An African-American teen from Dallas who has been missing since 2010 was found to have been wrongfully deported to Colombia, area outlet News 8 reports. Jakadrien Turner was mistakenly deported by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) in April of 2011 after being arrested as a teen runaway.

Jakadrien was deported to Colombia at the age of 15 by ICE after being fingerprinted, which should have clarified the girl’s true identity. How she, as an African-American speaking no Spanish, was able to be deported failing the confirmation of her foreign national status remains a matter for further ICE investigation.

Wait, she could speak no Spanish, thus deported? What is wrong with this picture? Let the cover-up begin!!

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Personally, I blame the Obama administration.

  2. Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

    I predict one of two usual outcomes:

    The officials involved in this will get nice bonuses and a raise and the kid will be held liable for some fabricated misinformation.

    Ether that or the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency will evade with shock and awe, without any admission of guilt or any offered apology.

  3. McCullough says:

    Hey, at least she was sent to a free country. She should fight “repatriation”.

  4. Hmeyers2 says:

    I think Obama definitely was responsible for this. They meant to deport Obama’s uncle.

  5. Animby says:

    Very curious. She was immediately accepted and issued work permits in Columbia and now Columbia is resisting giving her back. WTF? Maybe they want to keep her because she’s carrying a new Columbian citizen in her belly.

  6. jbenson2 says:

    So the government deports Americans, but gives handouts, freebies, EBT cards and housing to illegal aliens like Obama’s aunt Zeituni Onyango and uncle Omar.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    Cockroach INS officials are the most petty, jealous and imperious waste of ammunition in a shooting gallery.

    The usual sloppy work by some enforcement agency (who deport people so theres never a domestic complaint,) went awry because they deport someone who’se not deportable, she’s a US citizen, she’s a minor to boot and shouldn’t have been allowed to board a plane unescorted in the first place.

    She land in shit, can’t speak the language, end up at the botom of a very long ladder; if it wasn’t for her mother actually finding her she’d be a missing kid until she wasn’t a kid anymore.

    Meanwhile there’s a deportable alien here, a missing child report that never got investigated, some major ass covering has been going on for a long time and some INS ICE agents who don’t deserve squat except summary dismissal but instead are going to ignore the problem because that all they know how to do.

    This is not a problem with the size of the gummint, it a problem of employee attitude, like we have something you want so we get to lord it over you peasants, and if you don’t like it … there’s the border butt squeezings. Now kiss my ass, and lick the dog shit off of my boots too while you’re down there.

    These guys should never do more that one duty rotation. It turns you into scum.

    • dusanmal says:

      Ah, but employee attitude is result of the size, scope and power of the Government. Not the other way around. They are given power, they are given “lordship” over too much, they are numerous and growing… such position makes people corrupt and abusive (even experimentally proven with many variations on prisoner/jailer role playing scenario, well known).
      Hence, the only way out is to starve the beast. Poor Government, employing few people, having minimal tasks and with minimal abilities can’t abuse. Trivialized: policeman can abuse his power, shoeshine man, not so much.

      • McCullough says:

        yeah, you sound like a Ron Paul supporter. Nutjob.

      • msbpodcast says:

        You’re partially right, but you’re putting the cart before the horse.

        Not so trivialized: A police man has more power to abuse than a shoeshine man. But he needs it too.

        Any employee’s attitude is primarily the result of that employee own mind*.

        All that employee needs to revert to a bully is to be is placed in a relationship where he has any power* over anyone else.

        The results can be seen in the course of a single conversation. The balance shifts along with the vocabulary and the tone of voice of both participants.

        You can always spot the supplicant and the haughty in any verbal exchange where the beseecher needs something which the imperious can withhold, unless the imperious is specially trained or a transactional analysis therapist. (I firmly believe that its handled at the midbrain level and is not something we’re ever conscious of unless we are specifically trained [extremely successfull salesmen also employ TA techniques.])

        ALL people who deal with the public should undergo some training before they are exposed to said public. Otherwise, you going to have problems at both ends.

