Assuming that you lived in Iowa and were a registered Republican, after 146 debates and somewhere around 674 million interviews with the candidates, you should have a vague idea of who and what the candidates are about. So, who would you vote for in Tuesday’s caucus?
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The poll should have had none of the above added…
Bachman? haha love the sense of humor here
If voting changed anything they would make it illegal.
Man, John Huntsman is mad at you right now.
“Assuming that you lived in Iowa and were a registered Republican?”
Too many assumptions.
I would not choose to live in Iowa, nor would I choose to register as a Republican voter.
As a registered Independent that lives in Texas, I would vote for Ron Paul.
Hear hear!
Although I think Paul’s toomuch of a nut in various issues to stomach voting for him, I very much like his “audit the fed” and “get out of futile wars” stances.
I agree the fed should go and be replaced with a proper Federal Bank as Hamilton and the Federalists wanted.
But his futile wars thing is a smokescreen. Instead of being in one on one wars he wants covert wars.
Just google Letters of Marques and Reprisal and his name.
Reflecting the Iowa undecided mass shown in most polls, let’s see for whom I could NOT vote, from worst to barely intolerable:
Huntsman – Uber Progressive in the Right clothing. You want more of Bush/Obama mess… add Huntsman, same thing.
Gingrich – Closet Progressive. You want even worst machinations of power than new standing record of Obama – vote Gingrich.
Santorum – Inept for current problems in economy. Absolutely inept. Not a trace of private or public economic experience.
The rest each have advantages and disadvantages. I gave money to Ron Paul because I find it important that his voice be heard. I gave Bachmann graphic pamphlet design they didn’t choose to use – because I find that she is the only 100% honest and principled of the lot (you could say Goldwater). For the present needs of the country I hope Romney or Perry wins overall… Odd lot.
Bachmann is 100% honest??? Are you serious?
She claims to be an expert in tax law, but her record in working for the IRS in almost 5 years has her entering court only twice, on minor cases involving individual taxpayers. She had ample opportunity to take on large, precedent-setting cases, but chose not to.
Politifact has given her 19 false and 12 “pants on fire”. She was on “Face the Nation” when she was confronted one of her claims:
SCHIEFFER: Because here’s one of them. You know, you said on the record there had been only one offshore oil drilling permit during the Obama administration. And in fact, at that time, there had been 270. How do you explain that?
BACHMANN: Well, you know, I think that what’s clear more than anything is the fact that President Obama has not been issuing the permits that he should have been issuing on offshore drilling. That’s why we’re in the problems we’re in.
SCHIEFFER: But it has to be more than 300 now. At that time, there had been 200-and-something, and you said there had been only one.
BACHMANN: But, as far as drilling goes, we hadn’t been drilling what we need to. That’s why we just saw this week…
I could go on, but won’t.
I can’t see how anyone can claim Bachmann is more than a retarded corporate shill.
I would love to know her IQ score, because if it is above 70, then she’s a bold face lier rather than retarded.
The last thing we need is a Mormon in office. Mormons worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Joseph Smith’s White Horse Prophecy. Christians would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
This is 2012. I heard bad things are to happen….again and maybe next year if it doesn’t.
The last thing we need is a Mormon in office. Mormons worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Joseph Smith’s White Horse Prophecy. Christians would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Catholic in office. Catholics worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Vatican’s master plan . Protestants would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Jewish President. Christians worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Zionist agenda. Christians would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Black man in office. Whites worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of the Malcolm X Prophecy. Whites would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Muslim in office. Christians worldwide would hail this as the pan-Islamic caliphate come to pass. Christians would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Homosexual in office. Santorums worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Gay Agenda. Haters would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
The last thing we need is a Cat in office. Dogs worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Feline Manifesto. Dogs would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.(unless that cat was Halle Berry-ME-OWW!)
The last thing we need is this Rick in office. People worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of the Bigots United Proclamations . People would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
There are a few good reasons not to vote for Huntsman and many good reasons not to vote for Romney Religion is not one of them. Your post is so unAmerican maybe you would be happier in one of those Islamic Theocracy States.
If you meant your post as sarcasm sorry.
I live in a state that had elected a Mormon senator. He spent his entire time scheming on how to give our money to Utah, and jettisoned many plans we had for urban renewal in a quiet conspiracy to shift federal funds to Salt Lake City.
Mormonism is a dangerous cult with no actual loyalty to the United States. Too bad you don’t realize it.
