found by John “Tes” Ligums

  1. scandihoovian says:


  2. ECA says:

    At the beginning.
    I want the right to EARN money, and also KEEP IT..

    does something interesting..It keeps people EMPLOYED..
    IT makes RICH people RICHER.

    Bill of rights..

  3. McCullough says:

    I never liked the douche but he’s right. A vote for Obama or any of the other Republicans is a vote for more death and destruction.

    Iran is NOT a threat against Israel and their 300 plus nukes. And certainly not a threat against us.

    • ECA says:

      Get the hell OUT of the middle east and let them KILL themselves.
      This is all similar to what was happening during the 1200-1400’s in Europe. religion and Kings, all getting PISSY..
      this is like getting in the middle of a Family argument…DONT..

    • Rick Cain says:

      Iran has the biggest military in the region, but an arab power is always inferior to a western power. Iran suffers from old thinking in terms of tactics and the belief in manpower over technology. They can be credited for having quite advanced indigenous war industries, but they still haven’t modernized their military very much. In any conflict they will rely on foot soldiers too much, their air power and communications are still way out of date.
      These days you can’t win a war without winning the skies first.

  4. Publius says:

    Reagan’s wars, Bush I’s wars, Bush II’s wars, Obama’s wars, these are not defensive wars.

    These non-defensive wars were and are RACKETS.

    Traditionally, the word racket is used to describe a business (or syndicate) that is based on the example of the protection racket and indicates a belief that it is engaged in the sale of a solution to a problem that the institution itself creates or perpetuates, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage.


    • Rick Cain says:

      What’s scary is Leon Panetta, obama’s new war boy has said on camera that the US military will still “potect America’s interests abroad”, which is a candid admission that our military is for sale to the highest bidder. If a corporation is having problem somewhere, our military is there to protect their income stream.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Wow! What a bunch of ostriches (that’s a bird that buries it’s head in the sand).

    Right now, Iran and North Korea are threats. Iran and North Korea must not be allowed to start a war. Israel either! And if you “believe” otherwise then you may want to familiarize yourself with the facts. This is not fear speaking. It’s called sense.

    Even so, I agree. War and invasion at this current time in history are not the answer. War should never be an answer – to anything!

    And just to be sure, let’s not forget what war is too. Whatever your beliefs on war are should be set aside for the moment and consider the ugly truth: Once a war starts, death, destruction and misery are pretty much the only goals. There is no other reason to go to war other than to conquer your enemy and inflict as much hell on him/her as you can. You can not leave a war either. No one can leave a war until there is either an agreement to stop or all enemies are either dead, imprisoned or have become allies. Therefore, war should never be something any sane person should ever want to engage in. But sadly, war is a necessary reaction that has to be dealt with from time to time in order to stop real evil from ever going too far.

    So if we are at war then we need to have our leaders tell us who we are at war with – not what! Right now, our leaders can’t do that. They may say we are at war with terror or with drugs, but that’s not an enemy. That’s like saying you are at war with the bogey man. It’s insane!

    If we are at war with Al Quaida then fine. The next question should be, why aren’t we done yet? Why can’t we just overwhelm our enemy and crush them like we all know we can do? Why no nukes?! Forget anything they taught you in Sunday school either. Sunday school manners and war don’t mix! I’m saying if it’s a real war Al Quaida wants then we need to unleash absolute and total hell! We need to show them, their wives, their children, their neighbors, and anyone else fighting for them just what a real war is. We need to kill anyone and everyone in the battlefield and then go on to the next battle until it’s all over – because that’s the goal!

    So if they want war then I certainly think we can oblige. After all, they asked for it. Right?! Either do that or get the hell out!!!

    Now, if it’s a “police action” then call it one. And make the United Nations deal with it. THAT’S NOT US!

  6. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Who doesn’t Ron Paul? Nerdy is the new cool.

  7. #9--bobbo, everything is political says:

    #3–McCullough==I like Donahue–he pushes my liberalism into the warm and fuzzy area and lets me draw my own line somewhat to the right of himself, but usually not that far. As you say: he’s right. Most of us would benefit ourselves, family, friends, community of man if our liberalism was drawn a bit more to the left, wouldn’t you agree? Warm and fuzzy—whats wrong with that?

    Shouldn’t we take countries at their word? Hitler said he would toast the Jews, the feeble, the Non-Aryans and what did he do once der Fuhrer?

    I do hear warm and fuzzy liberals saying that Iran is too rational to start a Nuke War with Israel. So Twentieth Century to think an attack would be via an ICBM, or given their locations, just an ordinary missle.

    Answer me this McCullough: if you are willing to blow yourself up with dynamite to kill 12 school kids for the greater glory of your god, why wouldn’t you drive a truck Nuke to the outskirts of Tel Aviv and set it off?

    How secure in such disbelief should Israel be?

    Do you use an eight ball or a crystal ball?

    • McCullough says:

      Anonymous, and bobbo

      “why wouldn’t you drive a truck Nuke to the outskirts of Tel Aviv and set it off?”

