No, I swear these are real!!!

AFP – French breast implant manufacturer PIP used an untested fuel additive in its now-banned implants that have triggered a worldwide scare, French radio station RTL reported Monday. RTL said it obtained an exact breakdown of the materials used in the faulty implants, including Baysilone, Silopren and Rhodorsil, all of which are industrial products never tested or approved for clinical use.

The products, used in the oil or rubber industries, allegedly caused the silicone gel implants to have a high rupture rate. French authorities including health safety agency AFSSAPS already knew that the implants contained industrial rather than medical quality silicone, but this is the first time the use of petrol industry additives has been reported. “According to the AFSSAPS, it was known that this was an unsuitable gel, usually used in food manufacturing or for computers,” a doctor advising implant wearers, Dominique-Michel Courtois, told AFP.

But “there was no way of knowing that the gel contained an additive for fuel. That’s why we want implants removed from patients to be analysed themselves,” added a lawyer for implant wearers, Philippe Courtois. AFSSAPS previously carried out tests on implants seized at PIP’s factory in the south of France in March 2010. The lawyer said tests should also be carried out on implants sold abroad, after British media revealed that rupture rates on the PIP products were seven times higher than previously thought. Between 300,000 and 400,000 women in 65 countries from Europe to Latin America have implants made with the sub-standard gel.

I’m not a chemist but, why not just used an inert substance, say like vegetable oil?

  1. AdmFubar says:

    wow breast implants for the automotive age..
    so 21st century.

    how long do he have to wait for the “green” models?

    • BigBoyBC says:

      I bet we’ll never see those on a segment of Top Gear, although, with Clarkson you never can tell…

  2. Anonymous says:

    Q: I’m not a chemist but, why not just used an inert substance, say like vegetable oil?

    A: Because you can’t light vegetable oil on fire the way you can with fuel additives. Women of “ill repute” (strippers, hookers, etc.) need to be able to do that you know. That way they can also double as flame throwers!

    Jeez! What will they think of next? Larger prosthetic testicles filed with dynamite? Talk about a “low blow”!

  3. seetheblacksun says:

    Get yer implants now before those Iranians close that Strait of Hormooze lest the price triple.

  4. andrew says:

    look out there gonna blow

  5. Dallas says:

    I don’t get breast implants, much less the fuel additive part.

  6. Mac Guy says:

    She said she wanted some hot tits…

  7. msbpodcast says:

    I just don’t get the babe in the picture…

    I mean, those are just ridiculously huge tits.

    Where’s the appeal in tits that make you look upholstered?

    More than a mouthful is a waste anyway.

    Must be a chick pissing contest thing.

    • Animby says:

      A handful, maybe?

    • Mextli: ABO says:

      Looks like a 56 Cadillac Coupe DeVille bumper.

    • two heads says:

      Back in the day between Mrs. Head #1 and Mrs. Head #2 I was friends, in real life, with quite a few strippers (or if you want to be nice, “dancers”.)

      To a woman, they were 100% convinced that their income was directly proportional to their breast size. Those who could afford store bought titties got ’em. Those who could afford 44HHH titties bought them. (Those girls are called “features” and they travel from town to town, only performing for one night. They make the most money.)

      Apropos of nothing, I’ll add that most of the ones I knew were decent people, all things considered. However close to 100% came from REALLY screwed up families (sexual abuse, homeless, etc), and more than a few had mental and/or drug and/or alcohol problems. My daughters (I was a single father) babysat for a couple of them (and always were paid in $1 bills. )

      blah blah blah.

      Protip: if you go to a topless bar, hang around until the lights come on and then look in the seat cushions, planters, whatever for wads of cash. They don’t like carrying all of their tips around so they hide them as the evening goes along, but if they get too drunk or whatever sometimes they can’t find all their money. There’s ALWAYS extra cash laying around the place.)

  8. Animby says:

    I posted from my mobile a couple of hours ago but it doesn’t seem to have gone through. So, if this turns out to be a duplicate, please forgive me.

    I mused that it was only a matter of time before some lady martyr has C4 implants instead of silicone. When that is discovered, the TSA will declare all implants contraindicated for flying.

    Then they will decide that only C cups or larger could contain enough explosive so women will be required to place their boobs in plastic bags. Boobs too big to fit in the bag? You can not fly.

    Finally, TSA will certify certain surgeons and, if you get your implants from one of them, you will not have to have your breasts manually and visually checked. TSA will call it the Trusted Tits program.

  9. sargasso_c says:


  10. observer says:

    The French gov’t (that is, the French taxpayers) is going to pay to have all of these implants removed, to mitigate the long-term health risk. The manufacturer has gone out of business.

  11. Animby says:

    Observer: The last I read, the French gov’t was making the offer to remove the dangerous fun bag enhancements but had no intention of replacing them! Gonna be a lot of floppy, empty boobies.

    Also, surgeons often go to a lot of trouble to place the implants through incisions in the armpits or even the navel leaving a scar-free bosom. I wonder if the gov’t surgeons will be so careful or if they will just slash open the offended tits and yank out the hazardous balloons thereby leaving huge ugly scars on said empty boobies.

  12. orchidcup says:

    It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature.

  13. Skeptic: Post # ≥1 says:

    The boob behind the boobs is a bigger boob that both her boobs combined.

  14. Dallas says:

    Please get rid of this picture. It’s hard to watch.

  15. UncDon says:

    She’s a lifeguard float and Baywatch babe all in one.

  16. Phydeau says:

    Trusted Tits FTW!

  17. deowll says:

    I believe normal materials used inside the implants are either silica jell or distilled water made saline.

    These people were trying to kill somebody.

    I hope bubble boobs has air filled ones otherwise she’s going to need back surgery and a implant removal.

    A side note the odds are decent that she has no feeling in part or of those monsters.

  18. JimD, Boston, MA says:

    There are some Bi-Radial Horn Loudspeakers that have some frontage like that – BUT NOT SO BIG !!! Poor Girl, that’s gonna be a heap of trouble – and probably soon !!! There ought to be some law about the ratios of height and width !!! Geometry, you know, cause this is RIDICULOUS !!!

  19. GogglesNTeeth says:

    words words words words …. scroll up… GIANT BOOBIES words words words more words words scroll up… Wow! GIANT BOOBIES!!! words words words… did you see the giant boobies?

  20. Animby says:

    deowll says:”odds are decent that she has no feeling in part or of those monsters.”

    The breast has a certain number of nerve endings whether you are an A cup or a double F cup. Think of it as the same number of gas stations in Hicksville, Montana as in Chicago, Illinois. You know right where to go in Hicksville but you might be looking for a while in Chicago!

    But, in reality, these women seldom go to such extremes for aesthetic or sensory reasons. I doubt there are any men, outside of some fetishists, who would find these balloons attractive, let alone, sensual!

    As I recall this woman is an “exotic” dancer – o.e. stripper. She’ll have a good draw of the fetishists and gawkers for a few years. So, she’ll dance for as long as the suckers will pay then she’ll have a series of surgeries to reduce her chestal girth.

    BTW – if I’m correct that she’s a dancer, I predict she’s a pole dancer. She’d need the crutch.

  21. eighthnote says:

    She looks ridiculous – like a circus sideshow.

    • Animby says:

      You insult circuses everywhere.
      Even bad circuses are entertaining. I see no entertainment value at all in those tits.

  22. mountain man says:

    If it is a fuel additive, it obviously isn’t an anti-knockers…I mean, anti-knocking, additive……….

  23. Leg Man says:

    Wasn’t she in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade?

    They look like two blimps in a dead heat!


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