So its pretty much like all the other religions.
As an agnostic atheists I think you and Romney are equally nuts.
Hopefully I’ll live long enough to see an overtly Secular Humanist candidate run for the Oval Office. I’d settle for a candidate from a non-deity based belief system like Buddhism, but my vote would go for the individual and the right Mormon,Catholic,Jew,Muslim,Gay,Woman or Buddhist ect. (not a Romney) might get it.
I am saddened that your post was not meant as sarcasm and you truly think your dangerous cult is better than Romney’s dangerous cult.
The last thing we need is a Woman in office. Men worldwide would hail this as the fulfillment of Friedan’s plan in publishing The Feminine Mystique. Men would realize they got hoodwinked and all hell would break loose.
And they said the same thing about Kennedy. But it didn’t happen.
Are you a hold over from 1960?
This is not Iowa. This actually gives a look at how people all over the planet think though most are no doubt Americans. The fact that Ron Paul crushed the rest is remarkable.
If the voting public actually votes that way rather than some other way the media types are going to be very unhappy. Of course the margin of error here must be huge.
it really wont matter who you vote for… cause big business pulls the strings..
paul would do away with just about every department of government imagine every nearly facet of government privatized, doesnt contract law for all the services you pay taxes for sound like fun? who can wait!
And this is different from Obama and Bush. Obama wants to privatize NASA, and bush privatized our military so much that soldiers weren’t even allowed to cook their own meals and fix their humvees?
RP said he wasn’t going to dismantle the social safety net because it was vital. He was going to dismantle federal agencies that are worthless (like the commerce department) and let states handle that stuff.
How the Iowa caucus works:
True. Funny how the Democrats did things too. Kerry was in 5th place yet magically rocketed to 1st to be the Democratic nominee for president, leaping over the more popular candidates chosesn by the voters.
The GOP will anoint its own pre-chosen candidate, who was selected in a dark room by ultra wealthy anonymous people.
Its all a lie, our democracy is a lie.
Of course because it was started and is an oligarchy.
Paul represents two things:
Actual answers to questions. That is all people want, not some philisophical song and dance act.
Most familes are run with compromise, are governing Congress needs to accept that fact….if they want a “happy and productive” American family. When Dad always gets his way…his son deals drugs and his daugther usually becomes a stripper.
Paul is your kooky grandpa, we know half the crap he talks about is never happening, but the other half has some merit.
Paul also represents respectful disagreement. Obama does this well too. There is a calmness to Paul on TV (non-rehearsed) when he answers difficult questions on issues. He actually seems informed on most topics. Even when his ideas seem off-the-wall at least he has an idea. Mr Obama what happend to your ideas?
“Actual answers to questions.” Which questions? Ron Paul has yet to actually DO anything. If he becomes the front runner he will actually have to answer policy questions, which he has not done. He will have to define how he will get his positions approved by congress and the electorate, which he has not done. He will have to actually defend any previous statements he has made, which he has not done. He will have to show he will be able to bring all of the GOP to the table during a general election, which he has not done. He has to show how he would beat the incumbent, which he has not done. He will have to debate his opponent, which he has not done. He will have to prove he can be president, which he has not done.
Hey what the hell, lets elect the guy and see how he works out?
Yeah that makes sense.
Sounds like the talking points from Sean Hannity or Mark Levin. Well done!
Sorry don’t follow either, not a member of either party. Just getting rather bored by the Ron Paul cult of personality. Like most religions it has its faith based in miracles and mysticism rather then reality.
I tend to vote slightly left of center on domestic policy, and right of center on international policy. The problem with voting for Paul is the assumption that he will get the nomination.
The GOP establishment will run Romney as he is safe to them. I can see Paul as a VP candidate, provided, he survives the scrutiny that he will get if he places high in the next couple of caucuses and that’s a pretty significant if. It puts him in a position to bring in the center third of the spectrum, without an overwhelming presence that would scare the rank and file.
What half makes sense?
As far as I can see none of it makes sense from his anti-abortion stance to his letters of marque to his hard currency. All the way around it is bad medicine.
Frothy Mix!
Frothy Mix! (repeat 10x)
Yeah! Some who knows what Santorum really means.
The Repubes don’t want to win in 2012 ’cause they know that it’ll take atleast eight more years before they can get the economy fixed.
The Democraps are just wondering how much abuse we an take before the Military has to step in…
Fundamentally, it doesn’t matter.