      Don’t be an idiot, they have missiles.

      Martyring myself is one thing, martyring my whole nation, every man woman child and wildebeest is something completely different.

      Your Hitler comparison is ridiculous BTW.

      300 plus nukes to zero, get real. You think we should go to war with Iran, fine…pack your shit and get in the fight or STFU. And by the way send your son, daughter an wife. I’m sick of the chicken hawks who tough talk and have no skin in the game.

    • Rick Cain says:

      Israel already has ICBM’s. Nobody is out of their reach, nobody and they know that.

  8. Michael says:

    Ron Paul is labeled “crazy” because he says we should not go to places and kill people that aren’t killing us.

    “Yeah, but someday, they might kill us, or our allies. So, we have to kill them first.”

    Thanks for the video. Phil is still sometimes okay…


    • Lou Minatti says:

      “Ron Paul is labeled “crazy” because he says we should not go to places and kill people that aren’t killing us.”

      No, he’s labeled “crazy” because he believes in weird conspiracy theories, is a proud member of the John Birch Society, and he’s a racist tard.

      • Rick Cain says:

        Ron Paul said on a TV inteview that 9/11 conspiracy was in his words “ridiculous”.

        I have never heard him mention anything about racism in the hundreds of interviews he’s done. Compare that to Santorum who just insulted blacks, claiming they’re all on food stamps, and Newt Gingrich who said that black people are lazy welfare recipients. Bachmann puts her foot in her mouth constantly about her racist beliefs, thank the god that doesn’t exist that she dropped out.

      • LibertyLover says:

        Have you even read any of his books or papers? Not once has he even hinted at that type of behavior.

        Perhaps you should stop listening to the MSM and hate blogs and do a little research.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    I wasn’t a fan of Phil’s talk show format. But then much worse types followed him, and have become Tv staples. Ugh! And Phil didn’t have control over his own talk show. He once remarked of those years, that he was considered by the network, as a liberal. And in fact they counted him as Two liberals. So any political topic had to have to conservatives appear on the show, just to offset Phil. Then additional conservatives, for every liberal guest. So they always biased the guest list, in favor of the so-called conservatives. Starting with two, just to cover Phil’s presence. How was this show ever part of a liberal media?! I’ve yet to see any sign the so-called liberals, ever had any significant presence on broadcast Tv or cable. Certainly NEVER a majority.

    And yet, the conservatives always used the fear that just one tiny bit of liberalism on Tv, was the future downfall the nation. It is and was a sick, paranoid joke, at best. And part of a money rich, power hungry cabal, of media magnates. All banking on the government to give them everything they’ll ever want. If they can only keep the liberals from having a voice, to object to all the media monopolization, and extravagant government spending on wars and weapon development. Much of which these media barons have financial ties to.

    So you can bet that everyone else on the GOP ticket, has got a lot of that good old war profiteer backing. And most of the US news media has defense bucks stuffed in their ears. Because they’re acting like they don’t want to hear anything Paul has to say.

    Even this british commentator (Piers Morgan), is now taking heat for his involvement with phone hacking of Royals and some movie actors. What a coincidence he did this interview with Donahue. Is that when they decided to “marginalize” him, too? Because all these allegations against Morgan came to light at the beginning of the GOP campaign for the presidency, in July 2011.

  10. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    Ah good ol’ Pat Buchanan. The voice of white repression.

    • Rick Cain says:

      Buchanan and his big government cronies singlehandedly destroyed the last reform movement, H. Ross Perot’s reform party.

      The Ron Paul Tea Party was co-opted by the billionaire Koch brothers. Never underestimate the power of money.

  11. Cursor_ says:

    But Ron Paul is NOT against warfare.

    He is just against a national military response to warfare.

    What Ron Paul wants is covert warfare. He wants to issue letters of marque and reprisal against our enemies and send mercenaries, militias and privateers to do our bidding.

    And every time that we have done this we have suffered greater trauma.

    Soviet-Afghan war, we went toe to toe against the Soviets through the Afghans. And then when it was over we let them hang and bingo, Taliban and Osama Bin Laden.

    1974 covert war in Nicaragua, years later the conflict in El Salvador, remember the arms for hostage deal, the Iran-Contra affair? Again we suffered.

    And then we took it farther with the Iran-Iraq war and we allowed Hussein to be a big dog and gas people. Then we turned on us. And the whole issue of Iran in the first place when we led a covert operation in the 50s to overthrow the democratically elected Iranian republic to install the Shah. We suffered 444 days of hostages being kept from home and now the repercussions of it to now.

    Ron Paul is no different. He just wants a hidden war, not an open one. One where he wont lose popularity because of something that saps the people of the US. But he sure as hell doesn’t mind if thousands die in a covert action.

    No different. He just exchanges one boy for another. Same dirty old man that wants death and destruction at the cost of others.

    He is playing people hard. He is another like Obama.