        *) Proper training explains why when I show up at Brooks Brothers, the staff is there when I need them (unlike when I go to some other retail stores where I couldn’t get the gum chewing, nail painting, cell phone talking Gorgon who holding court behind a cash register to look at me even if I was on fire,) and not in my friggin’ face the rest of the time (unlike at any mid-town electronics store where I have to practically beat them back with my cane and tell them specifically and with diagrams exactly where they can shove their rip-off extended warranty offers.)

  8. Animby says:

    Post suggestion: Is MSNBC hiring creationist headline writers? Man=eating velociraptors???

    Headline: “Leapin’ lizards! Man-eaters were quite the acrobats”

    In fairness, the article refers to them as meat-eaters not man-eaters.

  9. deowll says:

    The names matched. That is enough for this government to do anything to anybody.

    How asinine that is can be easily determined by doing a name search on Google for almost anybody. You need more than a name you need, pictures, finger prints, descriptions, etc.

    I blamed the Bush admin. when they didn’t get this fixed and I’m blaming the incompetent in office that it still hasn’t been addressed by the incompetents he appointed.

  10. dusanmal says:

    There is more to this story… Yes INS is inept and abusive but I doubt they pulled Columbia from a hat. My bet is that it is inept Government agency PLUS the deception from the girl herself. Did she want to run away TO Columbia? Did she imagine free and easy life there for some reason?…

    • What? says:

      She’s a minor at the time.

      Are you retarded?

      If you took a nonrelative minor to a foreign country, you would be in jail.

  11. NewFormatSux says:

    Probably a deliberate action to make immigration enforcement look bad and get amnesty passed. Just like Operation Fast and Furious was done to set up a case for more gun control.

  12. Lou Minatti says:

    Welcome to Barack Obama’s America.

  13. Mextli: ABO says:

    Why was she in this country if she did not speak Spanish?

    • msbpodcast says:

      Tell that to the [expletive deleted] in the ICE and the INS.

      They got somebody else’s rap sheet with her name on it and they never wondered about her age, race, skin color or much of anything else.

      They just shipped her Anglo ass off to Mexico.

      How do you prove a negative? It takes too much work. Their thought processess runs like this: “She can say she can’t speak Spanish, but apart from the fact that she would never reply in Spanish to any query put to her in Spanish, maybe she could just be pretending not to speak Spanish. Screw it, ship her off and it’ll be somebody else’s problem… If she’s a wet back, it serves her right.

      They never think any further than that, like what if she’s not a wetback?

  14. zman says:

    If you come across Mexico and get stopped for DUI or some bullshit by border patrol, they will ask you to pay the fine in cash. They give you receipt that no way to trace it.

  15. ECA says:

    I read the whole situation about this..

    I will say something here..
    She was sent to columbia because her NAME MATCHED someone THERE..
    I want you to do a search on the net, for your OWN many do you find? I get 16 hits. and they arnt myself.

    They sent here there because her FAKED name matched another person???
    NO Finger prints..
    NO picture of the person SAID to be from Columbia.
    NOTHING to prove she wasnt another person..

    I hope your name isnt “JOHN SMITH” and you are wanted in south america.

    I got an idea..I want someone in a foreign country to put my name on a WANTED LIST.. PLEASE..
    JAPAN, Sweden, …Please.. I can see all 16 of the ECA’s on a plane comparing notes and thanking me for the FREE TRIP/./

    • msbpodcast says:

      Problem is that if I do a Google Vanity Search on my real name, its not all that common in the Americas so when I find it there, its really mine, my late father’s or my late mother’s.

      As for msbpodcast, its fuckin’ unique…

  16. #24--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    I was interested in what the name “Jakadrien” might mean. Swahili for “idiot thief who will one day run away from home, get caught for stealing, and give the Man a fake name getting her deported” but seems the name is not used by anyone in various data bases and several give Kudo’s to the parents for coming up with a new name.

    My full name is also unique although each bit is fairly common. Always fun to google and see what word combination are unique. Still a lot of them.