Heart attack or Cancer… Its no choice at all…
What Ron Paul will do is Veto everything.
Then, the Dems and Repubs, will have to work together to override his vetos.
This is why you should vote for Paul.
You are either way way way too optimistic, or high.
Under Ron Paul, he’d be able to legally. (get high, that is)
Provided he got it past congress, the people, and the courts.
And thus make the quagmire in DC that much worse. Yeah great plan.
What is sickening is how Ron Paul cannot get any coverage. CNN and FOX, for example, continue to ignore his presence and simply talk about Romney and Gingrich, as if Paul was not there. Try to find a picture of Ron Paul on the front of any periodical or news website.
The press is simply trying to run the election.
Currently that’s the best thing for his campaign, he’s only viable as long as the spotlight is off of him.
Another douche, why do you have a big wet stain on your pants?
Don’t mistake me for your Ron Paul sexual fantasy. At least go for someone your own age. You should be fantasizing about twelve or thirteen year old boys not old men. Now go back to your legos’ and leave the adults to talk about things you won’t understand.
Gosh, I guess you told me. Now clean out your pants, you’re stinking up the joint.
Telling you would assume that you would have the mental capacity to understand. Your defensive position on Paul shows you to be a political fantasist. It shows that your easily swayed by rhetoric and pretty talking points. Good for sound bites but not for governing a nation. Paul will be gone by summer.
So tell the class, what is your back up plan for when your political unicorn shows itself to be the illusion it is? What you don’t have one? Well color me surprised.
The word is fanatasist…if you can’t spell how am I to tell you aren’t just another douchbag?
Well, you are. Learn to spail moran!!
Actually the spelling is correct, its your vocabulary or lack thereof that’s your problem.
Why does Paul look like a monkey?
Easy peasy. I would vote for Betty White.
Well, the flavor of the month is Sanitorum but I’d vote for Bachman.
I voted for Gringrinch. As said–he is a secret progressive. I like that. They are all secret something or other. The more retarded ones are actually secretly more retarded than we all believe==downright scary retarded.
I like Gringrinch because he has a proven record: when caught lying and thieving and influence peddling and removed from office===he went. What more can you legitimately ask of a politician?
Define: “agnostic atheist”: someone who lacks courage for his convictions.
Proof: you never hear of an agnostic unicorn non believer.
Dvorak readers are solidly for Paul (~75% at the moment). Guess we know which way most of us swing.
Swing or sink?
“You Know”: presnedents are not supposed to be selected on the basis of beauty, popularity, sharing a beer with, independent thinking or any of the various criteria offered up as you do.
“How will they govern?” 3-4 good ideas that require congress and the court to support turn out to be not such good ideas.
If you weren’t a reptile yourself, you should have figured that out for yourself by now. Instead you have to be told. Given Paul or any other simple minded hypocritical dogmatist won’t get into office to prove to you what is all but self evident, you will continue in your larval stage until some morph takes place.
Why are there so few “old” libertarians–I mean not the old guys grasping at the ring under cover of libertarianism?
Silly Hoomans.
How dare you insult unicorns.
The real question is, based on the picture above, which of the candidates are actually reptilian?
My guess:
I like Bachman’s serial killer eyes.
Oh ffs make Newt Gingrich disappear. I don’t believe in violence so I guess I can’t hope he gets run over by a truck 🙁
The choices are incomplete: they can also caucus for Obama. I wouldn’t vote for any of these clowns.
My internet connection is a bot slow, today. Now I’m not a programmer so I’m not sure of the terminology but the page stopped loading with all the information there but missing most of the formatting. Guess what I saw: All the primary comments were numbered! Replies to comments were still nested and unnumbered and marked with bullets. All this complaining and bitching and it seems you had the ability to solve half the problem with the new format with practically no effort at all! Damn, JCD, Give us a break!
Give it up already…
If I voted in Iowa the FBI would arrest me but I would definitely take a deep drink of that corn ethanol from the hybrid tractor and vote for Ronnie. He shoots straight, in the dark.
You left out the most obvious response to your poll – NONE OF THE ABOVE NITWITS !!!
each and every one of them are batcrap crazy, and shouldn’t even be a dog catcher, let alone President.
“Who would you vote for in Iowa?” is as moronic a question as “Which farm implement would you use to voluntarily crush your own balls?”
Welcome to New America, where you are always offered a “choice”.
Which corrupt retard in a necktie would YOU select for your “leader”?