I didn’t even notice Sarah until it was so comically pointed out. I did notice everyone leaning in as if the shot was going to be close cropped, or maybe that is the custom? Bride does look like the winner of the group unless the car won’t start and you need a dozen eggs from town.
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This is what happens when you take a picture toward sunlight, a bad angle for photography, someone always ends up looking like a horse.
“Okay, everybody, a big smile now!”
“How’s this, Wil-burr?”
Sarah Jessica Parker photobombs another wedding picture…
Spirit joins in for the herd shot.
That’s the groom.
Hung like a horse?
What a poser.
Look at all those horses!
Attention whorse…
They all look lovely. Any parent should be proud that they are decent-looking girls. I know I would.
Agreed, and the bridesmaids gowns are not too shabby.
The groom in brown clashes and looks like a horse.
Wait a second… Puts on glasses. Oh, I’ll be a horses ass.
Sarah Jessica Parker PHOTO BOMB!
I didn’t even notice Sarah until it was so comically pointed out. I did notice everyone leaning in as if the shot was going to be close cropped, or maybe that is the custom? Bride does look like the winner of the group unless the car won’t start and you need a dozen eggs from town.
It’s hard to find a wedding photo where the groom is smiling.
That’s because he’s hung like a horse.
They all have great personalities.
surround yourself with fat girls, so you look super skinny on your wedding pics.
So it’s only fair.
The bride wanted to look the prettiest for this memorable moment.
But matching shoes with the horse? What were they thinking?
I normally find it tacky to go after a bridesmaid at a wedding. But there’s just something about that girl in the brown…
They say the groom is as smart as a horse, and is hung like Einstein.
All well ridden but, only one is saddle broken. 😛
“Frau Blucher”
At least two of the creatures in the picture are soon going to be rode hard and put up wet.
America: land of the well fed.
Which horse face do you like the best?
“Hello, I’m Mr. Ed!” or “Oh Wilbur, You’ve done it again!”
Beth is that you?
“I’m Dreaming of a White Mistress”
Yes No Yes No Maybe NEEEEY
Nag. Nag. Nag…
Soon to be some poor fools “Nag” screen.
Sarah Jessica Parker: Photobomber.