I’m only posting this because I read a couple of news items about this video but nobody would link to it. Now I can see why. Can someone figure out what is the point? Does everyone have to have a show? Or what?

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Fame. Clive James wrote a memorable book about it. http://amzn.to/xFSj6Q

  2. HUGSaLOT says:

    she’s kina cute.. does she show her boobs?

  3. thatsmychin says:

    “Does everyone have to have a show? Or what?”

    Says the guy with 12 shows and 15 websites

  4. Jim G says:

    ———-LEAVE CASEY ALONE!——————-lol

  5. AC_in_Mich says:

    I heard it was supposed to be for some sort of Pay per view or something. She is still trying to monetize the whole event. It was on the news that this video was released by someone who believes that she shouldn’t make any money out of the killing of her daughter.

    I have to fucking agree


  6. ABO says:

    Who is Casey Anthony????

    • So what says:

      Someone who you can completely ignore with no repercussions what so ever to you, as long as your not a helpless kid.

  7. AdmFubar says:

    wow with a presentation like that she could run for office!

  8. eBiker says:

    My opinion == schemer.
    I’m sure she will go far.

  9. allthenewsthatfitsweprint says:

    I thought she was found innocent by the just-us system? How can Nancy dis-grace call her a baby killer?

    Remember how they hounded “”””PATSY””” Ramsey?
    Well, until she died of cancer. Then it’s “Oh we are sure it was in intruder”.

  10. seetheblacksun says:

    She will be streamed 24/7 at the FEMA camps.

  11. #14--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    Not the best video babe I have watched over the years. Gotta have a hook……looks……talent……skin…….something.

    Hard to make an interesting video when you got nothing.

    As to restricting her from making a living–I thought that was all part of the competition in the winnowing free marketplace? compete or attack by all legal means? boycotting legal products is legal for whatever reasons the public comes up with.

    Maybe her video blog will go in that pursuit of happiness direction when all other avenues are blocked off?

    How many “hits” does JCD get per quarter with this riveting material being symbiotically presented?

    ………thinking…….nope, I got nothing. Can’t think of anything she can or should do. Some (too many?) lives are like that.

  12. NICKtheRAT says:

    Attention whoooo-rah!

  13. Nolimit662 says:


  14. All along I am wondering why it is black and white??

  15. Nolimit662 says:

    All she talks about is herself and how she’s going to “own” things, like finally. She is so self centered and a waste of space.

  16. #20--bobbo, aren't we all our parents' children? says:

    Clip was just on Nightline just now. They also had nothing to say about it but made a few tangential comments: Casey Anthony was in the top ten googled subjects last year and many people think she is guilty of murdering her kiddie. After that: the court of public opinion can be harsher than the court system and that a reputation can last for a long time even if its not true. Then they showed pics of Charlie Sheen, Linsey Lohan, and Kim Kardashian.

    I wonder if Kim would kill her own kiddie to stay famous?

    Ha, ha. FAME—indeed. I don’t think Casey is in this for fame. Just trying to live what pieces of life she still has.

    I always want to thank Mom and Dad when I come across stories like this–and the other celebrities. So much of life really does come from our parents, the environment they create for us==no matter how self made we all like to think we are.

    Yea, verily.

    • Animby says:

      I might think about killing Kim’s kids. Don’t think she has any but if she did, I’m not completely opposed to mercy killings.

  17. jescott418 says:

    Does anybody else find it odd. That in this day of technology she is shooting this in Black and White? If its from a laptop which it looks like. What laptop camera shoots B&W? Unless of course its a effect? I just do not see her being marketable from any standpoint other then maybe PlayBoy.

  18. #22--bobbo, we are all the same but different at the same time says:

    #21–jes==you sound like there is no market for men in prison to serve? There is more than one kind of market, and more than one kind of connection seeking sad and pitiful hooman being.

    for every jerk, there is a jerkette and vice versa.

    Yea, verily.

  19. Yaknow says:

    Her lawyer according to the news, said the tape was stolen. And so is every celebrity sex tape ever made. The news anchor commented saying she doesn’t make any mention of her daughter. With the vid hard to find and the news anchor against her, she will have her own reality TV show. Isn’t that what her video really is, a promo for her reality show?

  20. Mextli: ABO says:

    HLN was so happy to have her back in the “news” last night I thought they were going to stroke out. Woo Hoo another million from schadenfreude.

  21. McCullough says:

    If I were her dog, first chance I got, I would RUN!!!!!

  22. Nolimit662 says:

    Yeah, If my kid was dead, and I was innocent, I think the first thing I would say in my first video blog would be how much I miss my kid. Just Sayin.

  23. Cursor_ says:

    Awww she is so cute, but sad.

    I would like to have kids with her.

    Wait, scratch that. Children might be a bad idea.

    No we’ll raise Irish setters and I will sleep happy next to a beautiful woman while keeping a .357 under my pillow, just in case.


  24. FRAGaLOT says:

    who the hell is this person, what did she do, and why does anyone give a flying fuck?


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