  17. Grandpa says:

    I don’t understand why we welcome illegal aliens but people who fly in have to have a passport?

  18. Dr Spearmint Fur says:

    This is the US’s “streamlined” Homeland Security at work. Every money grubbing politician over the last 10 years has had a hand in this mess.

    BTW, the spend on just the TSA alone has been $1.1 trillion so far. I couldn’t even imagine what the entire DHS has cost.

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      The only thing that should bother you more is what they will spend in the future.

  19. #29--bobbo, the pragmatic existential evangelical anti-theist says:

    surely her fate was written in the stars, but written by her parents. You’d think a history of slavery, reconstruction, lack of education, corn rolls, and tatoos could only be helped with a name like Susan or Megan but instead we get Jakadrien? My very nice and intelligent niece Janessha thought it was a nice name though.

    “A poorly chosen baby name can lead to a lifetime of neglect, reduced relationship opportunities, lower self-esteem, a higher likelihood of smoking and diminished education prospects,

  20. Alex says:

    I am Colombian myself. I believe there are many issues with this history. To start with, you need a passport or a valid identification to enter any Colombian airport. She has not done any wrong in Colombia, so she needs only to go to the American Embassy and ask for a passport and she can come back to USA in two days. I do not see any problem …

    • Cap'nKangaroo says:

      From the article: “After being informed by American authorities, Colombian officials took Jakadrien into custody where she has been waiting for a month in detention. It has also been discovered that the African-American teen is pregnant.”

      And “The Colombian government has refused to release the girl to her family in the United States.”

      There is part of the problem.

  21. J says:

    It is ColOmbia!

  22. Peppeddu says:

    Well, there are two violations that have been commited here.

    The first one is to prosecute someone without positive identification.
    A name given by that person (in this case the child) is not enough, also because a criminal’s best interest is not to get caught and it NOT going to give his/her real name likely.
    Big mistake

    The second one is the Columbian government detaining a person who has commited no crime for no reason should be reimpatriated ASAP.

    Now, we have to see what Obama is gonna do about it, if it’s just another BS talk or do something significant to prevent this kind of shit to happen again.

  23. Dallas says:

    In Rick Perry’s defense, we are talking about a black teenager here so let’s tone down the rhetoric.

    Why is Rick Perry campaigning in New Hampshire and not tending to Texas governorship?

    I mean, if the hate his ass in Iowa, can you imagine New Hampshire? There are educated people in the North East.

  24. EstCstCrkPt says:

    If you want live in America you better speak Spanish.
    You have been warned.

  25. E. Manuel Can't says:

    Well. Jakadrien is OBVIOUSLY a Colombian given name, because it’s HER name and it isn’t an “American” name. I mean, my God, look at how many VOWELS are in it. (Not to mention syllables!)

    Now. You see how this Government Employee Logic thing works?

  26. President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

    John C. Dvorak needs to deport this comment system to Colombia.

  27. Angel H. Wong says:

    To the hicks in Texas she’s brown enough to be hispanic, that’s why they mistook her for a Colombian.

    • e? says:

      It’s not like any Mexicans have ever set foot in Texas, so how would they know?!

      • Angel H. Wong says:

        Plenty of non-Mexican Hispanics have Afrocaribbean ancestry so it’s easy for light-skinned black folk to be mistaken by them. Specially if you have a combination of dumb, white, pig cops and racial prejudice.

        • e? says:

          Actually, she was identified as an illegal and deported by the wise and worldly feds, not the dumb white hick cops.

  28. Jim says:

    doesn’t this sound a lot like the plot-line from the movie “Born in East LA”, except not so funny without Cheech Marin being sent there because he picked the wrong actor in “Death Valley Days”?

  29. NewFormatSux says:

    This is a plot to make immigration enforcement look bad, to enable passing amnesty. They already did Operation Fast & Furious to set up an argument for more gun control. There is an e-mail looking for anecdotal evidence, check on the source of Mexican guns.

  30. Government fiasco


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