1. Annie says:

    Daddy Warbucks was very, very, rich. And we’re all going to Disney World !

  2. Annie says:

    Oops. Daddy Warbucks is a shape-shifter !

  3. Mikey says:

    On to the reading of the will!

  4. #34--bobbo, everything is political says:

    So what we have here is rich white colonialist scum on vacation with the local black serving population near drowning grateful for whatever dollar currency may float his way trying to calculate whether to spend the subsistence income on food for his horses or his family.

    Caption: low tax trickle down economics at work.

  5. Da Bushman says:

    Project much?

  6. #6--bobbo, everything is political says:

    I agree that first photo was too politically charged, even for this blog.

    Now in the barrel: From all the smiles, must have been weird uncle Charlie, maybe even done in by group participation.

    • Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

      I think Aunt Maude is in the box. Uncle Charlie is standing center stage… seems quite happy.

      • #15--bobbo, everything is political says:

        You may have me there, does look like Charlie but not as “smiley” if you get my drift. Either evil twin Charlie is in the box, or good twin Charlie is in the box and Evil Twin Charlie is putting on a show.

        Either way, you just can’t trust evil twins and they are always better in the box.

  7. John E. Quantum says:

    Harry had been a professional semen donor for about 40 years when he passed on. His brother got as many of his “children” together for the service as he could find. It still made him smile that his brother had made a living eating Cheetos, drinking beer and watching prOn.

  8. AdmFubar says:

    why does this look like an ad for russon brothers funeral services? the quality reminds me of a lot of local adverts

  9. Animby says:

    One less mouth to feed during the O’Bama “boom” economy!

  10. dadeo says:

    The willow tree is weeping..the people, not so much.

  11. honeyman says:

    Wheres Waldo?

    My guess is in the box.

  12. We’re happy the fucker’s dead!

  13. Observer says:

    Gotta love those Mormons.

    • Anonymous says:

      There’s one too many M’s in “Mormon.”

      (Hint: It’s the second M.)

  14. ivandoga says:

    We are all rich. Bi**Ch.

  15. Mike says:

    One of these things is not like the others, One of these things just doesn’t belong…

  16. msbpodcast says:

    Well, we are in Kansas and, sing with me now my little Munchkins™®: “Ding Dong The witch is dead…

  17. jpfitz says:

    Granny was real short but her bank account is huge.

    Anyone notice the coffin is on the small side. Hope no child is in it with all the smiling going on.

  18. LtSiver says:

    Thank god he’s gone! We can celebrate now!

  19. orchidcup says:

    Grandpa was a Mormon midget with a sizable libido.

  20. WmDE says:

    Her family was “heartbroken” when Granny stroked out on winning the state lottery. Granny was consoled by the fact that she was seconds from leading the zombie apocalypse.

  21. Animby says:

    So, McCullough – may we call you Mac?
    What is the trufe behind the photo? I suspect it is the Russon family reunion and when you open the casket, it’s a giant cooler filled to the brim with beer, soda and excess human organs…

    • McCullough says:

      Macs my nickname. And I don’t have a backstory for this shot, but I like your interpretation. Russon Brothers IS located in SLC Utah..if that helps.

  22. #28--bobbo, everything is political says:

    Might the better challenge be to state how many brothers are in the picture? I’ll go with 5.

    Animby==as always, I am totally enthralled by your take on this subject: always going for the inclusive, bringing the community/family together, good times, kind of response. I have NO DOUBT at all your bedside manner is a wonder to witness, probably even a few feet out into the hallway. A remarkable talent/training really–but flowing from your core personality/character even though you would deny same and assume the dialogue of a rightwingnut from time to time.

    Along those lines, in the last week, for the first time, I started watching “House” mostly because I like the actor and I wanted to see how he performed outside of Black Adder. What a piece of hollywood crapfest. Not just House==the whole hospital including all the patients too.

    I don’t know the medical well enough to call BS on his leaping with 100% conviction from one diagnosis to the next but as to his legal/moral positions the guy really should be in jail which is where he was in one of his BS episodes. Allowing an 8 year old child ((even if one grants she was mature for her age having been in hospitals most of her life)) to make medical decisions against the directives of the parents made me want to throw up. Doesn’t House appreciate the fact that kiddies are the property of their parents to do with as they wish?

    Maybe its just simply the fact that all these docs are in the hospital sitting around in the conference room 24/7. They can’t be maximizing hospital revenue with such no patient centered billing routines. I call BS.

    I assume you have seen one third of one episode?

  23. Don Shaull says:

    “Wish you were here!”

  24. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    “And a good time was had by all.”

  25. revdjenk says:

    … and one in the box

  26. Mark Baars says:

    As Ryan O’Neal said in Tough Guys Don’t Dance: Death is a celebration…

  27. Mike Gladich says:

    Duh Duh Duh Duhh, Snap Snap….Duh duh duh duhh, snap snap….They’re creepy and they’re kooky…mysterious and spooky….

  28. deowll says:

    The Heirs

  29. Mickey says:

    FOX’s new weekly series…
    ‘Kajun’s n Koffins’
    Bringin’ the family back together.
    Or what’s left of them.

  30. Avatar says:

    Murder on the Orient Express


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