’t “like” JonBenĂ©t Ramsey at all are they? “This” is about a show about kiddie pageants while JBR was a kiddie pageant participant who caught killed by some home invader or home grown predator. Not the same thing at all.
What I get much the same reaction to is 3-4 levels above this basement sewer show: those very young girls on any broadcast or YouTube talent show singing some soulful song or worse dancing seductively. I have to admit some do have great voices, but they should be off tv until they could pretend the emotions with some validity? Then I’d move on up to grammar school acting classes and what not. All shades of dark charcoal and I’m sure with individual justifications sprinkled here and there.
Too bad kiddies can’t grow up more organically rather than be empty vessels filled by their parents lost and unrealistic dreams of success and fame. Read a book? Spelling Bees? Just my own projection??
Same as it has always been.
This is why straight people should not be allowed to raise children.
Ha, ha. Thats gotta be pure Pedro Bait. I don’t think he’ll go for it though, too obvious. But then he is a game sort of fellow, or maybe just gamey, or was it game show sort of gamey fellow? Somehow the issue of kiddie pageants and Pedro, or at least Pedro Baiting, seem to go together. Don’t know why.
What would it mean if whatever situation you want to name was “over represented” in pageant parents vs non-pageant parents?
Equally unavailable but more interesting would be how the kiddie participants fare in later life. Happy? Successful. Own kiddies in pageants? Is any parental attention better than none at all or what?
Life===what a trip.
I haven’t been able to decide who the target audience is for this show and the one about kids/girls dancing. Is it mothers, girls, or seriously sick types who need to be locked up?
I don’t know. Maybe I’m looking at this from the wrong angle but trying to push sexy with preteens doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
In any event I think I’ll do a Ron Paul and say that while I don’t agree with what I’ve seen I do not support passing any more laws relating to the topic.
Very liberdrool of you there do-ill. This makes the first occasion I (could, maybe, but don’t) wish I had copied and pasted some of your finer posts to check as see what, if any, moral positions you do think should be legislated.
Might even be something useful for you to do for yourself?
What else is freedom my friends? Yes—FREEEEEEEDOM: someone else doing something you don’t like and wouldn’t do yourself.
Self Awareness===what a trip.
Why do some demented parents insist on denying their children a childhood? I find it disgusting and immoral, and it will invitably lead to a generation of narcissistic psychopaths and morons.
Christ, I feel like a grumpy old man some days.
ugly kid anyway! Jezz.. thanks to these douchetards for keeping the white trash stereotype alive and well.
When I owned a video production company I was hired to videotape one of these underage beauty pageants.
In my humble opinion, the mothers of these poor kiddies are living the “beauty pageant thing” vicariously through their captive offspring.
The mothers were getting a lot more out of the pageant than the little girls. The whole thing is a sick kind of fetish or something.
There were very few fathers involved in the underage beauty pageants, it was 95% mothers.
Not all mothers are motherly?
Yeah, with the fathers it’s “Little League.”
Even worse.
Google “Daddy Daughter Dance”
Daughters are able to compete in a dance contest, enjoy refreshments, have your picture taken by a professional photography, and experience a night of making memories. The father and daughter couples dance the night away to music from both generations.
2012 Dance Schedule
Saturday, February 4, 2012
5:30 to 7:30 p.m. — Girls age infant through 7
8 to 10 p.m. — Girls age 8 and up
Is There A Sicker or Worse Show On TV?
The GOP Presidential Candidates debates. They’re worse than hockey playoffs – they never end.
Reason #1 to use a condom – your child may turn out like that.
These are our future strippers, sluts and attention whores. Not that we don’t have an over abundance…
Is There A Sicker or Worse Show On TV?
yes.. tv in general, mainstream media, the wholesale corrupt circus that is our government & politics, the fraud that passes for science, religion..
-this vid is tame in comparison..
It’s too bad that proof-reading is a LOST art.
“pageants are the kind of BS that that murdered”
that that – ????? WTF!
anal much?
We may not be doing well in student academics, but in the race to cultural bottom, the U.S. is WINNING! (as cultural icon Charlie Sheen would say)
This show is why the mullahs and ayatollahs hate us!
Shame on the parents for doing this to their kids, and shame TLC for producing and airing the show.
R.I.P., JonBenét.
A former co-worker’s daughter (toddler) was involved in these things. Definitely “Momma living through daughter”….
Somewhere around age six, I’d guess, the kids will definitely quit having fun. Earlier, if they’re lucky, but momma has to take the hint.
Like many such things (soccer, baseball, etc.) among your very young, a lot more “living through the kid” than is desirable, perhaps, but more or less harmless if we’re not making them take off (all of) their clothes. The downside is the _pressure_ aspect. I hated pee-wee league baseball. First, I was terrible, and second, mom & dad didn’t understand that…. I doubt if that did any damage, but with the exception of the kids who were really fairly good, the exhibitionist angle bothers me.
(The really good kids – baseball players in this example – probably got something out of being on display. Us “get me the heck out of here” players, OTOH….)
IMHO, if the kids are enjoying it, so what…. It’s when the kids are NOT enjoying it that it becomes a bad idea.
(I see the video got pulled. Reader’s Digest version of the show itself: “The kids are cute, if overly made up, sexed up, etc. Most of he mothers look like they were plucked from a cattle feed lot. The mothers are really serious about the shows. The kids, it depends.”)
Personally, I love to watch little kids being little kids. They’re usually enjoying it…. When the parents get involved, things get unsoldered….
I’d rather watch good looking female pole dancers, but the wife can’t quite get that….