    I warned you all on this blog about Obama. But no, the hopenosis crowd would not hear of it. The change would be real. Well it did not happen did it?

    No and it won’t with Paul. More of the same but they lie so sweetly that you think it is candy.

    But it is in fact poison in your ears.


    • Cgp says:

      RP is an isolationist. All this above is not.

      What is needed is an alternative to oil.

      The leftist fools are blocking such initiatives now.

      True leftist media, examplified by
      are ideological sespits full of half truths. Eg they never put the other side of AGW, whilst displaying a new complete trust of scientists.

      • Rick Cain says:

        We got plenty of oil at here, its just that corporations have to pay a little bit more money to get it out of the ground, and with a compliant government to send troops overseas for free to protect business interests, why drill at home?

      • orchidcup says:

        “What is needed is an alternative to oil.”

        We have an alternative to oil, in the form of methyl hydrates that are deposited in the sediment on the ocean floor off the coasts of Alaska and British Columbia.

        There is enough recoverable natural gas in methyl hydrates to equal 30 times the known reserves of fossil fuels.

        The trick is to transport the natural gas from the ocean floor to the pipeline network.

  12. Dallas says:

    As I predicted would happen, the Teapublicans are in fact rallying around the mormon. See the latest polls from S Carolina.

    Sanitorium will fizzle away in New Hampshire. There just aren’t enough Christian Talibans in the Northeast to give him the oomph he needs to get to Carolina.

    The February flavor of the month might be Ron Paul – the remaining flavor but let’s not kid ourselves. The Mormon is the least ugly, pick of the litter.

    • Dr Spearmint Fur says:

      “The mormon”. That’s a nice little piece of religious bigotry. Would you refer to Joe Liberman as “The jew”?

      You really sound no different than FOX news when you do that.

      • Dallas says:

        The fact that he’s a Mormon has been a key topic of debate because the Christian Taliban Catholic Evangelicals think his faith is a cult.

        Quit pretending his religion is not an issue.

  13. Rick Cain says:

    The GOP has used George Orwell’s 1984 as a platform for their new social and political theory.

    Peace is War, Ignorance is Strength, Freedom is Slavery.

    We are at war with Eurasia, We have always been at war with Eurasia.

    Doesn’t this creep you out? The only other nation on the planet that feels the same way is NORTH KOREA for chrissakes.

  14. allthenewsthatfitsweprint says:

    Today on the Phil Donahue show “Woman who severly beat men” Please welcome Oprah Winfery….

  15. #34--bobbo, everything is political says:

    McCullough–lets parse:

    Anonymous, and bobbo

    “why wouldn’t you drive a truck Nuke to the outskirts of Tel Aviv and set it off?”

    Don’t be an idiot, they have missiles. /// Well, missiles are immediately tracked and if Iran sells, gives, loses a missile to a fanatical organization I assume they won’t also sell, give, lose a missile system to go with it. Other fanatics might want to give iran a chance to deny responsibility which could even be the case–hypothetically speaking. My scenario gives your opinion the maximum respect: that the responsible political leaders in Iran would not initiate a missile strike against Israel. Even though they say they will?===you know, just saying what they think is popular in their country or their own more limited populist base like Rick Frothy Sanctorectum being against birth control fer christ’s sake.

    Martyring myself is one thing, martyring my whole nation, every man woman child and wildebeest is something completely different. /// I agree–something only a religious nutbar would do but what is a more apt and fitting description of any suicide martyr? Martyr one, martyr a whole nation==all for the greater glory of god, as god wills it. What is it about god do you not understand? Silly to try to substitute your own good common sense with every suicide martyr of every stripe that is out there?—or is it your position all suicide martyrs respect this “line” that you see?

    Your Hitler comparison is ridiculous BTW. /// No–its right on the mark. People thought Hitler was kidding too. “No one in their right mind would do that.” and they were quite right. Why do you think fanatics are reasonable? Do you know what the term/concept applies to? Fanatics: not the same as you and me.

    300 plus nukes to zero, get real. You think we should go to war with Iran, fine…/// “Go to War?”–no. Economic Sanctions that have an equal impact?==yes. Surgical decapitation strikes?==Yes. Cover and support for Israel should/when they choose to protect themselves from these jihad fascists?==Yes.

    pack your shit and get in the fight or STFU. And by the way send your son, daughter an wife. I’m sick of the chicken hawks who tough talk and have no skin in the game. /// What makes you think I’m a chicken hawk? Ha, ha. Irrelevant anyway. If I need a medical procedure, I hire a doc==I don’t go to medical school. Same with an intelligent use of military/economic power. Your logic is faulty, flawed, and thin all across the board as is your ability to predict the future.

    Do I think Iran will use a Nuke if they get one? Probably not==but I’m not the target. Israel is. With their history you can’t get too secure in any condemnation of them when faced with jihadist fundamentalist governments who are on the record wanting to remove them from the map of the earth.

    What is it about plain speaking that eludes you?


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