Warning, NSFW language.

  1. Jambe says:

    That was fantastic.

  2. Tippis says:

    …and here I thought Babbage lived in London.

  3. msbpodcast says:

    WSJ, a Rupert Murdoch flag/rag to wave in 1%er faces to tell them that they don’t suck donkey balls, even if they’re caught in flagrante delicto.

    • Max Load says:

      If only I could condense that sentiment into an email sig, it’s sooo spot on!

      Bailouts prevent Darwinian
      principles from thinning the herd

      • msbpodcast says:

        You’re essentially correct. The bail out was a waste of money, every single dollar.

        The money should have been borrowed after the shareholders had had a chance to parade around with the bloody severed heads of the rating agencies on pikes and most of the CEOs on Wall Street in chains being marched off to the Vietnam Veteran’s memorial and drowned lit by the pyre of Bernie Madoff.

        Then it would have been a proper and clearly understandable message and a stern warning not to try pulling that shit on us again.

  4. TThor says:

    Wonderful! Don’t judge the book by its cover – eh?

  5. jmsiowa says:


    On October 19, 1973, US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson signed his decision following a lengthy court trial which declared the ENIAC patent of Mauchly and Eckert invalid and named Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer — the Atanasoff-Berry Computer or the ABC.

  6. Dallas says:

    Pretty good! I did not know that about Iowa.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Wasn’t Mr. Farnsworth, the inventor of television, also from Iowa?

    (Maybe that’s NOT something Iowa wants to brag about.)

    • spsffan says:

      Well, that’s the thing about computers. All kinds of people take credit for inventing them. Same as television. American, Great Britain, Soviet Union, David Sarnoff and others claim to have invented television. In reality, both technologies took bits and pieces from lots of sources during their development.

      Oh, Iowa is also the home or Corporal Walter O’Reilly, aka Radar.

  8. jim says:

    Wow, didn’t know that.
    The first digital computer

    “Short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the ABC started being developed by Professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). The ABC was an electrical computer that used vacuum tubes for digital computation including binary math and Boolean logic and had no CPU. On October 19, 1973, the US Federal Judge Earl R. Larson signed his decision that the ENIAC patent by Eckert and Mauchly was invalid and named Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer.”

  9. orchidcup says:

    Iowa is the only state name that starts with two vowels.

    Iowa means “beautiful land”

    Campers and motor homes are manufactured in Winnebago County. They’re called Winnebago’s.

    Quaker Oats, in Cedar Rapids, is the largest cereal company in the world.

    • Animby says:

      Sorry, Orchid. Quaker Oats is headquartered in Chicago. Besides that, it’s owned by Pepsi.

      I’m waiting for the sequel: Nebraska – We’re Not Just The Cornhole of the Country…

  10. Dallas says:

    I’ve also met some beautiful, corn fed guys from Iowa so I’m now a huge fan.

  11. Jubilation T. Cornpone says:

    I’m sorry. Who died and left Iowa boss?

  12. TheOne says:

    Was there last November for a job prospect with John Deer. Saw one Chinese lonely restaurant in a corner of an almost empty lot. I thought about getting out of the car and taking in the city but with so many white people staring I thought the best thing to do was to keep to my Hotel and order in.

    Yeah, when my guts goes wild and my spider senses starts to…oh wait no…people are staring at me like I’m an Alien…nevermind 🙂

  13. spsffan says:

    The best thing about Iowa is that it is the future birthplace of James T. Kirk.

  14. Zybch says:

    Wasn’t that the Mexico flag flying under the stars and stripes on the ostentatious building at the end?

  15. deowll says:

    Does he work for the Iowa department of tourism? Such a nice young man. Not.

  16. dcphill says:

    It’s corny, but Philo Farnsworth was my hero in high school.

  17. steelcobra says:

    As one of their neighbors to the north, Iowa is boring. Minnesota gives you so much more, and Minneapolis is the place to be.

    3M, General Mills, Alliant Techsystems (Huge military developer and ammo producer), Pilsbury, Target, Best Buy, and so on.

    You likely use a Minnesota product every day, probably one of 3M’s massive number of inventions.

    • Animby says:

      And winters only an Innuit could love.

      • steelcobra says:

        Or we Norwegian types dontchaknow.

        Besides, this has been a really mild one.

    • President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

      Minneapolis is as terrible place because it is a city and all cities are terrible. The best part of MN is the North Shore and the Superior National Forest.

      Winters here suck and they used to keep the riff-raff out but no so much these days.

  18. President Amabo & my wife Chewbacca (Give us a flat, chronological (civilised) comment view please) says:

    I would have to say the the number one problem facing mankind these days is that the comment system on DU needs to be turned back into something usable.

  19. shooff says:

    Forget all that stuff.

    Try the bakeries in Pella, Iowa. Rocking hot Dutch chics and unbelievable pastries. Lines…for Giant Letters filled with some outrageous cinnamon mixture.

    My wife considered driving 35 miles off of I 70 just for a Letter from J(Y)ardsma’s at 4 pm. I told her it was closed.


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